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View Full Version : Bill Weddle

Iowa Fox
04-15-2014, 09:32 PM
Anyone talk to Bill Weddle? Have not seen a post from him and it appears he and his posts are gone.

04-15-2014, 09:46 PM
He left the site and asked for all his posts to be removed.

Iowa Fox
04-15-2014, 09:54 PM
Sorry to hear that. Hope everything is OK for him and his.

04-16-2014, 08:54 AM
I noticed too. I enjoyed his posts especially the old time pics.

04-16-2014, 09:41 AM
I hope he gets over what ever was bothering him and return to the site,God bless Bill.

04-16-2014, 09:42 AM
I think it would be the other way around.


square butte
04-16-2014, 10:28 AM
I am hoping it is nothing more serious than just the usual stuff. I thought Bill was a great contrition to this place and I miss his posts

Bad Water Bill
04-16-2014, 10:58 AM
BILL come back home.

Girty is missing you and so are most of us.

Just Duke
05-02-2014, 10:31 PM
I talked to him. He's a great guy and won't be back.

05-02-2014, 10:43 PM
^^ That's too bad as I enjoyed his contributions.

Iowa Fox
05-02-2014, 10:50 PM
Thanks for updating us. Its a shame, I enjoyed Bill.

Just Duke
05-12-2014, 12:44 PM
Thanks for updating us. Its a shame, I enjoyed Bill.

Bills also is in a fight with the Sierra Club types that want to completely eliminate any and all hunting in NM.
Anyone that have done some looking in the Santa Fe area will find that goofy Siddhartha metaphysical transcendental moon barking cults and variants. We had a few offered to trade one of our homes up in Potland Oregon for some nice ranches in the Santa Fe area only to find that the locals there, as a whole are freaks. Two of the ranches had Hindu Budda molded into the wall with mosaic tile and several had YURTS out back for some kind of hippie Shamen worshiping rituals. I usually don't use profanity but I have some really colorful metaphors I use to describe this bunch of devil worshiping hippies. I need to stay out of areas where if I'm out for a stroll some Sitar playing dreadlocker asks me for a donation and I turn into "EL Kabong" if any of you remember Quick Draw Magraw. ;)
The indigenous personnel of Spanish decent and hailing from the Catholic venues are quite pleasant and normal in my book.

Love Life
05-12-2014, 01:01 PM
Bill just won a major fight against the tree hugging/loving bums. Additionally I believe he is a delegate for his party. Bill is a good man and I'm sure he is doing well in whatever he is doing.

Just Duke
05-12-2014, 01:16 PM
Bill just won a major fight against the tree hugging/loving bums. Additionally I believe he is a delegate for his party. Bill is a good man and I'm sure he is doing well in whatever he is doing.

Bill is also running out of money.
They will be after him again this year as I'm told. I consulted Bill and advised him that the depth of their financial pockets is endless. I also advised him to send the Sierra Clubber and offer to buy him out and he can relocate to a more hospitable area that is conducive to hunting and fishing. I believe he submitted his offer.
Remember as my wife the former attorney says the one that runs out of money first is the looser.

05-12-2014, 01:25 PM
This is getting to be a far too usual occurrence. I strongly suspect that his exit is for the same reason as Jim and so many other of the original bunch, and it makes me ill. I liked talking to Bill very much.

Just Duke
05-12-2014, 01:33 PM
This is getting to be a far too usual occurrence. I strongly suspect that his exit is for the same reason as Jim and so many other of the original bunch, and it makes me ill. I liked talking to Bill very much.

Bill is the real McCoy. I believe altercations with some that live in cushy suburbs and have never endured hardship in the sticks as he and myself have, offer stern advice and "this is how it is" posts. Bill is a living adventure. Myself. I'm stuck in a worm hole awaiting exit to the other side. Soon hopefully.
Until then I'll live vicariously through others that actually have a life like Bill and finish sewing my dozen or so holsters today and start on spur straps for all at the Nukem Ranch.

Bad Water Bill
05-12-2014, 01:43 PM
But how long has his family lived on that site?

Just Duke
05-12-2014, 01:47 PM
Let's all treat treat each other like we were face to face at a camp fire sharing steak and beans.

Just Duke
05-12-2014, 01:50 PM
But how long has his family lived on that site?

That has nothing to do with it. They will bleed him dry until he can't pay his taxes anymore and then buy the ranch for pennies on the dollar on the front steps of the capital building for back taxes at an auction that wasn't even advertised.

05-12-2014, 01:55 PM
Sounds like we need to all get together and organize some help here!

Just Duke
05-12-2014, 02:07 PM
Sounds like we need to all get together and organize some help here!

You would need 100K JUST! to get the ball rolling. No a bake sale will not help out this time respectfully speaking sir.

05-12-2014, 02:17 PM
It's too bad. I liked hearing the way he thought. Almost always agreed with him.

05-12-2014, 02:20 PM
So what would that amount too, 5 bucks a member.
Bills fight is for all of us in the long run anyway. The problem is pretty much all western ranchers are in the same fight, or will be before long.

Just Duke
05-12-2014, 02:29 PM
So what would that amount too, 5 bucks a member.
Bills fight is for all of us in the long run anyway. The problem is pretty much all western ranchers are in the same fight, or will be before long.

They have all the city, state and locals backing them. Bill does not.
The word futile comes to mind.

05-12-2014, 02:50 PM
So what would that amount too, 5 bucks a member.
Bills fight is for all of us in the long run anyway. The problem is pretty much all western ranchers are in the same fight, or will be before long.

while "5 bucks a member" is a nice thought, in all reality, we'd probably just come up with an average of $20 each from about 50 members and nothing else.

Love Life
05-12-2014, 02:53 PM
Bill is a good man, and as mentioned, the real deal. It really sucks that they are back at him since he won. Last email I got from him was him being happy because it was over...for now.

05-12-2014, 02:53 PM
Bill told me one time, IIRC this battle has been going on with him personally for 7-12 years. The good guys in this, Bill and other land owners, keep winning but then the bad guys appeal and just keep tying up the land owner operating funds. Last August Bill won his second Federal Court hearing.

05-12-2014, 03:04 PM
The problem is they have organized dues paying membership by the thousands to fight the little guys. While Bill and others like him are out thousands and thousands of out of pocket expense, these clowns are just out their yearly dues and some donations. It is a numbers game, and we are loosing. This amounts to big bucks to put against their whacko green agendas and buy politicians. There is no normal people organizations to fight back, though we probably out number them pretty bad, and could probably put the hurt on them if there was some sort of common sense dues paying organized effort.

Love Life
05-12-2014, 03:12 PM
Spot on there Starmac.

Just Duke
05-12-2014, 03:55 PM
The problem is they have organized dues paying membership by the thousands to fight the little guys. While Bill and others like him are out thousands and thousands of out of pocket expense, these clowns are just out their yearly dues and some donations. It is a numbers game, and we are loosing. This amounts to big bucks to put against their whacko green agendas and buy politicians. There is no normal people organizations to fight back, though we probably out number them pretty bad, and could probably put the hurt on them if there was some sort of common sense dues paying organized effort.

I am completely aware of this.

Bad Water Bill
05-12-2014, 04:16 PM
When those tree huggers complain about the $25.99 Mc Donald Happy Meal let them go out and GRAZE on the Bunde and Wadel ranches.

Nothing but tumbleweed to eat is you can find it.

And NO we are not going to tell them where to get a drink of water cause there are no faucets out there.:bigsmyl2:

Just Duke
05-12-2014, 04:58 PM
When those tree huggers complain about the $25.99 Mc Donald Happy Meal let them go out and GRAZE on the Bunde and Wadel ranches.

Nothing but tumbleweed to eat is you can find it.

And NO we are not going to tell them where to get a drink of water cause there are no faucets out there.:bigsmyl2:

Sir they are just DUMB!!! they have not or will ever figure this out. They can though just go buy food from the grocery store that come's out of the meat machine where no animals are harmed.

05-12-2014, 05:25 PM
Let's all treat treat each other like we were face to face at a camp fire sharing steak and beans.

I try to do this, even when I disagree with another party. That being said, I have noticed Bill's absence as well as a few other folks that I truly enjoyed their company on here. I enjoy coming here to visit and hopefully learn something too but mostly I enjoy reading and "visiting" folks. You can find out what is going on all over the country and even a bit of the world right here. It's a shame that so many of the fella's feel the need to move on. I wish Bill the best but I have to agree with Duke, he's fighting pockets with no bottom. I just hope he comes out of it with what he needs because there is no way they will ever let him have what he wants.


05-12-2014, 09:41 PM
I am hoping it is nothing more serious than just the usual stuff. I thought Bill was a great contrition to this place and I miss his posts

From Mirriam-Webster On Line:
noun \kən-ˈtri-shən\

: the state of feeling sorry for bad behavior : the state of being contrite

Intentional?...Freudian slip?....Auto spell check gone berserk?.....I just couldn't help it, I thought it was kinda funny.

Don't anybody get their panties in a wad and feel insulted. This comment is not aimed at any individual. I just commented on something I find humorous.