View Full Version : 1893 Savage 303

04-01-2014, 02:32 PM
A local GD has one for sale in poor condition with a low serial number. Any idea on value and if an original stock can be found?

04-01-2014, 09:44 PM
A local GD has one for sale in poor condition with a low serial number. Any idea on value and if an original stock can be found?

FWIW, Savage introduced the .303 Savage in 1894.

The only Savage leverguns were the Model 1895 & the Model 1899/99 (no 1893 Model) - If the rifle's marked with an 1893 patent date, I would opine you have a Model 1895 Sporting Rifle with a 26" bbl, a Model 1895 Carbine with a 22" bbl, or (possibly) a Model 1895 Military with a 30" bbl.
(the lengths are the issue bbl lengths available, back then).

The best way to assess a value would be to surf only sold/closed gun auction websites for another specimen in like condition, to find out how much somebody's been willing to pay for one - recently.

You might be able to obtain a replacement (newly-made) stock, but I doubt there's much luck on getting a gennie in good condition.

FWIW, semi-inletted replacement stocks are a bear to inlet, for Savage leverguns.


04-01-2014, 10:39 PM
Thanks for the info. Further digging shows it is the 1895 and the only bids I could see were around 200.00

04-02-2014, 01:01 AM
I turned down a decent one a couple years ago at a price of 400, I have kicked myself a few times over that.