View Full Version : Accurate 31-170S in 30-30 Test Results

03-25-2014, 11:10 AM
RickinTN was kind enough to send me some boolits to try before I buy as I was asking about the difference (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?234256-Would-like-to-try-NOE-165gr-Ranch-Dog-quot-Improved-quot) between Ranch Dog's 165gr (http://www.ranchdogoutdoors.com/bin/TLC311165RF/bullet/sketch.jpg) and 'improved' 170gr versions by NOE molds (http://noebulletmolds.com/NV/product_info.php?cPath=71_75&products_id=519). He clearing things up for me by letting me know it wasn't actually NOE who created the 'improved' boolit but Ranch Dog himself. He didn't have any 165gr boolits to send me but he did have Accurate's 31-170S (http://www.accuratemolds.com/bullet_detail.php?bullet=31-170S-D.png) which, after looking at the specifications are almost exact with the Ranch Dog boolit. (Almost exactly. The NOE mold is 165gr and the Accurate mold is 170gr)

I just sent him my test results in a PM which I thought may be useful to somebody out here as well. I'm not as technical as some of you others but I'll share what I have.

For your data, his Accurate boolits were all sized to .311 for my Marlin 336W rifle with .310 bore (thank you Remington :mad: ) Heat treated at 425 degrees with LsStuff 2500+ (http://lsstuff.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=3&products_id=22) Lube and Hornady gas checks. Each boolit weighed 171.6 give or take .4

My powder was 35.8gr of W748

Below is the PM I sent to him.


I was able to test out the boolits you sent me.

Actually tested more for fit than anything. The Ranch Dog specifications (http://www.ranchdogoutdoors.com/bin/C311170RF/data/loadnotes01.pdf) fit my rifle with these boolits almost exactly. In fact one of the rounds was off seating depth by about .010 and the boolit would not chamber without slight force. Seating it slightly deeper to RD specifications the boolit chambered like a well fitting glove and I estimate with the load I was running, the gas check were just touching the powder.

This tells me these boolits fill the chamber quite well and they're very attractive in the 30-30 casing. However, shooting them at 55 and 75 yards I wasn't able to have much better groups than 3" with a perfect hold. (tested the same with 150gr core-lokt factory ammo and had a perfect 'clover leaf')

Each boolit weighed about 171.6 give or take 0.4. When testing a group I tried to keep weights as close together as possible.

After running these through the chronograph though I'd say my speed was excessive which explains my accuracy loss. At 2421-2422fps my velocity was consistent but too high for the chambering. If I lowered the speed by about 200fps I'd probably have more success.

For lack of time and boolits/powder, I decided my accuracy was fine enough for short range hog hunting to test out the meplat Sunday evening but the hogs didn't seem to think so. None came out.

I was a little bummed I didn't have the opportunity to test them further but from my findings on the chambering, velocity (with no keyholing), and fit in the case these boolits are a perfect 150 yard boolit at 2200fps which may be stretched to 200 yards. If the shooter and gun are capable.

I'm happy and I only wish I now had the money to purchase the mold.


If I had more boolits I'd post some more test results with various powders, load accuracy, and hopefully a damage result from hunting.

03-25-2014, 08:09 PM
Accurate makes some nice molds. I've had good luck with the 31-185j in my 30-30.