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05-02-2014, 11:34 PM
... beer you can drink when you're casting??
Tonight I figured out I can drink a whole darn bunch...

05-02-2014, 11:38 PM
I don't drink beer...but I can certainly drink a lot of coffee while at the casting pot.

05-02-2014, 11:42 PM
I'll have a glass (or three) of wine AFTER I get done casting or loading. I can wait.

Teddy (punchie)
05-02-2014, 11:42 PM
Hey You Guys, don't you know no eating and or drinking at the bench, loader or pot.

We all do from time to time but you watch doing it.

Be Safe !!

05-02-2014, 11:47 PM
Hey You Guys, don't you know no eating and or drinking at the bench, loader or pot.

We all do from time to time but you watch doing it.

Be Safe !!

He's right.
Eating, drinking, or smoking around melted lead is the easiest way to get the stuff into your system. I worked with it at my job for a lot of years. You do need to be careful.

05-02-2014, 11:48 PM
If I felt that coffee consumption posed a threat to me while casting or loading...I would abstain.

Seriously though, thanks for the reminder to be safe...as that is worthy of reiteration.

05-02-2014, 11:49 PM
I drink, smoke, eat, scratch my nutz, and pick my nose at the pot or bench... if it suits me.
I figure at near 60 years old...

Oh... and I drank 17 of 'em tonight at the pot...
5:30 to 10:00... that's less than 4 per hour.

05-02-2014, 11:54 PM
He's right.
Eating, drinking, or smoking around melted lead is the easiest way to get the stuff into your system. I worked with it at my job for a lot of years. You do need to be careful.

I fail to see how drinking from a covered cup can possibly expose me to more lead...I don't put my fingers in the coffee. Also, it is a disposable cup that is thrown away...so it doesn't come back into the kitchen.

05-02-2014, 11:55 PM
I drink, smoke, eat, scratch my nutz, and pick my nose at the pot or bench... if it suits me.
I figure at near 60 years old...

Oh... and I drank 17 of 'em tonight at the pot...

I can certainly understand that attitude since I just retired at a broken down 62 a couple of months ago.
Enjoy your life. It ain't getting longer.
It would only take about four of them to put me under the loading bench. I admire your capacity.

05-03-2014, 12:01 AM
I fail to see how drinking from a covered cup can possibly expose me to more lead...I don't put my fingers in the coffee. Also, it is a disposable cup that is thrown away...so it doesn't come back into the kitchen.

Lead dust is air borne and can land anywhere including in/on your cup or anything else in the room unless the room is well ventilated. Lead is also a cumulative poison since your body doesn't get rid of it quickly. It really doesn't take a lot of it to damage your system over time.
If you have adequate ventilation and don't stand directly over the pot you are probably safe enough. Conditions vary a lot.

05-03-2014, 12:04 AM
Lead dust is air borne and can land anywhere including in/on your cup or anything else in the room unless the room is well ventilated. Lead is also a cumulative poison since your body doesn't get rid of it quickly. It really doesn't take a lot of it to damage your system over time.
If you have adequate ventilation and don't stand directly over the pot you are probably safe enough. Conditions vary a lot.

Yes, and following this line of thinking, we should also wear respirators anytime time lead is present...cause if it is landing on my cup, it is also in the air that I am breathing...

05-03-2014, 12:06 AM
You have to work at it pretty darn hard to get lead dust airborne.

05-03-2014, 12:15 AM
You have to work at it pretty darn hard to get lead dust airborne.
Not as hard as you think. A small amount of it comes off the top of your pot when the lead is molten.
Any small granules can get airborne just like any other dust.

05-03-2014, 12:26 AM
Gentlemen, I worked in a heat treating department where we use molten lead as a heating medium to heat treat steel for over 40 years. We were trained every 6 months on precautions to take to stay safe. We had our blood tested every year for lead contamination.
The ventilation we had was excellent. We had fan driven exhaust hoods over each lead pot and the air flow was tested monthly to make sure they worked. We wore aprons and gloves to protect from the heat and the tinsel fairy.
Even with all these precautions we still had people getting high lead levels if they didn't follow the rules.
The rules were simple. Don't eat, smoke or drink at your work station. Wash your hands before you eat or smoke. You could drink as long as the beverage wasn't kept in your work area.
Those who didn't follow the rules invariably got high lead levels. We did everything we could to keep the dust down but some always seemed to get out no matter what. We just had to minimize the exposure as best we could.
We didn't need respirators because we had such good ventilation. That's probably the only reason we didn't all get lead poisoning.

05-03-2014, 12:33 AM
Gentlemen, I worked in a heat treating department where we use molten lead as a heating medium to heat treat steel for over 40 years. We were trained every 6 months on precautions to take to stay safe. We had our blood tested every year for lead contamination.
The ventilation we had was excellent. We had fan driven exhaust hoods over each lead pot and the air flow was tested monthly to make sure they worked. We wore aprons and gloves to protect from the heat and the tinsel fairy.
Even with all these precautions we still had people getting high lead levels if they didn't follow the rules.
The rules were simple. Don't eat, smoke or drink at your work station. Wash your hands before you eat or smoke. You could drink as long as the beverage wasn't kept in your work area.
Those who didn't follow the rules invariably got high lead levels. We did everything we could to keep the dust down but some always seemed to get out no matter what. We just had to minimize the exposure as best we could.
We didn't need respirators because we had such good ventilation. That's probably the only reason we didn't all get lead poisoning.

Wasn't the volume of lead considerably more than that of a 20lb Lee pot and wasn't the lead moved around considerably more than it is in filling 2,4, or 6 cavity bullet molds?

Not questioning your experience, but I think that scale and process has to enter the picture at some point.

05-03-2014, 12:37 AM
Probably does, but why take the chance?
Also we weren't moving the lead much once we got it into the pots. We just used fixtures to hold the steel in the heated lead.
The lead pot held approximately 1000lbs of pure lead.
It made great sinkers and musket balls.

05-03-2014, 01:08 AM
I have a cast for a lot of years and I have practiced several safety procedures over the years. Depending on where I have lived if my casting area was the garage I tried to stay towards the front near the door for ventalition. I never ate or drank during a casting session except during my breaks where I washed my hands and face before consuming drinks or snacks. I wear a denim apron as a safety precaution to minimize the lead transfer to my clothing. After a casting session I thouroughly wash my hand and face again. Pretty simpe steps and I have never had any lead build up in my system. I'm not doing the huge quanities that commercial guys are doing but my menhods seem to work for me. Also I do not smoke so I don't have to worry about lead on the cigarette paper being inhaled. I never had the luxury of being able to afford such things.


05-03-2014, 01:25 AM
I hope if hot lead is finally what does me in , that she was worth it.

05-03-2014, 01:46 AM
Having one beer while I'm casting is the least of my worries. After jumping several hundred times from a perfectly good aircraft I'm a little jaded.

05-03-2014, 07:00 AM
Probably more lead dust gets air born while removing the dross after fluxing at any one time. As to eating, drinking, smoking or other methods of contact. It is an avoidable risk. Be your own judge on whether or not you take it.

If you want a real dose of lead spend an afternoon shooting into a head wind and breathing the primer residue that blows back into your face.

05-03-2014, 07:14 AM
What it boils down to,is this. It's your life.
This is not the safest or most dangerous of hobbies either one. You can make your own choices about the risks you are willing to take.
The information is out there. Do what you want to with it.

05-03-2014, 08:52 AM
Hmmm . . . 17 beers while working with molten metal that could burn you to the bone . . .just curious . . . do you drink when you drive as well? Do you consume that much while shooting as well? I guess the bright spot would be that if you only drink while casting and not while driving or shooting, you'd only be a danger to yourself and not to others.

Sorry . . . nothing personal intended . . . what a person does is their own business but there is a time for work and a time for play. Working with casting, tools, etc. is the time to have your wits about you to prevent accidents . . . not contribute to them. We all were blessed with "common sense" - but some got more than others.

When you're working with casting - be safe and use your head. Recovery from 2nd and 3rd degree burns is a long, painful and expensive process.

05-03-2014, 09:08 AM
No wonder my pencil doesn't work anymore at over 76 years. I cast and step outside to pee. But I am not touching any lead either, I water drop and only have wood in my hands.
Dross skimmed is the worst thing to worry about, nothing from the pot of clean lead. Touch boolits, just wash your hands.

Foto Joe
05-03-2014, 10:08 AM
I'm afraid I'm pretty anal about exposure. I spent twenty years working around photographic chemicals which expose you to another heavy metal that you don't need (silver) so I tend to error on the side of caution when casting or loading for that matter.

As far as the drinking is concerned I've been known to partake of an adult beverage while at the bench but one of two things happens. First it's only "one" beer while loading or second the loading is done when #2 gets opened. I'm afraid that when casting things are moving along just a little too quick to allow time for drinking.

45-70 Chevroner
05-03-2014, 10:12 AM
I think the guy is just trying to get us all riled up, 17 beers in a casting session? I doubt it. This has got to be a joke. I don't think he could stand up or even stay sitting on a chair after that much. Sorry about that, but I think the guy is full of beer.

05-03-2014, 10:27 AM
... beer you can drink when you're casting??

No I haven't and I have no intention of finding out.

Much smarter to keep your head screwed on straight and pay attention to what your doing rather than how much alcohol can be consumed. I would suggest that anyone that cannot get through a casting session without drinking has a serious problem and needs to seek help.


05-03-2014, 11:07 AM
Not as hard as you think. A small amount of it comes off the top of your pot when the lead is molten.

Seriously doubt this.

05-03-2014, 11:47 AM
[QUOTE=tazman;2764187]Lead dust is air borne and can land anywhere including in/on your cup or anything else in the room unless the room is well ventilated. Lead is also a cumulative poison since your body doesn't get rid of it quickly. It really doesn't take a lot of it to damage your system over time.
If you have adequate ventilation and don't stand directly over the pot you are probably safe enough. Conditions vary a lot.[QUOTE]

[QUOTE=tazman;2764219]Not as hard as you think. A small amount of it comes off the top of your pot when the lead is molten.
Any small granules can get airborne just like any other dust.[QUOTE]

[QUOTE=tazman;2764239]Gentlemen, I worked in a heat treating department where we use molten lead as a heating medium to heat treat steel for over 40 years. We were trained every 6 months on precautions to take to stay safe. We had our blood tested every year for lead contamination.
The ventilation we had was excellent. We had fan driven exhaust hoods over each lead pot and the air flow was tested monthly to make sure they worked. We wore aprons and gloves to protect from the heat and the tinsel fairy.
Even with all these precautions we still had people getting high lead levels if they didn't follow the rules.
The rules were simple. Don't eat, smoke or drink at your work station. Wash your hands before you eat or smoke. You could drink as long as the beverage wasn't kept in your work area.
Those who didn't follow the rules invariably got high lead levels. We did everything we could to keep the dust down but some always seemed to get out no matter what. We just had to minimize the exposure as best we could.
We didn't need respirators because we had such good ventilation. That's probably the only reason we didn't all get lead poisoning.[QUOTE]

The fear of lead has been vastly over rated by industry just to cover their butts. Saying lead and dust in the same sentence is hard to visualize. Metallic lead is heavy, it doesn't float in the air. Metallic lead is NOT easily absorbed by the human body. Lead oxide, and the salts of lead are easily absorbed. They are also easily made airborne. Hence the range officer/attendant gets the lead oxide and lead styphonate, from the firing of the primers, that's easily absorbed by the lungs.

The " dust floating on top of the pot" could be lead vapor, but lead vapor doesn't form under 1200 degrees.

As for drinking, August will be 32 years since I had ANY alcohol to drink. Finally wised up after a bad accident caused by my give a poop less attitude I get after drinking. Back when I was a drunk, I would consume some beer while loading, certainly not 17 cans.

The NRA has a zero tolerance for drinking while shooting at a NRA certified range. No drinking anything, then going shooting. Of course the same should apply to loading or doing anything that alcohol could interfere with.

05-03-2014, 12:48 PM
That is enough to effect judgement. Would you mind if the surgeon operating on you was matching you drink for drink?

My feeling is that when someone starts boasting about how much they can hold it is time to stop.

05-03-2014, 12:48 PM
I suggest all you nay sayers check out the articles linked in the thread I posted on this subject this morning. This isn't a big government conspiracy.


Congratulations on being sober so long. I have seen how tough it can be for people to quit.

05-03-2014, 02:41 PM
I suggest all you nay sayers check out the articles linked in the thread I posted on this subject this morning. This isn't a big government conspiracy.


Congratulations on being sober so long. I have seen how tough it can be for people to quit.

Sorry, but most of those link to government sites. They are in the business of taking away all lead, and are biased.

05-03-2014, 04:32 PM
Sorry you feel that way about it. I have seen people get sick from lead exposure and it isn't pretty.

These articles were intended to show you how to do it safely, not make you stop.

If you won't take simple and easy safety precautions to protect yourself, you deserve any problems you develop.
Enjoy whatever remains of your healthy life.

Buck Neck It
05-03-2014, 04:49 PM
Tazman, I believe you. If you heat or melt any metal, some will vaporize. Heck, water will vaporize at 33 degrees F. I can smell hot steel, and find the dust all over my shop. Iron lung.

05-03-2014, 05:01 PM
A lead test isn't expensive, I was getting it done yearly. I'm about done drinking, but I sure wasn't just a few years ago. I certainly didn't limit myself to just one, and I cast in a basement. I didn't stick my fingers in my mouth, and washed up soon after. I never had a lead test come in high enough for the doctors to even mention it to me.

05-03-2014, 05:16 PM
Sorry you feel that way about it. I have seen people get sick from lead exposure and it isn't pretty.

These articles were intended to show you how to do it safely, not make you stop.

If you won't take simple and easy safety precautions to protect yourself, you deserve any problems you develop.
Enjoy whatever remains of your healthy life.
from your experience (not from articles or links), what Numbers ( µg/dL in blood) are needed to make a middle aged adult man sick from Lead.

05-03-2014, 05:46 PM
from your experience (not from articles or links), what Numbers ( µg/dL in blood) are needed to make a middle aged adult man sick from Lead.

These numbers are from memory. They want you to take extra precautions at 20. They require you to be moved out of the department at 40.

We had one guy who needed to have his blood filtered. His was somewhere over 60. He was showing symptoms of really bad flu and stomach trouble. Chills and fevers. Couldn't eat and was starting to lose weight. He was sick for nearly 6 months. He was the one who simply ignored all the safety procedures and did whatever he wanted. In the year between blood level checks he went from below 20 to over 60.
We were never told exactly what his numbers were. A few months later I talked to him and the numbers he was quoting were around 64.
Normally they moved you out of the department when you got to 20.
We had one young man who wanted to get into the department but when they tested him he was already at 22. Turned out his house still had lead based paint on it and he was getting it from the dust from the paint.

05-03-2014, 07:58 PM
tazman, you said they were using molten lead to heat treat steel. Ok fine, I'd be willing to bet they weren't doing that at anything close to boolit casting temps. Lead boils at 3080 degrees and if heat treating steel the temp would need to be much closer to 2000 and not the 700 degrees of a our lead pots. Lead can emit vapors at nearly 1200 degrees and above and I would think excessively at those temps from a 1000 pound pot and the oxidation that would create.

That's all fine but I have a question for you. You seem to be getting kind of defensive but who in this thread has said they don't use sensible precautions?

Thread drift going on here, what happened to how many beers can you drink in a casting session? The OP is the one not taking safety seriously.


05-03-2014, 08:51 PM
tazman, you said they were using molten lead to heat treat steel. Ok fine, I'd be willing to bet they weren't doing that at anything close to boolit casting temps. Lead boils at 3080 degrees and if heat treating steel the temp would need to be much closer to 2000 and not the 700 degrees of a our lead pots. Lead can emit vapors at nearly 1200 degrees and above and I would think excessively at those temps from a 1000 pound pot and the oxidation that would create.

That's all fine but I have a question for you. You seem to be getting kind of defensive but who in this thread has said they don't use sensible precautions?

Thread drift going on here, what happened to how many beers can you drink in a casting session? The OP is the one not taking safety seriously.


You are mostly correct about the heat treating. We used the lead at 1500 degrees which is considerably hotter than casting temperatures. We also covered it with granular carbon to reduce oxidation and fumes. We still got plenty of both as we needed to flux it with special salts a couple of times a shift to remove oxidation or it would coat the steel. We were never directly over the pot but were obviously within arms reach most of the time. The exhaust system kept a slight but steady breeze from our back over the top of the pot to keep the fumes away from us as much as possible. We also never handled the lead directly except for loading and unloading the pot every 2 weeks to replace the pot itself due to burnout.

In many cases when someone smelts or just melts lead in the casting pot or elsewhere, smoke and fumes are given off that can and often do carry particles of lead with it. As I said before, lead is a cumulative poison. You can build it up in your system over a period of time to where it finally causes problems. You are not going to get a damaging dose all at once. It will be over a period of time, perhaps even years.
As far as being defensive, there have been a number of people posting to this thread who have implied I don't have any idea what I'm talking about and refuse to look at documentation. I get a bit defensive/angry when it is suggested I am lying or have been drinking to much of the kool aid.
As I also said before, this for safety, not to make people stop. The precautions are simple and easily achieved. Many people simple aren't aware of the possible danger.

05-03-2014, 09:06 PM
My safety precautions must be fairly effective. I've been casting for decades and have my blood lead level checked every year during an annual physical as a matter of precaution, it's never been higher than low normal adult level & sometimes lead doesn't even show up in the test.

Back to the OP, I never drink while casting, loading, cleaning/working on guns or shooting.


05-03-2014, 09:09 PM
I think the guy is just trying to get us all riled up, 17 beers in a casting session? I doubt it. This has got to be a joke. I don't think he could stand up or even stay sitting on a chair after that much. Sorry about that, but I think the guy is full of beer.

Obviously you're not a beer drinker.

05-03-2014, 09:12 PM
After a couple of experiences early in my life, I don't drink at all. I found out my body doesn't tolerate it well.
I don't mind if people drink but I don't care to be around drunks.

05-03-2014, 09:15 PM
Obviously you're not a beer drinker.
Several of the people I worked with at the shop were serious beer drinkers. The amount you claimed, during the time frame mentioned seems to be quite doable for an experienced beer drinker.
Experiments have proven to me that I myself simply can't do that.

country gent
05-03-2014, 09:33 PM
WHile the concerns mentioned are vaible and need to be addressed, another issue is as consumption goes up coordination thinking and mobility goes down meaning you arnt thinking as quickly or as clearly. A spill or visit from the tinsel fairy could become a much more major issue. Drinking impairs judgement and again could cause a dangerous situation. I havent drank in many years I used to, and fell off the wagon for a week or so when my wife was killed but got it turned around.

05-03-2014, 09:46 PM
Seventeen cans of beer over 4½ hours... not only am I still standing up, I can field-trip and reassemble an Ithaca 37 blindfolded.
Beer drinkin' ain't about gettin' drunk... that's what they make whiskey for.

Do you guys know what sets Iowa farm boys apart from all other boys??
Iowa farm boys can drive 85 MPH, in 8 inches of snow, on a two-lane county road, in a raging blizzard, at night, without flinching, with only one hand on the wheel... 'cause the other hand is holdin' the beer can... and that's a fact‼

05-03-2014, 09:50 PM
I don't drink while casting. I also don't criticize another grown man that chooses to do it.

I hope you stay safe! :drinks:

P.S. I hope the bathroom is close to your melting pot! :lol:

05-03-2014, 09:51 PM
... beer you can drink when you're casting??

Nope, I gave up drinking before I took up casting.
I did have a Dr. Pepper today while powdercoating though. :D

05-03-2014, 09:51 PM
At some point you grow up or die. I think I stopped "sharing" how much I drank in college. Alcohol and firearms, reloading or casting are bad mojo.

05-03-2014, 09:59 PM
I hope the bathroom is close to your melting pot!

The melting pot is out in the shop/garage, about 6 feet from the open overhead door... and I ain't got neighbors out here in the county.

Oh... I never did the college thing... school bored me to death, dropped out'a school in the 10th grade. Spent the last half of my teens touring the country on two wheels. (shrug)

05-03-2014, 11:21 PM
Honestly I'm not sure eating or drinking increases the exposure that much.. We tend to touch our face a lot more than we realize so are exposing ourselves when we cast anyway. If you doubt me crush a few Jalapeno's in your hands then go about your daily tasks........

05-04-2014, 12:56 AM
Seventeen cans of beer over 4½ hours... not only am I still standing up, I can field-trip and reassemble an Ithaca 37 blindfolded.
Beer drinkin' ain't about gettin' drunk... that's what they make whiskey for.

Do you guys know what sets Iowa farm boys apart from all other boys??
Iowa farm boys can drive 85 MPH, in 8 inches of snow, on a two-lane county road, in a raging blizzard, at night, without flinching, with only one hand on the wheel... 'cause the other hand is holdin' the beer can... and that's a fact‼

I hope you stay south of the Minnesota border :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

05-04-2014, 01:05 AM
These numbers are from memory. They want you to take extra precautions at 20. They require you to be moved out of the department at 40.

We had one guy who needed to have his blood filtered. His was somewhere over 60. He was showing symptoms of really bad flu and stomach trouble. Chills and fevers. Couldn't eat and was starting to lose weight. He was sick for nearly 6 months. He was the one who simply ignored all the safety procedures and did whatever he wanted. In the year between blood level checks he went from below 20 to over 60.
We were never told exactly what his numbers were. A few months later I talked to him and the numbers he was quoting were around 64.
Normally they moved you out of the department when you got to 20.
We had one young man who wanted to get into the department but when they tested him he was already at 22. Turned out his house still had lead based paint on it and he was getting it from the dust from the paint.

Thanks for the 'experience info'. I am familiar with the numbers as per OSHA and other industry regs. I worked at a Circuit board company from '85 til '93. Some of that time was spent operating/maintaining a Wave soldering machine (63/37), shortly after '93 they switched to Lead free solder, many things changed then... as was I ...they transferred me to another division. My number has never been over 20 (then or now with my casting hobby). I've heard things about lead poisoning, but never experienced it myself or any co-workers.

05-04-2014, 09:32 AM
I hope you stay south of the Minnesota border :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Well, there is the family lake home up in the Pine River area... :mrgreen:

05-04-2014, 10:21 AM
Hey, that's near where my folks are currently residing (Aitkin)...except they are no longer 'on the lake'...gee I miss those days.

05-04-2014, 10:39 AM
Lake Ada, east shore, on the point of the south bay... the outlet stream is on the property.
We've had the place since the late 60's... a lot has changed in that area.

05-04-2014, 02:58 PM
Eating, drinking or smoking - anything that puts something into your mouth is the best
way to get lead into your system.

Do what you want, but that is a hard truth. Much like wearing seatbelts or a helmet
on a bike, it is a certain way reduce your risk. As an adult, make your own choice - but
you should know what the risks are, and this is the primary way to get lead into your
system - thru your mouth.


05-04-2014, 03:52 PM
I'm a beer drinker, but not around firearms or ammunition assembly.

Seems to me drinking 4 beers an hour for 4 hours creates more health risks than molten lead.

05-04-2014, 04:09 PM
when I'm casting both of my hands are pretty busy, don't know where I'd find time to drink or eat anything while casting.

Lefty Red
05-04-2014, 04:38 PM
I drink, smoke, eat, scratch my nutz, and pick my nose at the pot or bench... if it suits me.
I figure at near 60 years old...

Oh... and I drank 17 of 'em tonight at the pot...
5:30 to 10:00... that's less than 4 per hour.

My hero!

05-04-2014, 08:50 PM
when I'm casting both of my hands are pretty busy, don't know where I'd find time to drink or eat anything while casting.

It's all about the timing...

Mold in left hand...
Grab ladle with right hand, fill mold..
Set ladle back in pot...
Hold mold under fan mounted on wall long enough to take swallow from beer can using empty right hand...
Cut sprue, open mold, drop boolit, close mold...

05-04-2014, 09:01 PM
Hey You Guys, don't you know no eating and or drinking at the bench, loader or pot.

We all do from time to time but you watch doing it.

Be Safe !!

This conversation comes up from time to time.
It's good to have a refresher now and then.

05-04-2014, 09:16 PM
If I was a moderator, I would delete this thread and give a you a warning. If you stepped over the line again, I would ban you. Anyone who thinks that drinking four beers an hour while casting is something to post about and be proud of does not belong here. IMHO

Don Verna

05-04-2014, 10:19 PM
I always go by the rule alcohal and gun stuff doesn't mix. Just my rule and seems to work for me. Needing to brag about how much beer I can drink was what I probably did before stopping drinking 20 yr ago. And proud I was able to quit.

05-04-2014, 10:32 PM
I still have a beer now and then but never while handling lead, shooting, or loading. My days of drinking lots of beer are over though, bad mix with my meds.

45-70 Chevroner
05-07-2014, 11:50 AM
Obviously you're not a beer drinker.
I am almost 73 and I quite drinking alcohol of any kind when I was 30. I had my share of liquor back then, and could drink a lot of beer but after 3 or 4 I could tell that my judgement was impaired and I would certainly have not been able to do much of anything if I drank 17 beers in 4 1/2 hours. Call it what you will but you were drunk.

05-07-2014, 12:48 PM
Call it what you will but you were drunk.

Well, I must'a been plowed out'a my gourd... 'cause no matter how hard I think 'bout it, I just can't remember you being there.
I mean... how could you possibly claim to know I was drunk unless you were there to witness it??
And since you seem to know without doubt I was drunk... and I can't even remember you being there... well... one-plus-one does still equal two.
It is funny though... I mean, I remember cleaning up the area and puttin' my stuff away when I was done, I remember puttin' the empty cans in the beer box, I remember it was raining when I carried the boolits and mold into the house... heck, I even remember takin' the mold off the handles and wipin' it down before puttin' it back in the storage container with the desiccant packs.
Just damn funny I can't remember you being there.

Being as drunk as I guess I must'a been, it's amazing I was able to use the keyboard to make the original post in this thread... don't ya' think??

45-70 Chevroner
05-07-2014, 01:10 PM
Well, I must'a been plowed out'a my gourd... 'cause no matter how hard I think 'bout it, I just can't remember you being there.
I mean... how could you possibly claim to know I was drunk unless you were there to witness it??
And since you seem to know without doubt I was drunk... and I can't even remember you being there... well... one-plus-one does still equal two.
It is funny though... I mean, I remember cleaning up the area and puttin' my stuff away when I was done, I remember puttin' the empty cans in the beer box, I remember it was raining when I carried the boolits and mold into the house... heck, I even remember takin' the mold off the handles and wipin' it down before puttin' it back in the storage container with the desiccant packs.
Just damn funny I can't remember you being there.

Being as drunk as I guess I must'a been, it's amazing I was able to use the keyboard to make the original post in this thread... don't ya' think??
I give up you win.

05-07-2014, 04:53 PM
Well, I must'a been plowed out'a my gourd... 'cause no matter how hard I think 'bout it, I just can't remember you being there.
I mean... how could you possibly claim to know I was drunk unless you were there to witness it??
And since you seem to know without doubt I was drunk... and I can't even remember you being there... well... one-plus-one does still equal two.
It is funny though... I mean, I remember cleaning up the area and puttin' my stuff away when I was done, I remember puttin' the empty cans in the beer box, I remember it was raining when I carried the boolits and mold into the house... heck, I even remember takin' the mold off the handles and wipin' it down before puttin' it back in the storage container with the desiccant packs.
Just damn funny I can't remember you being there.

Being as drunk as I guess I must'a been, it's amazing I was able to use the keyboard to make the original post in this thread... don't ya' think??

Well, your punctuation beats many on here, and you seem to be getting along just fine, so whatever you are, or others claim you to be, you seem to be functioning just fine. You are a big boy, and I doubt you need others to tell you what to do any more than I do. If you ever are curious about your lead level, I think it adds $30 to my yearly checkup to have a lead test done. I started having mine tested, as I read all the posts about how drinking while casting increases your exposure, and it got me worried. The numbers IN MY CASE told me I needn't be too concerned. I drink a lot less than I used to, but even when I was casting for my brother my numbers never reached the level of concern. His job was beer opener, and I kept him plenty busy while casting.

05-07-2014, 08:52 PM
Whitespider is my hero:)

05-07-2014, 09:37 PM
This is the first thread from castboolits I didn't enjoy reading.

05-07-2014, 09:45 PM
+1 on that

05-07-2014, 10:16 PM
I drink beer & cast all the time, no problems here. I never drank 17 though, maybe two or three, but to each his own. I keep the cans away from where I'm casting and in an aluminum coozy, my hands never touch the can. I wash the coozy, along with my hands afterwards. My coozy is a CAST BOOLITS coozy, and it serves me well.

05-07-2014, 10:28 PM
Well, I'm actually a bit surprised this thread went where it did. I understand that everyone has limitations, but superimposing them on someone else seems somewhat self-serving to me. If X amount of beer (or any alcohol) makes you silly, or causes you to lose control of your faculties... well than, you shouldn't drink X amount. Just because that's what happens to you doesn't mean it happens to all. I just walked in the house from the shop where I was helping dad with his tractor carburetor... some **** got stuck between the needle and seat causing gas to overflow the bowl. While I was helping him rebuild the carb (actually I rebuilt it, he watched), he was helping me drink a box-o-beer. We emptied the first case and made a darn good dent in the second... neither of us were/are "drunk", and the tractor is running just fine now.

"Drunk" is a state-of-mind... some people have weaker minds than others I guess.
We drink beer here... lot's of it... get over it already.

05-07-2014, 10:41 PM
... beer you can drink when you're casting??
Tonight I figured out I can drink a whole darn bunch...

NOT but can tell you how much we drink while BS'ing about evry thing involving reloading n boolits :redneck:

05-07-2014, 10:45 PM
Ahhh yes... the BS sessions... that's when the serious beer drinkin' gets done‼

05-08-2014, 12:36 AM
Snuffy, post no, 29. proud of you bro. you, too, 45-70 Chevroner. I'm 7 y0 and had a small drinking problem, about a gallon to 1 1/2 gallon a night for 13 years. I won't describe what caused me to stop, it's not important to any but me, I guess. in Nov i'll be 34 years sober. I will say one thing though, i've loaded BUT never casted drinking anything. Docs can't understand why I don't have alcohol damage, but I don't. I guess God really does love me. to be honest, I'm NOT proud of my drinking. some here are in line for the recipent of year Darwin award.[smilie=s: Oh, well, all I can say is ---God Bless to all and theirs.

Goofy aka Godfrey.:-)

05-08-2014, 07:11 PM
After about 9 MGD longnecks them boolits sure do look purty.

05-08-2014, 07:34 PM
One or two for me is my limit while working lead. As far as lead poisoning? I usually take an old Sonic or McDonalds cup, put a little crushed ice in the bottom, put an open can beer in the cup, pack the sides with ice, insert straw and cover....Viola. Keep it set away from the casting table too.
I really should care more about lead poisoning...but I don't. I don't breath fumes and I wash my hands. Not much more.

05-08-2014, 10:24 PM
If I was a moderator, I would delete this thread and give a you a warning. If you stepped over the line again, I would ban you. Anyone who thinks that drinking four beers an hour while casting is something to post about and be proud of does not belong here. IMHO

Don Verna

Shaking my head in absolute disbelief because you beat me to it.

There was a time in which safety and common sense were what this forum and its content stood for. I guess that is eroding away as well.

A thread on how much beer one can drink while pouring 700F molten alloy into molds for the purposes of putting together ammunition to be fired in guns. :killingpc

Frank has gotten some new company out of this one.

How far we're falling here.


05-08-2014, 10:36 PM
Ever notice how much stupidity you can find while surfing the web?

Tonight I realized it is a bunch.

05-08-2014, 11:15 PM
There's a big difference here though. Drinking and casting could only hurt you potentially. Drinking and shooting is another matter altogether.
I'm a firm believer that one should not have even a sip when shooting or driving BUT if you actually like beer and can't drink one while working at home, even if task has the potential for danger (such as molten lead) then MAYBE you shouldn't be drinking anything EVER.
The long lost and forgotten man-quality of personal responsibility and judgment needs revival. The flock mentality of 'I'm not capable of doing something so you aren't either' is ludicrous. There's lines that shouldn't be crossed but if men had good judgment and were responsible those lines need not be defined, they'd be self evident. Never do ANYTHING that could get someone else hurt. What you do to/for yourself is no ones business.
I think everyone here has a point but y'all might be making mountains outta mole hills. I mean, maybe I shouldn't have a beer when I'm doing yard work, wouldn't wanna lose a toe to the weedeater.

05-09-2014, 05:57 AM
There's a big difference here though. Drinking and casting could only hurt you potentially. Drinking and shooting is another matter altogether.
I'm a firm believer that one should not have even a sip when shooting or driving BUT if you actually like beer and can't drink one while working at home, even if task has the potential for danger (such as molten lead) then MAYBE you shouldn't be drinking anything EVER.
The long lost and forgotten man-quality of personal responsibility and judgment needs revival. The flock mentality of 'I'm not capable of doing something so you aren't either' is ludicrous. There's lines that shouldn't be crossed but if men had good judgment and were responsible those lines need not be defined, they'd be self evident. Never do ANYTHING that could get someone else hurt. What you do to/for yourself is no ones business.
I think everyone here has a point but y'all might be making mountains outta mole hills. I mean, maybe I shouldn't have a beer when I'm doing yard work, wouldn't wanna lose a toe to the weedeater.

I shouldn't reply and keep this thread up, but while I agree that what the original poster does is HIS business, his POSTING and BRAGGING about his drinking problem (and yes YOU have a problem) is not something that should be posted about here. No matter that he has not harmed himself, it is a BAD habit drinking and working with bullets, loading et al. My wife is POSITIVE she is not impaired after drinking what she drinks. And she CAN drink me under the table. I'm a lush, but she IS impaired, she just can't tell it. after 17 beers, you are impaired. If you don't believe it, it is YOUR problem. Just stay home after drinking. Just don't go around promoting this idea that I can drink whatever I think until I am feeling it and it is OK. Alcohol and guns (and everything that goes with them are not compatible). BTW, do you drink ONE beer before or during reloading?
Moderator, please delete this thread.

05-09-2014, 07:06 AM
A drinking problem?? Really?? And you know this how??

You have no evidence, nor do you have any right, to say I, or anyone you don't personally know, has a drinking problem. A drinking "problem" is exactly that... a "problem". If your drinking negatively affects something in your life, or something in the lives of the people who come in contact with you... then there's a "problem".

Do I drink and drive?? No, I don't... because it's against the law, and I'm a law-abiding citizen.
Will I take a drink when carrying my weapon?? Yes I will... but that ain't against the law (in this state anyway).
Do I drink when shooting?? If it's a hot summer day I might have a couple beers while shooting... I am an adult after all, and it is my private range.
Do I drink before going to my kid's Little League ballgame?? No, I don't... I don't believe having alcohol on my breath at such a function would be appropriate (but I know some that would).
I don't drink at work, and I never drink enough the day/night before work that I feel poorly in the morning... I believe that would be irresponsible of me, and unfair to my employer (i.e., that would be a drinking "problem").

What's more of a "danger" to myself, and especially those around me (such as my kids)... drinkin' a few beers at the casting pot, or drinkin' a few beers while cuttin' the grass with my lawn tractor?? Yet, I'd bet many of ya' would have no "problem" drinkin' a couple while cuttin' grass. So take your high-horse and ride off... 'cause ya' ain't hitchin' it to my post.

05-09-2014, 09:15 AM
How much YOU drink while casting at YOUR house doesn't affect me, or anyone else in the least, and that should be the end of it. People who are overly concerned with something that is none of their business is precisely how we end up with a government that can't keep their nose out of our business. Most people have enough problems of their own to worry about.

05-09-2014, 09:45 AM
Very well said‼

05-09-2014, 10:20 AM
How much YOU drink while casting at YOUR house doesn't affect me, or anyone else in the least, and that should be the end of it. People who are overly concerned with something that is none of their business is precisely how we end up with a government that can't keep their nose out of our business. Most people have enough problems of their own to worry about.

Libertarianism defined.
Well put!

05-09-2014, 01:31 PM
Is it my business? Nope, not at all.

You DO have a right to behave in a foolish manner and tell the world about it.

We also have a right to call idiocy what it really is when we see or hear about it.

05-09-2014, 02:37 PM
I try not to drink anything while casting / loading. The only time I do is from a closed container that I don't have to touch the rim of...and it's not alcoholic usually water or tea.

05-09-2014, 02:40 PM
How much YOU drink while casting at YOUR house doesn't affect me, or anyone else in the least, and that should be the end of it. People who are overly concerned with something that is none of their business is precisely how we end up with a government that can't keep their nose out of our business. Most people have enough problems of their own to worry about.

Quite frankly, I don't give a damn if the OP shoves a six-pack of beer up his *** after every boolit he casts. Bragging about how much you can swill while casting doesn't do a helluva lot for the reputation of this forum or its members.

Anyone that tries to pretend that excessive consumption of alcohol while handling hot molten alloys is intelligent, let alone safe, is nothing more than an intentional idiot--as is anyone who defends that kind of bravo-sierra.

Science, Medicine and Law Enforcement in all fifty states have defined "excessive" by way of irrefutable analysis, evidence and scientific proof of what x-amount of alcohol in x-size of a body will do--regardless of what the individual doing the imbibing may think.

But of course, they're all idiots compared to the "here, hold my beer and watch this" genius who brags about knocking back three-fourths of a case of beer in a few hours while slinging hot lead out of his molds. :rolleyes:

Has absolutely nothing to do with "Libertarianism" and everything to do with Forum Reputation.

No effing wonder we keep losing our older members.


05-09-2014, 02:46 PM
A few years back I was invited to a "private shoot" out at a guys house in the boonies. The guys would get rip-snorting drunk and basically shot from the back porch of the house. They were even shooting tracers into the woods, I couldn't believe it. No, I never returned. I recently learned that the house burned to the ground last fall, and it didn't surprise me in the least! I still have no problem with a couple beers at the casting bench, in moderation of course.

05-09-2014, 03:14 PM
I don't see the OP as bragging, just making an observation on his evening.

Just a personal anecdote - my buddy from work, skinny little %^&, would drink a case + of beer between maybe 7 and midnight - we would play video games the whole time, and he would kick my butt in anything we played. Alcohol just didn't affect him the way it affects most people.

I'll side with DeanWinchester on this one =
"The long lost and forgotten man-quality of personal responsibility and judgment needs revival. The flock mentality of 'I'm not capable of doing something so you aren't either' is ludicrous. There's lines that shouldn't be crossed but if men had good judgment and were responsible those lines need not be defined, they'd be self evident. Never do ANYTHING that could get someone else hurt. What you do to/for yourself is no ones business. "

05-09-2014, 04:07 PM
I don't see the OP as bragging, just making an observation on his evening.

Just a personal anecdote - my buddy from work, skinny little %^&, would drink a case + of beer between maybe 7 and midnight - we would play video games the whole time, and he would kick my butt in anything we played. Alcohol just didn't affect him the way it affects most people.

I'll side with DeanWinchester on this one =
"The long lost and forgotten man-quality of personal responsibility and judgment needs revival. The flock mentality of 'I'm not capable of doing something so you aren't either' is ludicrous. There's lines that shouldn't be crossed but if men had good judgment and were responsible those lines need not be defined, they'd be self evident. Never do ANYTHING that could get someone else hurt. What you do to/for yourself is no ones business. "

Not bragging? Wow

Recluse is dead on. We lose older members here because of a new breed of people with whom I have nothing in common. Just because you melt lead and throw it into a mould doesn't make me call you a fellow shooter, caster, or gun owner. I won't say what it does makes me call you.

Drink what you want, when you want. I don't care. What does bug me is that this makes this entire forum look like a bunch of morons.

Maybe if people drank less beer while posting this idiocy would stop.

05-09-2014, 04:19 PM
If you want to know my opinion................that would be really weird if you really wanted to know my opinion.

05-09-2014, 04:46 PM
Not bragging? Wow

Recluse is dead on. We lose older members here because of a new breed of people with whom I have nothing in common. Just because you melt lead and throw it into a mould doesn't make me call you a fellow shooter, caster, or gun owner. I won't say what it does makes me call you.

Drink what you want, when you want. I don't care. What does bug me is that this makes this entire forum look like a bunch of morons.

Maybe if people drank less beer while posting this idiocy would stop.

Wow........Just, wow
I belittled no one, no derogatory statements / name calling toward anyone.

Added a personal experience that MIGHT explain the OP's attitude and expressed MY opinion.

If this is the attitude of "we old members", well,

Connor OUT

Love Life
05-09-2014, 04:55 PM
Can you shoot a boolit designed for gas checks, without gas checks?

05-09-2014, 04:59 PM
Can you shoot a boolit designed for gas checks, without gas checks?

Why not order from Pat and we can make checks from all these cans?!?!?

05-09-2014, 05:20 PM
I don't see the OP as bragging, just making an observation on his evening.

Thank you... I've been waiting for someone to point that out.
My OP, or any after it in this thread, was, or is, a far cry from "bragging"... but I will admit I may have fanned the flames just a tiny bit when some people got their panties all bunched-up.

Not bragging? Wow
Recluse is dead on. We lose older members here because of a new breed of people with whom I have nothing in common. Just because you melt lead and throw it into a mould doesn't make me call you a fellow shooter, caster, or gun owner. I won't say what it does makes me call you.

So... because I don't live MY life the way YOU think I should live it, that makes me unworthy of membership in your exclusive little club??
Nothing in common?? We're all here because we like guns, shooting and casting out own boolits... but that's where the "common" mostly ends. Some of us are hunters, but not all of us. Some of us are rifleman, others pistoleros, still others may be both. Some of us own just one gun, others dozens or hundreds. Some of us shoot competition, others just shoot beer cans. Some of us cast for resale to other shooter, some of us cast just for ourselves. Some of us love to continuously experiment with new loads, others just want to save a buck on ammunition. Some of us aren't happy with anything less than one-hole groups, others are tickled-pink if their load shoots minute-of-milk-jug.

And the last thing we all have in "common" is morality and a personal sense of right and wrong.

So what's next on you exclusion list btroj?? Maybe Blacks?? Jews?? Non-Catholics?? How 'bout we just exclude anyone who ain't Christian? Or better yet, lets exclude anyone who wasn't in YOUR church on Sunday.

I can't hardly believe what I just read in your post... boy have you got the self-importance down to a science.
We ain't all raised in the same house man... get over it.

05-09-2014, 05:30 PM
Whitesnake , I hope you can drink and scratch your nuts to your heart's content. I still think that your comments are bragging and in the interest of our hobby, have no place here. Such is my opinion, you have yours, and the twain shall never meet.

05-09-2014, 05:32 PM
Now would be a good time to lock this thread....

05-09-2014, 05:37 PM
So I don't approve of drinking alcohol, or anything else for that matter, while casting and it makes me a bigot?

I don't discriminate based on race, religion, sexual orientation or many other traits

Where I DO discriminate is based upon what I consider ill conceived and stupid activities. I don't willingly associate with those who commit, promote, and approve of activities I find abhorrent.

As for having a personal sense of right and wrong in common I don't agree. We obviously have vastly different ideas on right and wrong.

Drink what you want, when you want. I don't care. What I WON'T do is compromise my beliefs or change my views of acceptable behavior in order to be one of the guys.

I hold certain things to be unacceptable. Drinking or eating anything while casting is one of them. Period. I also don't like alcohol around any firearm related activities. My views. Mine alone. I don't expect others to hold the same views, don't really care.

No, we aren't all raised in the same house. We aren't all accepted in the same house either. Recluse is welcome in mine, others are not.

05-09-2014, 06:02 PM
The difference between you and I...
I respect your views, and out of that respect I'd never take a drink while shooting, casting or whatever with you... especially at your home.
Neither would I ever dis or slam you for your personal views of right, wrong and morality... and I'd never try to claim your views are wrong because mine are right. I'm fully aware that what may seem OK, or right for me may very well feel very wrong for you... and the opposite may be true in other areas.

The difference between you and I...
I don't see the differences as making us incompatible in a common interest... all that is required is mutual respect of the other person's ideology.

The difference between you and I...
Rather than seeing the differences as questions of personal morality... you see the difference in me as "ill conceived, stupid and abhorrent".
The difference between you and I...
You are judgmental, intolerant, and refuse to respect my personal choices.

By-the-way, you're welcome in my home anytime... that's the difference between you and I.

05-09-2014, 06:05 PM
The simple truth is that some people are to immature to have any idea how immature they are.


05-09-2014, 06:09 PM
There is always the ignore" button for those who feel strongly enough to use it. Personally I have never used the ignore button and likely never will, simply because past experience has taught me that even posters who (perhaps for no good reason) rub me the wrong way often have knowledge I want! Would I drink while casting?---Nope! I have seen the effects of those who think alcohol does not impair them and when they found out they were wrong it was not pretty. I hope the OP never has to have cause to regret his actions. In the interim I pray everyone remains safe.

05-09-2014, 06:34 PM
It isn't just your choices I don't respect.

Consumption of any foodstuff or beverage while casting is stupid. Period.

05-09-2014, 06:39 PM
i wonder how this thread wouldve went if you had said that you ate 17 hamburgers while you cast. i dont see anything irresponsible in the op post. he said what he did at his own house. hes not trying to get anybody else to do it or say thats how it should be done, just making an observation. whitespider come on over man ill still cast with you. ill get the beer.

05-09-2014, 06:58 PM
It isn't just your choices I don't respect.

Consumption of any foodstuff or beverage while casting is stupid. Period.

I don't care to pick a fight, really don't care much about what others think of me period. But... I started having my lead level tested because of the horror stories of how drinking or eating while casting would practically GUARANTEE I would have a too high lead level. Guess what? I don't. I have all but curtailed my drinking while casting, but that was certainly not always the case. I also cast in an improperly vented area. I am very careful to not touch my mouth while casting, and I wash up thoroughly after. I never showed a lead level to be of concern to my doctors. If what I did caused me or others no harm, how exactly is that stupid?

General safety rules are good to have, but ASSuming they are the only hard and fast way to stay safe and healthy is in my eyes stupid. Period.

05-09-2014, 07:46 PM
I'm done.

http://i1348.photobucket.com/albums/p733/Btroj/imagejpg1_zpsdef9178a.jpg (http://s1348.photobucket.com/user/Btroj/media/imagejpg1_zpsdef9178a.jpg.html)

05-09-2014, 08:20 PM
Complete and total freedom is anarchy..........I have seen some forums that swing that way.

Any society needs some rules (judgments) including this one.

The status quot needs to be questioned from time to time.........is that what this is about?


05-09-2014, 08:27 PM
I quit drinking over 40 years ago and I never drank to excess after college. About 8-9 years ago, I was diagnosed w/Type 2 diabetes. I resolved then to do everything I could(within reason) to NOT shorten my life. There are some things we can't control, but most harmful things, we can control.

I want to see my grandchildren grow up. I don't want to leave my wife a widow but we each have an equal chance of being left alone. I just don't want to hurry the process.

The melting pot is out in the shop/garage, about 6 feet from the open overhead door... and I ain't got neighbors out here in the county.


I for one am glad you are somewhat isolated. I just hope you have 911 on speed dial. At 60 years old, you should have a long live ahead of you. I'll be 72 in a couple of months and hope that I have several years left. I'm enjoying life too much to rush things.

05-09-2014, 08:59 PM
This thread.....full of LOLs.

I'm not condoning drinking while performing any task. I personally don't do it. The only tool you will see in my hand while drinking is a broom while I'm cleaning up at the end. But the best carpenters I know all drink on the job. I won't work w/ them in this state but plenty do and they all run successful and profitable companies.

This is yet another thread that points out the generational gap. The old timers here seem to think that their way is the only proper way. And the young guys seem to think that it's cool to brag about doing dumb stuff. Since most people here don't use the Internet beyond this site. Here is some information for you. Every forum, and life for that matter, is the same. The old complain about how it was better back in the day and that the young are stupid. All the while the young are saying the old ways are bogus and that this is the new norm. The truth lies somewhere in the middle.

What I really laugh at is "forum reputations." It's an Internet forum. Information is information. This isn't a site like InfoWars where everything has to be questioned. And that's because facts are presented in the correct fashion. As far as individual reputations.....it's an Internet forum so they mean nothing. There are plenty of Memes explaining being "famous on the Internets." If you don't understand that reference than what the internet truly is, is beyond you.

W/ every passing day there are more old guys hollering at the young to "get off their lawn." This is going to cause a lot of valuable information to be lost. I don't have a way to correct it besides saying put your emotions aside and post the information that you've learned over the years. If you won't then I question who the juvenile one really is.

05-09-2014, 09:05 PM
whitespider come on over man ill still cast with you. ill get the beer.

I'd be there in half-a-heartbeat man... but, Florida is a loooong ways away L-O-L

05-09-2014, 09:20 PM
The status quot needs to be questioned from time to time.........is that what this is about?

Maybe... maybe not.
I keep thinkin' about this post earlier in the thread...

Science, Medicine and Law Enforcement in all fifty states have defined "excessive" by way of irrefutable analysis, evidence and scientific proof of what x-amount of alcohol in x-size of a body will do--regardless of what the individual doing the imbibing may think.

And then I keep thinkin' I should ask this question...
Are we talkin' 'bout the same "Science, Medicine and Law Enforcement in all fifty states" that have decided "by way of irrefutable analysis, evidence and scientific proof" that your firearm is a menace to society unless it comes factory-fitted with a gun-lock device??
Or do you want it both ways and only agree with the "Science, Medicine and Law Enforcement" if it fits your personal ideology??

05-09-2014, 09:53 PM
Maybe... maybe not.
I keep thinkin' about this post earlier in the thread...
And then I keep thinkin' I should ask this question...
Are we talkin' 'bout the same "Science, Medicine and Law Enforcement in all fifty states" that have decided "by way of irrefutable analysis, evidence and scientific proof" that your firearm is a menace to society unless it comes factory-fitted with a gun-lock device??
Or do you want it both ways and only agree with the "Science, Medicine and Law Enforcement" if it fits your personal ideology??

That is an interesting question isn't it, when put that way.
In some respects this difference of opinion resembles the differences between political parties. Both sides are convinced they are right and are willing to argue about it until the end of the world. Nobody will have a change of heart and both will consider the other wrong. Both are right about some aspects of the issue. Different aspects are more important to one than the other.

At this point I would rather you all would let this drop and let the thread fall off the page.

Notice please, that I have kept my opinions of your drinking habits to myself and will continue to do so.
Your business, not mine.
My suggestions about lead handling safety were just that, suggestions. They are not etched in stone as many have not had a problem in decades. They are simply guidelines and precautions. Use as you see fit.

05-09-2014, 10:14 PM
I keep thinkin' about this post earlier in the thread...
And then I keep thinkin' I should ask this question...
Are we talkin' 'bout the same "Science, Medicine and Law Enforcement in all fifty states" that have decided "by way of irrefutable analysis, evidence and scientific proof" that your firearm is a menace to society unless it comes factory-fitted with a gun-lock device??
Or do you want it both ways and only agree with the "Science, Medicine and Law Enforcement" if it fits your personal ideology??


Got any published studies and empirical evidence to support this laughable red herring attempt of supporting your contention that guzzling three-fourths of a case of brewskis in a few hours while slinging molten lead compares with not having a trigger lock on your gun?

You know the problem with Darwin? It's that sometimes he moves too damned slow.


Love Life
05-09-2014, 10:16 PM
How 'bout them hoarders and gougers?

05-09-2014, 10:19 PM
How 'bout them hoarders and gougers?

I think I just spit soda on my keyboard.LOL

05-09-2014, 10:52 PM
I say go ahead, grab a case, heat up the lead, put on your favorite shorts and sandals and go to it. If that suits you.

Just don't expect too many positive posts agreeing to this as acceptable.

05-09-2014, 11:44 PM
What I am getting from this "discussion" is this- it is perfectly acceptable for a guy to decide to put a gun to his head and repeatedLy pull the trigger. He will only hurt himself. If a guy a t the range decides to run down range while others are shooting, fine, he knows the risk.

What a bunch of BS.

Basic safety rules are just that, safety rules.

The entire "Here, hold my beer and watch this" mentality baffles and scares me.

Darwin, please hurry up.

05-09-2014, 11:55 PM
Hey guys, I just heard today that Doe Run is shutting down. They are a lead smelter in Missouri.

Love Life
05-09-2014, 11:56 PM
Hey guys, I just heard today that Doe Run is shutting down. They are a lead smelter in Missouri.

Is that where they store all the .455 Webley brass as well?

05-10-2014, 12:03 AM
people trying to keep other people from doing something something that they think is dangerous or stupid or whatever is the one of the main problems with this country now. im not trying to force you to do it. if i want to put a gun to my head and repeatedly pull the trigger who are you to tell me not to? if i want to drink a beer or 17 while i cast at my own damn house who are you to say i shouldnt? if i put a gun to your head to try to make you do it then you have a dog in the fight. we have people everyday trying to take our guns away because they think its dangerous and stupid. i think they have about as much right to do that as anybody does to tell me what to do at my own house by myself.

05-10-2014, 12:28 AM
Frank just messaged me to say "thanks." Said he was making a killing selling popcorn to all the new arrivals. He wanted to sell some beer as well, but it seems the OP drank it all while the popcorn was popping.


MT Gianni
05-10-2014, 12:47 AM
Now would be a good time to lock this thread....

As of now there are no personal attacks, cursing or pornography. There are some great observations to be learned about who's opinions to believe with relation to accuracy techniques.

Love Life
05-10-2014, 12:55 AM
Frank just messaged me to say "thanks." Said he was making a killing selling popcorn to all the new arrivals. He wanted to sell some beer as well, but it seems the OP drank it all while the popcorn was popping.


I do miss Frank at times. He was always good to liven up a conversation.

05-10-2014, 01:44 AM
Having one beer while I'm casting is the least of my worries. After jumping several hundred times from a perfectly good aircraft I'm a little jaded.

Ha, my brother in law did that. I had to ask the question about taking a leak once you are up there. Interesting response about pilots flying for hours getting there time in, and the "roll" once you hit the ground.

05-10-2014, 10:51 AM
stupid is as stupid does


05-10-2014, 11:00 AM
people trying to keep other people from doing something something that they think is dangerous or stupid or whatever is the one of the main problems with this country now. im not trying to force you to do it. if i want to put a gun to my head and repeatedly pull the trigger who are you to tell me not to? if i want to drink a beer or 17 while i cast at my own damn house who are you to say i shouldnt? if i put a gun to your head to try to make you do it then you have a dog in the fight. we have people everyday trying to take our guns away because they think its dangerous and stupid. i think they have about as much right to do that as anybody does to tell me what to do at my own house by myself.

Oh, if you want to be stupid then be stupid. Just dont tell me i should get all warm and fuzzy with you over your stupidity.

Your right to be an idiot does not superceed my right to comment on the extent of your idiocy.

In the end we can either provide a good example for new guys or we can be the slobs of the shooting sports. You decide.

05-10-2014, 11:01 AM
As of now there are no personal attacks, cursing or pornography. There are some great observations to be learned about who's opinions to believe with relation to accuracy techniques.

Or about anything else for that matter.

05-10-2014, 11:03 AM
Yer wasting your money renting beer - it could be better spent on molds, and equipment.
You do realize that beer is just p***ing your money away.....

You can always sell casting and reloading gear when you are done with it, you cain't ever sell used beer.

05-10-2014, 01:09 PM
people trying to keep other people from doing something something that they think is dangerous or stupid or whatever is the one of the main problems with this country now. im not trying to force you to do it. if i want to put a gun to my head and repeatedly pull the trigger who are you to tell me not to? if i want to drink a beer or 17 while i cast at my own damn house who are you to say i shouldnt? if i put a gun to your head to try to make you do it then you have a dog in the fight. we have people everyday trying to take our guns away because they think its dangerous and stupid. i think they have about as much right to do that as anybody does to tell me what to do at my own house by myself.

Well Jake, there is one minor little problem with your post. You see in all of these pages of posts in this thread there is not one, not a single poster telling the OP or anyone else to do or not to do anything.

What there is in this thread is the OP stating how immature he is and following it up in several posts how proud he is of how immature he is. There are then a few other posters that seem to be saying how cool it is to be immature.

The other thing we have in this thread is the majority of posters seeing something that is extremely immature and not safe and commenting on it. But not a single post that says . . . DO NOT DO THAT! Not even a post that says . . . I FORBID YOU!

As for Jake, if he wishes to play Russian Roulette by all means please do, Darwin it seems needs all the help he can get.

As for the OP there is no reason to tell him not to do anything he wishes, the law of averages will catch up with him. For his sake I hope it's not as severe a lesson as it well could be. With posts such as the following I think he makes my case quite clearly.

Seventeen cans of beer over 4½ hours... not only am I still standing up, I can field-trip and reassemble an Ithaca 37 blindfolded.
Beer drinkin' ain't about gettin' drunk... that's what they make whiskey for.

Do you guys know what sets Iowa farm boys apart from all other boys??
Iowa farm boys can drive 85 MPH, in 8 inches of snow, on a two-lane county road, in a raging blizzard, at night, without flinching, with only one hand on the wheel... 'cause the other hand is holdin' the beer can... and that's a fact‼ :mrgreen:

Posts as immature and ill-informed as that one reflect on the entire forum, not just the OP. Even if that post were deleted it is still permanently in cyber space and can be retrieved from the search engines for many, many years to come. I don't think this thread should be locked . . . It should be deleted in it's entirety to minimize the damage already done to the image of CastBoolits.com.


05-10-2014, 02:53 PM
OK, let's switch gears just a bit and talk about these safety rules...

Rule #1 - There is never to be alcoholic beverages around any firearms related activity... period.
So, what date was this rule enacted and who enacted it?? I can positively say it wasn't in effect up through the 19th century... or even during the early 20th. There are mountains of illustrations and pictures depicting gunman and shooters (even formal target shooters) with gun in one hand and their swill in another. And the written accounts of soldiers and the like being intentionally "lubricated" by superiors to maintain moral before coming battles outnumber those illustrations. Just think of the accounts of the Fur Trade Rendezvous and the drunken competitions with firearms... nearly any firearms related activity thinkable was performed in a fog of alcoholic debauchery. So, just exactly when was this "rule" enacted, who enacted it, and most importantly... what was their agenda?? I challenge you to show me mention of this "rule" in anything printed prior to WWII.

Rule #2 - Thou shalt not, in any form, nourish thy self nor quench thy thirst while pouring lead.
This rule baffles me beyond comprehension. Fact is, I'd never heard such hogwash before this thread. Sure, I've been told not to handle food with the same hands I use to handle lead without washing, and I've been told not to touch, with my potentially contaminated hands, the part of the beverage container that touches my mouth... basically, I've been told to use common sense precaution. I've also read where it says that avoiding the acts of eating and drinking is one way to avoid potential contamination... but I've never seen this as a "rule" except in this thread. So, just exactly when was this "rule" enacted, who enacted it, and most importantly... what was their agenda??

Rule #3 - If you drink a few beers while casting boolits, your a "slob" shooter and gun owner.
Well... do I need to ask??

05-10-2014, 03:02 PM
This example of unacceptable behavior is exactly what the anti gun lobby uses to push their views.

"He can only hurt himself"
"We can all be effected by this"

05-10-2014, 03:08 PM
Whitespider's biggest mistake was to post this on a public forum. A certain amount of discretion is required in life.

We all need to know our limits. He didn't get hurt, he didn't hurt anyone else by his actions.

The mistake was posting the story.

05-10-2014, 03:11 PM
Unacceptable behavior?? By who's standard?? Yours??
That's some high-horse you ride... so, in your view I must give up my liberty so you can exercise yours?? That's one of the most absurd things I've ever read.

Heck, even Teddy Roosevelt was known to take a nip from the flask while hunting and shooting.

So... what about these safety "rules"??

05-10-2014, 03:17 PM
As regards number 2: There are no hard and fast rules. Only guidelines and precautions. As you said, use common sense.
Any container in the immediate area of your lead pot runs the risk of being contaminated unless it is sealed. The outside surfaces of said sealed container run the risk of being contaminated. Again, use common sense. Put the container an arm's reach behind you or across the room.
If your ventilation is good( and you don't necessarily need a lot, just a little movement of the air)you most likely will have no problems.
Lead builds in your system over time. Certain things you eat and drink can help( You would have to look those up, you never know. It might even be beer.). Your body naturally removes some lead over time. If you are using the common sense approach you most likely will never have high blood lead levels.
This isn't rocket science. Simply doing this hobby outside of a tightly enclosed room is probably enough to keep a person safe.
Some people just aren't aware of the possible issues.

I don't have an opinion yet on rules 1 and 3

country gent
05-10-2014, 03:31 PM
One of the few times working in the trade ( tool and die maker) I came very close to loosing body parts was after a coworkers 3 drink lunch hour. I was working in the coining blanking die set making an adjustment ( my Do not operate tag was on the control panel start switch) I had tag as was making a small adjustment hadnt reapplied ti lock. He came back I was wrist deep in the die set when I heard the warning horn sound start. I did get out. The inebreated coworker IGNORED the do noty operate tag and started the machine. I will admiot He avoided me for close to a month after this.

05-10-2014, 03:53 PM
I would tend to agree with the public forum comment. I suspect if any one of us laid out all of our activities for a week, someone would have an issue with it. I am not embarassed with the way I choose to live my life, but I'm not about to invite everyone who reads a post into my activities, either.
The only thing that surprises me is that the OP seems surprised.

Sometimes I learn more than I bargained for here.

05-10-2014, 03:56 PM
I once witnessed a car accident in which the person at fault had been drinking... 'course, I've also witnessed three other car accidents in which no one involved had been drinking.
Just sayin'...

05-10-2014, 06:15 PM
Better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

Mark Twain

Look on this site for posts about people who tested the hood over their pot for lead residue. It is all over the place. Between small bits from splashes, dust, and residue from fluxing the lead gets all over everything around the lead pot. That includes your beer. Think about that.

As for the "it didn't happen to me yet so I'm safe" reasoning ask a few hundred single mothers how well that worked for them.

A guy can play with fire for years before he gets burned but I still don't recommend it.

Yep, stupid is as stupid does.

05-10-2014, 07:12 PM
Ron Burgundy said it best,


05-10-2014, 07:19 PM
Better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

Mark Twain

Look on this site for posts about people who tested the hood over their pot for lead residue. It is all over the place. Between small bits from splashes, dust, and residue from fluxing the lead gets all over everything around the lead pot. That includes your beer. Think about that.

As for the "it didn't happen to me yet so I'm safe" reasoning ask a few hundred single mothers how well that worked for them.

A guy can play with fire for years before he gets burned but I still don't recommend it.

Yep, stupid is as stupid does.

Your point, counter point and triple point are already well documented. If you haven't converted anyone yet your not going to.
Just sayin'.

05-10-2014, 07:30 PM

05-10-2014, 07:32 PM

05-10-2014, 08:05 PM

No; never noticed. Never tried it. I don't have time to do ANYTHING else when casting. I'm sorry for you that you thought your original post was appropriate. I ran your numbers through a blood alcohol calculator starting at 175 pounds, 4-1/2 hours and 17 beers at a conservative 3.5% alcohol. That would equate to being legally drunk in all 50 states whether or not you thought so. I started upping the weight and even at 300 pounds you would be leglly drunk in all 50 states based on those parameters. It didn' give a BAC beyond .08%.

Another calculator gave this based on standard 4.5% alcohol at 200 pounds:

■Your estimated BAC (4.5 hours after ingestion):

■You can legally drive (BAC < 0.08%) in 7.9 hours
■You will be completely sober in 11.9 hours

WOW. You considered yourself unaffected. Just WOW.

I fully support your choice to do things most of us wouldn't. I support the prerogative of anyone to do anything that doesn't put ANYONE else at risk as long as it isn't illegal. I don't condone bragging about it in a forum of Gentlemen and Gentlewomen. Fire retardant clothing donned.


05-10-2014, 08:19 PM
Probably does, but why take the chance?
Also we weren't moving the lead much once we got it into the pots. We just used fixtures to hold the steel in the heated lead.
The lead pot held approximately 1000lbs of pure lead.
It made great sinkers and musket balls.

Because we could end up in paralysis over risk analysis. By all means, we should evaluate risks and take necessary precautions, but there is a reason we do not cast with a supplied air respirator or SCBA. Because when someone said "just use the SCBA, why take a chance?" someone else said "because the risk analysis does not suggest that the hazards present warrant SCBA as a PPE selection for preventative measures".

05-10-2014, 08:22 PM
One of the few times working in the trade ( tool and die maker) I came very close to loosing body parts was after a coworkers 3 drink lunch hour. I was working in the coining blanking die set making an adjustment ( my Do not operate tag was on the control panel start switch) I had tag as was making a small adjustment hadnt reapplied ti lock. He came back I was wrist deep in the die set when I heard the warning horn sound start. I did get out. The inebreated coworker IGNORED the do noty operate tag and started the machine. I will admiot He avoided me for close to a month after this.

I do not understand why the coworker did not avoid you PERMANENTLY after this incident due to no longer being a coworker.

country gent
05-10-2014, 08:36 PM
I didnt report it but probably should have. In most shops it is considered an illness or something similar and rehab is the recomendation.

05-10-2014, 09:17 PM
Look on this site for posts about people who tested the hood over their pot for lead residue. It is all over the place. Between small bits from splashes, dust, and residue from fluxing the lead gets all over everything around the lead pot. That includes your beer. Think about that.

OK... so how close to the pot does my beer sit?? Do you know?? Have you asked??
How far away is safe?? Three feet?? Five feet?? More??
OK... If there's that much dust and residue allover the place, wouldn't that mean I'm breathing more of it than I could ever get form the can top?? Think about that.
If the pot is to the left of where I'm standing (which it is), and the beer can is to my right at arms reach (which it is), than any lead dust or residue getting to the can would necessarily drift directly through the very air I'm breathing... that's the only way it could get to the can, by drifting past my nose‼ I'm standing half-way between the pot and the can (actually closer to the pot)... every breath I take would be putting more lead in my system than could ever be introduced from the can top. Think about that.

I believe you are over reacting to an issue that either does not exist, or does not add consequence.
It's common sense man... I don't put my hands in my mouth, I don't put my hands on the part of the can that touches my mouth, and I set the can as far from the pot as is convenient (about 4-5 feet or so). If'n I was gonna' worry... I'd be shopin' respirators before frettin' over a beer can.

05-10-2014, 09:20 PM
Besides... my beer cans get emptied faster than dust can settle :bigsmyl2:

05-10-2014, 09:27 PM
Common sense isn't that common, you have proved that.

Do what you want, I don't care.

05-10-2014, 09:37 PM
Do what you want, I don't care.

Of course you care... otherwise you wouldn't have stayed with this as long as you have.

05-10-2014, 09:51 PM
So much better. Why didn't I listen to Recluse earlier and give Frank company.

45-70 Chevroner
05-10-2014, 10:34 PM
Can you shoot a boolit designed for gas checks, without gas checks?
That really is a good point.

45-70 Chevroner
05-10-2014, 10:56 PM
Or about anything else for that matter.
I haven't really counted but the OP seems to have the most posts on this subject, and seems to be in a Pi--ing contest to see how long he can keep this thing going. As for good posters the OP has penned some pretty good stuff concerning loading and casting. I am quite sure he will be very happy if this debate turns out to be the longest post ever done on this web site. No malice intended. This is my last post concerning it. Yehhhhh!

05-11-2014, 09:46 AM
Who is Frank? I was off of the forum during that time period.

05-11-2014, 09:55 AM
Frank was, before he got banned, the poster boy for the ignore list.

05-11-2014, 10:56 AM
Actually.... I kind of miss Frank... I thought his post were..... shall we say interesting? Or maybe entertaining might be a better word...

05-11-2014, 11:06 AM
Bottom line is.... bad acts are usually self correcting errors ... Hey Y'all, watch this !

05-13-2014, 04:09 PM
My only question... Did you drink them 17 beers with aplomb?

05-13-2014, 07:02 PM
Are you asking if I maintained my imperturbable self-possession, or are you asking if I maintained my perpendicular orientation??
No matter I reckon, either way the answer is yes... I always do.