View Full Version : Bullet pullers

Capt Fox
03-27-2014, 07:34 PM
I need too pull a bunch of 30 cal bullets as well as go thru several buckets of screw-ups that have been collecting for years.
I have a couple of the hammer type pullers but don't look forward to using those again.
I have read some of the reviews about the collet type.
The RCBS sounds like it works great, its just slow.
The Hornady model sounds like it is much faster with the throw handle, however some have complained about the handle breaking.
what have you guys found to work the best?

thanks for your input.:D

Adk Mike
03-27-2014, 07:55 PM
I use the RCBS type that goes in the press. Then I can reuse the bullets. Pulling cast I use pliers in the press and toss them in the re melt can. Some times the gas checks stick in the case. So I . Shoot those.

03-27-2014, 09:14 PM
Rcbs is the way to go. So easy a cave man can do it.

Crusty Deary Ol'Coot
03-27-2014, 09:39 PM
I have the Hornady collet puller and like it!

Looking at the cam lock handle, all I can say is a person must have arms like a gorilla if he breaks one.

I have used a couple different hammer type and that is why I have the collet puller.

Like Mike, for cast bullets I just use pliers and the press and recycle the alloy!

Having used the hammer type, I can not see them even being in the same county as far as speed and function.

Once the collet puller is properly adjusted it is quick and simple and no mess of powder to dump out of the puller and separating of the bullet.

Crusty Deary Ol'Coot

03-27-2014, 10:07 PM
For a lot of pulling of jacketed bullets the RCBS is the way to go. If the 30 calibers are military with sealant on the bullet and they don't pull easily, breaking the seal by seating the bullets slightly deeper can help a lot.

03-28-2014, 07:40 AM
I have a rcbs collet and hammer type. I found the rcbs collet sometimes has a hard time getting a good grip on smaller lead bullets, so I just use the hammer on those and toss to be remelted. The only problem with the hammer is it allows the powder to stick to the lube. It's always felt like a toss up to me.

03-28-2014, 10:15 AM
While I haven't pulled large amounts of bullets, I do have a hammer type but don't use it any more.

What I do now is use my press and a set of end nippers to grab the projectile just in front of the case. Lower the press handle and the bullet comes out. All the jacketed ones looked good enough to reuse.

I think a set of the cheap wire stripping/ crimping pliers would work as well, if not better than the end nippers, but they were what I grabbed the first time I tried using the press.

The one drawback is you will need an extended shellholder to do short rounds like the .45 ACP; the projectile needs to clear the top of the press.


Capt Fox
03-28-2014, 01:04 PM
thanks for the input guys, I don't much care for getting a new tool only to find it has a history of failure. I think I will pick up a collet type and get after the buckets of mistakes that have been collecting for years and the old and abused ammo that have proven to be duds.

thanks again

03-28-2014, 04:30 PM
And don't forget RCBS Warranty/customer service is 2nd to none.