View Full Version : Universal Decapping Tool

05-08-2014, 07:23 PM
After handloading for over 20 years I finally broke down and bought a universal decapper from Lee. It arrived today and, like any kid in a candy store, I had to play. 50 7mm Rem Mags, about the same number of .223 mixed, some .375s and I'm smilin' and singin' and lovin' this. Then, you guessed it, the other shoe dropped. My brother sent me a batch of "once fired" .308s he picked up somewhere and I thought now was a good time. The brass was mixed, but I figured I'd sort it after it was capped. About 30 pieces in the capping pin broke on a stubborn FC primer. Didn't look like a crimped military round, but it pushed the rod up through the die. When I went to reset the rod I had a beautiful letter "U". Ahhh well, replacement are only $2.00, but.... Anyone had a similar experience? Something I screwed up? The die was adjusted to just touch shell holder and the caper was set the same as my regular sizing dies - just long enough to knock the primer out. Ever wonder if you were born stoopid, or just took pills for it?

05-08-2014, 07:47 PM
I never broke one knock on wood, but I always stop if something don't feel right. Wonder if you went just past that point lol!

05-08-2014, 07:52 PM
I use mine all the time, and would much rather break the rod on the universal then on any of my other dies.... I bought about 10 rods for the lee when I got the UDD... They are real handy for stuffing dacron into rifle brass, and many other things.... I figure the 10 i bought will pretty much last me for the rest of my days..... They are a lot cheaper then the other decapping rods i think...


05-08-2014, 07:54 PM
Don't know what the LEE decapping pins look like but if they are just a straight pin you could find a letter or fractional drill bit the same size. Just grind the shank off for the length needed.


05-08-2014, 07:56 PM
I also purchased extra decapping rods but never broke one yet.

05-08-2014, 08:08 PM
Acrow - Think you nailed it, man. Operator error, not the equipment. As i said, some days I think I was born stoopid.
Alaskaguy - That's the next step. They're only $2.00 from Titan, if I'm lucky I can get some from my LGS
largom - they're a straight rod about 4" long with a tapered end to the primer hole in any case. I think the pin part is hardened, but not positive. I suppose I could try spinning it in a drill and filing the end down to fit again, but why bother?
engineer - I'm hoping that's the charm - buy extra that you never need. ;-)

05-08-2014, 08:08 PM
Why did you pay for a new decapping pin? They will send you a new one for free. The only time I've broken one is when a berdan primer slips into the mix. And even then I've learned to heed the pressure warning.

05-08-2014, 08:30 PM
broke mine on the 3rd case. found out it was my bad, i did not have the right size shell plate on..


05-08-2014, 08:35 PM
I use the same Lee UDD. So far, it's been working like a Trojan. I tend to go easy on the press handle when decapping, so no broken rods/pins yet. Nonetheless, I purchased a spare rod just in case because, as all of us handloaders know, it's just a matter of when, not if.......

05-08-2014, 10:07 PM
I broke one some time ago and bought 5 spares. Not broken one since. My theory is that if you have a spare on hand you won't need it.:mad:

05-08-2014, 10:50 PM
I have broken a few and picued up several extras. I de cap military brass alot, that seems pretty tough on the pin.

05-09-2014, 08:17 AM
Murphy's Law: The reliability of a component is inversely proportional to its replacement availability.
If you ain't gotta spare, its gonna break!!!

Comrade Mike
05-09-2014, 09:37 AM
Never broken one. Don't understand how it happens,
They're built like tanks. If you apply too much force the rod should just slip out of the screw collet. Had that happen a few times.

05-09-2014, 10:40 AM
After handloading for over 20 years I finally broke down and bought a universal decapper from Lee. It arrived today and, like any kid in a candy store, I had to play. 50 7mm Rem Mags, about the same number of .223 mixed, some .375s and I'm smilin' and singin' and lovin' this. Then, you guessed it, the other shoe dropped. My brother sent me a batch of "once fired" .308s he picked up somewhere and I thought now was a good time. The brass was mixed, but I figured I'd sort it after it was capped. About 30 pieces in the capping pin broke on a stubborn FC primer. Didn't look like a crimped military round, but it pushed the rod up through the die. When I went to reset the rod I had a beautiful letter "U". Ahhh well, replacement are only $2.00, but.... Anyone had a similar experience? Something I screwed up? The die was adjusted to just touch shell holder and the caper was set the same as my regular sizing dies - just long enough to knock the primer out. Ever wonder if you were born stoopid, or just took pills for it?

I bend or break a Lee universal decapping pin about once every 5-6 K rounds.... No big deal just send a note to Lee with picture and get a free replacment shipped free of charge. I got two replaced this week. Great customer service.

05-09-2014, 10:50 AM
I have one set up on a progressive. I have broken a couple. The problem is that if the brass is not perfectly in alignment with the pin the pin hits solid brass, not the the primer hole. The pin is so strong that I actually punched a hole all the way through one 38 special round. But on heavier rifle brass, the brass is too thick, and it breaks. I eventually backed off on the nut that allows the rod to slip, and that has stopped that problem. I also had a batch of 7.62 NATO brass from some foreign manufacture. It was boxer primed, but the primer hole was very small. Broke one on that brass before I realized the problem.

05-09-2014, 11:10 AM
Didn't know that Lee would replace them for free. Beesdad - just take a picture and email it to Lee? Or snail mail? I, too, thought the pin would just push up through the top of the die, but not this time. I wonder now about seaboltm's post - I posted here a little while ago about some 7.62 that were difficult to size. Wonder if... Man, I love this hobby. Always more to learn!

Short Range
05-09-2014, 11:13 AM
Any chance there was a small stone or something in the brass? Had that happen a few times, but caught it before breaking a pin.

05-09-2014, 11:14 AM
I never broke the pin. They use a hardened ground dowel pin in the end of the rod. I have mine set up in Lee reloader press and use a light two finger hold on the handle. Primers usually pop right out but an occasional pebble gets in a case and my light hold indicates that right away.

05-09-2014, 11:18 AM
Didn't know that Lee would replace them for free. Beesdad - just take a picture and email it to Lee? Or snail mail?

You do it all on their website: http://leeprecision.net/support/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/354/25/replacement-parts

05-09-2014, 11:18 AM
As others had said Lee would replace its part of their limited warranty

But ive never broken one the only thing I saw was marring on the pin itself.

Combining with the handpress and a few shellholders boy makes depriming almost fun

05-09-2014, 11:22 AM
I also bought a spare with mine years ago, never had to use it. I have had to loosen the locknut and reset the rod a few times though. I deprime everything whether it is for the single stage (rifle rounds) or the progressive Dillon 550. The Dillon is finicky about having a CLEAN area around the primer transfer and seating area. Much easier to clean primer pockets out before any grit can get into the works to bugger up your day.

05-09-2014, 11:52 AM
I'm not loading rifle rounds but do quite a few pistol. . . . I use the Lee Universal Depriming Die on a RCBS Jr 3 and it's worked out very well on the pistol brass I do. I've never broken a rod but I do have three spares in my "parts" box.

One thing I have noticed. As I sit with brass to be deprimed and feed it into the single stage, I get a "rhythm" going. Several times (since it's sort of a brainless operation) I haven't quite got the casing in the shell holder all the way. I insert it in the shell holder and find myself pulling the ram handle as I draw my hand back. Those times, I've thought that I could have either broken or bent the rod as it caught off center of the primer hole in the casing. I can easily see on a rifel cartridge, especially with a stubborn primer, how a person could bend/break the rod once in a while. The moral of the story for me was, "keep my mind on what I'm doing and make sure I have the casing fully slid into the shell holder.

Like I said, I have three spare rods in my parts box - I figured Murphy's Law would dictate that if I had spares on hand, I wouldn't need them. But, somewhere along the line I'm sure that "Law" will be shot full of holes! LOL

05-09-2014, 12:27 PM
Had mine a good while and never had a problem Then I found some commercial 223 brass on the range ( All show annealed necks and red stuff around the primers ...can't remember the headstamp though) A lot of resistance before the primer popped & I thought that strange for such a small case: about the 5th case, the pin broke but Lee replaced it no problem

05-09-2014, 12:36 PM
When I got permission to re-start, I bought a UDD and spare pin along with everything else. Had to loosen the rod a few times, (didn't have the brass properly placed) so already save money.

05-09-2014, 01:04 PM
Didn't know that Lee would replace them for free. Beesdad - just take a picture and email it to Lee? Or snail mail? I, too, thought the pin would just push up through the top of the die, but not this time. I wonder now about seaboltm's post - I posted here a little while ago about some 7.62 that were difficult to size. Wonder if... Man, I love this hobby. Always more to learn!

Lee will replace them for free... No postage.. I just go to their web site and fill out their form take a photo and replacements are on the way within a few days.

I am running 5 loadmasters and 2 single stage presses .. Anytime I have had a part failure they have replaced it for free... No questions ask just send them a photo... What more could we expect?

05-09-2014, 01:10 PM
Lee will replace them for free... No postage.. I just go to their web site and fill out their form take a photo and replacements are on the way within a few days.

I am running 5 loadmasters and 2 single stage presses .. Anytime I have had a part failure they have replaced it for free... No questions ask just send them a photo... What more could we expect?

I will try the photo email thing next time. I have very few Lee production line stuff (more on the custom order side) and I haven't received anything free after the warranty ran out.

I replaced the decapping rod once since I bought it in the 80s but I don't have any military brass.

Take care


05-09-2014, 02:04 PM
Short range - ANYTHNG is possible. Pebble, odd brass, heavy crimp on a military case. Maybe I just got too heavy handed, though that's now seeming less likely.
dragon - thanks for the link. I'll take care of this tonight.

05-09-2014, 02:31 PM
I've been using the UDD for a few years and never broken the rod. I have read on various boards that it's not all that uncommon. Sounds like a pretty painless replacement procedure, especially if Lee pays for it. I don't have a replacement, which pretty much guarantees that I will break it the next time I sit down.

05-09-2014, 02:59 PM
I broke one in the last year. As luck would have it, when I released the collet on top of the die I lost my grip on the de-capping pin dropping it neatly through the shell plate and into the hollow ram of my Load Master! Called Lee and after the lady on the phone was done laughing she sent me 2 new pins for free! It happens.

05-09-2014, 03:52 PM
I've been using one for years, works great! I've found the biggest enemy, besides Berdan brass, is little rocks or pebbles inside the cases. That'll break a pin in a flash.

Bent Ramrod
05-09-2014, 03:59 PM
I got an RCBS before Lee began to market their version. The problem with being "universal" is the die has to be able to accept any shell of any length or diameter. There is no guidance or support for the case as it is being raised against the decapping pin. So a tiny bit of misalignment bends the pin for sure.

I put the first case to be deprimed in the shell holder and push the handle down with the die only partially screwed into the press. I screw the die in until I feel some resistance, then I pull the press handle back a little, screwing the die in an additional partial turn. Letting the handle down gently, I can feel whether it is going into the flash hole. If not, a little wiggling of the case starts it in. Then I repeat the process, pulling back the handle and screwing in the die, until the primer falls out. I then screw the die fully in, pull the handle back and remove the case. The depriming pin is then centered and succeeding cases can be processed with no (or few) problems.

I still deprime more gingerly with the universal decapper than I generally do with regular full length sizer-decappers. Every slightly off-center flash hole or imperfectly inserted case is going to be obvious when that ram goes up to the die.

05-09-2014, 08:42 PM
Just purchased a Lee 4 die set for my new Sig P250 in 40 S & W. Had 500 once fired cases to process, Sent all thru the tumbler to clean and last night I started decapping. After about 150 rounds the decapping pin slipped in the die but it didn't break.. I like this setup . Reset the pin per the minimal instructions with the die set and proceeded for another 125 or so and it slipped again and didn't break. Guess I got the collet set correctly the first time as it didn't break. The only problem I had was trying to get the case out of the shell holder with a primer half in & half out. Unscrewed the die, raised the ram, inserted wood rod with a small nail inserted into the end and finished knocking out the old primer. I did notice that the rod was lightly smeared with what looked and felt like a heavy lithium grease.
Yep, so far I do like that Lee decapping die..


05-09-2014, 08:46 PM
I am running 5 loadmasters

If you are running 5 Loadmaster's...you deserve free parts...and stress relief counseling.

05-09-2014, 10:16 PM
I use a Lyman universal decapping die. Got it second hand. Don't know how much it was used before I got it but I have pushed primers for thousands of rounds without a problem. Military crimped- no problem. Berdan goes solid bump and I know I have run into one (9mm) that I picked up at the range. Still no bending or breaking, but you need to feel for Berdan or rocks or in the case of pistol rounds, a smaller caliber hiding inside a larger one.

05-09-2014, 10:36 PM
If you are running 5 Loadmaster's...you deserve free parts...and stress relief counseling.
Sorry no stress here I have five that run... A little stress when they were new to me a few years ago ... Now that I understand how they operate they a pleasure to use.

05-09-2014, 11:10 PM
I should say, when you live remote like me, and stuff can take weeks to get here, you tend to learn to plan ahead... Soooo rather then wait for weeks to be able to decap anything, i have learned the art of planning to plan ahead.... If I have the lee universal decapping die spares, i know that there will be no interruption to my reloading plans based on waiting for a single decapper to arrive in the mail... With my spares, i dont have to wait if i happen to break a decapper on an onery 223 or 308, i just slip another into my lee and off I go.... Now for those thAt live with the convince of having everything close by for ready interchange, i would say, you are blessed... For those of us that are a bit off the beaten path, order once, order a lot, and be free.... Lol


05-09-2014, 11:16 PM
The best and fastest decapping tool I have ever used is the 310 tool and decapping die.

The best thing is you can feel the decapping pin slide into the flash hole before any pressure is applied .

Military crimped primers no problem.

Much faster and easier than anything press mounted I have ever used.

I discovered this tool back in 2006 and have decapped up-teen thousands of cases to present and still on the original pin and the die was well used when I was gifted it.

The only downside is you need a handful of different shell adapters to cover a assortment of different size cartridges.

It probably sounds funny but I look forward to decapping a couple hundred cases before cleaning with this tool.

------good luck

05-12-2014, 09:11 AM
When I got one Midway was out of the Lee so I got the Lyman. When it broke and Lyman gave me issues over getting a new one (I was willing to pay for it) I ordered the Lee. When it broke they sent me a new rod even thought I told them it was my fault. I purchased several extra as I have no problem paying for what I break. Usually the Lee bend, trying to straighten them out breaks them.

Having extra's is quicker than waiting for replacement parts to arrive via snail mail.

05-12-2014, 09:59 AM
I've had a Lee Universal Decapper for more years than I can remember.

I've had the rod push up; but never broke a rod or a pin (I guess I better go order one!).

I've had the collet so tight once, that I punched a hole in a Berdan case. I like to go slow, but something you just want to rush through the last 100 from that bucket of pickup brass.

I my case, it just works and works and works. No complaints.

05-16-2014, 07:02 PM
Really appreciate the input, folks. Now we'll see what happens - my new pin arrived in the mail today, as promised by Raquel at Lee. Since they only run about $2.00, think I will get a couple of extras.

mold maker
05-16-2014, 07:54 PM
Like a timex, they just keep on, and on, punching out primers. It's almost mindless work.

05-19-2014, 12:14 PM
Picked up a used one at the gunshow, and yup, broke it on a very old .45-70. Emailed Lee, and the sent out a new one right away, no questions asked..............So I bought another one for a different spot on the Lee Turret set, just seemed to be a hassle moving it from one turret to another. I very seldom resize anything, as I just don't like the work on the brass, especially the .44-40.

05-20-2014, 12:38 PM
Watch for berdan primers on range brass!

05-20-2014, 09:43 PM
Bought one of these dies probably 5 years back. Never broke a de-cap pin in the several months that I used it before putting it someplace that I haven`t found yet!Robert

05-21-2014, 06:44 AM
I was punching 9mm a couple year's back and learned about S&B primer hole's being a tad too small. Also had some Canadian 50's brass that would NOT deprime. Between the crimp and the sealant the decapping pin went right thru the bottom. After that happened a couple time's I sorted thru the bucket and got rid of those.I had to use a screwsriver and a hammer to get those case's out of the shell holder.