View Full Version : Lyman #462560 "Hammerhead" on eBay

01-01-2008, 10:06 PM
There is a Lyman #462560 - the big 545-gr. RNFP for the .458 Win . Mag. - on eBay at # 120203866624; I think several of you have been looking for this one. (Despite the "462..." prefix, it casts about the same dia. as the other .458s.) I've got one, so am not bidding on it; it was at $89.50 a few minutes ago, and runs until Thursday.


01-04-2008, 01:37 PM
Gosh, I hope we can get Lyman to do the remake of this one! My guess is that is goes over $100 in the last few bids.


01-08-2008, 10:31 PM
$102.50...... shoulda' started a betting pool.


01-14-2008, 11:44 PM
I'd like to use this bullet in a Marlin 45-70 but load data seems scarce. A flying sledgehammer like this doesn't need to be magnumized. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Lloyd Smale
01-15-2008, 05:21 AM
for that kind of money id buy the ballistic cast version that i have. I runs great in a marlin and is about a 10 times better constructed mold!!!

01-15-2008, 10:15 AM
I'd like to use this bullet in a Marlin 45-70 but load data seems scarce. A flying sledgehammer like this doesn't need to be magnumized. Any suggestions? Thanks!

For load data, you can search around on the MarlinOwners or LeverGunLovers forum. Get in contact with a fellow going by Reflex264. He has done alot of load developement with this bullet and has had them pressure tested by Hodgdon's lab. The bullet Lloyd mentions is sold commercially by Jae Bok Young and cast from the Ballisti-Cast molds. http://www.competitor-pistol.com/jb%20home.html

I've loaded this bullet in my 450 Marlin to around 1,550 fps. I think my load was around 39 grs of H322 as a max load using Fed 210M primers. H335 has also been found to be useful in the 450/45-70 with this bullet as is Reloder 7.