View Full Version : First Smelt

03-21-2014, 07:49 AM
I did my first smelt yesterday and was kind of surprised at a few things that I could use some answers to.

My batch was small, about 25lbs and I used a bunch of recycled shot that certainly had graphite in it.
The amount of "****" (hope that is the proper term :-) I had to skim was more than expected.
There was a very thin film left on the top that, if needed to be skimmed, I couldn't figure out how to.
Also, some of my ingots were real shiney and others were dull, I have no idea what that means.
I have read a bunch of the stickeys but can find specific answers, so look forward to my bombardment
of questions as I learn to smelt and cast.

03-21-2014, 09:13 AM
Ingots shiny vs dull is based on the time it takes for them to cool. Shiny is usually from a cold ingot mould, hot moulds cool slower hence the dull color.
Before skimming toss a handful of dry sawdust on the melt, let it begin to smoke, then light it. Stir that around a bunch until it stops burning. Skim the ash off. That will remove some impurities and also reduce good stuff back into the melt.

Keep doing what you are doing. Sounds like it went pretty well.

03-21-2014, 09:35 AM
Thanks, yeah I did the saw dust and wax. I think I used too much wax...nice flames torching off. I think my
next attempt will go better as I will smelt a larger batch and I can control my temperature better.

03-23-2014, 11:48 PM
There will be forever a thin layer of skim on the melt. Not to worry , its just life in the pot.