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View Full Version : Could we put a bold line between stickies and new posts?

04-19-2014, 09:38 AM
I was wondering if it was possible, (or wanted by other boolitheads like myself), if the moderators could install a thick, bold line on each webpage separating the stickies from the recent posts. I visit these pages religiously through the day, and the line would make separating them so much easier/quicker. Being a generally lazy individual, I'm all about quick and easy! Lol. Just a suggestion....

04-19-2014, 10:54 AM
Or maybe move some of the more moribund stickies to the "Stickies and Classics" forum?

04-19-2014, 11:26 AM
I just scroll down to the thread titles in bold. That seems to be where the new threads start...

04-19-2014, 01:51 PM
I wish they would catalog them in one single thread at the top like most other forums do. Most people don't read them to begin w/. So one extra click isn't going to hurt anyone. It frees up the board for the current discussions.

04-19-2014, 03:05 PM
agreed, have ONE sticky at the top that links to all the others.

Heck for that matter, create a seperate forum with ALL the stickies in it. It's annoying to have to scroll down a few pages just to get to where the threads start.

04-19-2014, 03:19 PM
I just scroll down to where it stops saying sticky.

04-19-2014, 03:23 PM
I just scroll down to the thread titles in bold. That seems to be where the new threads start...

That's what I do.

gray wolf
04-19-2014, 03:41 PM
And what do we do 6 months from now ?
when you have to go to page Two in order to see a new thread ?

04-19-2014, 03:45 PM
And what do we do 6 months from now ?
when you have to go to page Two in order to see a new thread ?

See my post above. It's going to have to be addressed at some point. I honestly can't believe they're handled they way they are.

04-19-2014, 03:47 PM
I agree, something needs to be done. Surely someone can think of something that is easy to do, looks good, is out of the way, and makes the board more pleasant to view.

I cannot find ANY other site I visit that has so many stickies that you have to scroll down a page or two to look at the active threads.

plus, once you've read them they are just annoying.

04-19-2014, 03:54 PM
Can I get someone to "scroll" past the stickies for me ?
my finger gets tired :kidding:

04-19-2014, 04:09 PM
For the record. I view this site 95% of the time on TapaTalk so the stickies have their own tab and don't bother me. But when I'm on my laptop I'm reminded how annoying they are.

Cap'n Morgan
04-19-2014, 05:54 PM
I my humble opinion the "sticky" thing is getting out of hand. They clutter up the screen and end up defeating the original purpose of answering the most basic questions. Also, many of the sticky titles doesn't reflect the actually content of the discussion which adds to the confusion. A better solution would be either a dedicated 'sticky sub-forum', or having a single, clearly marked sticky post on how to search Cast Boolits using key words with a refined Google search (See example below) This post could then be copied to the various sub-forums.

To search for "loobe grooves"; copy, then google the following line:

site:castboolits.gunloads.com: loobe grooves

(If you are using the Chrome browser just highlight, right-click and choose "Search Google...")

Notice there must be a space between the colon and the search word(s)

04-19-2014, 05:57 PM
I favor a sub forum named - guess what? "Stickys" at the head of all forums.
noone really reads the stickys anyway.

04-19-2014, 06:25 PM
No more subforums. There are to many here as it is. Other forums have one thread at the top of each forum called guess what.....Stickies. In that thread they have links to all the pertinent threads that deemed worthy of sticky status. On a car forum you would have one for oil changes, one for changing brakes, one for changing the alternator.....you get the idea. On those forums the linked threads are typically how tos that are short and concise. The ones here don't seem to have information in them.

And so no one gets hurt. These are my opinions and my opinions alone.

04-19-2014, 07:38 PM
Stick the Stickies

04-20-2014, 10:46 AM
I agree, they are self defeating, when there are too many and they are not answering basic questions.

for example, do we really need a sticky for this:
I could go on about why each one is not needed but I'll spare the electrons the inconvience.

Show us your nice rides. (hello we are a cast bullet forum, not a car forum)
what do you look like or post your ugly mug.
cast boolit business cards
domari nolo postal challenge

Here's some redundency
top 10 cast boolit tips
share your tip of the day.
some tips that may help

slow motion bullet impact (neat but really? a sticky? you can find it on youtube all day long)

I could go on and on.....

I say put them all in ONE thread at the top.

If you really really want to keep track of the thread, put it in your subscriptions.

04-20-2014, 11:18 AM
And ...if it's considered to be so valuable that it should be preserved for posterity, lock the thread when making it a stickey.


04-20-2014, 11:33 AM
And ...if it's considered to be so valuable that it should be preserved for posterity, lock the thread when making it a stickey.


This is what other forums do.

04-20-2014, 12:51 PM
By using the NEW POSTS heading you never see the stickies.

04-20-2014, 12:59 PM
By using the NEW POSTS heading you never see the stickies.
Hmmm... I gotta check into that

04-20-2014, 01:48 PM
http://castboolits.gunloads.com/forumdisplay.php?35-Classics-amp-Stickies Already have a stickies section, just move some of the slower threads here. Personally, I can scroll down to the new threads and it don't wear out my mouse nor cramp my finger (some things just ain't important)...

Hmm, where be the "New Posts" heading?

04-20-2014, 08:19 PM
Maybe we could stick this thread too! :) :)

04-21-2014, 09:58 PM

04-21-2014, 10:01 PM
Maybe we could stick this thread too! :) :)

We need a subforum for discussing which threads should be stickies.

04-22-2014, 01:02 PM
I know!

Test it out on one forum! See how we like it.

04-22-2014, 01:49 PM
agreeing with what most have been saying..

04-22-2014, 04:08 PM
so what's the hold up? Mods not know about it?

04-22-2014, 04:15 PM
Nothing is done quickly around here so I wouldn't sweat it.

04-22-2014, 04:42 PM
Maybe we could stick this thread too! :) :)

If it don't qualify it don't like much !!! :popcorn:

04-22-2014, 11:55 PM
I can wait a bit....

04-23-2014, 11:39 AM
I for one am happy with things the way they are. I do not find it too inconvenient to simply scroll down to where the headings in bold start each day. Just remember to mark that forum as "all read" when you have perused it. If we make a forum and dump all the stickies in there, in order to find what people said in relation to a particular subject we will have to scroll through many threads and they are not always clearly identified. The alternative is a forum with sub-forums to ID the stickies from each forum discipline. In my opinion----it aint really broke so leave it alone!

04-23-2014, 01:54 PM
No, the solution is to have one sticky at the top of each forum. In that one thread will be links to all the "stuck" threads pertinent to that forum. This is how almost every other forum does it.

There is no need for a sticky forum. There is no need for a sub forum for stickies. On other forums the moderators for that particular subforum are the ones responsible for managing the stickies and updating the main thread when necessary.

Here is the perfect example of one(I've been a member of this forum for 12+years now): http://forums.vwvortex.com/showthread.php?1835863-***-The-MKIV-How-To-FAQ-and-Do-It-Yourself-Guide-Please-consult-before-posting***

And since this forum is broken down into individual subjects it would be easy to manage. Unlike the example I posted which covers the MKIV VWs which are practically Legos that came in a variety of forms with a lot of different options.

04-23-2014, 02:52 PM
It's fine for me the way it is. Letters are in bold when I have not read them. Simple works for me.

04-23-2014, 08:30 PM
No, the solution is to have one sticky at the top of each forum. In that one thread will be links to all the "stuck" threads pertinent to that forum. This is how almost every other forum does it.

There is no need for a sticky forum. There is no need for a sub forum for stickies. On other forums the moderators for that particular subforum are the ones responsible for managing the stickies and updating the main thread when necessary.

Don't know how to break it to you, especially with your vast years of experience here, but this is NOT "every other forum."

If you want "every other forum," they're not hard to find.

First and foremost, going back to when Shooter.com was about to vacate itself, this forum was set up as an INFORMATIONAL FORUM first and foremost. Since then, it has somehow managed to remain an INFORMATIONAL FORUM on casting boolits in spite of the unadulterated wisdom, experience and sheer ability of new members who have been casting for all of twenty or so months.

So there are a lot of stickies. There is a reason for that and that would be because THEY CONTAIN INFORMATION INHERENT TO SUCCESSFUL CASTING OR RELOADING OR MOLD MODIFICATION OR LUBE DEVELOPMENT.

It is often suggested to those new to casting to read the stickies in order to know WHAT questions to ask and in most cases, NEGATING the need to ask questions, especially the same questions.

I'm also sorry, per a previous quote of yours, that "nothing ever happens very fast around here." Quite honestly, I don't think the moderators give a rat's rear end that you're concerned that "nothing every happens very fast around here."

There is also an aggregate age here that is far older than some of the youngsters here whose cell phones and iPads are their surrogate thumbs and security blankets. Not all members here, old and new, understand the technical savvy about linking to this, and subforuming to that, etc etc. That has been ANOTHER strong goal of this forum--to keep it USER FRIENDLY for folks who have somehow managed to live the majority of their lives without every electronic device known to man.

No surprise whatsoever that so many of the older members continue to leave.


04-23-2014, 09:06 PM
Don't know how to break it to you, especially with your vast years of experience here, but this is NOT "every other forum."

If you want "every other forum," they're not hard to find.

First and foremost, going back to when Shooter.com was about to vacate itself, this forum was set up as an INFORMATIONAL FORUM first and foremost. Since then, it has somehow managed to remain an INFORMATIONAL FORUM on casting boolits in spite of the unadulterated wisdom, experience and sheer ability of new members who have been casting for all of twenty or so months.

So there are a lot of stickies. There is a reason for that and that would be because THEY CONTAIN INFORMATION INHERENT TO SUCCESSFUL CASTING OR RELOADING OR MOLD MODIFICATION OR LUBE DEVELOPMENT.

It is often suggested to those new to casting to read the stickies in order to know WHAT questions to ask and in most cases, NEGATING the need to ask questions, especially the same questions.

I'm also sorry, per a previous quote of yours, that "nothing ever happens very fast around here." Quite honestly, I don't think the moderators give a rat's rear end that you're concerned that "nothing every happens very fast around here."

There is also an aggregate age here that is far older than some of the youngsters here whose cell phones and iPads are their surrogate thumbs and security blankets. Not all members here, old and new, understand the technical savvy about linking to this, and subforuming to that, etc etc. That has been ANOTHER strong goal of this forum--to keep it USER FRIENDLY for folks who have somehow managed to live the majority of their lives without every electronic device known to man.

No surprise whatsoever that so many of the older members continue to leave.


such negativity and resistance to change, are you always this cheery?

04-23-2014, 09:07 PM
I suggested just try one place to try it and see what it looks like and how it does.

04-23-2014, 09:21 PM
Don't know how to break it to you, especially with your vast years of experience here, but this is NOT "every other forum."

Wow, really? Quite the disrespectful remark, Recluse.

If you want "every other forum," they're not hard to find.

And basically saying go somewhere else...I'd always thought higher of you as a poster here.

No surprise whatsoever that so many of the older members continue to leave.


Reading your reply I can see why not only "older members" would want to leave but new members wouldn't want to post.
Several members brought up to maybe do a little house cleaning with the stickies, something I agree with btw. No ones suggesting a complete overhaul of this forum or deleting the stickies. Simply making navigating a bit easier.
Then you swoop in, make some rather arrogant & demeaning comments as if your word is the last...pshaw.

04-23-2014, 09:30 PM
not sure about anyone else, but I come here to converse with other like minded individual and relax and have some fun.

If this board were nothing but an information thread, I can assure you we would not have the active membership we have now.

04-24-2014, 01:52 AM
Ya know, there is just a great big dandy chance that no one on staff even knows this thread exists. Did anyone ever think to contact one of them to bring the idea to their attention? If you think staff sees every thread, the answer is, uh, NO!

04-24-2014, 05:23 AM
not sure about anyone else, but I come here to converse with other like minded individual and relax and have some fun.

If this board were nothing but an information thread, I can assure you we would not have the active membership we have now.

Boy ain't that the truth! I enjoy discussing casting, loading and shooting a whole bunch, but try to find someone in you everyday runnings that shares the same interests as you! Very rare around here. This place gives us Boolitheads a place to meet to share our hobby. And I have to say I've learned a lot more from you guys than I've taught!

04-24-2014, 06:04 AM
No surprise whatsoever that so many of the older members continue to leave.


So when are you leaving? Every post of yours is negative and insulting anymore. No one suggested radical change. And I get a good laugh at your personal attacks on me. Guess what, this forum could be improved upon. There is only one thing you can count on in life and that's that things will change. I didn't think asking for the stickies to be cataloged would warrant such a long winded hate filled response.

05-14-2014, 07:27 AM
Who are the mods to ask?

05-14-2014, 09:28 AM
Who are the mods to ask?
I'll bet there's a sticky for that!

05-14-2014, 01:26 PM
Can we get a sticky on stickies? Or maybe a sticky that links to a sticky on stickies? How about we make all the posts stickies except for the stickies?

05-14-2014, 03:46 PM
All you guys who do the work setting this up THANKS! You're doing a great job and I appreciate all your efforts. I have no problem with stickies or anything else. Great site.

05-16-2014, 06:06 PM
All you guys who do the work setting this up THANKS! You're doing a great job and I appreciate all your efforts. I have no problem with stickies or anything else. Great site.
Thanks and praises from me too!

It might be an idea to try something to streamline the sub-forums. A pull-down sticky section might be an idea. Just hold the cursor over the word 'Stickies' and the stickies appear.

I also like the idea of a 'Sticky Thread' which lists the stickies when opened. That way we can see at a glance if there is a new entry without even opening it.

However, having the stickies on top like we do has it's merits too. All in all, this is a very good site and works pretty well as it is. Some improvements could always be made no doubt. If someone had the time they could edit some of the old and inactive stickies to shorten them to contain only relevant information on the topic. That's hard work and would require volunteers. I'd take it a step further and ask some of our prominent members to consolidate their useful posts into a single thread, something like a manual. That's even more hard work!

05-16-2014, 08:30 PM
There is a "Classics and Stickies" forum on this site.

Only 5 of the 20 something stickies here have been posted in this month. It's now May 16 as I type this and some of the stickies have not been posted in in over a year. Is that a clue that something like 75% of the stickies are basically dead as far as day to day activity goes? Why not transfer the moribund stickies to where they belong: in the "Classics and Stickies" forum. Having moderated for over 10 years on an aviation related forum, I can tell you that this is not hard to do if you have moderator privileges.

05-16-2014, 09:39 PM
There is a "Classics and Stickies" forum on this site.

Only 5 of the 20 something stickies here have been posted in this month. It's now May 16 as I type this and some of the stickies have not been posted in in over a year. Is that a clue that something like 75% of the stickies are basically dead as far as day to day activity goes? Why not transfer the moribund stickies to where they belong: in the "Classics and Stickies" forum. Having moderated for over 10 years on an aviation related forum, I can tell you that this is not hard to do if you have moderator privileges.
The stickies are sticky for a reason and exist where the do for a reason. They don't have to have daily activity for them to be NEEDED. Yes there are some that could be moved to the sticky forum.
I vote to use electrical tape if a bold line is needed to separate the stickies.
This thread should be stickied too.

05-17-2014, 12:41 AM
The stickies are sticky for a reason and exist where the do for a reason. They don't have to have daily activity for them to be NEEDED. Yes there are some that could be moved to the sticky forum.
I vote to use electrical tape if a bold line is needed to separate the stickies.
This thread should be stickied too.

I agree that some should be held, but as I noted in my post, there is a "Classics and Stickies" forum. Why not use that forum for what it is apparently intended for? The search function will find the threads there as well as here.

05-17-2014, 09:07 AM
true and it would be an easy reference for the rest of us to point to, just post a link to one place instead of having to find the particular one you want. Like a Buffet at an all you can eat place "Here you go! Take what you want!"

06-01-2014, 10:01 AM
Dead stickies need to be moved or let go.

06-01-2014, 02:02 PM
Blammer---I must respectfully disagree! Just because a sticky thread is not accumulating more posts, which is what I think you mean, it does not mean that thread is "dead" and not being looked at, especially by new(er) members. Those threads made it into the sticky category due to the educational content.

06-02-2014, 12:32 AM
Those threads made it into the sticky category due to the educational content.
Have you looked at all the stickies? There are a good portion w/ little to no educational content.

06-02-2014, 02:48 PM
I still want to see a sticky on stickies about stickies.:popcorn:

06-02-2014, 04:01 PM
Scroll down to the first one that does NOT say STICKIE come on try, you can do it.

06-02-2014, 04:12 PM
Several have little or no educational content, and yes many have not been posted to in a long time. So why not keep the active threads on the top, and combine all the sticky topics into ONE Sticky topic at the top. Like an Table Of Contents, click on the "chapter" you want to see and it will bring you to the thread to read.

06-05-2014, 10:06 PM
btt :D

MT Gianni
06-07-2014, 11:07 AM
I am of the opinion that the worst thing you can do is post in a sticky. Let it be kept up to be read and learned from, posting in it just ads to the lenght, generally with out adding information. I also find it so easy to navigate down it is scary. For me the line is a non issue, just my opinion.