View Full Version : EAA Bounty Hunter - what's your take?

01-06-2008, 11:29 PM
Per my last post (Cimarron Customer Service) I am now the dubious owner of a new EAA Bounty Hunter, 7.5 in., .45 Colt. First, I am extremely prejudiced against it since the fit and finish is nowhere near thd Cimarron of like specifications. Secondly, I like "traditional" ie. railroad spike firing pin, full button ejector rod, black powder frame cylinder pin.........however..........I am open to new ideas.........can anyone give me feedback on this gun? Is it any good?


01-07-2008, 12:09 AM
I used to be an active SASS member and those folks had long discussions on sixguns. I am sure this make and model was praised and cursed. Maybe a snoop around their websight would give you some insight. I am impressed with the United States Firearms Co in the old Colt Building. They build great stuff. I wish I had bought a Rodeo model in 44 special many times.

Lloyd Smale
01-07-2008, 06:31 AM
ive got one freind who swears by them. They may not be as pretty as some of the other imports but there all basically the same gun made in the same factory. A guys just pays more if if he wants pretty.

01-07-2008, 07:40 PM
The aren't as refined as some of the more expensive guns, but I can't say I've heard anything bad about them. The specs can't be worse than the Cimarron you got rid of.

01-07-2008, 11:41 PM
I've been playing with it.......not shooting it......and the first thing I definitely have a problem with is the ejector rod. The it is half moon shaped and about the size of half a Life Saver! There isn't much room for a finger tip. I've tried ejecting fired brass and its an SOB to get them out! I've tried some reloads which stuck a little in the Cimarron but are near impossible, in many cases, to eject without something to thump the ejector with. Now granted, this wouldn't be an ideal situation in any gun but with the Cimarron I at least had a full round head on he ejector (it being a repro of the black powder frame) and I could crook my finger around it and put some muscle into it. One other thing I've read while surfing is the fact that EAA ejectors have had a tendency in the past to snap off at the head ! They supposedly have fixed that, but you can never tell at what serial no. one stops and the other begins.

Anyway...........here's my thought for your feed back.............considering ejectors are not the most high tolerance piece on a single action, what would be the feasability of swapping the original with a bullseye head one from another make. It would seem to me that with a little luck it might only require some filing or slight machining to adapt it to the barrel dimensions and maybe some cutting to length if its too long. With a lot of luck it just might drop in!


02-18-2008, 02:51 PM
Took the piece to the range last Lincoln B'day. At least this one doesn't keyhole like my Cimarron did! Only shoots a few inches over point of aim, again, not like the Cim. It shot like an old Colt........foot or more high!

Fixed the ejector problem by installing a Colt rod and bullseye rod head. The head took a little file work to fit the housing but once installed works smooooth and gives a better grip when ejecting stuck cases. It also adds to the Colt look a little more, I think.

If I can get my camer software reloaded, perhaps I can post some images.