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04-12-2014, 12:32 PM
Hi Folks,

While I was in the shop loading 45-70 ammo my mind drifted and I recalled giving a fellow a ride in my truck. We were going fishing. He picked up a box of ammo on the truck seat and was telling me he knew a lot about guns, because he comes from a family of hunters back in Michigan. Then he removed a cartridge from the box of Winchester 510 grain soft point 458 Win Mag ammo, turned it over a few times and asked "Is this a pistol bullet?"

What's your favorite story about silly remarks?

Take care, Tom

04-12-2014, 12:39 PM
I heard one the other day. It was about Alliant selling all their powder to the military, and not selling powder any longer to reloaders. I heard it right here on this board, so it must be true. It came from a well informed new gun shop owner second hand.

04-12-2014, 12:45 PM
38 special is bigger than 357 cause 38 is bigger than 357.

Also 44 mag is so much bigger than 41 mag cause one is .44" the other .41"

Reloading lead is illegal

Silencers are illegal

Full auto weapons are illegal

The list could go on for days

04-12-2014, 12:47 PM
Many years ago I was an indoor range director. We had this guy who would whine and snivel if he had to take the shooting position next to the wall! Claimed shooting from that position would cause him to miss the target bull. He also maintained that three of us who shot 190 Anschutz rifles had an advantage over those who used the peep-sighted club rifles. One day I got fed up with that BS and went in there, took the position next to the wall, got my kid to hand me a different club rifle for each of ten shots and went and gave the whiner the target with ten bulls, nine X. Shut him up----finally!

04-12-2014, 12:51 PM
Had a "dude" tell me he was a door gunner on choppers in the military. Said he "always" used a 60 caliber machinegun! I asked him just what kind of MG that would have been, he replied, "An M-60!"

Here's your sign!!!:bootgive:

04-12-2014, 01:21 PM
Hi Folks,

While I was in the shop loading 45-70 ammo my mind drifted and I recalled giving a fellow a ride in my truck. We were going fishing. He picked up a box of ammo on the truck seat and was telling me he knew a lot about guns, because he comes from a family of hunters back in Michigan. Then he removed a cartridge from the box of Winchester 510 grain soft point 458 Win Mag ammo, turned it over a few times and asked "Is this a pistol bullet?"

What's your favorite story about silly remarks?

Take care, Tom

Well, it might have been, to Elmer Keith.........:D

04-12-2014, 01:32 PM
"what the hell are you doin shootin' lead boolits? Dont you know that will ruin your barrel?"

04-12-2014, 01:38 PM
Probably the mass misunderstandings about lead bullets from a technical standpoint. You'll get lead poisoning, you'll damage your barrel, your glock will explode, they aren't accurate, etc.

Perhaps one of the more ridiculous things I've heard though was while standing in a gun shop the other day, a gentleman in at least his late 60s was telling everyone and anyone who would listen very loudly and forcefully about how he crept across a field in vietnam to slit somebody's throat and save his colonel. I always thought the posers were exaggerated, but that guy was actually trying to pass it off as real!

That said I'm a manager at a retail store and one of my employees is a high school kid who has lately tried his best to impress me with his brother in law's gun collection which he says is "hundreds and hundreds of guns" (I know of his BiL, and I doubt he owns much of anything, honestly), and talked at length about how precise he is with his "22 caliber american made luger". When I prodded him for details on the American luger and asked if he meant Ruger, he affirmed that no, it was a luger, and they came to the united states before wwII.

04-12-2014, 01:42 PM
I'm a great shot. Your gun must be off.

04-12-2014, 01:49 PM
Oh and my all time fav. reloading will cause your gun to explode

04-12-2014, 01:59 PM
Probably the mass misunderstandings about lead bullets from a technical standpoint. You'll get lead poisoning, you'll damage your barrel, your glock will explode, they aren't accurate, etc.

Perhaps one of the more ridiculous things I've heard though was while standing in a gun shop the other day, a gentleman in at least his late 60s was telling everyone and anyone who would listen very loudly and forcefully about how he crept across a field in vietnam to slit somebody's throat and save his colonel. I always thought the posers were exaggerated, but that guy was actually trying to pass it off as real!

That said I'm a manager at a retail store and one of my employees is a high school kid who has lately tried his best to impress me with his brother in law's gun collection which he says is "hundreds and hundreds of guns" (I know of his BiL, and I doubt he owns much of anything, honestly), and talked at length about how precise he is with his "22 caliber american made luger". When I prodded him for details on the American luger and asked if he meant Ruger, he affirmed that no, it was a luger, and they came to the united states before wwII.

I'm 64, and I vaguely remember Mauser branded 'Lugers' in .22rf in the dark distant past, but not WWII. This would have been in the 60's or 70's. Then there were the ERMA 'Luger' lookalikes that I recall. Looked like a Luger, but not toggle operated. Learning about guns takes a lot of time, questions, and reading. Most teens want to be taken seriously. Don't berate him, guide him. mikey

04-12-2014, 02:28 PM
Gander Mountain salesman to a customer..
You can't shoot lead bullets in an AR15 it will fill up the barrel with lead and Explode !!
never ever shoot reloads in a glock .. it will Explode
Or the guy who could not figure out why everytime he pulled the trigger on his Mosin he saw the fire of god.. had to hammer the bolt up and pick out all the 308 brass pieces.. His buddy was in Nam and mosins were 308 caliber..would not hear it was the wrong rds he was shooting

04-12-2014, 02:30 PM
Then there was the new loader returning his gun to the shop because nothing he did would fire. When asked what his loads were, he immediately and proudly replied he carefully used 8 grains of powder.....and meticulously counted each and every one of those grains under a magnifying glass to make sure he got it just right. He did not want to blow up his new gun!

One is born every minute.....and they eventually reproduce....and VOTE!!!! :veryconfu


04-12-2014, 02:32 PM
Obama's speeches...

04-12-2014, 02:37 PM
Heard at work this past week;
"Pb, you shouldn't shoot lead bullets in your 45, it smears lead all over."
"I don't use Unique for my 9mm, it is a rifle powder." <<<<<from the office reloading expert.
"but Red Dot is my favorite 223 powder."<<<<< same guy, he lost me at this point,,,
"They can arrest you if they find reloads in your CCW gun"

04-12-2014, 02:51 PM
Then there was the new loader returning his gun to the shop because nothing he did would fire. When asked what his loads were, he immediately and proudly replied he carefully used 8 grains of powder.....and meticulously counted each and every one of those grains under a magnifying glass to make sure he got it just right. He did not want to blow up his new gun!

One is born every minute.....and they eventually reproduce....and VOTE!!!! :veryconfu


wonder what he would have done with Trailboss ?

04-12-2014, 02:56 PM
wonder what he would have done with Trailboss ?
Added milk and start eating. They do look like cereal......

45-70 Chevroner
04-12-2014, 03:20 PM
"what the hell are you doin shootin' lead boolits? Dont you know that will ruin your barrel?"
I've heard that more times than I can count.

04-12-2014, 03:34 PM
My first stunt working for the Post Office in the mid-70's. The majority of the male work force were WW2 and Korea vets. There were a few at every station that told some real whopper war stories that grew every time it was told. Nearly obscene kill numbers and some tall tales even a 10 year old would not believe. A classic example was a sailor shooting down a Zero with a 45 during the Pearl Harbor attack. A Merchant Marine claimed to have sunk a U-Boat with a hand grenade. One co-worker was a never promoted 2nd LT for nearly the entire war claimed he was on Eisenhower's personal staff of advisors. The actual combat veterans didn't have much to say. Especially the Marine Island Hoppers usually saying something like "I don't like talking about it". They were the real heroes with believable stories on the rare occasions they'd open up. The Marines would talk and brag about winning or losing a bunch of cash or souvenirs in a card or dice game while at sea. When the conversation turned into combat stories they usually clammed up, dropped out of the conversation and let the others tell their tall tales.

04-12-2014, 03:37 PM
I was at a trap range where this one man could break every target when closer than 20 yards. When we went back to 27 yards for the shootoff he would complain that his gun wouldn't' shoot that far.
After listening to this for about 4 shoots I asked if I could try his gun. I proceeded to break 10 target in a row from 27 yards with it.
The man took his shotgun, walked over to his car,put the gun in a case, and left the range.
He was signed up on 4 more shoots and just left them.

04-12-2014, 03:39 PM
My first stunt working for the Post Office in the mid-70's. The majority of the male work force were WW2 and Korea vets. There were a few at every station that told some real whopper war stories that grew every time it was told. Nearly obscene kill numbers and some tall tales even a 10 year old would not believe. A classic example was a sailor shooting down a Zero with a 45 during the Pearl Harbor attack. A Merchant Marine claimed to have sunk a U-Boat with a hand grenade. One co-worker was a never promoted 2nd LT for nearly the entire war claimed he was on Eisenhower's personal staff of advisors. The actual combat veterans didn't have much to say. Especially the Marine Island Hoppers usually saying something like "I don't like talking about it". They were the real heroes with believable stories on the rare occasions they'd open up. The Marines would talk and brag about winning or losing a bunch of cash or souvenirs in a card or dice game while at sea. When the conversation turned into combat stories they usually clammed up, dropped out of the conversation and let the others tell their tall tales.
My father was like that. Wouldn't talk about it.
I didn't understand why till after Vietnam.

04-12-2014, 03:43 PM
those that really did ...don't talk about it ..too many bad memories

04-12-2014, 03:44 PM
I'm 64, and I vaguely remember Mauser branded 'Lugers' in .22rf in the dark distant past, but not WWII. This would have been in the 60's or 70's. Then there were the ERMA 'Luger' lookalikes that I recall. Looked like a Luger, but not toggle operated. Learning about guns takes a lot of time, questions, and reading. Most teens want to be taken seriously. Don't berate him, guide him. mikey

Mikey, really excellent advice. The teen years are tough, kids do the best they can. A little help and patience goes a long ways towards helping a young person thru that sometimes difficult period in life. jay

04-12-2014, 04:05 PM
Added milk and start eating. They do look like cereal......

.........but taste like chicken!!!!


04-12-2014, 04:22 PM
I was filling out time cards one day at the Downey, Ca. pole yard and this notorious liar trapped me. People usually ran when they saw him approaching. He started telling me of his WWII exploits and concluded with this absolute gem, " manys the time I've tossed a grenade in a roomful of Germans, kicked down the door and went in with my M1 blazing". That one has got to be one of the all time classic.

04-12-2014, 05:10 PM
Had a gun salesman tell me that the BP and lead I was planning on shooting in my NIB Colt would "wear it out quickly". I had to give him a quick lesson in history and basic metallurgy.
Heard another tale about a guy's buddy who had the best load ever for the 45-70, would shoot thru 2-3 big trees! He simply filled the case with some kind of smokeless powder and seated the bullet, accurate too! He never could tell me the name of the powder, he was pretty sure that wasn't important. Would have been nice to now, just in case I ever want to shoot a tree.

04-12-2014, 06:52 PM
My brother in law told me "Taurus makes the best 1911s available" this is coming from a guy who shoots 50 rounds a year to "be a good shot when the SHTF" and he swears up and down WWB is the most accurate ammo made and reloading is "expensive and dumb".

04-12-2014, 07:09 PM
Was told today by a crusty olde clown at the scrap yard selling junk that no one can legally buy and melt WW's...............as they are each licensed/registered by the DOT!

And to make things even worse (for him) he said.....besides after whirling around like that for all those years, the molecular structure of the lead will be altered.

O.......M........G!!!!!!!!! I had to sit down!

Let's see............alter the structure of Pb by a bit.......and we have GOLD! If only alchemists had had trucks and cars back then, they would have not wasted all that time trying to turn lead into gold.

What a moron.


45-70 Chevroner
04-12-2014, 07:16 PM
Gander Mountain salesman to a customer..
You can't shoot lead bullets in an AR15 it will fill up the barrel with lead and Explode !!
never ever shoot reloads in a glock .. it will Explode
Or the guy who could not figure out why everytime he pulled the trigger on his Mosin he saw the fire of god.. had to hammer the bolt up and pick out all the 308 brass pieces.. His buddy was in Nam and mosins were 308 caliber..would not hear it was the wrong rds he was shooting
Well that just proves one thing the Mosin is stronger that it looks.

04-12-2014, 07:21 PM
Then there was the new loader returning his gun to the shop because nothing he did would fire. When asked what his loads were, he immediately and proudly replied he carefully used 8 grains of powder.....and meticulously counted each and every one of those grains under a magnifying glass to make sure he got it just right. He did not want to blow up his new gun!

One is born every minute.....and they eventually reproduce....and VOTE!!!! :veryconfu


Ok, your making that up :lol:

04-12-2014, 07:36 PM
My first stunt working for the Post Office in the mid-70's. The majority of the male work force were WW2 and Korea vets. There were a few at every station that told some real whopper war stories that grew every time it was told. Nearly obscene kill numbers and some tall tales even a 10 year old would not believe. A classic example was a sailor shooting down a Zero with a 45 during the Pearl Harbor attack. A Merchant Marine claimed to have sunk a U-Boat with a hand grenade. One co-worker was a never promoted 2nd LT for nearly the entire war claimed he was on Eisenhower's personal staff of advisors. The actual combat veterans didn't have much to say. Especially the Marine Island Hoppers usually saying something like "I don't like talking about it". They were the real heroes with believable stories on the rare occasions they'd open up. The Marines would talk and brag about winning or losing a bunch of cash or souvenirs in a card or dice game while at sea. When the conversation turned into combat stories they usually clammed up, dropped out of the conversation and let the others tell their tall tales.
My grandfather landed at Normady and fought all the way into Germany. I remember him telling exactly 3 stories about the entire time. One was about a bar in France when the bartender was wiping down the bar and covered some change with his towel and my grandfathers friend put a knife threw his hand and got the money back, one where he used to get his chow and go out behind the tent and give it to a little girl and stay there while they ate so other kids would not steal it and the last how he broke his back on patrol in a rockslide and a german soldier found him. The guy decided he had had enough fighting and carried my grandfather back to his unit and surrendered. My grandfather later found him and "bought him dinner and liquor" before he left Europe. Pepe never talked about battle. Period. Men who have seen battle don't usualy talk about it much

04-12-2014, 08:14 PM
That "bullets will bounce off a Bears skull"....that hasn't worked for me yet !
(Rubber slugs and buckshot the Park Service uses will ! )

That "Wolves wont attack Humans"....right.

That "The 1911 is outdated so you need a Glock".... Not gonna happen !

04-12-2014, 08:15 PM
In a remedial intro chem class, "Why do I need to know this old metric system, I am in Pre-Pharmacy!" A near perfect GPA was needed to get into Pharmacy school.

04-12-2014, 08:27 PM
A saleman at Dicks told me if you own a Remington, you have to shoot Remington ammo. Thats what it was designed for.

04-12-2014, 08:33 PM
If you actually believe that the Democrats really want to take your gun rights, you're obviously misinformed and suffering from paranoia.

04-12-2014, 08:37 PM
I was at a re enactment once and a lady came around looking for a cork screw to open a wine bottle. After no one produced one she stated that she guessed she would just have to do with out. I asked her if she planned to drink the whole bottle and she said yes..... I said let me see the bottle. She handed it to me, I pushed the cork down in the bottle and said, "Here, drink up." She said wow! "I never though of that!" And.... "this gun is brand new, It has never been fired"..... I usually don't bother to tell them that everyone has been proof fired at the factory...

04-12-2014, 08:53 PM
If you actually believe that the Democrats really want to take your gun rights, you're obviously misinformed and suffering from paranoia.

I've also heard that one a few times before. My response is the same every time. "Is that what the Commissar told you to say?" Usually I get a blank stare in return. So I just stare them back straight in the eye. Just useful idiots repeating the party line in exchange for whatever they, or some member of their family, is getting free from the taxpayer's trough.

04-12-2014, 09:24 PM
OMG.... I havent laughed so hard in quite a while!!! My wife had to ask what the heck was going on because I was almost in tears from laughing so hard after reading this thread!!! Especially bangerjim's story!! Love that spinning WW on the rims will change the molecular structure..... ROFL
Please keep them coming!!


04-12-2014, 09:25 PM
In a remedial intro chem class, "Why do I need to know this old metric system, I am in Pre-Pharmacy!" A near perfect GPA was needed to get into Pharmacy school.

If you are in remedial chem you ant getting into pharmacy school. Near perfect GPA isn't needed but chem is a class that separates wheat from chaff in the selection process.

I frequently get told about how someone dropped their hudrocodone in the toilet because they opened the bottle and dropped it. Either the toilet or the kitchen sink. Am I the only one who doesn't open meds over the toilet or a full kitchen sink.

I also liked the lady who needed a refill on her inhaler early. When asked why it was because her infant used hers up when playing with it. Yes, her infant was playing with her medication.

As for gun related myths, easy to find them. Hang out at the range. Like the time a guy told me I should put a penny in my pot each refill to help harden the lead.

04-12-2014, 10:04 PM
If you actually believe that the Democrats really want to take your gun rights, you're obviously misinformed and suffering from paranoia.

Ah so your the friend Jaystuw speaks of, no doubt that Kool-Aid is powerful stuff. I just ask them to do a little research and add up all the anti-gun bills written by Republicans and how many were written by dumbocrats.


04-12-2014, 10:25 PM
But Rick, it is for the kids.

"My esteemed colleague" in the house or senate. Why not be honest and refer to them as they really feel

04-12-2014, 10:39 PM
357 Mag Revolver was just not going to work for self defense, only a Glock was going to work. This from the same genius that told a kid at work that a 45ACP was not a good defensive round. He needed a double stack Glock. I think he has a Glock fetish. Also told him that lead reloads were stupid and not only would ruin a gun, they just would not stop anyone.

04-12-2014, 10:49 PM
That Alliant is going to stop selling powder to the public.

04-12-2014, 11:03 PM
I was at a re enactment once and a lady came around looking for a cork screw to open a wine bottle. After no one produced one she stated that she guessed she would just have to do with out. I asked her if she planned to drink the whole bottle and she said yes..... I said let me see the bottle. She handed it to me, I pushed the cork down in the bottle and said, "Here, drink up." She said wow! "I never though of that!"
Another way is to expose the cork, remove your shoe and then put the base of the bottle inside your shoe (for padding) - then tap the padded base of the bottle sideways against a solid wall. The cork gets pushed out bit by bit by hydraulic pressure until you can pull it out by hand.

As for dumb stuff... oh, so many, but the first that comes to mind when I worked in a gun store in my 20s are the folks who, on seeing a chromed or stainless handgun, would nod wisely and tell their friends "That's a .45 mag-a-num"

04-12-2014, 11:07 PM
How bout " that air rifle (.177) had more power than a .22lr in it's day!"
From more than one person and they genuinely believed themselves. :roll:

04-12-2014, 11:18 PM
That 'big slow calibers would NEVER be as Accurate as small fast ones' .....LoL:coffeecom

04-12-2014, 11:26 PM
I don't know what anyone elses experiences with the Taurus PT1911 is, but my son can tear one jagged hole at 10 yards with Lee 200gn SWC pushed with 5.5gn of Win 231 and mixed brass. He hasn't worn it out yet.

04-12-2014, 11:30 PM
I was standing by the missile float at an air show, answering questions, when I heard one of the "guests" telling his son that the Phoenix missile was nuclear.

04-12-2014, 11:36 PM
If you are in remedial chem you ant getting into pharmacy school. Near perfect GPA isn't needed but chem is a class that separates wheat from chaff in the selection process.

I frequently get told about how someone dropped their hudrocodone in the toilet because they opened the bottle and dropped it. Either the toilet or the kitchen sink. Am I the only one who doesn't open meds over the toilet or a full kitchen sink.

I also liked the lady who needed a refill on her inhaler early. When asked why it was because her infant used hers up when playing with it. Yes, her infant was playing with her medication.

As for gun related myths, easy to find them. Hang out at the range. Like the time a guy told me I should put a penny in my pot each refill to help harden the lead.

Lol, it would seem this is a common problem with xanax too. Funny how I never get told by patients that their xxxxxxxx fell down the sink (insert name of non controlled substances here) and need early refills.

Old Caster
04-12-2014, 11:58 PM
Was standing at Cape Canaveral watching a launch and as it went up and was just about out of sight, it touched the moon edge which was quite large that night and a lady next to us said, "I didn't know this was a moon flight." -- Bill --

04-13-2014, 12:01 AM
That "bullets will bounce off a Bears skull"....that hasn't worked for me yet !

a guide up in Churchill saved a mans life after the 30-30 factory RN bounced off the Pbear's skull..
the bear was killed with a shot from a 7mmMag. Afterward, they check the head and the hair was gone from just after the nose to almost to the eyes... figured it skidded up the skull

my Favourite Silliest thing is when a woman says she needs a well endowed man to satisfy her.... I always tell her to find a man who knows how to USE his!

04-13-2014, 01:01 AM
Tallest tale I ever heard at a trap & skeet range was a guy bragging his team "back home" broke so many in a row that the range operator got Guinness World Records on the phone.

04-13-2014, 02:10 AM
I had dropped off some 45 cast bullets at the gun shop that I had made as a favor. I went in the back room to check out the AR I had engraved that he had on the bench getting finished up. Guy walks in and asks who cast all those nice bullets. Gun dealers says a woman who buys stuff and does engraving for me. Guy went on and on for 5 minutes about women not being smart enough to know about smelting, all they can do is barely cook in a kitchen. I was sitting in back laughing then walked up front. Justin pointed at me and said she cast them. I thought the guy was having a heart attack the way he sputtered and turned red. He finally turned and sort of stumbled out the door. Justin thanked me and said that was the fastest he had ever left and he didn't have to listen to mr know it all for 3 hours.

There is a smallish group that hangs out there and they all know me, we sit and BS for a couple hours when I stop by. Had another guy ask the same thing and they all looked at each other and broke out laughing then pointed at me. Another guy who started in on how I couldn't possibly know how to do it. Then I pointed out that I repaired electronics for years, was well aware of the melting points of lead alloys via solder and that a bullet was just a big glob of solder. To cold of a mold bad bullet, get it to hot bad bullet, same goes for soldering, to cold and a bad joint, to hot and destroy components or circuit board.. it isn't rocket science dude...

04-13-2014, 02:12 AM
Given the opportunity and an audience, many a normal bloke will feel compelled to to contribute to the conversation when a bunch of guys are swapping stories.

I always resort to my war story in dramatic fashion when I was in Israel in '73. "I was surrounded by Egyptians and Syrians. There was no way out, artillery, tanks, bombs exploding all around me, Infantry advancing, AK47's firing full auto"...I then stopped talking and looked down just shaking my head. Someone would eventually ask.."What happened?" Well, I replied..."I WAS KILLED!!"

04-13-2014, 06:28 AM
btroj quote
"As for gun related myths, easy to find them. Hang out at the range. Like the time a guy told me I should put a penny in my pot each refill to help harden the lead."

So he knew about adding copper to the lead alloy to make the boolits harder and tougher WAY BACK THEN.

There is a complete posting about adding copper in the "lead and lead alloy section".


04-13-2014, 07:14 AM
btroj quote
"As for gun related myths, easy to find them. Hang out at the range. Like the time a guy told me I should put a penny in my pot each refill to help harden the lead."

So he knew about adding copper to the lead alloy to make the boolits harder and tougher WAY BACK THEN.

There is a complete posting about adding copper in the "lead and lead alloy section".


Except that a penny is copper clad zinc. He didn't mention adding anything else, just a penny. All he was gonna have me do was slowly contaminate my entire lead supply.

This was the same place where I got told that I was just gonna lead up my bore. That stopped when I shot one of their matches and took second place. With cast.

04-13-2014, 07:47 AM
I just remembered this one.
One fellow at work told me he and his buddy were shooting a 45-70 at an engine block and drove the first two cylinders into the preceding ones with it. As in like an accordion.
I told him never noticed that level of power in the one I own. He told me he had bought special shells....

04-13-2014, 08:32 AM
"My rifle shoots real flat, I can hold dead on to 500 yards!":shock:

04-13-2014, 08:34 AM
Just read this today over on "Trapshooters.com" a guy show up at a shoot with several boxes of shells he had just reloaded with 700X and asks another shooter: "I didn't use a bushing for these loads. Do you think these shells will be ok?" Another time I had three young men with some sort of Black rifle scoped to the 9s and beyond shooting at a 500 yard gong and missing it a lot. I fired three consecutive shots with my 45-90 Sharps and smacked that sucker each time. They went on about what a lucky shot that was given that all I had was that peep sight. I told them that it wasn't luck, it was maybe 40+ years of weekly practice and really good home cast bullets. The "smarter" looking of the three said, "man, just think of how much better you could shoot with some factory loads". I gave up. Oh, they offered me a try with their rifle. I fired one sighting shot, realized that their sights were way off and then using Kentucky windage, smacked that sucker 9 times straight. There is no substitute for experience.

04-13-2014, 09:23 AM
Clogged wires. Years ago someone used that excuse when they couldn't figure out a landing gear problem. It had to be a joke.
But maybe.... if we had reversed polarity and powered up... Maybe that would flush all the smoke out of the electronics. Hmmm...

04-13-2014, 10:04 AM
Clogged wires. Years ago someone used that excuse when they couldn't figure out a landing gear problem. It had to be a joke.
But maybe.... if we had reversed polarity and powered up... Maybe that would flush all the smoke out of the electronics. Hmmm...

Did they say you had to use the left handed screwdriver when reversing polarity?

04-13-2014, 10:05 AM
I always got a chuckle out of the stories of miraculous shots that people had made or witnessed. The all time winner was a kid that watched his dad shoot a deer through the heart at 800 yards with an open sighted 30-30.

The other thing that I could never get over was the guys that would come in and lay down a mountain of cash on a high dollar rifle and then put a bargain basement scope on it. Never could get them to understand that you weren't going to get peak performance out of that high dollar gun when it has 3rd rate glass on it.

04-13-2014, 10:23 AM
One that I like to use when speaking with someone that knows how terrible cast boolits are because they tried them once and leaded up the bore really bad.

I tell them they made a common mistake of making the boolits out of WW that were on the left side of the car and then shooting them out of a right twist barrel.


04-13-2014, 10:45 AM
I tell them they made a common mistake of making the boolits out of WW that were on the left side of the car and then shooting them out of a right twist barrel.


This is true for casual shooting. For competitive shooting, the rifling twist needs to match the rpm of the wheels on which the weights were mounted.

04-13-2014, 10:45 AM
What happens if you use WW from south of the equator?

04-13-2014, 10:46 AM
This is true for casual shooting. For competitive shooting, the rifling twist needs to match the rpm of the wheels on which the weights were mounted.

So wheel weights from a dragster require the use of a gain twist barrel? Huh, didn't know that.

I shoot lots of handguns so I better buy wheel weights from old people, better for low end speeds.

04-13-2014, 10:50 AM
Go MaryB!

I've actually seen a friend of mine make two "miracle shots" that most folks here
would not believe. But I did see them. Could he repeat? Almost certainly not, but they
did happen - and they were exactly what he was trying to do, and on the first try.

I must not hang around the right crowd, never have heard much in the way of these
kind of silly stories.


04-13-2014, 10:59 AM
Go MaryB! Bill

Yeah, saying she can't cast because she's female is every bit as stupid as listening to guys at a match saying that she's no competition because she's a woman. Had my butt kicked many a times by woman shooters.


04-13-2014, 12:18 PM
At a local 100y military match, everyone except me was shooting factory ammo, milsurp, or jacketed reloads. I was shooting low powered cast handloads.
I wear those electronic muffs, so I can hear even with them on, right?
Mr. Know it All proceeds to pontificate, that I will not be able to hit the target with those 'junk' lead bullets, my bore will be leaded up within 10 shots...
As I went on to win the match, I overheard the same guy saying how I had won only because I was shooting those 'low powered lead' bullets:veryconfu

04-13-2014, 12:29 PM
During a power outage, the coffee pot died. Bemoaning the fact that I hate cold coffee as I struggled with a flashlight to call the power Co., I was smitten with the following advice--"Just put it in the microwave."

04-13-2014, 12:39 PM
One newbie to another recently at the range: "This is a forty millimeter pistol, and is too powerful to carry." I would be all in on shooting a genuine 40mm if it wasn't a crew served weapon.

R.Ph. 380
04-13-2014, 12:48 PM
If you are in remedial chem you ant getting into pharmacy school. Near perfect GPA isn't needed but chem is a class that separates wheat from chaff in the selection process.

I frequently get told about how someone dropped their hudrocodone in the toilet because they opened the bottle and dropped it. Either the toilet or the kitchen sink. Am I the only one who doesn't open meds over the toilet or a full kitchen sink.

I also liked the lady who needed a refill on her inhaler early. When asked why it was because her infant used hers up when playing with it. Yes, her infant was playing with her medication.

As for gun related myths, easy to find them. Hang out at the range. Like the time a guy told me I should put a penny in my pot each refill to help harden the lead.

Funny, when they come in my store, it's always my purse was stolen and all my pain meds were in it.

Standard answer? Where's your police report?


04-13-2014, 01:03 PM
What happens if you use WW from south of the equator?

You use a drilling

04-13-2014, 01:05 PM
Yeah, saying she can't cast because she's female is every bit as stupid as listening to guys at a match saying that she's no competition because she's a woman. Had my butt kicked many a times by woman shooters.

No lie. Best backer in a big truck I ever saw was a female.

04-13-2014, 01:13 PM
Clogged wires. Years ago someone used that excuse when they couldn't figure out a landing gear problem. It had to be a joke.
But maybe.... if we had reversed polarity and powered up... Maybe that would flush all the smoke out of the electronics. Hmmm...

There are "premium" audio cable manufacturers that claim there is a right and wrong end to landing the speaker wires from the stereo! Copper is copper, but they claim their is an ionic structure they have that allows the electron to flow easier in one direction than the other?

I even have a high-end audiophile buddy that says he can actually hear the difference!!!!!! Mabe he is just "high"!



04-13-2014, 01:30 PM
I over heard a couple guys talking at the bar one day. One guy said that a .44 mag wasn't any good past 50 yds. said it was so slow you could catch it in a catchers mitt.
I told him well you better have one dandy of a mitt, don't catch it in the palm, and don't be standing in front of it either.

04-13-2014, 02:00 PM
One of my favorites is, "...you shouldn't used (fill in blank) for that since it wasn't designed for that."
What something was designed for is generally irrelevant to how it works for a different purpose. Lodge cast iron dutch ovens weren't designed to smelt lead, so NEVER do that in them.:rolleyes:

04-13-2014, 02:34 PM
My favorite has to be Ronald Reagan's quote about the 8 scariest words in the English language:

"I'm from the Government and I'm hear to help"

04-13-2014, 02:45 PM
What happens if you use WW from south of the equator?

I dunno. I haven't figured out yet how they can stand to be upside down all the time. :veryconfu

We need to ask the Aussies or Kiwi's about that. [smilie=1:


04-13-2014, 03:04 PM
I was at a muzzleloader shoot a few years ago, I won 3 out of the 7 shoots that day using a 58 cal. caplock and a .570 diam round ball. One of the losers told me the only reason I won, was because my ball was so fat it made the hole look closer to the bullseye than it really was. ( true story)

04-13-2014, 03:08 PM
Obama's speeches...

+++++++++++ 1, and his followers in office!

04-13-2014, 03:12 PM
A guy I am helping to get into reloading for his 357 ( we started him with 5.5 grains red dot it worked well and he liked it and I stopped buying small pistol primers and use small rifle primers for my pistols) back when everything was impossible to find he was traveling and happened into a gun shop he had a short list of things to pick up if he could find them in his travels. So he tells the guy he wants a pound of red dot and 1K small rifle primers guy asked him what he was reloading so he tells him and he says YOU CAN"T DO THAT and refuses to sell him the red dot and would only sell him a pistol powder ( crs has ahold of me at this moment and can't remember which powder) and small pistol primers He told him that you could not use small rifle primers in a pistol cartridge and red dot is a shotgun powder and you should never use it in a rifle or pistol. This is a guy working in a gun shop putting out this info that is so sad. If my friend had had more experience he could have grabbed a manual off the shelf and proved his point but he was just starting at the time and did not think of showing this guy the loads that I had shown him in my manuals I am sure this is how some of the misinformation gets out

04-13-2014, 03:35 PM
Yeah, saying she can't cast because she's female is every bit as stupid as listening to guys at a match saying that she's no competition because she's a woman. Had my butt kicked many a times by woman shooters.


I heard two guys complaining that my friend Irene won the thousand yard match at the old Virginia City Buffler Runners shoot. I told them if they didn't like it, all they had to do was out-shoot her the next year.

Jack Stanley
04-13-2014, 03:51 PM
I think I've heard the sixty caliber machine gun story by some of the commandos . My favorite though was the guy that told me about the fifty millimeter machine gun he had to carry around . When I asked him to describe the thing dimension wise he went into great detail about it all the while perfectly describing an Barrett light fifty caliber semi-auto . He got a bit red faced after I started decribing rounds that were classified with the "millimeter" designation . Then reminded him that rounds like that used to be used in anti aircraft artillary . It would have been fun to watch him fire that from the shoulder . The old army guy listening to us had a hard time controlling his laugh .

This thread is almost as good as the Alliant isn't selling powder to civilians thread .


04-13-2014, 04:03 PM
lead boolits will wear your barrel out faster than jacketed bullets.

Marlin microgroove barrels won't shoot lead

04-13-2014, 04:05 PM
During my hunters safety class, one of the instructors told us that bullets that ricocheted off of water could actually start to go faster.

04-13-2014, 04:13 PM
I was at a muzzleloader shoot a few years ago, I won 3 out of the 7 shoots that day using a 58 cal. caplock and a .570 diam round ball. One of the losers told me the only reason I won, was because my ball was so fat it made the hole look closer to the bullseye than it really was. ( true story)

Now I know why I always shoot a low score? I shoot a 32. I guess I just need bigger balls to shoot better

04-13-2014, 04:13 PM
Marlin microgroove barrels won't shoot lead

I know that's true because I heard two guys talking about it in a gun store! [smilie=1:


04-13-2014, 04:26 PM
Who needs to go to The Local Gun SHop to hear mistruths, and REGURGITATED "facts"....one can get them for free right here and you never have to fire up the truck. :sad:

A 32-20 is not a deer capable device in anyones hands.

Boolit lube will melt out of the grooves unless made of unmeltium and make it past the driveband/brass seal...which will ruin your loads, and only lubes made of unmeltium will work at 90 degrees plus.

A 38+p or 357 mag will bounce off a deer at anything more than 1 foot.

Castboolits can never be driven as fast as their jacketed counterparts with accuracy.

Paraffin, vaseline, mineral oils will foul a blackpowder gun faster than stuffing potting soil down the bore.....if it is not made of beeswax and "natural" hippie friendly oils it simply will not work.

A 300 mag at 600 yards has more inherent "kill" than a 30-30 at 100 yards.

we could do this for days and days and days, but I fail to see the point.

country gent
04-13-2014, 04:45 PM
When we were testing the wifes AR she had shot a very nice 200 yd group prone around 1 1/2" for 10 shots all 10s and Xs. I had went down and brought the targets back and she had went to use the rest room. Several friends were looking at the group when a couple new club members came in and walked up. They fawned over the group being a keeper wanting to know who shot it. I relpied My wife did at 200 yds. He made a cute remark, one friend looked at him and told him here comes the shooter now. He couldnt believe She shot the group. and he went nuts when she picked her AR up from the stool and he seen Winnie the Pooh and piglet painted on the buttstock. LOL

04-13-2014, 05:22 PM
My friend came back from the eye doctor with a new pair of glasses. He said the doctor told him the lenses were bulletproof and would stand up to a 44 magnum.
He said because of that statement he would be willing to take a shot in the glasses from a 44mag since it would just fall to the floor after hitting his glasses.
Fortunately he has never tested that theory.

04-13-2014, 06:06 PM
What happens if you use WW from south of the equator?
Thats Easy...Use a nose pour mold so the southern molecules line up properly ![smilie=1:

04-13-2014, 06:22 PM
My friend came back from the eye doctor with a new pair of glasses. He said the doctor told him the lenses were bulletproof and would stand up to a 44 magnum.

I actually had an eye doctor tell me that about lens once (he knew I was a gun nut)...
You should have seen the look on his face when I asked him what was gonna' stop the bullet from pushing the lens all the way through my head.
He started laughing after a couple moments and said he'd never thought about it that way.

04-13-2014, 06:27 PM
My favorite has to be Ronald Reagan's quote about the 8 scariest words in the English language:
"I'm from the Government and I'm hear to help"

I count 9 words.:)


04-13-2014, 06:28 PM
Thats Easy...Use a nose pour mold ![smilie=1:

Ah, so that's how they do it down under? Brilliant!


04-13-2014, 08:04 PM
I actually had an eye doctor tell me that about lens once (he knew I was a gun nut)...
You should have seen the look on his face when I asked him what was gonna' stop the bullet from pushing the lens all the way through my head.
He started laughing after a couple moments and said he'd never thought about it that way.
I had a sales girl tell me the same thing when if bought a pair of sunglasses with polycarbonate lenses. I guess a lot of folks don't know the difference between shatter-resistant and bullet proof.

04-13-2014, 08:22 PM
2 years ago I was wandering the local annual gun show. I happened upon a table with a berry's ammo box full of ammo. I picked it up to look at it when the vendor grabbed it from me and told me I can't have it because it's hand loaded pistol ammunition with hollow point bullets. They're illegal don't you know? I asked him what's illegal and he replied hollow points. I pointed to all the tables around him and asked "why do they have all kinds of it?" He said they were breaking the law but it's not really enforced much anyway. Turns out I found out later he's a local gunsmith and a verifier for the RCMP. (I'm Canadian). Pretty scary stuff!

04-13-2014, 08:48 PM
If you actually believe that the Democrats really want to take your gun rights, you're obviously misinformed and suffering from paranoia.

Seems there was a couple of Dumbocrats up in Colorado that had that in mind and were kicked out on there collective arsers.

04-13-2014, 08:50 PM
357 Mag Revolver was just not going to work for self defense, only a Glock was going to work. This from the same genius that told a kid at work that a 45ACP was not a good defensive round. He needed a double stack Glock. I think he has a Glock fetish. Also told him that lead reloads were stupid and not only would ruin a gun, they just would not stop anyone.

Was at Cabelas once, perusing the shelves. Guy walked up to the sales woman at the counter.
Guy:"I need some ammo"
Her: "what kind of ammo are you looking for?"
Guy:"for my Glock"
Her:"What caliber is your Glock?"
Guy:"ma'am, is there a man around, cause Glock only shoots Glock caliber"

She politely pointed out another salesman, I walked over and appologized that Darwin had missed handing out the award to that winner. She started laughing.

04-13-2014, 09:26 PM
Ok, we are now over 100 posts on "The silliest things you've ever heard". Some really good ones, some all ya can do is shake your head in wonderment.

However . . . The absolutely silliest thing I have ever heard is right here in this thread . . .

If you actually believe that the Democrats really want to take your gun rights, you're obviously misinformed and suffering from paranoia.

Nobody in this thread has topped that yet. Maybe nobody anyplace.


04-13-2014, 09:51 PM
My first stunt working for the Post Office in the mid-70's. The majority of the male work force were WW2 and Korea vets. There were a few at every station that told some real whopper war stories that grew every time it was told. Nearly obscene kill numbers and some tall tales even a 10 year old would not believe. A classic example was a sailor shooting down a Zero with a 45 during the Pearl Harbor attack. A Merchant Marine claimed to have sunk a U-Boat with a hand grenade. One co-worker was a never promoted 2nd LT for nearly the entire war claimed he was on Eisenhower's personal staff of advisors. The actual combat veterans didn't have much to say. Especially the Marine Island Hoppers usually saying something like "I don't like talking about it". They were the real heroes with believable stories on the rare occasions they'd open up. The Marines would talk and brag about winning or losing a bunch of cash or souvenirs in a card or dice game while at sea. When the conversation turned into combat stories they usually clammed up, dropped out of the conversation and let the others tell their tall tales.

I am a member of a reunion association. It is made up of members who served in this one particular infantry battalion in VN. Every year we a reunion in a different city. Usually about 150 members show up with that many family members. It lasts three days and we have a dinner dance, a memorial dinner, a golf tournament and tours of local attractions in that particular city. The hub of the reunion is the hospitality room. There is free food and lots for free beer and booze.

The stories told are about R&Rs in exotic oriental cities, bars, bar girls, fights with 'legs', beating the green machine at it's own game, outragious black market schemes, making officers look stupid, etc, etc. But never, never, any stories about fights or battles. There are two MOH holders, thousands of purple hearts and participants in every major battle in VN from the Idrang valley, relieving the Marines at KheSanh and the first units committed to the invasion of Cambodia. The 'derring do' stories get better every year, but no one EVER talks about the grief or terror of close up combat in an infantry unit.

04-13-2014, 09:59 PM
An 'old timer' once told me that he dun kilt a buck at 800 yards with his jap .31 that his brother brought back from the war. Stepped it off hisself to make sure it was right. Yep, same sights it was issued with but 'touched up' a little by the old timer.

04-13-2014, 10:19 PM
Ok, we are now over 100 posts on "The silliest things you've ever heard". Some really good ones, some all ya can do is shake your head in wonderment.

However . . . The absolutely silliest thing I have ever heard is right here in this thread . . .

Nobody in this thread has topped that yet. Maybe nobody anyplace.


Please don't challenge Jay.

04-13-2014, 10:52 PM
I had three clerks at a LGS laugh at me for asking for 10mm. They told me that there was no such thing and I was probably looking for 9mm.

04-13-2014, 11:02 PM
The two silliest things I have heard lately.

1. In a gun shop I'm overheard by a gentleman while I asked if they had any Bullseye powder... The gun shop commando tells me "You gotta watch out for that Bullseye, it will blow up your gun." My reply was..."Well, it hasn't managed to yet after a few decades of shooting it, and if it ever does manage to blow up my gun, it will most likely have been MY fault and not the powders."

At a recent Gun Show booth, I heard a vendor talking to a potential customer over some mil surplus ammo.

2. The vendor is telling the customer "You can tell that the ammunition is non corrosive because of the red dye around the primers." I just shook my head and kept walking.

Gun shows, often entertaining and occasionally "educational".

- Bullwolf

04-13-2014, 11:11 PM
I just wish my memory was good enough right now to remember all the things I hear at the local gun shows.... Some make me laugh and really PO the person saying something stupid.


04-13-2014, 11:12 PM
40 years ago in the 11th grade there was a cute little lowrider chippie that proudly told me she and her boyfriend always "did it" standing up against a wall "cuz you can't get pregnant if you do it standing up" She did not make it to the end of the 11th grade. Got kicked out for being pregnant. Oh, BTW, did you know that Long Tom shotguns shoot harder and farther because of that long barrel. Gospel truth or so I've been told.:kidding:

04-13-2014, 11:23 PM
A simple fellow I worked with once told me. "You know, in Texas they still hang cattle rustlers".

I just replied.."well if they don't they should"

04-13-2014, 11:33 PM
"My rifle shoots real flat, I can hold dead on to 500 yards!":shock:

me too... I just can't understand why I keep shooting over their backs between 175 and 410 yds.....

MT Gianni
04-13-2014, 11:44 PM
That there Colt Pistol they give to Officers ain't much good over 15 yards.

04-14-2014, 12:52 AM
Many years ago, at the Canadian National Pistol Championships.......

I was involved in a discussion about shooting techniques and physical factors that affected the proceedings.

" Ya gotta be careful.... if you flinch or jerk with that Model 52, you can make them wadcutter bullets tumble as they leave the barrel."

Riiiiiight...told with a straight face and evident faith in the truthfulness of the statement. Uh-huh.

I've long found that many accomplished competitive shooters, regardless of their apparent skill, believe the most utterly ridiculous things imaginable about shooting, guns, and ammunition.

04-14-2014, 01:12 AM
The stories told are about R&Rs in exotic oriental cities, bars, bar girls, fights with 'legs', beating the green machine at it's own game, outragious black market schemes, making officers look stupid, etc, etc.

Not wanting to change the gist of the thread I got started with silly war stories.

My former and now deceased father-in-law was a WW2 officer, engineer and demolitions expert. He only saw serious combat once and lost a junior officer from a sniper. In the late 80's a member of his company wrote a book detailing their experiences after landing in Sicily to the end of the war. I didn't see it but according to my former mother-in-law as he read the book he constantly burst out in laugher and constantly shook his head. My FIL later told me the book was about 95% fairy tales.

The only serious combat my FIL encountered. He ordered a retreat saying everybody got away with just a few minor wounds. He was ordered to prepare a bridge for possible demolition and ran into German engineers on the opposite side likely with the same orders. None of the US engineers had anything more serious than M-1 Carbines but most carried pistols. My FIL said the German engineers were all armed with handguns as well and at least one Schmeisser. The two sides exchanged distant gun fire from opposite sides of the bridge and my FIL after seeing M-1 Carbine tracers bounce off the German engineer's leather coats. He radio'd for artillery or armor support and was denied. After he saw the German engineers getting infantry support, he pulled out. He said the following day the US cleared out the Germans with a couple of Shermans.

My FIL said the book's author had two chapters on the battle with both sides taking heavy casualties. Book said they were ordered to hold out for armor support. The sniper incident was greatly exaggerated as well. My FIL said they stayed down, hid and moved on when it got dark. The book had the sniper as a beautiful blued eyed blonde woman that scored several kills before the author claimed to have personally captured.

I never did get a chance to read the book my FIL called the Book of Fairy Tales. Seemed like every time we talked about the book my FIL would start laughing and shake his head.

04-14-2014, 06:15 AM
My all time favorite is "oh i would never carry (insert pistol name here) i would rather use a stick ".


04-14-2014, 06:50 AM
I saw a guy at a gun shop helping is buddy pick out a new pistol. It was clear he was an expert on everything. "Stopping power" this "hi capacity clip" that. He asked the clerk if he could take a look at the luger and pointed to a ruger 22/45. The clerk handed it to him with the slide locked back on an empty magazine and the guy immediately pointed it right at the clerk's face. He looked it over for a few seconds and asked the clerk if it was an automatic. He then tried to send the bolt forward by pulling it back and letting it go. He did this about 10 times before turning to his buddy and telling him the gun was junk because it had jammed already.

Yikes! These people own guns?

Digital Dan
04-14-2014, 06:58 AM
"If you like your insurance..."

04-14-2014, 08:48 AM
I got some pretty good belly shakers from the above post.I use to work with this guy that had a bad habit of presenting the truth where you couldn't reconized it.I asked his brother where did he get his stories from,he told me that he would read them in mens magzines and put his own ending to them.Got to paying attention to them and sure nuff they were from the mens magzines with his own ending.

04-14-2014, 10:10 AM
My favorite has to be Ronald Reagan's quote about the 8 scariest words in the English language:
"I'm from the Government and I'm hear to help"

I count 9 words.:)


"I'm" is used twice (it would't scare the OP twice)


04-14-2014, 10:22 AM
"My fellow Americans. I'm pleased to announce that I've signed legislation outlawing the Soviet Union. We begin bombing in five minutes." -joking during a mike check before his Saturday radio broadcast

"It's true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance?"

"I hope you're all Republicans." -speaking to surgeons as he entered the operating room following a 1981 assassination attempt

"Honey, I forgot to duck." -to his wife, Nancy, after surviving the assassination attempt

"I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself."

"I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national emergency -- even if I'm in a Cabinet meeting."

"Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

04-14-2014, 11:56 AM
An old timer telling a deer hunting story at my brothers general store gun counter. "Yep that 12 pt. buck was running up that hill pretty fast as I raised that old .45/70 to take a poke at him. Well he was about 400 yards away when he broke over the hilltop just as I fired that heavy slug. You know that heavy slug "Followed" that deer over the hilltop and killed him dead 40 yards down the other slope"!

Another favorite saying, "the .308 is too weak a cartridge to ever kill anything"!Robert

Bullshop Junior
04-14-2014, 01:24 PM
Feller where I grew up would constantly brag about how he killed wolves all the time over a mile away with a 17 remington.

04-14-2014, 01:32 PM
Lead bullets kill Condors

04-14-2014, 01:45 PM
Thats Easy...Use a nose pour mold so the southern molecules line up properly ![smilie=1:

That only works if the wheel weights have less than 2000 miles on them otherwise the molecule structure has changed.. I know because I heard it here :) :)

04-14-2014, 03:02 PM
I used to hear it every day. "I want my white pill for blood pressure refilled". I ask what is the name of it? "The white ones with the line down the middle".
Ain't life fun.

Mr. Ed

04-14-2014, 04:32 PM
"If you shoot better with a potato in your pocket then by all means carry a potato in your pocket." Unknown speaker at an archery shoot.

04-14-2014, 04:35 PM
Just work the action of this shotgun and all bad guys will soil thier pants and run. Or you dont need to aim a shotgun in the home, with this short barrel it will take everything out in the room.

04-14-2014, 05:18 PM
I have walked into a rowdy bar and shut the place up by racking the slide on an Ithaca 10 gauge.
You could only hear the juke box. Everything ended quietly.

Mr. Ed

04-14-2014, 07:03 PM
I have walked into a rowdy bar and shut the place up by racking the slide on an Ithaca 10 gauge.
You could only hear the juke box. Everything ended quietly.

Mr. Ed

This one I can believe. An ounce and a half is a might strong persuader, and no one wants to be first.

Digital Dan
04-14-2014, 07:36 PM
Mission Accomplished. - W.

Walter Laich
04-14-2014, 08:34 PM
I am a member of a reunion association. It is made up of members who served in this one particular infantry battalion in VN. Every year we a reunion in a different city. Usually about 150 members show up with that many family members. It lasts three days and we have a dinner dance, a memorial dinner, a golf tournament and tours of local attractions in that particular city. The hub of the reunion is the hospitality room. There is free food and lots for free beer and booze.

The stories told are about R&Rs in exotic oriental cities, bars, bar girls, fights with 'legs', beating the green machine at it's own game, outragious black market schemes, making officers look stupid, etc, etc. But never, never, any stories about fights or battles. There are two MOH holders, thousands of purple hearts and participants in every major battle in VN from the Idrang valley, relieving the Marines at KheSanh and the first units committed to the invasion of Cambodia. The 'derring do' stories get better every year, but no one EVER talks about the grief or terror of close up combat in an infantry unit.

My guess is part of the 1st Cav Div.
Possibly 1/8 or 2/8 Cav as they were the two airborne (ABN) BN of the division fights with 'legs'

and the reason no one talks about the actual combat is you can't describe it to those who weren't there and you don't need to if they were.

p.s. was in 2/8, went into Cambodia (looked like the same jungle to me), and was part of the The Anonymous Battle http://www.amazon.com/The-Anonymous-Battle-Republic-Squadron/dp/B0056PHRU0
part of C Company which was the one surrounded

04-14-2014, 08:58 PM
It's sad reading some of this stuff. I know none of us want gun control, but maybe we could make an exception for these people? I've heard a bunch of crazy things, mostly at the public range. One guy, referring to his new S&W M&P9 pistol, that only military and police are allowed to buy them (he was retired Navy). Another guy talking about his 7mm Rem Mag shooting 110gr Barnes TTSX Federal factory loads that the bullet shoots so flat that it doesn't start dropping until 600 yards. I tried explaining it to him that the bullet, regardless of velocity or type, starts dropping as soon as the bullet leaves the barrel. I'm not sure why I wasted the breath, he didn't care. Also while at the range, a 20 something guy kept telling people that he could build them an AR that would shoot 1/4" at 100 yards and be totally untraceable by the government. I then watched him drop his AR on the concrete floor, everyone was laughing their butt off once they realized it was unloaded.

People just like to exaggerate and make stuff up to sound like they know stuff and are more important but there are some of the best BS'ers in the gun community it seems.

04-14-2014, 09:18 PM
My guess is part of the 1st Cav Div.
Possibly 1/8 or 2/8 Cav as they were the two airborne (ABN) BN of the division fights with 'legs'

and the reason no one talks about the actual combat is you can't describe it to those who weren't there and you don't need to if they were.

p.s. was in 2/8, went into Cambodia (looked like the same jungle to me), and was part of the The Anonymous Battle http://www.amazon.com/The-Anonymous-Battle-Republic-Squadron/dp/B0056PHRU0
part of C Company which was the one surrounded

Walter, you are right on. I joined C-1-8 in May 66. When my tour was up, I got reassignment orders for the 82d at Ft. Bragg. I extended my tour in VN and got a job working the the HHC Operations Center as a duty NCO. It was better than spit shining two pairs of jump boots every night and picking up pine cones at Ft. Bragg. If anyone remembers payday or any Saturday nights in the Hay Street bars in Fayetteville, it was safer in VN. I stayed in VN until my enlistment was up in April 69. There were more "diversions" than North Carolina, the weather was better too and the booze a lot cheaper.

04-14-2014, 09:19 PM
I have walked into a rowdy bar and shut the place up by racking the slide on an Ithaca 10 gauge.
You could only hear the juke box. Everything ended quietly.

Mr. Ed

This one I can believe. An ounce and a half is a might strong persuader, and no one wants to be first.

I think the point is Ithaca never made a 10 gauge pump. That honor goes to the Browning BPS with 2 ¼” oz loads

04-14-2014, 09:24 PM
I have walked into a rowdy bar and shut the place up by racking the slide on an Ithaca 10 gauge.
You could only hear the juke box. Everything ended quietly.

Mr. Ed

It seems like many people who know a lot about guns dismiss the idea that the noise of a shotgun could have any benefit. Still, I've talked to more than one cop who has first hand experience with a situation similar to what Hawkeye described.

One cop put it this way: "The sound and appearance of a shotgun immediately separate the serious from the not-so-sure."

04-14-2014, 09:41 PM
I have walked into a rowdy bar and shut the place up by racking the slide on an Ithaca 10 gauge.
You could only hear the juke box. Everything ended quietly.

Mr. Ed

Works well with a Winchester 12 ga as well. Found that out after one bootlegger shot another one night.

Another favorite: "My 7 Mag bullets are still rising at 170 yards"

04-14-2014, 09:56 PM
I once got into a hell of an argument with a pin head at a certain gun range in Los Angeles. He was working the reloading store. I told him I wanted 8 lbs of IMR 4895 and he told me they were out. I said how about H4895 and he said they had that but they were not the same. I said for all practical purposes they were and any load difference was measured in single digits. He told me I was full of it and I said if you mean correct information you are right. I grabbed a load book and showed him that in the 3006 using 168 grn. MatchKing bullets there is only a very small difference (<2%) between the two. He still argued with me that I was crazy and the powders were not interchangeable. Personally, I think his ponytail was too tight.

04-14-2014, 10:21 PM
Then there was the new loader returning his gun to the shop because nothing he did would fire. When asked what his loads were, he immediately and proudly replied he carefully used 8 grains of powder.....and meticulously counted each and every one of those grains under a magnifying glass to make sure he got it just right. He did not want to blow up his new gun!

One is born every minute.....and they eventually reproduce....and VOTE!!!!

that takes the cake!

04-14-2014, 10:25 PM
I once got into a hell of an argument with a pin head at a certain gun range in Los Angeles. He was working the reloading store. Personally, I think his ponytail was too tight.

Hhmmm . . . Any chance you remember a name for the pony tail? How long ago did this happen? I would be very interested in that info, I'm a part owner of that range and reloading store.


Bullshop Junior
04-14-2014, 10:40 PM
hhmmm . . . Any chance you remember a name for the pony tail? How long ago did this happen? I would be very interested in that info, i'm a part owner of that range and reloading store.



04-14-2014, 10:46 PM
Oh snap, does Rick have a ponytail?

04-14-2014, 10:53 PM
...And to make things even worse (for him) he said.....besides after whirling around like that for all those years, the molecular structure of the lead will be altered.

Not gun related, but this reminded me of an instructor I had. We had a student, an older gent, who would sit and tap a diskette on the desk while he read. You know, the way some people will tap a pencil or their fingers. One day our instructor told him the diskette was magnetic media and by tapping it he was causing all the particles to fall to one side of the diskette and create an off balance that would damage the computer. The tapping stopped, but the joke backfired on the instructor. Later the student confided to a classmate that he had spent two weeks redoing an entire semester of homework he had saved to that "ruined" diskette.

04-14-2014, 11:01 PM
I worked with a guy who had a friend who supposedLy served in Iraq. Word is the guy shot numerous Iraqi troops at 300 plus yards with a stock M4, iron sights, all head shots.

04-14-2014, 11:03 PM
good point
"I'm" is used twice (it would't scare the OP twice)


04-14-2014, 11:09 PM
No name. It was maybe 3 - 4 years ago. I'd seen him before at another range. I thought it odd because I figured everyone knew that in the M1 using 150 to 168 grain bullets the two powders are near twins. Didn't care much for the tone he took with me.

04-14-2014, 11:12 PM
this was the best thread ever!

04-14-2014, 11:48 PM
:eek:Yep,all kinds of **** going on out there.On the"I`m from the govt"thing,IIRC that was from Will Rogers wayyyyyyyyyyyy
back when.Know what you mean about the vets not talking about their combat experiences.My Father and his oldest brother were WW1 vets,and they never spoke of that part of their service.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

04-15-2014, 06:30 AM
Also while at the range, a 20 something guy kept telling people that he could build them an AR that would shoot 1/4" at 100 yards ...

People claim 1/4" accuracy all the time. Maybe it even happens once in awhile. As one who shoots benchrest competition with a very fine, purpose-built (by a world champion), benchrest rifle, I can say this: even with the best equipment money can buy, it is very difficult to shoot 1/4" groups.

04-15-2014, 08:36 AM
People claim 1/4" accuracy all the time. Maybe it even happens once in awhile. As one who shoots benchrest competition with a very fine, purpose-built (by a world champion), benchrest rifle, I can say this: even with the best equipment money can buy, it is very difficult to shoot 1/4" groups.

No kiddin huh? A quarter inch is .250" so if your shooting a .308 that is literally a one hole group and even if your shooting a .224 it's still basically one hole. As for me shooting those one hole groups I can say in all honesty that . . . I've never done it.


Bullshop Junior
04-15-2014, 08:39 AM
Ive shot lots of one hole groups. I shoot 20 or 30 of them every time ai go shooting.

04-15-2014, 08:45 AM
Ive shot lots of one hole groups.

Silly kid . . . One shot groups don't count. [smilie=1:


04-15-2014, 10:07 AM
Here is one from Mrs. PB.
During the hubbub of Somali pirate activity a couple of years ago, the subject came up during lunch. One of her co-workers looked at my wife and said;
"I thought pirates were only in the movies."
so, my wife said;
"Excuse me?" (my wife is deaf in her left ear, so she sometimes can miss things in conversation)
"yeah, I didn't think pirates were real. I thought they were made up for the movies."
My wife replies;
"Do you have kids?"
"yes!, two of them."
My wife;
"too bad."

And she got up and went back to work......

To thoroughly unsettle you folks, my wife works for a rather large mail order pharmacy company. These are the people she has to work with, and the ones that deal with sensitive medical info....
Which is why the wife is a Senior quality auditor there.........

04-15-2014, 11:11 AM
"Do you have kids?"
"yes!, two of them."
My wife;
"too bad."

Priceless ! :)


04-15-2014, 11:37 AM
Given the opportunity and an audience, many a normal bloke will feel compelled to to contribute to the conversation when a bunch of guys are swapping stories.

I always resort to my war story in dramatic fashion when I was in Israel in '73. "I was surrounded by Egyptians and Syrians. There was no way out, artillery, tanks, bombs exploding all around me, Infantry advancing, AK47's firing full auto"...I then stopped talking and looked down just shaking my head. Someone would eventually ask.."What happened?" Well, I replied..."I WAS KILLED!!"

I'm going to steal that line the next time the boys are piling it on....

04-15-2014, 07:56 PM
some people's wedding vows

04-15-2014, 10:54 PM
I remember a good one from a while back. I used to frequent a dive bar on my nights off, and got to be acquainted with an officer from a neighboring jurisdiction.

He was usually a nice enough guy, but I got the impression that he was a larger than life know it all. He always wanted to talk shop and trade war stories. After 40+ hours a week on the job, that was usually the last thing I wanted to talk about. It was bad enough that friends of friends always wanted to hear cop stuff because of the novelty to them of talking to a cop in such a setting.

This guy could give the Mall Ninja a run for his money. In addition to all the other things he was amazing at, he was also a gunsmith.

He claimed that after he worked on a Glock 17, it would fire 9x19, .380, and 9mm Mak with 100% reliability. Not only that, but it would be more accurate than stock.

04-16-2014, 12:52 AM
Silliest thing I have heard? That lead bullets create higher pressure than jacketed.

04-16-2014, 01:13 PM
I'll just add a little more to my 9mm and make it as powerful as a 357

04-16-2014, 01:39 PM
Had a "dude" tell me he was a door gunner on choppers in the military. Said he "always" used a 60 caliber machinegun! I asked him just what kind of MG that would have been, he replied, "An M-60!"

Here's your sign!!!:bootgive:

LOL, had to read your post several times to figure out the problem as the M60 WAS the main MG used on Hueys during VN......I finally saw the "60 caliber" part........I guess I need to work on my reading comprehension.....:oops:

04-16-2014, 01:42 PM
You have to have a minimum 25 posts to sell something on this forum

+1 (ha!)

Old Caster
04-16-2014, 02:21 PM
Recently on the TV program "Cops", a policeman took a pistol away from a young man and it wasn't said whether it was a legal possession or not although it seemed to be. The Cop admonished him for having hollowpoint bullets and wanted to know where he got them as he explained they were for military operations only. The young man said, "Walmart", which was of course followed by laughter by the rest of the police.

04-16-2014, 02:40 PM
You cant shoot cast bullets accurately or fast in Micro-groove barrels.:killingpc Poor unlucky wheelbarrows full of head shot squills

04-16-2014, 03:25 PM
I couldn't find the purple button. I wondered when someone would remember Ithica didn't make a pump. At least a few did. I will try and find purple

Mr. Ed

04-16-2014, 03:31 PM
When I worked in a gun store in AZ. many years ago, I got a phone call from a woman inquiring if we had ammunition for a 16ga. shotgun. I answered that we did and she then asked "what's good for an ex-husband?" Took me a moment to get my composure and said that we had #3 buckshot, she stopped by later and got a couple of boxes. That was good for a few laughs, not at her, but for the poor SOB that had been harassing her.
The other one that stands out was before the market got flooded with Mosin Nagants. I was at the little gun show in Wickenburg and these two guys are standing next to me at a table and one of them is looking at this rifle. He asks his buddy what it is, he grabs it, looks at it for a minute and says "it's one of them Russkie rifles". His buddy asks him how he knew and he replied "cuz it's got Acrylic lettering on it" (Acrylic, Cyrillic, same difference). I broke out laughing and I don't think they knew why.
In this field there are more, but I don't think there is enough space for all of them and we will never keep up with all of the idiots.


04-16-2014, 03:37 PM
Just a few of the silliest.

"Shooting lead always leads the barrel because they make lead bullets to big for the caliber. If they made lead bullets the same size as copper bullets it wouldn't leave lead streaks clogging the barrel."

"The only reason to have a 30 round clip is to kill people."

"Once they are empty they are useless." Referring to gun magazines by a Colorado idiot politician.

"We have to do it for the children."

"They have weapons of mass destruction in Iraq."

"These banks are too big to fail"

"Affordable Care Act"

Almost anything with "act" in it.

04-16-2014, 03:48 PM
Anyone who says "It's a common sense measure"

04-16-2014, 04:38 PM
"what date is Cinco de Mayo this year?"

Messy bear
04-16-2014, 10:14 PM
stumbling around a gun show i overheard a guy ask a dealer which had better shelf life, 150gr or 180gr 30-06 ammo? i knew the dealer and we got a lot of miles out of that one. you just cant make this stuff up!

Bullshop Junior
04-16-2014, 10:26 PM
I had a guy tell me today that the knocking sound coming from the motor of te car I was looking to buy only happened when ever the car got low on windshield wiper fluid and it was a low fluid indicator. I filled it up with water and it still knocked (duh) and he got a extremly puzzled look on his face and said "that's what my mechanic told me it was...maybe the sensor thingy is broken..."

Needless to say I am still car shopping.

04-16-2014, 10:44 PM
Long ago. Kid behind the gun counter at a large hardware store in St. Louis that had a very large, and we'll stocked sporting goods department.
I asked for a box of 6MM Remington ammo. His answer " We don't have any military ammo".

04-16-2014, 11:14 PM
When people hear their neighbors shooting outside city limits where it is legal and call the cops just because.

paul edward
04-17-2014, 01:30 AM
What happens if you use WW from south of the equator?

South America or Australia?

paul edward
04-17-2014, 02:07 AM
Hunter from back east tells Wyoming rancher that a .243 is too small for elk. The rancher had been getting an elk every year for 20+ years with her .243, and usually with a single shot. (I had offered to reload for her, but she said a box of shells would last 8 or 9 years. Only needed two per season, one to make sure the sights were still right and another for the elk.)

04-17-2014, 06:49 AM
I couldn't find the purple button. I wondered when someone would remember Ithica didn't make a pump. At least a few did. I will try and find purple Mr. Ed

I don't understand. The Ithaca Model 37 is a pump shotgun.


Take care, Tom

04-17-2014, 08:54 AM
"They have weapons of mass destruction in Iraq."

Since the term "Weapons of Mass Destruction" has always included all chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons designed to kill indiscriminately, and even the most rabid liberals can't deny the caches of both chemical and biological agents found in Iraq (from loaded artillery shells to warehouses filled with barrels of both), the only thing "silly" about that quote is that anyone actually disputes it.
Oddly enough, when Obama was trying to make a case against the Syrian regime he used the "WMD" term dozens of times when referring to the use of chemical weapons against the rebellion. It was, in fact, the basis for his ineffective "red line"...What's silly is how easily the propaganda is swallowed and dessiminated.

04-17-2014, 09:10 AM
had a guy in our club claim he was ex miltary asked what his number was ,he couldnt remember .yeah right

04-17-2014, 10:57 AM
Not knowing your service number and or your MOS/AFSC is a clear indicator of a BSer

04-17-2014, 11:09 AM
Not knowing your service number and or your MOS/AFSC is a clear indicator of a BSer

I must be a BSer then. Service numbers came up in a conversation a few years ago, a number I thought I would never forget but I did. I remember the MOS number, 3516 but don't even know what AFSC is.


04-17-2014, 11:47 AM
Forgetting a service number before they were based on SSANs is possible and forgetting an MOS maybe but both? That seems highly unlikely...just say'n. as to AFSC, thats the USAF version of an MOS. So, uou dont get to qualify as a BSer, just an old Vet. :)

Walter Laich
04-17-2014, 12:05 PM
I can tell when I'm talking to an army vet: when I tell him I was an 11 Bravo he responds with 'Grunt'

04-17-2014, 02:02 PM
Getting back on track with the silliest things. In the early 80's after a three day deer hunt without even getting a shot off. Hunting bud and I stopped in a bar in Crown King Arizona. The area was full of pick-ups, campers, trailers etc and no deer. We were in the bar about 15 minutes, everybody sharing the one that got away stories. A guy comes in bar speaking in a strong accent. He was claiming to have shot just the biggest deer he had ever seen in his life. Must have been about a dozen of us walked out to see it, it was an Elk. One of the beer drinking hunters sounding half-lit said something to the foreigner about the "those dam flying saucers are back again cross breeding our animals". The foreigner speaking with his heavy accent asked "is the meat safe". As my friend and I walked back into the bar somebody was telling him the meat tasted like barbequed pork.

On the way out where Crown King rd meets the interstate Az G&F had set up a check station. Game Warden just looked in the back of my truck and waived us through. I've always wondered where the conversation could have gone with the Game Wardens if the foreigner never figured out his leg was being pulled.

04-17-2014, 02:26 PM
I can tell when I'm talking to an army vet: when I tell him I was an 11 Bravo he responds with 'Grunt'

Hoo ah.

04-17-2014, 03:31 PM
I had a student a few weeks ago who was told by another student that it was safe to stick a paperclip in the wall socket because only the right side is hot. Of course, this time it was reversed and the poor kid was knocked on his butt and burned pretty good. People do some dumb stuff.

Old Caster
04-17-2014, 06:57 PM
I had a student a few weeks ago who was told by another student that it was safe to stick a paperclip in the wall socket because only the right side is hot. Of course, this time it was reversed and the poor kid was knocked on his butt and burned pretty good. People do some dumb stuff.

Actually, this statement is silly because if a paperclip is inserted into a receptacle in only one of any one of the three "holes" they would feel nothing because there is no path for the current. Without any path, there would be no heat either. If a person is only shocked, there is no heat produced. If the clip is inserted into the smaller slot, which is the hot one if it is wired correctly, and either of the other slots the clip has a chance of getting hot but most likely would trip the breaker or fuse first. Other than that, if a poor connection is achieved between the two a flash can come out but the chance of getting burned at all is virtually nonexistent.

04-18-2014, 12:40 AM
Wel if they were barefoot on concrete or dirt they would get zipped bad but burnt I doubt. 120 makes you let go

04-18-2014, 01:27 AM
The paperclip arced to the screw in the center of the outlet plate and burned his thumb and index finger really bad. He was kneeling on bare concrete wearing shorts and basketball shoes.

04-18-2014, 07:19 AM
I worked in a fisheries management laboratory as a young man. We used a lot of ice, and had an industrial ice machine about the size of a compact pickup truck. It ran hot water over the ice trays to cause them to release the ice. The water was discharged near a floor drain.

One day I was working alone (barefoot on a wet concrete floor) on a sample of river herring and noticed that the water would come on, but I didn't hear the ice drop. Wondering if the water was hot, I stuck my hand in the flowing water. It was hot alright! The ground to the machine had corroded and broken, and I became the conduit for 220V. Fortunately for me, it knocked me down, and I fell out of the electrical pathway. I'll never forget it though.

Take care, Tom

Old Caster
04-18-2014, 11:26 AM
The paperclip arced to the screw in the center of the outlet plate and burned his thumb and index finger really bad. He was kneeling on bare concrete wearing shorts and basketball shoes.

Electricity will not arc until it is in the many thousands of volts and that is if it is DC. AC has to go even higher and no it did not burn his finger really bad. Someone is giving you bad information. 50 years of experience tells me different.

04-18-2014, 03:20 PM
if a drop of water lands on melted lew it will splatter lead everywhere.

Dale in Louisiana
04-18-2014, 05:03 PM
Electricity will not arc until it is in the many thousands of volts and that is if it is DC. AC has to go even higher and no it did not burn his finger really bad. Someone is giving you bad information. 50 years of experience tells me different.

got that same fifty years here.

120 volts will NOT arc. However, once you get an arc started, all bets are off. Think about arc-welding, where you strike the electrode to establish the arc, then pull back.

As for the old '120 makes you let go', that's not something I want to bet on. Your muscles react differently to CURRENT. A little bit will cause a spasm. A lot more causes them to seize up. How much current you get for a particular voltage is dependent on a lot of things: are your hands wet or sweaty? Is your skin dry or moist? What are you standing on or in contact with?

to make it worse, some people are more sensitive than others. What knock you on your butt may only make me tingle, or vice versa.

And in most cases, the human body has enough natural capacitance so that even if you're standing on an insulated surface, giving the current no normal return path, you'll get enough charge to hurt.

And as far as the 'only the right side is hot' statement, the SHORT straight slot is supposed to be hot. Whether it's right or left depends on which direction the receptacle is installed. Suppose it's sideways? Then what? Or suppose it was installed by a doofus who says 'it's AC. It doesn't matter.'?

And in keeping with the original subject, I know of an 'industrial electrician' who said you don't really need a neutral in a 120-volt AC circuit because it's at zero volts anyway. it's the presence of people like him that make me take nothing for granted when it comes to electricity. One of his co-workers said "I may not know much about electricity, but compared to HIM I'm freakin' TESLA!"

dale in Louisiana

04-18-2014, 08:09 PM
My know it all boss was wearing his wedding ring at work and disconnected a 12 volt Interstate battery in a boat- his wrench and ring contacted the posts, 12 volts nearly blew his finger clean off- the ring melted to the finger instantly and had to be cut off at the burn center. Its almost back to normal now a year later.
We went shooting one day and he said I don't use reloads cause they are dangerous, as he loaded his Blackhawk with Precision Delta wadcutters, I just laughed.

04-18-2014, 08:20 PM
You can get an arc of a sort by bumping the body of a car and the positive terminal of the car battery with a pair of pliers. Not only will 12 volts do it but so will 6 volts.

Electricity will not arc until it is in the many thousands of volts and that is if it is DC. AC has to go even higher and no it did not burn his finger really bad. Someone is giving you bad information. 50 years of experience tells me different.

04-18-2014, 09:04 PM
Anyone else see the video a few years back wherein our hero wrapped his....uh...."nether member" in aluminum foil, formed a pair of prongs on the end, and inserted the prongs into a live 110 outlet?

My goodness, but there was a considerable commotion when the circuit was completed (to say the least!)

Darwin candidate for sure....or family planning consultant?

Old Caster
04-18-2014, 11:59 PM
Quote Originally Posted by Old Caster View Post

Electricity will not arc until it is in the many thousands of volts and that is if it is DC. AC has to go even higher and no it did not burn his finger really bad. Someone is giving you bad information. 50 years of experience tells me different.

You can get an arc of a sort by bumping the body of a car and the positive terminal of the car battery with a pair of pliers. Not only will 12 volts do it but so will 6 volts.

You are talking about something different. What I am talking about is that electricity will not jump from one item to another except at very high voltage and the original writer said only one wire was used. After being told that he didn't know what he was talking about, he modified the story a bit and was still wrong. That is what silly stories are all about. Don't say it if you don't know what you are talking about.

04-19-2014, 12:12 AM
to make it worse, some people are more sensitive than others. What knock you on your butt may only make me tingle, or vice versa.

dale in Louisiana

I think I am one of those that is extra sensitive to shocks, shocks that others say are just a bit of a tingle to them cause me to have chest pains and shortness of breath for 1/2 hour or so.

Michael Grace

Land Owner
04-19-2014, 05:32 AM
I'm a static electricity generator just walking to any doorknob, sliding across the truck seat, or moving the office chair around. I hate being shocked. It happens all the time though. Don't shake my hand or we both get "bit".

While true, and unfortunately contradictory to the OP, it is said that AC current will kill you while DC current will make you kill yourself. Kind of easy to remember...

Back to the OP...'Hold my beer and watch this..."

04-19-2014, 08:25 AM
My wife and I are avid 18th century living history buffs. Most people ask if we are portray people from the North or South. I have to explain that the Civil War was fought in the 19th Century. At one French and Indian War event, during visitors day when the public comes in to see how people lived at that time, I had a middle aged woman ask me if my camp fire was real?

04-19-2014, 08:33 AM
The city of Portland, OR is going to drain their 38 million gallon reservoir because a teenager urinated in it. This will be the second time in less than three years that they have done so!

04-19-2014, 09:45 AM
My wife and I are avid 18th century living history buffs. Most people ask if we are portray people from the North or South. I have to explain that the Civil War was fought in the 19th Century. At one French and Indian War event, during visitors day when the public comes in to see how people lived at that time, I had a middle aged woman ask me if my camp fire was real?

How about, "Is that real food you are cooking?".

Dale in Louisiana
04-19-2014, 12:09 PM
You can get an arc of a sort by bumping the body of a car and the positive terminal of the car battery with a pair of pliers. Not only will 12 volts do it but so will 6 volts.

Once the arc is established low voltage will maintain it. Go get a welder to do a demo. I used to have to (almost at gunpoint - I hate the things) repair industrial welding machines. Open-circuit voltage was seventy volts. It won't 'jump' a gap, but once a welder strikes an arc, he pulls the electrode back just a little and the current continues to flow because it creates 'plasma', a state of matter where atoms are stripped of their electrons, making it very conductive and hotter than the sun's surface.

Batteries are a great way to get high current. That's why they're used in automotive starting applications. Your standard car battery will put out several HUNDRED amps for plenty of time, long enough to turn a wedding ring or a box-end wrench incandescent.

My old M60A1 thank had six twelve-volt batteries hooked in series-parallel for 24 volts and a whole tub of current. We needed a lot of current to crank a 1780 cubic inch diesel over, especially after running all our turret loads all night with the engine off. I had a trainee ignore my instruction and short a pole to ground through a wedding band. Band vaporized. Finger (and trainee) gone.

dale in Louisiana

04-19-2014, 08:23 PM
I got to see a stupid stunt last year at an outdoor shooting range. The people next to me were shooting semi auto handguns, apparently using/testing some reloads.
One of them had a misfire/squib load about 4 rounds into the magazine. His buddy said to make sure the barrel was clear before he fired again.
The guy turned the weapon around and looked down the barrel without clearing the action.
I left immediately thereafter.

04-19-2014, 08:42 PM
I didn't modify my story, I gave more information. The kid got zapped putting a paperclip into the socket. The clip became red hot and stuck to his fingers thus burning him. The socket and the screw head were both blackened. I saw it, first hand. You say it can't happen, I saw the aftermath. I know it can happen. Insisting it didn't, couldn't etc. when you weren't there strikes me as "silly".... just say'n.

04-19-2014, 09:53 PM
:twisted:Just been thinking about the people that say that "You can`t kill nothing with a lead boolit".Just ask them what the dickens that the hide hunters were shooting in their "Big 50 Sharps"when they almost wiped out the American Bison.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

04-20-2014, 01:07 AM
My wife and I are avid 18th century living history buffs. Most people ask if we are portray people from the North or South. I have to explain that the Civil War was fought in the 19th Century. At one French and Indian War event, during visitors day when the public comes in to see how people lived at that time, I had a middle aged woman ask me if my camp fire was real?

we have a winner

04-20-2014, 01:15 AM
Batteries are a great way to get high current. That's why they're used in automotive starting applications. Your standard car battery will put out several HUNDRED amps for plenty of time, long enough to turn a wedding ring or a box-end wrench incandescent.

My old M60A1 thank had six twelve-volt batteries hooked in series-parallel for 24 volts and a whole tub of current. We needed a lot of current to crank a 1780 cubic inch diesel over, especially after running all our turret loads all night with the engine off. I had a trainee ignore my instruction and short a pole to ground through a wedding band. Band vaporized. Finger (and trainee) gone.

dale in Louisiana

I saw EXACTLY the same thing in a M551. We were in the motor pool and my buddy needed to pull and replace one of the batteries for some reason lost to time. Being an industrious sort he decided to pull all of them and clean out the battery box. He was absolutely certain he knew how to reconnect them. He lost a finger and every single battery post was a puddle of lead.

04-20-2014, 02:44 AM
Silliest thing: "I'm a gun owner, but I vote democratic."

Old Caster
04-20-2014, 10:45 AM
Silliest thing: "I'm a gun owner, but I vote democratic."

This is the clear winner.

04-20-2014, 12:57 PM
I must be a BSer then. Service numbers came up in a conversation a few years ago, a number I thought I would never forget but I did. I remember the MOS number, 3516 but don't even know what AFSC is.

AFSC = Air Force Specialty Code, same function as Army MOS

Mine were AF25992884, AF18203301, FV3128105, and too many AFSC's to recount here.

04-20-2014, 03:50 PM
Frog Lube.

04-20-2014, 04:39 PM
Muzzle Loaders aren't accurate.

04-20-2014, 05:07 PM
Silliest thing: "I'm a gun owner, but I vote democratic."


04-20-2014, 07:10 PM
Back in the day when our RCMP officers were good buds, our local detachment commander regaled us at the range with the following tale. He'd observed a smiling hunter dressed in red togs driving back to the city, and, being also the local game laws enforcer, pulled him over just on general principles. On being questioned as to his luck hunting, the hunter grinned hugely and told our pal in broken English he had bagged 15 pheasants!! (The bag limit was three cocks.) Oh, this our pal just had to see, and the ecstatic hunter wanted to proudly show them off. Opening the vehicle's trunk, he grandly displayed..........15 magpies. Our RCMP officer, a kindly chap, congratulated the hunter on his bag of entirely legal 'Manitoba Pheasants', and sent him on his way, still ecstatic.

04-20-2014, 07:18 PM
Swaging is a dead art. I got a kick out of that!

04-20-2014, 07:47 PM
and yes, SWAGING IS DEAD. don't believe me, try buying a swage die set from ANYONE. nobody is making them anymore and anyone who is making them has them on the back burner and they cost a small fortune.

So many silly things in this quote. So no one is making them. But people that are making them have them on the back burner? We do know that they are expensive. But this is to be expected for what they are.

04-21-2014, 03:42 PM
ok ive got 1, its not gun or hunting related whatsoever but here goes . I own a 2004 f 150 heritage 4x4 pickup truck and a few months ago my check engine light came on. now I have some mechanic experience and am pa state inspection license holder but no longer work as a mechanic I consider myself an advanced do it your selfer . anyhow I had some spare time on my hands 1 day and swung a local big chain parts store to get them to diagnose the prob . out comes this kid, couldn't have been 20 years old plugs his comp up in my dashboard and turns my ignition on .well when you 1st turn key on to start it like any other vehicle all the (idiot)lights in dash come on for a sec and go out after its running . he looks at me and says your 4x4 light came on so did your low range light you will have a low range code in your computer all these lights coming on in your dash will be codes stored in your computer . these trucks are junk you need to just get rid of this thing and he unhooks his computer from my dash . well I guess that means i'll have a fasten seatbelt code too cause that light also comes on for a sec and goes out. I don't feel this idiotic kid was qualified to drive a car let alone diagnose 1 . is this what our work force is coming to ? so anyhow, low range code stored in your computer is probably 1 of the silliest things ive heard . he never did diagnose the prob , it ended up just being a vacume leak.