View Full Version : Fisherman's toilet roll holder.

04-06-2014, 05:53 AM

04-06-2014, 06:27 AM
The price is a bit steep but I guess it would be a good setup for fishing for "crappy's". Hey by the way is beer any good in NZ, I just mixed up a batch of brew from the Black Rock Brewing Co. of New Zealand.

04-06-2014, 07:03 AM
Only $600 stating price. Anything for the Throne

04-06-2014, 08:27 AM
That would be cool if you could load a whole roll at a time. hahahahah

04-06-2014, 10:15 AM
Somehow I doubt if the better half would allow that one in the throne room. Heck of a idea though in my book. But then again I kinda thought the cast clear plastic seat with all the lures molded into it was kinda neat too. Yup, it didn;t make it in either.

04-06-2014, 10:17 AM
600 bucks (GULP) ........

04-06-2014, 10:19 AM
I hope it has anti backlash on it. With the high octane condiments Bruce has been sending you, you may need it.

04-06-2014, 11:25 AM
At that price it does,nt exactly Reel in the customers.Still some of the gullible will grasp it with Hook Line and sinker.

04-06-2014, 12:43 PM
Naw ... instead of one made by Penn, I'm looking for one made by Warn.

04-07-2014, 12:50 AM
Pretty crazy concept, but I think at that price point, they'll be lucky to
sell 1 or 2 per year.


Old School Big Bore
04-07-2014, 02:31 AM
9800 views. Zero bids. Hmmm...

04-07-2014, 03:27 AM
Yes, way too expensive but funny none the less.

04-07-2014, 02:16 PM
Setting the hook would be a cr@p shoot at best.....

sorry, butt I had to. oops did it again.

04-07-2014, 02:48 PM
Setting the hook would be a cr@p shoot at best.....

sorry, butt I had to. oops did it again.

Dat was weally weally bad.


04-07-2014, 09:07 PM
I could only afford to look at the Zebco 303 version.