View Full Version : Deterring Skunks

04-01-2014, 08:57 AM
Anyone have any special tricks for deterring skunks from digging around for grubs? We had one last night right outside our bedroom where we could not see it. Dog did not let us get much sleep. Shooting it is not really an option.

04-01-2014, 09:33 AM
As much as I hate to do this,,,,,,,,,,, just about the only way to stop skunks from digging for grubs is to get rid of the grubs. Chemical grub killers will get rid of the skunks, and any moles you have also.
Neighbors had some landscaping done, including some sod laid. Skunks were coming every night and rolling the sod back to dig grubs. They finally ended up treating their whole lawn to get rid of grubs, and only then did the skunks move on.....

04-01-2014, 10:00 AM
I am a state certified Animal Damage Control agent. Zymurgy50 is correct. Remove their food source, and they will move on. Kill the grubs & worms they are digging for.

04-01-2014, 10:28 AM
+1 on removing the food source, but a stop gap measure can be moth balls. They will eventually move them out of the way, but you can deter them from coming next to the house until your grub treatment takes effect.

04-01-2014, 10:45 AM
Or Trap them kill or relocate..Use a med size Have A Heart trap. Cover it with a small tarp and leave both ends open , cut a hole for the handle... Place some Tuna fish juice soaked bread under the trigger..You will catch one per trap each night...

Pick up the trap calmly and talk gently to them and they won't spray as long as they are covered and not threatened. I've done it LOTS and never been sprayed..The only time they spray is when you shoot them. Always be calm around them and don't threaten them in any way.

Sometimes dog hair spread around the yard will deter them, I've used dog hair around the garden to keep rabbits out.

When things dry out as the summer comes, the grubs will be too far down and the Skunks will stop OR until you don't have a yard left.

04-01-2014, 10:50 AM
claymores .. faced away from the house :) :)

as said above kill the grubs and they will leave ..

04-01-2014, 10:58 AM
Or Trap them kill or relocate..Use a med size Have A Heart trap. Cover it with a small tarp and leave both ends open , cut a hole for the handle... Place some Tuna fish juice soaked bread under the trigger..You will catch one per trap each night...

Pick up the trap calmly and talk gently to them and they won't spray as long as they are covered and not threatened. I've done it LOTS and never been sprayed..The only time they spray is when you shoot them. Always be calm around them and don't threaten them in any way.

Sometimes dog hair spread around the yard will deter them, I've used dog hair around the garden to keep rabbits out.

When things dry out as the summer comes, the grubs will be too far down and the Skunks will stop OR until you don't have a yard left.

+1 on this method. I have done it lots of times, and just take out to the woods and release. Killing all the grubs might work, but killing all the earthworms is not beneficial in my opinion. Raccoon's are also fond of my lawn in spring. Last year I trapped & released eight of them. One set had two of them in the trap!

04-01-2014, 11:57 AM
Para crystals (paradichloro benzene) is the AI in many animal repellants, works pretty well. It isn't a "once and done" proposition, you need to change the animal's behavior pattern. READ THE LABEL! Then, READ IT AGAIN! Apply, wait the number of days for recommended reapplication, and re apply. Keep doing this as needed, until the behavior is changed, and the animals forage for food elsewhere. Trap/reocate is a bigger PITA, and in some localities your relocation options are limited. Skunks trap easily, and as mentioned above, if done correctly, spraying usually doesn't happen. I have seen skunks let go, even in covered traps, but it is uncommon.

04-01-2014, 12:57 PM
A 22 short to the head did the trick for me. Got rid of 5 last year, including one rabid one. That was the suggestion of the Fish & Game guy. Shoot 'em and bury them.....but I live out in the sticks so no big deal.

04-01-2014, 01:02 PM
Moth ball flakes will get them on the move,it gets on their feet and when it is licked,they won't come back works with any animal that licks their feet.

04-01-2014, 03:30 PM
I don't have a problem shooting them as much as making sure I get close enough to make a good shot.

04-01-2014, 04:45 PM
pull them into range with some potato chips.
I was able to get quite a group of them all together and pet them when I gave them chips.
worked well enough I got a pile 6-7 of them in the scout masters tent on the third night.
I think it took 3 years before he spoke to me again.

04-01-2014, 10:04 PM
In many places, it's illegal to trap out of season without a permit. (Even if you are nuisance trapping.) If trapping, get a permit issued by your state agency if they have such a process.
Next, in many places, relocation is illegal due to disease transference concerns. Again, obey the laws.
Many things will work as bait to catch them, but fishy smells will also catch cats, coons, possums & other non-target animals.
Remember, I do this for a living and I only get paid when I perform.

04-01-2014, 10:20 PM
I relocate those critters 5 miles away in case they might remember how to get home. Cat food for skunks, dog food for coons. Iv'e live trapped dozens & dozens of each over the years with no issues. Never been sprayed by a skunk, and only growled at by coons. I'm not too concerned about permits, but to each his own. It's against the law to go over the speed limit too. If your worried, check the laws.

04-01-2014, 10:20 PM
If you are in a location that you can safely shoot them, MAKE SURE YOUR FIRST SHOT PUTS THEM DOWN IMMEDIATELY. (ie head shot)

If you don't do this their spray can reach you when you are 15 feet away. You won't notice the spray hit you until you realize that you still smell the skunk after you have driven home. It will then take you a month to get that smell out of your car. Not that I know this from any personal experience.....

04-01-2014, 10:24 PM
In many places, it's illegal to trap out of season without a permit. (Even if you are nuisance trapping.) If trapping, get a permit issued by your state agency if they have such a process.
Next, in many places, relocation is illegal due to disease transference concerns. Again, obey the laws.
Many things will work as bait to catch them, but fishy smells will also catch cats, coons, possums & other non-target animals.
Remember, I do this for a living and I only get paid when I perform.
Still a Certified entomologist, held every Structural PC license in my state, supervised a LOT of nuisance animal trapping, often ran at least three people doing nothing but animal work. Agree 100% with contender, relocation isn't an issue in my state, might be a BIG deal in yours...check your state laws and regs. Make sure you are legal, IF you are going to trap. Havahart's Critter Ridder is a decent repellent, as are the Para crystals I mentioned earlier. You can also use napthalene crystals. Easier to repell than trap and relocate, usually. Also make sure you or a neighbor DOESN'T leave catfood or dogfood out overnight. That is a very big attractant, remove it before dark, and the problem might solve itself.

04-01-2014, 10:32 PM
Try calling your local gamewarden and ask for help. Most will trap them and relocate to safe area. If they won't or can't help they can tell you what to do, they deal with this all the time.

04-01-2014, 10:47 PM
Still a Certified entomologist, held every Structural PC license in my state, supervised a LOT of nuisance animal trapping, often ran at least three people doing nothing but animal work. Agree 100% with contender, relocation isn't an issue in my state, might be a BIG deal in yours...check your state laws and regs. Make sure you are legal, IF you are going to trap. Havahart's Critter Ridder is a decent repellent, as are the Para crystals I mentioned earlier. You can also use napthalene crystals. Easier to repell than trap and relocate, usually. Also make sure you or a neighbor DOESN'T leave catfood or dogfood out overnight. That is a very big attractant, remove it before dark, and the problem might solve itself.

My city just passed a law over this, because people are intentionally feeding these Vermins. They think they are cute. I'll be the first to tell anyone that coons are NOT cute. Mean & nasty they are. Skunks are generally pretty harmless, but both are known to carry rabies. Be careful with these critters!

C. Latch
04-01-2014, 10:59 PM
I've found in the past that shooting them usually stopped them from coming back. Works for coons, possums, coyotes, and most anything else, too.

04-01-2014, 11:22 PM
Man, I'm glad I live in the country with all these regs you city dwellers have to put up with. Out here, I can shoot. #2 son took a 20" 12 gauge 870 full choke barrel in on trade and asked if I wanted it. Darn tootin" and now it's my "skunk gun" with #4 Remington Express load. Two confirmed and three that haven't returned. Got tired of my dogs being sprayed. Yeah, I couldn't teach an old dog new tricks./beagle

04-01-2014, 11:40 PM
Local PD lent me a trap, so far just the neighbors cats though. I think she has food out for her 3 cats and that attracted the skunk. I had a wood chuck burrow in last fall and the skunk took it over.

04-01-2014, 11:49 PM
If you think a skunk may be rabid please report it to your local health department. They generally have a courier service that will take the carcass to the lab. By reporting it might prevent an outbreak of rabies if animal control gets a handle on the situation quickly.

Old School Big Bore
04-02-2014, 12:49 AM
My landlord puts out dry catfood and the skunks come to hang out with the cats. They would hunt crickets together under a security light til I started sniping skunks. Killed about five in about a week and haven't seen or smelled one since.

04-02-2014, 09:43 AM
In many states & even cities, the game wardens, or the animal control divisions will not handle your problem wildlife. Too many complaints, and not enough taxpayer resources to do so.
In my state, no testing of any wildlife will be done to check for rabies on any animal UNLESS it has come in contact with a human & the chances of rabies transfer is suspected.

I'm hopeful that NO ONE here would advocate the breaking of any laws, even the speeding laws that so many ignore.

But, game laws reflect upon us as hunters & shooters a lot more severely in the public eyes than speeding does.

With all the cameras & recordings that go on nowadays, it makes NO sense to do something illegal that could cost us our rights to enjoy firearms. In my job, I conduct my business as if I'm being recorded & it will be aired on the 6 pm news. It must work as the local game wardens enjoy giving out my number to people when they get complaints.

Getting a permit is usually free, and obeying the law is easy. In NC, if you have a problem with a wild animal, you get a depredation permit, (free,) set a trap on your property, catch the skunk, coon etc, and dispatch it safely. Traps must be of the approved type for normal trapping, and normal trapping laws apply.
So, when nosy neighbor, PETA, or whoever decides to video you, or file a complaint, or whatever, if you are legal, the game wardens will DEFEND you.
I have caught PETA types tripping traps, (infared game cameras,) nosy neighbors calling the sheriff or game wardens, been videoed by animal lovers, cussed out by animal lovers, had municipal workers relocate coons in my traps, animal rehabilitators relocate some animals, etc.
By following the law, I have enjoyed the PROTECTION of the state game commission. It's not hard to do what is right AND legal.

04-02-2014, 10:52 AM
One of the scariest things was when one got stuck in my garage in a empty clothes hamper.

I say shoot em if they are not right next to the house and let the night critters clear the corpse.

04-02-2014, 01:59 PM
Animal problems depend on who you are, and where you live. Spoke with a friend in the business just the other day, he had just finished a trapping program for peafowl, that lived in a residential area by a lake, The people who lived where the peafowl just walked thru foraging thought they were GREAT, added "color" and "charm" to the neighborhood. The people who lived where the peafowl ROOSTED, and had pounds and pounds of bird droppings by their houses didn't think much of them. He ended up trapping all the females, and all but two males, and relocated them to a dude ranch.

04-02-2014, 04:18 PM
Do what you have to do and don't avertise other words keep your trap shut.

04-02-2014, 04:37 PM
contender1, In the interest in "keeping it legal", I called local Game & Fish and inquired about trap & relocate here in my town. The only regulations are: To release back in the same type of habitat, and only release in an area in which other people won't be affected by the nuisance animal. The only time a permit would be needed is if you are doing it for someone else, for pay. I don't advocate that anyone break the law. I was speaking for myself only. Check your local laws, and watch your speedometers!

04-02-2014, 10:20 PM
Outstanding ShooterAZ.
A simple phone call can get a lot of information AND keep you out of trouble.

04-02-2014, 11:46 PM
Man, I'm glad I live in the country with all these regs you city dwellers have to put up with. Out here, I can shoot. #2 son took a 20" 12 gauge 870 full choke barrel in on trade and asked if I wanted it. Darn tootin" and now it's my "skunk gun" with #4 Remington Express load. Two confirmed and three that haven't returned. Got tired of my dogs being sprayed. Yeah, I couldn't teach an old dog new tricks./beagle

#2's probably work pretty good. I have moved to #4 buck myself. I put 29 pellets in a 12 gauge. I use this load because I occasionally have to knock off a raccoon. One thing I found with skunks, it don't matter where you shoot them, they're going to spray. I shot a bunch in the head with 22's, made no difference. I get about 10 a year.

04-03-2014, 01:38 AM
Local PD told me to use my 22 on it but I need to sight it in, just put a different scope on it. So the trap. Soon as it gets a bit warmer I may sit out at dusk and shoot it with my 9mm pistol

Stephen Cohen
04-03-2014, 01:48 AM
Oh my God so funny, I think I wet myself.
pull them into range with some potato chips.
I was able to get quite a group of them all together and pet them when I gave them chips.
worked well enough I got a pile 6-7 of them in the scout masters tent on the third night.
I think it took 3 years before he spoke to me again.

04-04-2014, 01:20 PM
If you trap the skunks in a box trap . to have no smell at all is just put a cloth over the trap and then place the trap in a plastic bag that the trap fits in and then close the end of the you tail pipe and just sit with the car or truck run and then you will have a dead one after and no smell or anything.You are just gas them.