View Full Version : This member may be in trouble......

03-25-2014, 01:16 PM
Anyone hear from "rickomatic".......?

rickomatic posted last Thursday with his thread called "My New Toy" in wheelguns, pistols, and handcannons. He lists his location as Snohomish, Washington, the town hit on Saturday the 22nd by the massive mudslide that is now listed as having 176 missing. I have tried contacting him by PM and I posted in his thread this morning without any replies. Are there any members that know him and his family that can provide any info. If they are OK they must know some people that have been hit hard by this disaster. I believe it is a fairly rural and not highly populated area of Washington. Please pray for these people

Just Duke
03-25-2014, 01:32 PM
I'm from up that way and what probably happened being the phone and power lines have to be on poles, everything is probably laying on the ground. Sometimes we would lose power and phone for two week.
I think he needs Lloyd and his electrical crew to pay him a visit.

Just Duke
03-25-2014, 01:40 PM
OH My that is worse than I thought.

Just Duke
03-25-2014, 01:45 PM

PS Paul
03-25-2014, 01:55 PM
The town of Snohomish is not where the slide occurred. BUT, Rick may live out in the COUNTY of Snohomish which is where Darrington/Arlington are located.
Apparently 176 people are missing including a long-time friend of mine and his family.
I'm praying for some survivors to be located, but its likely going to be a recovery effort soon enough. Sigh........

Just Duke
03-25-2014, 02:11 PM
It's either the county or the town.


Just Duke
03-25-2014, 02:14 PM

03-25-2014, 02:41 PM
I'm about an hour and a half south of that area. Unfortunately with my work schedule, I can't go help with the search efforts.

Just Duke
03-25-2014, 03:16 PM
Where is the Nation Guard? or FEMA?

Just Duke
03-25-2014, 03:19 PM
Anyone hear from "rickomatic".......?

rickomatic posted last Thursday with his thread called "My New Toy" in wheelguns, pistols, and handcannons. He lists his location as Snohomish, Washington, the town hit on Saturday the 22nd by the massive mudslide that is now listed as having 176 missing. I have tried contacting him by PM and I posted in his thread this morning without any replies. Are there any members that know him and his family that can provide any info. If they are OK they must know some people that have been hit hard by this disaster. I believe it is a fairly rural and not highly populated area of Washington. Please pray for these people

Can someone post a link to his profile?
Who else here on the forum is out that way?

03-25-2014, 03:28 PM
Anyone hear from "rickomatic".......?

rickomatic posted last Thursday with his thread called "My New Toy" in wheelguns, pistols, and handcannons. He lists his location as Snohomish, Washington, the town hit on Saturday the 22nd by the massive mudslide that is now listed as having 176 missing. I have tried contacting him by PM and I posted in his thread this morning without any replies. Are there any members that know him and his family that can provide any info. If they are OK they must know some people that have been hit hard by this disaster. I believe it is a fairly rural and not highly populated area of Washington. Please pray for these people

Amen! I saw on a report this morning where one of the officials said he was a man of faith and they were not giving up on finding survivors. Those folks are hurting!

Just Duke
03-25-2014, 03:46 PM
It was in Osos WA. https://www.google.com/maps/@48.2780379,-121.9105325,14z

03-25-2014, 07:30 PM
Where is the Nation Guard? or FEMA?
Or for that matter the state militia?

03-25-2014, 07:36 PM
I've also got a friend in that area I can't get hold of that I am worried about.

Just Duke
03-25-2014, 07:37 PM
Red Cross? Girl Scouts? Paper boy? anyone?

03-26-2014, 01:53 AM
FEMA will show up in 2 weeks, put all the displaced people in a camp with barbed wire around the perimeter and not let them in and out without a paper saying they can pass... (Like after Sandy...)

03-26-2014, 02:26 AM
FEMA does not respond to every emergency. They respond to a disaster that has been 'declared' by the president. I used to work in one of the disaster assistance registration offices, so, I'm familiar with the routine. FEMA regularly plans for these disasters, but cannot act until el presidente makes it official. And, the disaster has to be declared by the state governor, and then the governor has to request federal assistance. Then and ONLY then does FEMA get involved. They will try and arrange temporary housing, clean water, sometimes cash. Sometimes there are special loans available to those who meet the guidelines through the Small Business Administration (don't ask me why, they're the ones who handle disaster loans.) FEMA assistance will not restore you life. They will not give you a new house. They might arrange for a mobile home for your use, maybe. Please understand, most of this stuff is not in storage, ready for a disaster. They have their rules, regulations and restrictions that they have to follow. Yes, they represent the Fed Government during a disaster, but disaster relief part of it operates on a very small budget (compared to other government agencies.) The people working for FEMA truly want to help out, but there are restrictions, by law, as to what they are allowed to do. It was very frustrating for us talking to these people who had just lost everything, and not be able to do anything substantive to be of immediate assistance. Remember, it's you federal government at work.

03-26-2014, 05:17 AM
I am praying for these people. I hope our friends are found and are safe.


03-27-2014, 09:08 AM
Mods, there are SEVERAL threads. Can we combine them. That way everything can be centralized and one sounding board for this situation so that we can all stay abreast of the news......I hate to miss something in one of the other same threads if I'm just checking this one.

Unbelievable how life can change in the blink of an eye. My continued thoughts and prayers.

03-27-2014, 09:18 AM
Mods, there are SEVERAL threads. Can we combine them. That way everything can be centralized and one sounding board for this situation so that we can all stay abreast of the news......I hate to miss something in one of the other same threads if I'm just checking this one.

Unbelievable how life can change in the blink of an eye. My continued thoughts and prayers.

If possible this could be a good idea. I just posted this thread in 4 sub-forums that receive many hits each day because I didn't know of a way to notify everyone at once.

03-27-2014, 11:30 AM
Prayers sent.

03-27-2014, 05:05 PM
Prayers for all the people involved in this tragedy, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Just Duke
03-27-2014, 06:14 PM
Anyone have any updates?

William Yanda
03-30-2014, 08:01 AM
Anyone have any updates?

Sat nights news said previously estimated 90 missing is down to around 30 with 18 positively identified. Discrepancies stemmed from multiple entries for the same individual, i.e. someone reported missing by family and neighbors.