View Full Version : Commercial hardcast crayon type lube- BP compatable?

04-07-2014, 01:48 PM
I like to load commercial hardcast for my high volume blasting needs. I shoot a lot of .44 that I cast and .50 s&w too but I just got my first SAA 45 cartridge gun. And so far I'm loading mostly 'roger's better bullets' hardcast lead.

These boolits have typical super hard alloy and super hard blue crayon type lube suitable for shipping 500 boolits in a box and surviving the trip. They work well with my smokeless loads with good accuracy and no leading.

I shoot a lot of cap & ball but I always just lube with crisco- I don't want to crisco up my spaghetti '73.

Is the typical hard lube compatible with BP for an afternoon of cartridge shooting? Or will I be paving my rifling with asphalt? I have only done a cyl or two here and there in my .38 S&W, no real experience with BP cartridges.

If I love it I will be shopping for molds and sizers and nasa/moosemilk, but not yet- just want to try some BP cartridges first.


04-07-2014, 02:11 PM
The crayon type is useless in black powder applications if you plan on shooting more than one or two shots. Actually, and this is just my opinion, hard cast with the blue lubricant is not that great either. Black powder shines its best with a softer alloy composition and a properly composed lubricant that is sufficient to keep the fouling soft from shot to shot.


country gent
04-07-2014, 02:59 PM
A softer alloy will work better with black powder as it will fill the throats and barrel better. A softer lube and slightly diffrent ingredients will also work better. Lube requirements with black powder are a little diffrent than smokeless, lube not only has to controll leading but also manage fouling helping to keep it moist and soft.
Spg works good. Bullshops NASA lube is top rated. and several can be homebrewed.
Emmerts improved bullet lube
50% beeswax 1 lb
40% unsalted Crisco shortening 6 1/2 ounces
5% canola or olive oil 1 ounce
5% anahydrous Lanolin 1 ounce
Try the hard cast hard lubes but I dont think its going to be the best way to go.
Buffalo arms offers 20-1 alloy bullets with spg lube ready made for the black powder shooters needs.

04-08-2014, 07:48 AM
That commercial lube isn't fit to use with either black or smokeless!

Put those boolits on a cookie sheet with paper towels under them, melt the lube out at very low heat in your oven, and re-lube with Country Gent's recipe above. At least they'll have a fighting chance and the same lube will work a whole lot better with smokeless as well.
