View Full Version : Smoked & Canned fish?

05-10-2014, 02:15 PM
My co-worker caught and smoked several trout this week. We want to can it. Anyone have a recipe?

One of my friends has a smoked/jalapeņo canned trout that is really good and I will get his recipe for most of what we can but we are thinking something along the lines of lemon pepper also.

I have canned a lot of elk, antelope, pork, and chicken but never fish.


05-10-2014, 02:23 PM
I'm not sure about canning trout that is already smoked ?
But I have canned Northern Pike.
In fact, I got the base recipe from BullShop.
The recipe is listed in post #10 of this thread.


MT Gianni
05-10-2014, 02:27 PM
I start with raw fish, add spices like salt and a garlic clove and process according to the ball canning book. I have never done it with smoked and would be somewhat concerned about the texture of the finish product. Taste should be fine.

05-10-2014, 02:39 PM
I found a couple recipes online we will try. Texture isn't that big of an issue since we are thinking more of a cracker dip than a main course.

He smoked them whole (gutted) with the skin on for 4 hours. He fishes all the time so if we "ruin" these we'll have some fresh trout in a couple weeks.

Looks pretty good.

05-10-2014, 05:54 PM
If you are going to smoke and then can them, I would suggest smoking at a colder temp and for a shorter time normal or the fish get too dry when canned. I also add a 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil and a 1/4 teaspoon of seasalt to a 1/2 pint jar of fish (mine are kokanee salmon). What we usually
do when expirementing with canning receipies is to try several different recipies each in a different jar, usually there will be one standout, that becomes our default.

05-10-2014, 08:13 PM
Smoked I usually vac bag whole and freeze, texture is better even for dips.

05-10-2014, 10:22 PM
I have to try and find my recipie. We have an EXCELLENT canned trout recipie we got a couple years ago from a friend.
Makes very good sandwiches or dip.
I do know it was a raw canning so presmoking may not work.
I would and do vaccum seal the smoked fish for the freezer. This used liquid smoke so it tasted smokey anyway.
I'll have to see if I can find it. I've been wanting to use it anyway.

05-11-2014, 03:23 PM
I know abosulety nothing about how to do this, but they do have canned kippers in the grocery store that are smoked and really good.
Maybe there are some recipes along this line of thinking.

Good luck

05-11-2014, 03:45 PM
The fish by itself wasn't dry or overly smoky so I have high hopes for this. Just turned the heat off...We did 3 recipes.

Spicy V8, jalapenos, onion, salt, trout.

Vinegar, onion, Montreal steak seasoning, salt, trout.

Water, lemon pepper, trout.

Ill be taking them out of the canner here shortly.

05-11-2014, 06:43 PM
It's been 3 hours...

Did they all seal good ? Did you open one ? How was it ?

05-11-2014, 10:40 PM
Haven't opened any yet....I probably will tomorrow....everything sealed up good (never had an issue with that).....the wife doesn't like fish at all but she even said it looked pretty good.

05-12-2014, 09:51 AM
Commercial canners do it. That is with clams, oysters, eels, etc. Why not fish. I have had pickled pike and walleye, but that wasn't smoked.


05-12-2014, 12:17 PM
Just opened a jar of the spicy..... awesome.... it didn't last long in the office. Texture was great, barely any smoke flavour. The only people that didn't care for it was people that don't like fish to start with but they did try it and said they would rather eat it instead of tuna fish.

05-12-2014, 02:49 PM
I wonder if a few drops of ""Wright's" liquid smoke in each of the canning jars would bring out the smokey taste. I've tried them all and Wright's is definitely the best, comes in a bottle with an electric blue label, hard to miss, most grocery stores have it.

05-15-2014, 09:15 AM
I'll have two look for Wrights.
Glad it turned out good.
There is no comparison in store bought canned "fish" and home canned fish.
I would highly recommend it to anyone who does canning.

Another good one is canned chicken or turkey. We go thru LOTS of that. Lucky we'll be butchering soon.

Lloyd Smale
05-20-2014, 06:59 AM
buddy does it. He says to can them right out of the smoker while still hot. IF you let them cool they will dry out to much. Pack your jar as tightly as you want and bring up your pressure to 10 psi and process for 30 minutes at 10psi. As usualy let pressure cooker blead off pressure naturaly.

05-24-2014, 05:10 PM
I live at over 6000 feet elevation so my pressure is generally 14 pounds. I haven't read anything that suggested pressure cooking fish for less than 100 minutes though.

Pork, Chicken, Elk, and Antelope all get canned in our house, we rely on the freezer for most of our meat supply but there is a pretty good chunk in my pantry down stairs....somewhere in the neighborhood of 100-120 jars right now.......plus all the vegetables.

Co-worker liked his half so much he is getting fish from everywhere so we can put it up. He said he has 3 salmon in the fridge and they were going back out for more today and tomorrow....looks like I will be canning again on Monday.