View Full Version : Rear sight loose on 1897 rolling block

04-29-2014, 04:13 AM
Hey guys.

I have an 1897 rolling block that I like to shoot from time to time and one thing that bugs me is its rear sight slider is loose and no longer holds its position by friction like my old reliable martini enfield.

Can I tighten it up by peining a couple little center punch dots? Maybe shim stock?

Any tricks? I know I cant be the only man here whos had a loose slider on his old rifle.

04-29-2014, 08:10 AM
I would try some shim stock. I tried peening a sight on an ME and it was hardened and broke. Not sure the RB is the same but I would be careful.


country gent
04-29-2014, 12:14 PM
HArdened shim stock could be fitted to act as a spring tensioning the rear sight. I have seen sliders on service rifles tightened up with epoxy also. Slide is coated with release agent ( several thin coats) then base is filled with epoxy and slide inserted and clamped down into the base. Possibly judicious use of J B weld in the sight slider would work? Look it over and see where the wear issues are and work from there