View Full Version : May have converted someone to shooting boolits...

03-26-2014, 10:08 PM
I went to coffee this morning and mentioned that I was going out to shoot at a local private "range" of one of the coffee group members. The local CO is a regular member and friend of mine, same age as me. He asked if he could join me, he has a new .308 Win that he had bore sighted, but wanted to put it on paper. I started without him with my .260 Rem Ruger M77 MkII and cast boolits and my .30-40 Krag Stevens 44 1/2. He showed up and we sighted his .308 in, then went down to look at groups. I started from the bench and fired 5 shots at the target and shot a large hole about 3/4" in diameter - 311299 NOE GC, Lotak Hard lube, 17 gr. 2400. Pretty standard group for this rifle. He was shocked. I'd been ringing steel at 100 yds before he showed up. I showed him how to use the Scheutzen peep with ghost ring front sight and he squeezed the first round off and rang up the 8" gong and just started laughing, "This is awesome! A little recoil, little muzzle blast, and no scope!" He fired off 10 more, connecting on 9 of them before handing the rifle back. He wondered where I was buying to bullets. He knows I reload all of my own, but didn't realize what I meant when I said I cast my own. Each of those reloads is about the same price of current .22LR ammo and just as much fun, though I can't run it through my Ruger Mk III pistol... He wondered how he could start making his own bullets. I didn't give up my local wheelweight sources, just told him he has to buy it online. :grin: He liked the .260 Rem too, but that 44 1/2 is just a hoot to shoot, hands down my favorite gun to take to the range.

03-27-2014, 08:16 AM
Many times at the range I get strange looks with my single shots. I offer them a few rounds and they're always giddy after that. Best not to give up your stash supplier though!!!


03-27-2014, 10:11 AM
very good !
I had a similiar experience a couple of weeks ago....I invited a friend to go shooting, he showed up with his
22-250 with jacked and I showed up with my .308 with cast....at 100 yds we were shooting at orange clays and I matched him shot for shot....he didn't think cast could be accurate, I assured him they could be and they made for cheap practice...I am not sure I "converted" him but he did come away with a different view of cast
shoot on !!!

Doc Highwall
03-27-2014, 11:16 AM
selmerfan, did you shoot cast in the 260 Remington and what was your load? I have a Winchester lowwall in 260 Remington and hope to get around to shooting cast in it this year.

03-27-2014, 12:51 PM
Yes - .264-130-GC mold from NEI. 15 gr. 2400, Lotak Hard Lube. I'm at over 200 rounds in both rifles with cast boolits since my last cleaning of the bore and both still shoot sub-MOA groups at 100 yds. I'm trying to find out how long it will take to lose accuracy, both bores look like polished mirrors right now.