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Wayne Smith
04-28-2014, 08:16 AM
Late last week we heard from our eldest (MDiv, writes and posts as Tobias Mastgrave on his blog) and told us he was accepted to the ThM program at Southeastern Seminary leading to a ThD. His desire is to teach in seminary - he currently teaches online at two universities. He has a book on Amazon - just search Tobias Mastgrave - he is the only one there.

I mentioned this to a good older (95yrs old) friend at Church. He told me to remember the old saying that the bread of education is made from the flour of youth and the dough of the old man!

04-28-2014, 08:10 PM
Congratulations to your son!

04-29-2014, 06:16 AM
Good morning
May God's will be accomplished ! That is one undertaking.
Mike in Peru

04-30-2014, 05:27 AM
So glad to hear this Wayne. Gods blessings be on his life and endeavors.


05-03-2014, 09:13 AM
Good to hear wayne. May God guide him in spreading the gospel.

05-11-2014, 10:47 PM
Late last week we heard from our eldest (MDiv, writes and posts as Tobias Mastgrave on his blog) and told us he was accepted to the ThM program at Southeastern Seminary leading to a ThD. His desire is to teach in seminary - he currently teaches online at two universities. He has a book on Amazon - just search Tobias Mastgrave - he is the only one there.

I mentioned this to a good older (95yrs old) friend at Church. He told me to remember the old saying that the bread of education is made from the flour of youth and the dough of the old man!

Wonderful Wayne !
