View Full Version : Navy Arms Hawken Hunter Success

04-21-2014, 06:02 PM
I took my Navy Arms Hawken Hunter out for the second time in a week today and finally had success. I tried conventional minnies with no joy, they patterned but did not group and they keyholed a lot. So, on to different bullets. I next tried a 430 grainer from Lyman, long discontinued. I also used 3f. at 70 grains I got three shots touching at 25 yards, 6 inches high and a tad to the right. I moved out to 50 yards and it was now 3" high and with a small adjustment, I was keeping everything in the black. Then I tried a Lyman 577611 and 100 grains of powder. Eureka! three shots touching. I upped it to 120 and it shot right in the bull. my guess is that more powder meant more velocity which meant less barrel time and thus a lower POI. The thick skirt on the Lyman 611 was more than able to stand the stress without blowing. Then I tried a TC 58 maxie and that shot a nice ragged group in the black as well. So now I've got the load. I think the gun would do better but my eyes won't. maybe I should scope this beast.

My lube is my own mix of bees wax, lanolin and olive oil with a smidgen of red food coloring to make it "pretty". It's sticky but does not run on hot days like today (85+). I got great lube stars and 15 shots in a row without having to clean the barrel.

04-21-2014, 07:12 PM
put a ghost ring sight on in replacement of the open back sight. a ghost ring is a large opening peep and they are reasonable in price. just punch ghost ringsight on the internet and several will come up. i have ghost rings on all my muzzle loaders. i make my own by soldering a small washer to to back of a fixed open back sight. a ghost ring to our old eyes is as good as a scope out to 200 yards.

04-21-2014, 09:48 PM
I was thinking the exact same thing

04-21-2014, 10:27 PM
I have an article about the Hawken Hunter in one of my old Lyman Blackpowder Handbooks.

I wanted one after I first read the article decades ago. Seems to me they used pretty hefty loads in that one too. It oughta hurt on both ends.


04-22-2014, 01:06 PM
I love the 577611 in my Enfield Musketoon and St. Louis Hawken pushed by 90grs Goex. The 575213-OS has a thick skirt too and will take 90grs FFFg in my Zouave. I have lusted for a Hawken Hunter for years. Looks like you got the trophy wife, er, I mean GUN!

04-22-2014, 01:29 PM
Seems like you are on your way. Congrats on the successful range experience. Peep sights help. Fiber optic front sights are a life saver. Actually too bright on sunny mid-days, but in the morning and late afternoon -- Oh My!!!!

04-22-2014, 01:57 PM
I'm going to have to do something with the sights. I'm just to old to use standard open sights