View Full Version : Again with the lee problems...

03-31-2014, 08:12 PM
Today I had my second issue with a lee mold. The sprue plate screw came loose to the point it would swing freely enough that if it was tilted slightly incorrectly it would open while pouring lead. I figured I would tighten it but it wouldn't move. Ended up snapping it off. I know some people tap them for a setscrew, but I don't have a drill press. I just think lee molds are not worth my time and money anymore.

03-31-2014, 08:19 PM
Did you get the old bolt out? Try loosening it till it swings freely, then tighten it till it wont swing freely and back off 1/4 a turn. I usually just finger tighten it if it comes really loose again.

03-31-2014, 08:20 PM
It sheared off just about flush

03-31-2014, 08:24 PM
It sheared off just about flush

lee will probably warranty it.

03-31-2014, 08:26 PM
Send it back to them. They should fix it. I did that with a 40 cal 6 banger mold and they got the old screw out, replaced it with a new one and sent it back no charge. I think it was probably my fault too because I probably tried to crank down too hard on the screw, but they fixed it anyway for free.

03-31-2014, 08:27 PM
I just had them replace one under warranty... it isn't even worth it to me... The best warranty is one you don't have to use, let alone twice in a month

03-31-2014, 08:38 PM
I believe your correct about issue with the Lee mold and I have bagged on them for a couple old issues I've had with them in the past.

However in this case I am going to suggest you return it to them and give them the oppertunity to make it right.

Most people don't realize that a warranty exists for Two reasons, 1st to get you the product you payed for, 2nd to let the manufacturer know that he has an issue with his product that needs attention.

Lee can't know whats wrong if you don't tell them, if your ignored then you cry foul but not until that time.

Considering some of the issues one can run into during production some percentage of failures are a given.

Call them and send it back so they can make it right for everyone.

03-31-2014, 09:12 PM
I will be happy to let them know that my mold broke but for me it's just not worth the money to ship the thing. It will be my second time. The first was a six banger, this time is a 2 cavity.... I could have gotten a better quality mold had I just spent a little more and probably not had this problem. Between the 2 molds that's $10-15 in shipping, and $70 for the 2 molds purchase price, I could have gotten something better with that money.

03-31-2014, 11:11 PM
I don't think you could have purchased a 6 cav and a 2 cav for that price. maybe a 2 cav for the total sum. We all get upset with mfg., but for the total sold as to the number of bad mfg. the percent of failure is low.

03-31-2014, 11:18 PM
I don't think you could have purchased a 6 cav and a 2 cav for that price. maybe a 2 cav for the total sum. We all get upset with mfg., but for the total sold as to the number of bad mfg. the percent of failure is low.

The 6 cavity was about $42 at bobs gun shop in norfolk virginia on Granby street and the 2 cavity was about $25 on amazon prime if you don't believe me look for yourself.

03-31-2014, 11:21 PM
I don't think you could have purchased a 6 cav and a 2 cav for that price. maybe a 2 cav for the total sum. We all get upset with mfg., but for the total sold as to the number of bad mfg. the percent of failure is low.

At least a GOOD quality 2 cavity would have given me good results for more than 300 boolits

03-31-2014, 11:25 PM
I will be happy to let them know that my mold broke but for me it's just not worth the money to ship the thing. It will be my second time.

I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to let LEE Precision make it right for you.

03-31-2014, 11:31 PM
I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to let LEE Precision make it right for you.

I did send an email. I also told them it was not worth it to me to mail back a bad mold. If they want me to spend 5-10 dollars to replace a $25 mold for the 2nd time in a MONTH then they can shove it where the sun don't shine. Maybe I am a special case but I told a buddy I would make him some boolits and now I cannot and i look like the j*ck*ss. If they don't send me a new one then I will chalk it up to experience, if they do, maybe I won't lose all hope on the company, but with the minor problems I have had in the past, combined with the 2 bad molds I have used in 1 month... I don't have a lot of hope with their quality control. When my last mold went bad I ended the thread with an appropriate post on how they did me right..... is it really worth a second chance, especially when the 2 cavity mold doesn't fit in the $5 flat rate box?

04-01-2014, 12:40 AM
Never discount operator error. Some people should steer clear of Lee Precision molds

MT Chambers
04-01-2014, 05:56 PM
When I used a few Lee molds and they broke like that I got the remains of the screw out, retapped the hole and used a good ss machine screw and then drilled and tapped the side of mold for a set screw.

04-01-2014, 06:05 PM
The 2 cavity is especially sensitive to lack of lube on the pivot screw for the sprue plate. Use Bullplate lube or 2 stroke oil and lube it frequently. Lack of lube is what causes the screw to come loose.
Give Lee a shot at making it right. If they send you a new mold you can sell it here as such and buy a different mold.

04-01-2014, 06:34 PM
Lee offered to fix it if I mail it to them I'm still trying to decide if it's worth the shipping cost.

04-01-2014, 07:07 PM
A good quality 4-6 cavity mould will set you back 130-150 bucks. You don't have that much into your LEE moulds. I have at least 25 LEE 6 cavs, and even though they do have their problems, I feel for pistol bullets they are a good deal. I could not afford to have as many moulds as i do if I spent 130 on all of them. You get what you pay for, especially with moulds. Especially aluminum moulds. For 8 bucks let them replace your 20.00 mould. Or not.

04-01-2014, 08:22 PM
Knock the wood off the handles and the moulds and handles will fit a SFR box.

04-02-2014, 06:52 AM
What mold are you talking about? If it is something I can use, I would be willing to send it back to them.

04-02-2014, 09:18 AM
On a loose sprue plate screw with a Lee mold...cut a 1/16" sliver of aluminum from a beverage can...insert into the threaded block and carefully insert and tighten down the sprue plate screw to where you want it... I keep my sprue plates loose so they fall open under their own weight--never have any issues casting that way..I do the same with all my Lyman molds as well.

04-02-2014, 10:15 AM
As far as shipping, the mold will fit in the USPS flat rate envelope nicely.

04-02-2014, 11:53 AM
On a loose sprue plate screw with a Lee mold...cut a 1/16" sliver of aluminum from a beverage can...insert into the threaded block and carefully insert and tighten down the sprue plate screw to where you want it... I keep my sprue plates loose so they fall open under their own weight--never have any issues casting that way..I do the same with all my Lyman molds as well.

That sounds like an idea, is that a sliver between the threads like you would put nylock?

04-02-2014, 12:14 PM
Yes! It would be better to tap a side set screw, but the aluminum material is very soft and a bit tricky to drill and to tap. Many have done it; too risky for me, as I don't have a drill press.

That sounds like an idea, is that a sliver between the threads like you would put nylock?

04-02-2014, 12:38 PM
I did send an email. I also told them it was not worth it to me to mail back a bad mold. If they want me to spend 5-10 dollars to replace a $25 mold for the 2nd time in a MONTH then they can shove it where the sun don't shine. Maybe I am a special case but I told a buddy I would make him some boolits and now I cannot and i look like the j*ck*ss. If they don't send me a new one then I will chalk it up to experience, if they do, maybe I won't lose all hope on the company, but with the minor problems I have had in the past, combined with the 2 bad molds I have used in 1 month... I don't have a lot of hope with their quality control. When my last mold went bad I ended the thread with an appropriate post on how they did me right..... is it really worth a second chance, especially when the 2 cavity mold doesn't fit in the $5 flat rate box?

I ship 2 cavity molds in small flat rate boxes all the time... You will have to remove the wood from the handles... A few small taps with a hammer does the job.

04-03-2014, 07:20 AM
I just had them replace one under warranty... it isn't even worth it to me... The best warranty is one you don't have to use, let alone twice in a month

I think you should give up on LEE and spend your money on a good Lyman or RCBS mold, after all. it's only money.Right?