View Full Version : Different open sight target

04-26-2014, 08:45 PM
I didn't want to hijack th other thread on this topic, but here is a target that
I use for pistol shooting and for rifles with with iron sights. The inverted "T" seems
to give me a very precise alignment both horizontally and vertically. The stripes are
about 1 1/2" wide and I print them on a piece of normal computer printer paper and
then take to the copier store and make 50 or so. I put up a backer and use the
T target as an aiming point, even though shots will be off of it in many cases.

Give it a try. This target is an example of one of the reasons I chose my screen name!

Except for the water dropping, this is the load I took that warthog with at about 75 yds, one shot
with my 629.



04-27-2014, 09:02 PM
Nice, Bill!

04-27-2014, 10:23 PM
Funny I use a "Magic Marker" to make an inverted "T" like that for air gun testing but never thought of it for anything else. I can see a test coming up utilizing different line widths for different sights.

May be just what I want/need for the sights on the Rossi 92 357.

So far I am still on quest for best loads.

Have some energetic loads with 358156 and more sedate loading (QL says 1,000 fps) with 38 SPL brass and the 160 RNFP GB boolit that are giving me the accuracy I need to plink and play.

Though I shot 5-15 coated bullets early on, my goal is shoot nothing but BOOLITS from this gun no matter the purpose.

Hope to get the 1:30 twist to shoot LAR45/RD's 180 grainer but so far it is not to be with very limited testing. I can see that I will have to push them up toward max if I am ever going to expect them to perform with that twist.

I guess Rossi bought a rifling machine set up for 1:30 and use it on ALL of their leverguns that I have looked at.

Doc Highwall
04-28-2014, 09:25 AM
Another ne that I saw some place the bottom of the T was the same width as the front sight post at 25 yards and in another they used a black square that was also the same width as the front sight blade.

Having the black square or the bottom of the upside down T appearing to be the same width as the front sight at the distance you are shooting gives you a good target alignment for left or right, just make sure the small amount of white between the top of your front sight and the bottom of the aiming black T or square is the same for vertical dispersion.

Don't forget sight alignment is most important followed be target alignment.

04-28-2014, 09:27 AM
Good morning
Inverted "T" is my favorite. For years I ued the Pyramid type . Then one day the "light" blinked and the inverted "T" has been my happy source of blasting points. Hard to beat exact horizontal and exact verticle alignment points for open sights.
Mike in Peru...

04-28-2014, 01:56 PM
HMMMMMMM have to give this a try. thanks for the hint fella's

04-28-2014, 07:29 PM
Darned good shooting with that 629. Nice tusks on that thing, too.

04-29-2014, 10:01 PM
Thanks for the compliment on both the shooting and the hog - it looks good on
the wall, too. That was back before my eyes started going bad. I doubt I could do
that today.

Looks like that is something else we agree on, Mike. How are things in Peru?
