View Full Version : Need Ruger Help

Ninety Caliber
03-30-2014, 05:49 PM
So the "kitchen table" gunsmith strikes again. Got me a set of SBH hammers for my Blackhawks and did the swap. Shot a match today and one of the pistols was light striking 3(yep it would fire 2 then light strike 3). Did it three stages in a row...everything looks fine. They only go together one way so I know its put together correctly. One of my pards thinks the one hammer may be one or two thousandths bigger and needs polishing because its rubbing on the grip frame? Anyone have any experience with this?

03-30-2014, 09:24 PM
Old Model or New Model Rugers?
Did you swap out any springs?
With UNLOADED guns, cock & hand lower the hammers. Do you feel any dragging on the frame?

03-30-2014, 11:10 PM
Might not be your problem, but sometimes in swapping hammers, the new hammer has to be fitted so that it traps the transfer bar fully AND the nose of the hammer rests on the frame after the trigger is pulled. If the nose of the hammer is too long, i.e. too much clearance for the transfer bar, you won't get maximum firing pin protrusion and it could result in the problem you describe. If you take too much off the hammer nose, it won't contact the frame and the hammer will peen the transfer bar, probably resulting in eventual breakage of the transfer bar.

03-30-2014, 11:24 PM
Switch it back to factory parts and let us know if it still happens.