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View Full Version : Gun shop for the bold

04-22-2014, 09:35 PM
One of my local gun shops is getting quite a bit of negative reviews online. I'm pretty sure it's just thin skin... but either way the reviews are pretty entertaining.... I bought powder and molds from the guy.... other than slightly higher prices he is alright.


Love Life
04-22-2014, 09:38 PM
It's easy to tell that a few of those reviews are from the same person.

The way these people are describing the place, you would think they had just shopped at Flatwoods in North Carolina.

04-23-2014, 12:19 AM
Sounds like the typical gun shop around here. Owners are usually older grumpy, can't be wrong, msrp is my cost, you don't know nothing type of guys.

I say buy where you feel comfortable, I sure did and have bought over 13 firearms from the same FFL. Saved a bunch of money and didn't have a condescending a$$ making me feel uncomfortable.

04-23-2014, 12:35 AM
It's funny how some people are, or how they become. I've seen some businesses run by people who are cranky and bitter, but have a few loyal customers who always stick up for them. It's one thing to have friends or family like that (don't we all?), but to successfully run a business you really do need to be nice to your customers.

There's a gun shop a little like that where I used to live (Eugene, OR); not necessarily trashy hoarders, just run by know-it-all jerks with attitude. How they stay in business I do not know.

On the other hand is a small local shop on the other side of the highway there, that opened up a couple years ago. The owner is a super nice guy, cheerful and respectful towards everyone that walks in, and seems to really be putting in the time and effort needed to make a small business work. That's the way it should be.

04-23-2014, 12:40 AM
There's a local store down by where i work. I've bought some reloading stuff, ammo, and 3 guns. Dad has bought 2 guns. and between my friends maybe 5 more. Dad's retired LEO and has been in and out of this shop for 20+ years... and he still follows us around like we're gonna steal something. He's a pretty nice guy but he's hard of hearing. so when people that don't know him come in they get super offended.

Bad Water Bill
04-23-2014, 12:47 AM
Located just outside of Norfolk Naval Base makes me wonder how sober some of those posters were.

04-23-2014, 06:03 AM
I have been to this gunshop and the reviews are right on. We were having a good conversation until my sleeve slid up and he saw my tattoos then he became a real pain and more or less threatened me if i didn't leave.


04-23-2014, 06:26 AM
I had a little outdoor goods shop near me that was advertising "Going out of Business" (for the second year in a row). His advertisement said 20-50% off, so I figured it was worth a Sunday drive to see what he had for reloading equipment. His wife was really nice older lady and was eager to get the stuff sold as it was in a section of their home that they had converted for the business. I tried to feel the husband out for what prices would be, and asked about the price on a RCBS Powder Measure Stand. I knew it wasn't going to be good, when he had to get a vendor book out. For an easy $35 that stand could have been mine--just 25% over MSRP. When I told him I would pass, he got very confrontational, asking how much I'd pay for it, and I knew I should have shut my mouth but said $15, and he told me he wasn't going to give it away. Wonder if he'll be having a going out-of-business sale again this year...

04-23-2014, 06:39 AM
The one shop I frequent has some less than stellar reviews and rightfully so. A lot of them stem from the wait times for the indoor range if you're not a "premium" member. And the rest are typical high price and rude counter people reviews. The reviews go back five years so you'd think the owner would wake up at some point. But they're really the only store in that area so they get away w/ it.

Bad Water Bill
04-23-2014, 08:13 AM
I just checked a local G S for a Gallery of guns deal.

MSRP is $504.00 and his OTD totals $594.00

Down the road a bit to where I bought my latest,the price would be $421.00 OTD and he welcomes you in, takes the time to answer all questions and I do not feel like I am bothering him by daring to enter his store unlike the closer one mentioned above.

Guess where my money goes?

He will also take the time to draw you a map to where the fish are hitting in the area even tho he doesn't have any fishing items.

04-23-2014, 08:32 AM
He will also take the time to draw you a map to where the fish are hitting in the area even tho he doesn't have any fishing items.

thats worth giving him business right there! some valuable info.

04-23-2014, 08:48 AM
I didn't click on the link, but the tone of some of these comments posted, and then the mention of Norfolk, VA, that could only mean ONE dealer..... With the initals of RH. Am I onto the right track here??

Bad Water Bill
04-23-2014, 08:56 AM
thats worth giving him business right there! some valuable info.

Shame on me for forgetting that he is going to call me when his next load of powder arrives.

Well worth the extra time to drive thru the countryside and seeing an advertisement at a drive in from the 60s.

Yes he does business LIKE IT USED TO BE.:drinks:

04-23-2014, 09:02 AM
I once went to an indoor range in Manchester NH (BEFORE JLM bought it) and the then owner looked at me and said "...you going to shoot that piece of sh*t gun in here?". It was a S&W 76 9mm submachine gun.....not exactly a ***.....I was there only because they allowed full auto at the range.
I did my shooting and never went back until the range was sold. Since then I have bought a number of machine guns, SBRs, AOW's and supressors from the new owner. THANKS JIM!
In the retail business, if you are not a nice guy and helpful, you are doomed. His time is coming.....don't worry about that.

04-23-2014, 09:18 AM
I learned a while ago, whenever some one asks me how much I would pay for such and such, I just reply, "I'm sorry, I don't price other peoples stuff for sale."

04-23-2014, 09:19 AM
I'm going to cruise to Norfolk this weekend just to check this place out. Those reviews seem a little "fishy" to me. Seriously, he wouldn't sell a Sherpa Holster unless you were police? WT...

Wayne Smith
04-23-2014, 09:22 AM
I was in that shop maybe fifteen years ago. He was no different then, you were doing him a favor for being there and he didn't appreciate the favor. I am surprised he's still there. It must be a retirement business and he owns the building??

04-23-2014, 09:27 AM
I googled up his shop and there are other sites where the reviews are the same, then went to look at a street view, not a quality place/building in my estimation.

I might get along fine tho, I have no tats.

04-23-2014, 09:37 AM
I'm lucky as are many gun owners as we have here in No. Indiana one of the best privately owned gun shops I've ever done business with in my 50+ years of buying guns. Super friendly, non pushy, knowledgeable sales clerks, discounted prices, fantastic inventory, just a super place to do business.

Only downside is they carry no reloading supplies.

04-23-2014, 09:40 AM
I find it quite funny that a retailer abuses his customers.Reminds me of Basil Fawlty at Faulty towers
Farty Towels
Tarty fowels.
I like a good laugh.It would certainly make a good television show.

John Cleese plays Basil and is the most obnoxious hotel owner ever.His wife cybil Keeps him in check.

04-23-2014, 12:16 PM
I didn't read the link but I've been to enough terrible gun stores. I think my biggest pet peeve besides being in there and window shopping and the owner angry at me for doing so is any time when a potential ban might happen they jack the prices. There excuse "we have to make a living" Funny how most gun shops want to just sell guns and ammo and don't want to even try to sell anything else. Like custom kydex holster or hunting gear or better optics or even better apparel. Out of the LGS ive been too they are bullhead and im always surprised why they are able to stay in business.

My philosophy has always been "A Good Salesman adjusts prices as market indicates, a Great Salesman doesn't need its top sellers to stay in business"

Because of all the crud ive seen it has inspired me to start my own LGS. Nothing on the books yet but everyone has to start somewhere.

04-23-2014, 12:37 PM
I didn't click on the link, but the tone of some of these comments posted, and then the mention of Norfolk, VA, that could only mean ONE dealer..... With the initals of RH. Am I onto the right track here??
You hit the nail on the head... I don't have a problem but I also don't have any tattoos. He did tell me not to buy a 1911 the first time I was there, and that the only combo for defense and target shooting I would need is a 22 pistol and 12 gauge shotgun. To quote The Big Lebowski, "Your not wrong Walter, your just an @#$hole"

04-23-2014, 10:35 PM
Funny stuff guys. There is a shop here in NW Arkansas that is mainly an indoor range. Had heard owner was a bit ornery. Daughter and I were in the area and as I was wanting to find another range, we went in. Was mid afternoon fair number of cars in the lot. Walked up to counter, waited a couple of minutes till the owner finished talking to another old fart (I am one too) asked me what I wanted, I told him that I was looking for a range and what was his hours. Straight way told me that I could not shoot if I wanted to as it was club night Quickly told him I didn't have my guns, but he was extremely gruff and gave me the impression I should just be gone. I'm pretty easy to get along with and even my daughter was surprised at his really pissy attitude. I'll never go back and I'll enjoy telling everyone about the experience. And I have no tatts

04-23-2014, 11:11 PM
Is this the guy that has "GUNS" written on the roof in the shingles?

I just did a mapsearch; yep, it's him. 100% total a$$hat.

04-23-2014, 11:13 PM
You want to experience rude, go the Specialty Sports in Colorado Springs. I won't go back

04-24-2014, 10:11 AM
I don't need my hand held in a gunshop or any other shop for that matter but I don't expect rude treatment or being treated like a fool either. One of our LGS did both to me one day. I won't buy anything from them again. Once in awhile I stop by and go in to listen to the bad advice and treatment they give other customers just to remind myself why I don't buy there.

04-24-2014, 10:20 AM
A decent personality is what makes me return as a customer.

It make be "cool" because he likes you... Good for you.

It's one thing to have your hand held and another to ask for a personable conversation to be had.

Oh well, my money not his and it'll stay that way. Never been there, nor live in the area so no dog in this fight. I buy all of my guns through a smaller "hunting center" here in MI called Randy's. It's like a smaller gander mountain where the staff actually knows what they are talking about and don't feel the need to ensure that you know they know.

Randy is a grade A guy. Just a good ol boy who doesn't mind stopping over to say Hi. In addition to joking around and having a conversation about x or y. Randy has gotten all of my gun $ for the last 4-5 years now. Prices are on par with everyone else and as a result I don't even shop anywhere else.

Oh well...

04-24-2014, 11:30 AM
If he reads these comments he will no doubt realise that trying to sound tough has made him laughing stock.

04-24-2014, 08:25 PM
I look at the link and it been many years I was around that area. it was when I was station in Norfolk. Boy that area change and not for the best also for how it sounds.

04-24-2014, 09:08 PM
when I lived in the area I went into Ron's shop. Once. you couldn't pay me to go there again. The man is as abrasive as one grit sandpaper...

04-24-2014, 09:46 PM
I have been in several bad gun shops, if they are rude I don't buy anything.

But by far THE BEST gun shop I have ever been in is Williams Gun Shop in Auburn Michigan. Every time I have been in there it has been full of people but I always got service if needed and was always asked if I needed help. If you are ever in the area stop into that shop. They sell a lot on gunbroker also.

04-25-2014, 08:05 AM
Funny, thing is in Central Florida the biggest gun shop has a chain of at least 4 stores and they are always nice to me. They even have decent prices, thats probally why they sell so many guns.

I have been in several bad gun shops, if they are rude I don't buy anything.

But by far THE BEST gun shop I have ever been in is Williams Gun Shop in Auburn Michigan. Every time I have been in there it has been full of people but I always got service if needed and was always asked if I needed help. If you are ever in the area stop into that shop. They sell a lot on gunbroker also.

04-25-2014, 12:00 PM
One of the best was Green's Gunshop in Oak Harbor Washington. Mr & Mrs Green and their daughter knew about guns, welcome you in and I had many fun afternoons shooting on the range and the kids liked to talk to Mrs Green and her weener dogs.

Still a good source for Hawken parts, Daton Traister triggers and parts. Its just a good ole time gunstore.

I wish I was closer but the drive from Buffalo is a killer.

Paul in WNY

04-25-2014, 02:36 PM
There is a decent shop called Bob's Gun Shop.... they have a decent supply of reloading stuff, sometimes melters, and a small selection of molds. Nice people too. R H is my backup when bobs doesn't have what I want

04-25-2014, 03:26 PM
OK, Others here have mentioned their local shops that they are happy with so I'll give the name of the shop I wrote about in my post #19.

ZX Gun, in Goshen & Fort Wayne, Indiana, quality personal, quality merchandise, very helpful without being pushy, they go out of their way to give one service. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best, 10.

Dark Helmet
04-27-2014, 01:08 AM
RH only stocks IMR powders last time I stopped in, can't see what else is in stock for all the stuff piled up, I just gave up on stopping in there. Think they'd rather just sell fishing stuff.