View Full Version : Ideal tool

04-29-2014, 12:12 AM
Recently bought an Ideal #4 tool on Fleabay and couldn't figure out exactly what it was. Knew it was 32-20WCF but the mold part had me perplexed, until tonight. I didn't notice until I got it that the boolit was pointed, which seemed weird for a 32-20. Finally found something on google that answered my question. Seems that Ideal made a 109 gr. gas checked pointed boolit for single feeding into rifles for small game. I wonder if this could have been a special order since it's kinda unusual.

04-29-2014, 08:10 AM

how about some pictures of your tool and of course, the boolit as cast ?

is it a gas check or bevel base boolit ?

04-29-2014, 10:54 AM
I haven't cast any yet, but I'll take a picture of the tool in a bit.

04-29-2014, 10:10 PM
Ok. The mystery deepens. The tool is marked 32-20. The mold is integral, not removable. Straight wheel weights drop .313-.316. Almost out of round a bit. And, 154 grains. I've never heard of a 154 grain 32-20! I wonder if someone "customized" it?

04-29-2014, 10:37 PM
its been recut is my guess

04-29-2014, 10:43 PM
Yes I agree with that. I have never seen any tool for 32/20 with that boolit designEven the cavities seem to show a color difference between nose and base. I believe the nose has been extended and the shape changed from FN to pointed.

04-29-2014, 11:39 PM
Thanks for the replies, guys. I do think it's been cut too. It's the only thing that makes sense. No worries, I just scored a 2 cavity Ideal 3118 mold on ebay. Should be here in a couple days. I got the tool more as a novelty and for in the field reloading from time to time.

Bent Ramrod
04-30-2014, 02:56 AM
That happened pretty frequently, unfortunately, back in the days when the tools were considered old relics and somebody had a yen for a "custom mould" on the cheap. At least the previous owner only extended the nose with a drill bit and left the grease grooves. Usually the entire cavity is drilled out. That flat conical point is a dead giveaway for a twist drill. Not infrequently, the drill is run all the way through, for reasons unfathomable.

The next step is the owner who cuts the mould blocks completely off and grinds the end of the tool round. I've gotten stuck with one or two of those "Ideal No. 3-1/2's" myself. They are still usable as decapping/recapping and boolit seating tools, of course.

You might still have a usable plinking boolit for a .30 caliber rifle. Try lubing up a few and see if they work.

Wayne Smith
04-30-2014, 08:01 AM
Rick, you have a plinker for a Mosin!

04-30-2014, 07:28 PM
Great replies, guys! I never even thought about plinkers.

04-30-2014, 11:46 PM
I have an Ideal just like that for the .32-20. It drops a 118 grain slug. I'm sure this was the design weight for this tool. The tool came with the gun when I inherited it, been in the family for 4 generations.

05-01-2014, 05:48 AM
Thanks for the replies, guys. I do think it's been cut too. It's the only thing that makes sense. No worries, I just scored a 2 cavity Ideal 3118 mold on ebay. Should be here in a couple days. I got the tool more as a novelty and for in the field reloading from time to time.

Yuo otta hollow point it:kidding:

05-01-2014, 04:07 PM

how about some pictures of your tool and of course, the boolit as cast ?

is it a gas check or bevel base boolit ?

Definitely not a gas check design. It doesn't have the reduced diameter base section to give room for the gas check. The diameters of the boolit surrounding the grease grooves are all the same. Instead of having the smaller diameter at the base to fit the gas check.

05-01-2014, 09:05 PM
As I mentioned above, I wasn't too worried since I had an Ideal 3118 2 cavity coming from an Ebay win. It came today, and it is one of the nicest molds I've ever seen. I don't know if it was ever used. I think I done good on that one.