View Full Version : another day smelting ( no pics )

03-30-2014, 07:03 PM
Spent part of the afternoon smelting the rest of that haul of cable sheathing that I posted about, two weeks ago. Ended up with another 271 1# ingots, for a total of 681# from that score. Spent the rest of the afternoon sorting ww. What a PITA! Not hard, just boring! At least ya can drink a beer or two while sorting!:wink:

Sorry, did not take any pics, as I used the same set-up as in the past. I did come up with a new idea or two for my smelting operation. Lots of time to think, while sorting WW, ya know! Next up, will be smelting WW in a few weeks! Lightman

03-30-2014, 07:33 PM
finished up my last bucket yesterday before my grandson got arrived for his weekly visit. Got over 100lbs out of this bucket. Have to go check my source tomorrow. I agree sorting is a pita, but better than ending up with contaminated lead, plus keeps me off my wifes to do list!