View Full Version : RAMI BD first time out, and shooting cast

04-11-2014, 01:41 AM
It is always fun when you get to burn off that new gun smell. Of course, we're speaking of my wife's B-day present, her new CZ 2075 RAMI BD! She was going to come out to shoot it today, but didn't feel good, so she told me to test fire the new blaster and see how it works...gee, twist my arm, honey! 8)

Everyone remembers which one we're talking about?

http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b13/armoredman/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/BlackDiamond_zpsb295ec75.jpg (http://s16.photobucket.com/user/armoredman/media/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/BlackDiamond_zpsb295ec75.jpg.html)

Looks good on the firing line, too.

http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b13/armoredman/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/Attherange_zpsff01e95b.jpg (http://s16.photobucket.com/user/armoredman/media/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/Attherange_zpsff01e95b.jpg.html)

So, here I am with a brand new CZ pistol...but I am used to BIG pistols, like my Phantom I carry every day, or my P-09...not subcompacts. So I decide I'll be "fair" about testing, and shoot from the "braced" position, since this is a little gun. This proved to be an error, as the following targets can show.

http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b13/armoredman/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/Firstroundsfired_zps5ec4e9d2.jpg (http://s16.photobucket.com/user/armoredman/media/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/Firstroundsfired_zps5ec4e9d2.jpg.html)

http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b13/armoredman/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/HydraShok10yardsbraced_zps4a169420.jpg (http://s16.photobucket.com/user/armoredman/media/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/HydraShok10yardsbraced_zps4a169420.jpg.html)

http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b13/armoredman/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/125at10braced_zps911d7035.jpg (http://s16.photobucket.com/user/armoredman/media/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/125at10braced_zps911d7035.jpg.html)

It got worse, see the two groups? Kinda bled over to the left, didn't it...

http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b13/armoredman/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/10yardsbracedwithrem115dualtarget_zps0e28717c.jpg (http://s16.photobucket.com/user/armoredman/media/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/10yardsbracedwithrem115dualtarget_zps0e28717c.jpg. html)

Notice a trend? Yep, the exact opposite of my politics - down and to the Left. Well, this isn't good. Then I felt a tiny little hand smack me between the eyes, and a Czech accented voice yelling, "Idiot! I am COMBAT pistole, not TARGET pistole!"

Oops, my bad.

OK, so I moved the targets to 7.5 yards, about the longest shot in out little house...yes, it's little. I then took a normal shooting stance, and slammed home the 10 round mag. I had been using the 14 rounder for comfort, but figured if I ever used this one, (HAH, like she'd let me!), I might need the more concealable magazine. Nope. My pinky finger slid all over the front of the baseplate trying to find a place to hang out, as my normal grip put it right on the edge of the finger rest. Gah. Needs an ASP style finger ledge.

Back to the shooting - the very first magazine I shot was with the short mag. All the rest were with the longer one.

http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b13/armoredman/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/Rem115grJHP7halfyardsstanding_zps019a4242.jpg (http://s16.photobucket.com/user/armoredman/media/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/Rem115grJHP7halfyardsstanding_zps019a4242.jpg.html )

http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b13/armoredman/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/124cast7halfyardsstanding_zpsd5a5e6ac.jpg (http://s16.photobucket.com/user/armoredman/media/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/124cast7halfyardsstanding_zpsd5a5e6ac.jpg.html)

http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b13/armoredman/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/125grcastLeeRAMIBD7halfyardsstanding_zpsd39c4a02.j pg (http://s16.photobucket.com/user/armoredman/media/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/125grcastLeeRAMIBD7halfyardsstanding_zpsd39c4a02.j pg.html)

THAT'S better! The little gun works better in a natural two hand hold. She chucked the brass nice and neatly off to the right and a little forward, no problems.

04-11-2014, 01:42 AM
OK, so what else can we do? Why, I'm glad you asked! let's do something weird - how about a pocket pistol at 25 yards, standing? Eh, why not?

So, using the cast loads it decided it was OK with, I started. I decided to use a target from Project Appleseed, http://www.appleseedinfo.org/, which is a 100 yard rifle target adapted for 25 yards. Why? I was running out of others... ::)

So lets set it up...

http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b13/armoredman/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/25yardsisalongways_zps03d33189.jpg (http://s16.photobucket.com/user/armoredman/media/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/25yardsisalongways_zps03d33189.jpg.html)

That's a ways out there for a little gun. Bang away!

http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b13/armoredman/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/25yardsfirsttime_zps81f8373c.jpg (http://s16.photobucket.com/user/armoredman/media/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/25yardsfirsttime_zps81f8373c.jpg.html)

Honestly, better than I expected, really. But I will give it another try, just for grins and giggles. Out of 125s...guess I'll use 124s.

http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b13/armoredman/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/RAMI25yards5for5_zpsc9beb0b4.jpg (http://s16.photobucket.com/user/armoredman/media/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/RAMI25yards5for5_zpsc9beb0b4.jpg.html)

All five on paper at 25 yards standing. I thought I heard a heavenly choir begin to sing....nope, car stereo going down the dirt road behind me. Oh well. I was impressed. With the gun, not the stereo.
Functioning was excellent, with two minor stoppages, one being a light primer strike on one of my reloads. I'm willing to be that's my fault, because it fired on second strike with no problem. Second was a Failure to go into Battery, LAST ROUND. A light tap and it seated. This was after about 100 dirty cast loads in a brand new gun, so I'll call this a break in jam. Because I can. ;)

CZs are, of course, natural born hams - here is the brothers and sister who came to the line with me today.

http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b13/armoredman/range%20trip/3amigosattherange_zps59f433c6.jpg (http://s16.photobucket.com/user/armoredman/media/range%20trip/3amigosattherange_zps59f433c6.jpg.html)

Hamming it up as usual, 2075 RAMI, P-01 and SP-01 Phantom. Beat that triple play ;)

Oh, by the way, SOMEONE is going to ask...yes, it fits.

http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b13/armoredman/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/RAMIwithSP-01Magazine_zps0835149a.jpg (http://s16.photobucket.com/user/armoredman/media/CZ%20RAMI%20BD/RAMIwithSP-01Magazine_zps0835149a.jpg.html)


04-11-2014, 08:34 AM
Well it does take time to learn to shoot a new pistol, So you did not show any targets from your wife.
Is it because she shoots better then you? LOL

04-11-2014, 11:43 AM
Nice collection. I've had my eyes on a shadow target no rail in 9mm for a while. Not easy to find except certain times of the year.

04-11-2014, 07:32 PM
The decocker model is very hard to find. Lucky you found one.

04-14-2014, 12:33 AM
No, my wife didn't come out - she hates crowds. have to wait until I can get her to a private range. I was function testing the pistol.
It took some expert help finding that gun, I have to say. She is VERY happy.