View Full Version : My Multi-purpose shooting sticks

01-06-2008, 07:00 PM
“Mavens day at the range” thread began discussing wooden dowels for loading sticks and I thought I’d share my “multi-purpose” sticks. I shared a picture previously of my “range rod”, but his is what I carry into the field hunting.

For years I simply had the leather strap holding two lose sticks. When hunting, I’d merely grab them in one hand, lay the rifle in the intersection, then shoot. Since the sticks are what I used to reload, I believed they needed to be lose. These one half inch wooden dowels, sanded, stained and oiled make for a perfect rod in the field for my .54 flinter. Lands to lands are .541, so not much room for flexing. These stout sticks are perfect for my purposes.

Then I took my 12 year old cousin hunting and he couldn’t handle my sticks, and he also could not shoot sufficiently steady free hand. What to do?? I went to the local hardware store and bought me these threaded post and screw combination for about a buck, crudely filed and drilled the night before the hunt, then joined them.

Here’s what they look like opened.

The threaded screw comes off with a few quick twists and I then have a loading rod almost to bore diameter. Works well.

An additional feature I built in was drilling holes in the bottom, and gluing in threaded archery tip inserts. When getting to one's stand, simply thread in some "target tips", and you now have sticks that will "bite the ground" and not slip! Worked real well, but the glue didn't adhere well enough and the inserts came out after constant use. I'll fix that.:wink: I think I will also thread the top of one so I can just use the darn jag.. And no, when reloading in the field, I didn't forget to remove the target tip from the bottom! :-D

Anyway, that's my field system, and it works for me! I can honestly say the "piwo peep site" and these sticks when combined added to my enjoyment hunting this past season. :drinks:

01-06-2008, 07:20 PM
Nice set up there, looks very handy! And very frugal which is important around here!

01-07-2008, 11:00 AM
And very frugal which is important around here!

:-D We shooters fall into two camps: Those with tons of money (shot gunners mostly), and those of us who are always broke. Up till adding the target tip inserts I think I had about $5 invested since I already owned the leather strap. I haven't bought arrow accessories in 25 years so I don't know what they'd cost today for two inserts and two target tips, but can't think it would be much. Thank goodness I don't throw anything away! (SWMBO wouldn't agree):)

Thing is with my long rifle, it is difficult to shoot off the bench comfortably and is much easier to shoot with the sticks. Also, shooting off the bench changes the anchor point on the rifle and I like to practice the same way I'll shoot in the field. These sticks allow me to do so there, and are not a burdon to carry in the field.

01-08-2008, 10:25 AM
Very Good idea. Since shooting muzzleloaders in competition I have taken a few deer even with modern rifles with the cross stick system. I just carry some twine string with me and fasion them out of brush or small saplings if I decide to sit in a blind and leave them there. X-stick competition was one of my favorites as it was kind of like the bench rest of muzzleloading and I have sighted rifles in using them. At matches, I used to show women and kids how to properly use them so they could beat dads that did not how. Kind of a weird sense of humor on my part but it was fun.
