View Full Version : Time to put my big boy pants on... I have me a Hollywood Turret on the way.

03-28-2014, 05:13 PM
I was fortunate enough to win this on e-bay the other day. Should be to me Monday or Tuesday.


From what I can tell it is a Hollywood Universal III Turret, I may be wrong on this. I will post up a few more pics once I get it. It has the 3 large and 9 small die holes and 4 x 4 lower turrets for priming and shell holders. It also comes with 12 ga dies,a nice redding beam scale, and a couple of rifle dies.

I can't wait to set this up next to my Herters 234 turret, see avitar, and get a Mamma and Poppa type photo. :)

Oh and I do realize that I will HAVE to get the right handles for the turret but in all reality a good solution for them missing.

03-28-2014, 05:39 PM
Nice find. I hear lots of good things about Hollywood Turrets. Never seen one in person.

03-28-2014, 06:37 PM
Congrats Dano!

What you have is is the Turret Tool which came out in 1955. They purposely made it almost an inch taller than the Universal III for ease of making shot shells and Big Game Cartridges, which began as it's Forte. The press is aluminum, surprisingly only weighs about 25 pounds.

I'm curious as to why you have 2 sizer/wad guides ? (Those little silver tools with handles)
Are they both 12 gauge?

Betcha can't wait!

03-28-2014, 07:08 PM
Lubedude, Thanks for the heads up. I am not sure why there is two shot wad guides, I noticed it when I was originally bidding on it too. I do know they a bit hard to find by them selves so I guess I am lucky to have them. I will update once everything shows up. I think I saw in another thread that al the turret tools are aluminum which is a-ok with me.

03-28-2014, 09:53 PM
I knew I should have bid on those! Congrats on getting it. Enjoy it for me please.

03-29-2014, 02:25 AM
Lubedude, Thanks for the heads up. I am not sure why there is two shot wad guides, I noticed it when I was originally bidding on it too. I do know they a bit hard to find by them selves so I guess I am lucky to have them. I will update once everything shows up. I think I saw in another thread that al the turret tools are aluminum which is a-ok with me.

I have no problem with the Aluminum Hollywoods. In fact, if you do the research and read the old American Rifleman mags, the articles say that Hollywood claims that their aluminum alloy is stronger than steel.

03-31-2014, 03:11 PM
Well I did a fast look and everything made it to me. I did check on the wad guides. It appears I have two....
From what I can tell the only diff is the fingers on the inside.

It will take me a while to get it all cleaned up but I will post some pics after I do.

03-31-2014, 03:59 PM
A member here makes the turret handles, and they are exact copies. IIRC Lubedude has his contact info. I can tell you he is a joy to deal with.

03-31-2014, 04:06 PM
LOL I have seen those handles.. Ill be saving up for them! I think he lists them on e-bay sometimes too. prob better to do it not through ebay though, less fee's.
Thanks for the tip!

03-31-2014, 07:42 PM
I don't have a clue about ebay, but when I called him he had some roughed in, but not polished yet. This is just a side deal, he is a hollywood enthusiast, but he called back in a few hours, to tell me they had already shipped. lol I couldn't even get the check in the mail until the next morning. Not something you see in a business very often anymore.

03-31-2014, 11:47 PM
Dano, the wad guide on the left appears to have steel or brass fingers. May be 12 ga. The one on the right is hard to tell if it is plastic or metal. It looks like possibly a smaller Ga metal? Only way to tell is unscrew the cap and compare.

If and when you need info on those handles just shoot me a PM.

04-01-2014, 10:11 AM
Thanks Lubedude, I will drop you a line! The wad guides do have metal fingers. Pretty cool! I was actually going to pop a new plastic one in the one that was spayed open when I took it apart much to my delight I discovered metal fingers, it just keeps getting better! Okay, here is a shot I took of it just randomly placed on my little temporary bench. (The wife and I are packing to move over the next month and a half or so) So I will be having withdrawals because all this stuff is over at my father in-laws. But that's okay, because we like to get in trouble together with the wives :)


04-01-2014, 02:09 PM
Looks great. You're going to love loading shot shells on that machine. It's so different and really fun!


04-01-2014, 03:59 PM
I am excited to load shotgun with this. I just go an older shotgun that has, i believe it is called, a power piston choke on it. It does not like the modern plastic wads because of the huge gap it has after the end of the barrel before the choke. So I am going to kick it in classic style and go fiber wad. should be fun!

I could just take the choke off and shoot whatever through it but where is the fun in that :wink:

Oh on a side note here is the guy that I found on ebay that sells the handles too...


I still would rather support the guys on here of course.

04-01-2014, 10:55 PM
That's the same guy with the handles.