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12-28-2007, 02:00 AM
You guy's have got me paranoid about lead supplies. I have one good friend who manages the Goodyear store here. And another good friend who owns a large gas station that sells a lot of tires. I picked up 3 gallon of WW today from one place, and 6 gallon's of WW from the Goodyear store today. It was all free of charge. I mentioned something to them about lead no longer being used for WW. They both told me that they have not heard a thing about it. Maybe we are just that far behind in WV. I do not know for sure. All I know is you guy's have me paranoid, so I am stocking up. :castmine:Tom.

12-28-2007, 02:31 AM
A little paranoia can be a beneficial thing..
(that's what keeps a lot of folks out of jail)
Just don't skip the house payment to stock up on lead...:wink:


12-28-2007, 08:48 AM
Paranoid??? Don't know if it is time to be paranoid or not but my situation mirrored yours not too long ago. In just a matter of months I have lost all three of my sources of wheel weights. Seems like for one reason or another I think the days of free wheel weights are coming to an end.

The scrap dealers have a big hand in this as they are willing to pay so much a pound for the weights. Get what you can and hope for the best. Fortunately I had saved enough weights to last me I think.

12-28-2007, 10:10 AM
Where in WBGV are you? I'm in south central--Chas. area.

12-28-2007, 03:07 PM
One of my suppliers also said that Pb WW were on the way out. Another said he hasn't heard anything about. Anyway just think of all mthe Pb WW out there that will still have to come off. 12pk of Bud Lite gets me a FULL 5 gal bucket.

12-29-2007, 12:38 AM
Fairmont. Tom.

12-31-2007, 04:19 AM
when I got to 10,000 lb or range scrap and WW I figure I have enough to last me till Kingdom come. I was worried about antimony But with water quench I dont need near as much. I believe in getting it while the getting is good.

Trez Hensley
12-31-2007, 12:18 PM
Wow, with 10,000lbs of lead, have you had any problems with cracking your cement floor. 5 tons in a very small space is a lot and I do mean a lot of weight.

Now I'm going to have to re-enforce my thin slab of cement in the basement. I've got to get 10,000# to keep up...pant.... pant..... You have truly raised the bar on us competitive sorts. Thanks alot, now I have to explain to Jolie why I need enough lead to crush our van...;)

12-31-2007, 12:52 PM
I just about give up on WW's today. I have only once been refused WW's by a tyre guy but the amount of zinc/iron/unknown contained in the buckets obtained is a pain. 3 good buckets of WW's produced less than a half bucket of metal. I have been using the stick-on lead strips to fill out the mix but have doubts about this also. One bucket contained long strips of stick-on tin!
I will revert to indoor range lead. Its pungent but I can control the alloy obtained.
UK member.