View Full Version : 9x18 Red Dot load ??

03-21-2014, 09:26 PM
Looking for a starting load for 9x18 using 95gr cast round nose and Red Dot powder ? Looking for mainly a plinker round . Thanks for any help !

03-21-2014, 09:39 PM
9x18 Makarov load data using Red Dot

100gr LRN
2.7 gr Red Dot ( Max Load ) Pressure: 21,300
Suggested starting load: 2.4 grs.
865 fps

More load data here :


Do you have access to a good loading manual that has load data for the Makarov round ?

03-21-2014, 10:18 PM
No Ben , info on 9x18 loads with Red Dot seem to be scarce , More info on Bullseye and more commonly used powders , seems 9x18 and Red Dot are somewhat stepchild situations almost ? Found quite a few Red Dot loads when loading 380acp though . Thanks for the info !

03-30-2014, 09:54 AM
I loaded lots of Mak ammo with RedDot.....but be warned-if you use an auto disk measure you may get some bridging, dropping light charges with Red dot in the tiny holes. I was getting about 4% drops that were light. My load was 2.9gr Rdot and a 100grain cast LRN

03-30-2014, 10:27 AM
For what it is worth. I haven't used Red Dot but loaded apx 1500 Maks during the height of the shortages using what ever powder I could get my hands on. I used 380 data from various sources and best I recall no problems. I gave away apx 600 rds, haven't heard any complaints and have been asked for more. Apx 75% of my Maks were loaded with trimmed 9MM brass.

03-31-2014, 08:51 AM
CZ 82 is main round I plan on using it with , glad to hear your's worked out well .

03-31-2014, 01:14 PM
One of the board's members wrote and published an article on loading the Makarov round. Wish I could recall whom he was but I'm sure he could offer some real insight on loading the Mak. If he happens upon this thread hopefully he will chime in here.

When I loaded the Maks I was scraping the bottom of various powder cans. I can't recall all I used but one I'd avoid is HERCO. Function and 15-25 yard accuracy was on par with the others but I got a bright daytime muzzle flash and it didn't burn cleanly. The HERCO was in excess of 10 years old and may have deteriorated somewhat. Bullseye was the best, leading me to believe Red Dot is as if not a better choice. I know I also loaded apx 20 or so with Unique before running out and two Hodgden powders but just can't recall which ones. My nearly 20 year old Dupont PB from the old metal can surprised me by how clean it burned for its age but best I recall I squeezed may be a dozen or so before going dry.

Bear in mind I was using 380 jacketed data for similar weight bullet from mostly 70 and 80's publications. I'll repeat if the author of the article would chime in here and provide us a link it would be most so useful. Once mine are gone I want to load up another thousand or so. One of the benefits of being the family reloader!! I recently twisted a friend's arm into bleeding off a pound of his 8lb keg of Bullseye for me but want to save it for my 45ACP and AR. I'd like to try Red Dot in the Mak but am pretty much SOL unless I want to pay an exaggerated price it.