View Full Version : gun show report central Texas

04-06-2014, 10:00 AM
I went to the gun show Saturday in Belton, TX and took the family. The show was small, maybe 50 vendors, and the crowd was light. No new reloading stuff but I did score a full box of Hornady .45 gas checks for $15. The original price on the box was $8.74. :)

Prices on ar15 ' s seemed to still be dropping. Price leaders were $599 and I saw almost no buying. Actually very little buying of anything.

Wife wanted to look at purses. Interestingly enough, the female vendors ignored her while the male vendors were very helpful.:) She was hoping to get a female perspective on what works but no dice. Kind of strange.

The boy spent his money at the coin collector 's table, as usual.

All in all an enjoyable outing. Schoepf 's bbq was good and the blue bonnets and Indian paintbrush were in bloom.

Anybody else have any luck?

04-06-2014, 12:46 PM
There was a nice show in Fredricksburg last weekend, VERY busy during late morning Saturday. Some overpriced "collector" junk (typical) but some quality things were there, too. The "tacticool" booth was a ghost town. Only two people selling powder, picked up a few pounds of 4198 at full-retail ($30/lb). Henry had a booth, it was really tough not to buy one of their BB .45 Colts for $800, been looking for several years and the distributors have been out of them. Too bad no rifle version. Saw one brick of Federal .22s (OLD, red/white box) for $97, got a good laugh out of that one. Overall it was typical of gunshows from before bummer, good to see things beginning to return to "normal" with a few exceptions.

Oh, there were two Mosin M38s there, beat to heck, $350 each. I miss the time when there were crates of that sort of stuff for $80 a piece.


04-06-2014, 01:35 PM
I overheard one vendor telling a guy that the 8 mm turk rifle he was selling "was actually 7.92 mm and 8 mm mauser is totally different ammo". He also had some short Mosins for $395. Old gun cranks that know what they are talking about seem to get fewer in number every show I go to.

04-06-2014, 05:06 PM
Been to the Belton Expo gun show a few time and have never found much I wanted or could afford there. While stationed in Denver from 76 to 82 you could find some good deals. You could always count on finding molds, brass, holsters and reloading items. You could almost always find something to trade or buy, those were good times.


04-06-2014, 06:16 PM
Oh, there were two Mosin M38s there, beat to heck, $350 each. I miss the time when there were crates of that sort of stuff for $80 a piece.


Has the market for Mosin's gone crazy while I wasn't paying attention?

Mike in TX
04-06-2014, 08:48 PM
Fellas near San Antonio, Get to the Liberty Gun Show that is held here. Guns and gun stuff, reloading, little casting, fair prices(when I buy it has to be a better than fair price and every time I go I buy) and little junk. The vendors that I talk to know their stuff. Check it out.

04-06-2014, 08:55 PM
That sounds a lot better than the SAXET show, went there once, don't plan to repeat that mistake.


04-06-2014, 09:16 PM
I recently purchased a m n 91/30 for $125 at a small show. Even got some accessories. I sure would not pay $350 for the short version and do know any other gun nut foolish enough to do so either.