View Full Version : Are repairs to single cavity mould handles possible?

05-01-2014, 09:02 PM
Hello all,
This post is a cousin to one I just posted in the Mould section. I found these two handles in a recent dumpster dive and would like anyone's thoughts on how to possibly repair the one. 103781103782103783 As you can see, the first handle set is nicely broken at the mould attachment and it looks to be drilled in another spot for mould block screw also. Is it possible to repair this one? Even feasible to attempt?


Bent Ramrod
05-01-2014, 09:50 PM
I have a handle set that broke in that spot. The owner drilled and tapped holes in the handle and broken piece and screwed a piece of key stock to the outboard side. It holds very well, without any flexing, and since the repair piece is outside, it doesn't affect the fit of the mould on the handles. If you had both pieces, they could probably be put together that way as well.

If that's all you have of the handles, it would probably be best to grind the broken end flat, eliminating the rest of the screw hole, braze another piece of metal onto the end, and locate the hole and drill.

The other hole may or may not be an issue. Once you get blocks on the repaired handles, see how well they come back together when opened. You may be able to fill the extra space with a small piece of nail or hollow pin.

05-01-2014, 10:04 PM
I've done repairs on handles that looked like that. The ones I repaired included all the pieces and I brazed them back together, filled the holes with brazing rod, and redrilled.

In your case, you'd have to fabricate the missing piece.

Yes, it can be done, but buying a new Lee handle would probably be more practical.

country gent
05-01-2014, 10:33 PM
I would cut the ends off, fabricate new ends and weld them on cleaning up the welds smooth true and flat. Redrill the holes and run. But as stated with the price of lee handles it would be a labor of love. Another thing to consider is with the damage and work needing to be done to these what shape is the rest in. Hinges tight and holding alighnment? possible cracks or other issues? Wood that may need to be replaced? How much work can you do for the price of a set of lee handles?

05-01-2014, 10:53 PM
but buying a new Lee handle would probably be more practical

Well spoken !


05-01-2014, 10:58 PM
Thanks for all of the input. Alignment seems right, handles swivel open and closed nicely. I do hear what everyone is saying about "is the work worth it", although I think that I might take the busted handle into work and see what the welder and machinist boss think about helping out with a project such as this.