View Full Version : Hunting with the 303 british

03-21-2014, 01:36 AM
Does anyone hunt much with a 303? I have one that is sporterized, that is one of my favorite rifles. More or less my go to gun when I head out and want a heavier rifle and don't know what I might run into. It has been really successful with j-words, and now I want to start using alot more cast with it. I'm wondering what boolits and loads you guys use for deer sized game. I have a 31141 that drops boolits at .314/.315. My barrel slugs @ .313. figured I'd start with that, and see where it goes.

03-21-2014, 06:30 AM
You might PM 303guy, he's done a lot of work with this caliber. There should not be any reason the 303 wouldn't kick butt with cast. After all, the 30-30 does. The .303 has more case capacity, is capable of stabilizing heavier boolits, and has the strength of a bolt rifle going for it.

03-21-2014, 08:53 AM
I do ,and I always feel a little connection to the great hunters of the past when I take my old enfield out to show it a deer. Call me nostalgic, it's OK! The old Three Oh Three had been there and done it all so I feel privilaged to be in it's company.

03-21-2014, 11:08 AM
My first recommendation is to slug the barrel to get an idea of what size boolet you`ll get best results with. My next suggestion is to clean the bore as its never been cleaned before to remove as much jacket plating that has been plated in there over the life of the rifle. You will get better results with a cleaner barrel than just a "patch run thru" barrel cleaning.Robert

03-21-2014, 11:15 AM
If the 31141 shoots well in your rifle at 1800-2000 FPS range, I will tell you from experience it will perform well on deer. Give it a try, I think you'll be impressed.

03-21-2014, 12:27 PM
31141 as cast (or run with GC thru the .314 sizer, or PP'd 1 thickness) + 24.0grs. IMR4198 = sweetness and light............YMMV.

03-21-2014, 12:40 PM
I sold my .303 to a member here as it wasnt sporterized and I lost my mind. O well I know its in good hands.

It was a great cast shooter with longer boolits. I used to load in the 2000-2300fps range with no issues. I saw a sporterized one the other day I almost bought.

03-21-2014, 01:32 PM
The .303 figures large in my personal history, and I've used it on bear, moose and caribou.

I'm SURE that I saved myself from death or serious injury by killing a large black bear with a .303 at muzzle-flash range (about three feet) one morning in the NWT. That was with a #5 Carbine, and I'd bet there were three empties in the air before the first one hit the ground.

I've long considered the .303 and .308 to be ballistic twins for all practical purposes. Pretty nice neighborhood!

For hunting with cast bullets in a .303, I would use a HEAVY bullet (over 200 grains, try to get it over 2000 fps.....and CAST WITH A SOFTPOINT to guarantee expansion).

A non-expanding bullet is a recipe for poor game-killing performance. WITH expansion, that 200+-grain bullet becomes a close duplicate of the commercial 215-grain softpoint loads that were deadly on big game.

My .303 mould is the NOE 316299, which drops at .303" (nose) and .316" (bands) in my wheelweight alloy. Just about perfect.

03-22-2014, 11:55 AM
What BruceB said....

04-27-2014, 11:09 PM
I All

I am new to this site and I am researching cast loads for the 303. I am also new to casting.

Can someone please explain from a post above about casting with a soft point? I am considering buying a NOE hollow point mold, but as I am new to this all advice will be appreciated. I will be targeting Fallow Deer and smaller wallaby(kangaroo) here in OZ.



04-27-2014, 11:20 PM
I All

I am new to this site and I am researching cast loads for the 303. I am also new to casting.

Can someone please explain from a post above about casting with a soft point? I am considering buying a NOE hollow point mold, but as I am new to this all advice will be appreciated. I will be targeting Fallow Deer and smaller wallaby(kangaroo) here in OZ.



Bruce B has a sticky on casting softpoints. It is very descriptive and well worth the read. I plan to cast some up soon for testing in wet newspaper. Sounds like a great hunting Boolit. Welcome to the addiction, and this site. You can really learn alot here from all these guys. They are very helpful and a wealth of info.


04-27-2014, 11:21 PM
Go to "search" at the top of every page.

Type in "BruceB softpoint"

On the list that comes up, look for "BruceB softpoint (as of May 2009)"

That thread should answer any questions. If not..... ask again!

bruce drake
04-28-2014, 12:13 AM
Another great bullet mold for the Lee-Enfield is Lyman's 314299 which is a 200gr mold. My wheel-weight mix comes out checked and lubed at 215gr and its an almost perfect duplicate for ballistics with the older Mark I-VI versions of this cartridge so if you have a No 1 Mk III, you should close with the elevation scale with this bullet and a decent load.

Bruce (the Maine guy and not the Canadian BruceB)

04-28-2014, 12:33 AM
I am a huge fan of the 30-40. These two cartridges are trans Atlantic brothers. They differ in case capacity by about 1 gr H2O depending on brass. And while the 303 wants a larger diameter bullet, weights and performance are much the same.

Both really come into their own with cast (GC) in180 grs and above. With 180 gr bullet, start with 24 grs IMR 4227 and work up to 25.5 backing off at vertical stringing. With well fitting harder boolits (BHN 22 -24) that fill the throat and are seated @ 1/16" off the lands, I have had excellent success with H4350 and 200 - 220 grs boolits. This last is somewhat against conventional wisdom but has proven itself time and time again.

04-28-2014, 12:41 AM
My .303 mould is the NOE 316299, which drops at .303" (nose) and .316" (bands) in my wheelweight alloy. Just about perfect.

How well does that bullet work in Mosins, do you know? I have five Enfields and two Mosins, and I'd love to cast one bullet for all seven rifles! That NOE has caught my attention, but I need to do some slugging first.

04-28-2014, 12:57 AM
my son has one a Mk 4 parker hale that he uses for goat hunting with cast subsonic .312 (same as my 7.62x39 as they both slug at .312) boolits, they are more than enough for the goats we cull here, He has a more powerful cast load for the bigger stuff when needed.

great rifles,

04-28-2014, 01:09 AM
Bruce (the Maine guy and not the Canadian BruceB)

WHOA, there!


I an an American citizen from the very day of my birth (Detroit 1943).

The fact that I lived in Canada for fifty years doesn't change a thing, and I got myself repatriated to Nevada back in '97.

I wish I hadn't waited so long, but there were valid reasons.

I have the Lyman 311299 and 314299 as well as the NOE 316299. I also have three new-condition .303 rifles waiting for some attention.

Due to very serious medical difficulties (and a recent divorce) I haven't loaded a round or cast a bullet in over two years.... I think that's going to change in the next two weeks with any luck.

Those .303s will be high on the list, for sure. Reading about loading and shooting is a very poor substitute for the real thing.

P,S. There hasn't been a Mosin in my racks for at least forty years, so I have no idea how the NOE bullet will work. I do think it SHOULD be a good one, as the Mosin is another "fat .30" much like the ,303 rifles.

04-28-2014, 04:57 AM
Nup, wouldn't own one. Horrible things. LOL.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v505/JeffinNZ/Roo%20trip%2010/IMG_0007.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JeffinNZ/media/Roo%20trip%2010/IMG_0007.jpg.html)

04-28-2014, 08:49 AM
Sure BruceB, tell us aboot how you are not Canadian! lol.

I suppose 50 years would give me the accent too.

04-29-2014, 02:13 AM
Accent? *I* have an ACCENT????

Can't be..... I sound perfectly normal to me.

One thing I did have to do on arrival in the US of A was consciously NOT say "eh" at the end of every clause: "So there we were, eh? And then them girls came around the corner, eh? Of course we walked over to talk to them, eh?" .....and so on. NOT an exaggeration!

Instead, I cultivated the habit of substituting "huh" in many places where previously I would have said "eh". I thought it worked.

And now ammohead tells me that I STILL have an accent...... I am appalled.

04-29-2014, 03:00 AM
Sounds like you're on the right track. I took my first deer with my dad's #IV Mk II - many years ago. Lots of people had 'em back in the day. A $13.00 rifle bought out of a barrel.

Does anyone hunt much with a 303? I have one that is sporterized, that is one of my favorite rifles. More or less my go to gun when I head out and want a heavier rifle and don't know what I might run into. It has been really successful with j-words, and now I want to start using alot more cast with it. I'm wondering what boolits and loads you guys use for deer sized game. I have a 31141 that drops boolits at .314/.315. My barrel slugs @ .313. figured I'd start with that, and see where it goes.

04-29-2014, 03:36 AM
What a coincidence, "Ryan's Daughter" is on the cable right now, the new Captain just arrived
at the base and the troops shouldered their Enfields.
I shot some jaxkets through Dad's Smelly maybe 20 years ago, I know I cleaned it after.
Probably haven't had it out of the safe since then, 'til last year when I inspected it and
found to my horror that the barrel was all fuzzy-lookin' inside! Must have been fouling coming out
as an oily patch left it clean and shiny, no pits.
Hoping to cast for it this year, have always thought paper-patch would be the way to go
but not sure that's necessary. Might even try powder-coating.
It slugs at .313.
Thanks for the info, will be looking for a 200gn or better mold.

PS: Back in the olden days I took this rifle to my school for show & tell,
there was no screaming or evacuation, just an item of interest back then.

PPS: I wasn't paying much attention to it but that movie seemed to be a long
slow soap opera!

Brett Ross
05-02-2014, 05:49 PM
I and this deer can personally vouch for Bruce B soft nose boolits. M95/24, 8x56r, Lee C338-220-1r sized to .334, lubed 45/45/10, 18gr 2400. The shot was taken at 60yds and the deer ran 80yds.

05-04-2014, 02:02 PM
Nup, wouldn't own one. Horrible things. LOL.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v505/JeffinNZ/Roo%20trip%2010/IMG_0007.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JeffinNZ/media/Roo%20trip%2010/IMG_0007.jpg.html)

I don't think I would eat that deer, there is something really wrong with it, the tail is way too long.:mrgreen:

05-05-2014, 01:14 AM
Nup, wouldn't own one. Horrible things. LOL.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v505/JeffinNZ/Roo%20trip%2010/IMG_0007.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JeffinNZ/media/Roo%20trip%2010/IMG_0007.jpg.html)

I don't think I would eat that deer, there is something really wrong with it, the tail is way too long.:mrgreen:

Me either but the rifle is a keeper. ;-)

05-12-2014, 08:30 PM
BruceB you are a Canadian or should be considered one..... ya you can be a Yank too. It comes with serving, I believe with the Pats. Eh! Hoser


05-20-2014, 04:32 PM
About two years ago at a gun show in Lincoln, I picked up a beater Enfield with a loose stock, and parts from probably a half dozen other rifles. An ugly looking critter, with different colors of wood. Never could get the stock to snug up to the rear of the action until I hit it with Gorilla glue and screwed it down hard. The bbl was rough, but not pitted. As ugly as this rifle is, it is a pleasure to shoot, will do about 4" at 100 with most cast blts that I put thru it with muzzle vols between 1400-1600 fps. It is truly a battle rifle, fully capable of being lethal in my hands on a human target out to 300 yds, a very high percentage of the time. What more could I ask of a $125.00 rifle.

05-20-2014, 04:50 PM
I need me one of them 125$ rifles.... :-P

05-20-2014, 04:57 PM
Nup, wouldn't own one. Horrible things. LOL.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v505/JeffinNZ/Roo%20trip%2010/IMG_0007.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JeffinNZ/media/Roo%20trip%2010/IMG_0007.jpg.html)

Dang, that 303 shot the front legs plum off that poor little deer!

05-20-2014, 05:26 PM
I need me one of them 125$ rifles.... :-P

LOL, mine cost only $65! It had a broken firing pin but a machinist friend modified the existing one with a grade 8 bolt FOR FREE! Its a beater, mis-matched serial #'s but has a nice bore and shoots as good as my eyes will let it.

square butte
05-20-2014, 05:57 PM
Had a neighbor bring one down to the house because his wife was skeert of it. Cut down front wood - but excellent bore.

05-28-2014, 05:21 AM
Does anyone hunt much with a 303? I have one that is sporterized, that is one of my favorite rifles. More or less my go to gun when I head out and want a heavier rifle and don't know what I might run into. It has been really successful with j-words, and now I want to start using alot more cast with it. I'm wondering what boolits and loads you guys use for deer sized game. I have a 31141 that drops boolits at .314/.315. My barrel slugs @ .313. figured I'd start with that, and see where it goes.

Yep got this monster "deer" with a No1 Mk3 Lee Enfield using cast GC 215 Gn projectiles that a friend gave me.

05-28-2014, 09:48 AM
You gotta love the Aussies!

Take Care


05-28-2014, 11:47 AM
Yep got this monster "deer" with a No1 Mk3 Lee Enfield using cast GC 215 Gn projectiles that a friend gave me.
Oh man, gonna take awhile to chew through all of that one.....

bruce drake
05-28-2014, 02:53 PM
mmm....camel burgers.... But hey! A day hunting sure as heck beats a day in the office!


bruce drake
05-28-2014, 03:06 PM

I've been 25 years away from Maine and when I get on the phone with family my wife claims she can't understand me on the phone or for several hours afterwards because my Down East accent returns very quickly!

My 303s are my personal favorite rifles. Can't beat them in my opinion even though I own several Mausers, Arisakas, Garands and ARs as well...

Accent? *I* have an ACCENT????

Can't be..... I sound perfectly normal to me.

One thing I did have to do on arrival in the US of A was consciously NOT say "eh" at the end of every clause: "So there we were, eh? And then them girls came around the corner, eh? Of course we walked over to talk to them, eh?" .....and so on. NOT an exaggeration!

Instead, I cultivated the habit of substituting "huh" in many places where previously I would have said "eh". I thought it worked.

And now ammohead tells me that I STILL have an accent...... I am appalled.

05-28-2014, 03:14 PM
Yep got this monster "deer" with a No1 Mk3 Lee Enfield using cast GC 215 Gn projectiles that a friend gave me.

Notice that Down Under, they cut the throat on the other side.

05-28-2014, 05:47 PM
Must be a Doe....no antlers.

Take Care


Idaho Mule
05-28-2014, 08:38 PM
Notice that Down Under, they cut the throat on the other side. Well yeah, the blood circulates counter-clockwise down there so ya gotta cut the other side of the neck.

07-18-2014, 11:28 AM
I would be more likely to hunt with mine if one of the major bullet companies would make a good 215gr. soft point RN in the correct diameter.

07-18-2014, 11:58 AM
Hunt with a Longbrank No.4 MK1* that I defiled as a kid and recently sporterized it. Killed two deer with it last year, but didn't use cast. I was using Hornady Interlock for the first and and SST for the second. Second deer shot freestanding (deer looking right at me and wouldn't ever look down and closest tree in the hill I was cresting was 10 yards away) at 150 yards plus. Very accurate rifle, good enough to trust your life on, and defintily good enough to take any four legged creatures as well. Just got the lee 312-185 mold and plan to start testing cast on it soon! Haven't shot any Camels here in Florida, but do have my name in for a permit...

First deer shot in Florida with an 150 gr. Interlock being pushed by 4064. Lung shot and traveled about 60 yards.

Picture of my niece shooting that very rifle -


07-18-2014, 12:50 PM
I would be more likely to hunt with mine if one of the major bullet companies would make a good 215gr. soft point RN in the correct diameter.

Oddly enough IVI produces exactly that for the Canadian Rangers but doesn't sell the ammunition to the public. IVI is the old Dominion Cartridge Co, formerly owned by CIL Industries.

Take Care


07-18-2014, 02:38 PM
Hello Johnestmon

Heavy J* bullets


303 British (.311 dia.)Spitzers
125 grains x .035 SPZ........$37.00 c3
180 grains x .035 SPZ........$39.00
215 grains x .035 SPZ........$40.50
Round Tips
180 grains x .030 RT..........$37.00 c3
215 grains x .030 RT..........$39.00 c3

07-20-2014, 12:52 AM
Shot a nice elk with a paper patched bullet in my Ruger #1 in 303, last fall. I posted some pictures of the recovered bullet here:


07-20-2014, 03:33 AM
I would be more likely to hunt with mine if one of the major bullet companies would make a good 215gr. soft point RN in the correct diameter.
Woodleigh bullets in Australia make a 215gr round nose .312" bullet

07-20-2014, 05:44 AM
Yes, and Midway stocks the Woodleigh bullets. They aren't cheap, at around $36 per box of 50, but they certainly have a stellar reputation as game bullets.

I have had no difficulty in killing black bears, moose and caribou with factory-loaded 180-grain bullets from CIL (now IVI) in Canada. If they are still making the same bullet designs, they would be an excellent choice.

I once chronographed the CIL factory 180 load, and found they were leaving a 22" .303 at over 2500 fps. Compare THAT to factory-loaded .30'06 180s, and you may be surprised.

I recovered two of the CIL 180s from a sizable bear killed at about TWO FEET from the muzzle of my #5 Carbine. They both weighed over 140 grains and were found in the hide on the far side of the animal.

Personally, I much prefer the 180 weight, because the 215's trajectory is not nearly as flat. The 180 will work well to at least 200 yards. Still, the 215 has been doing fine for over a hundred years. I used them on a few animals, but the 180 is a better choice in my estimation.

I carried a .303 loaded with those 180s all day, every day. when working exploration in polar-bear country, and never doubted its efficiency on the white critters.

Never did have to shoot one, but the rifle was a welcome companion when *I* might be the quarry. By that time, I had already killed some game with the .303 and had confidence in it. I still do!

07-20-2014, 10:25 AM
Bruce IVI won't sell to the civilian market.

I have some of theirs that were handed out to the Cdn Rangers and they are excellent cartridges.

Take Care


07-20-2014, 10:46 AM
For quite a few years, IVI was selling "Imperial"-brand ammunition to the unwashed civilians. Has that practice stopped now? Who is supplying the huge Canadian market these days?

Those "Kling-Kor" bullets in the different chamberings were pretty decent and reliable bullets; I used a lot of them.

Knowledgeable riflemen of my acquaintance in the Forces always said that the quality of Canadian military ammunition declined abruptly when IVI took over the manufacturing. These were men who knew rifles and shooting, and I believed their accounts.

I still have great respect for the .303, and consider it to be the full equal of the .308-class rounds.... which is a pretty decent neighboUrhood in which to hang around.

07-20-2014, 07:04 PM
Remington, Winchester Hornady, & Federal to name the bigger ones for rifle. I know I am missing a couple of European brands. I don't buy factory rounds. Norinco out of China sells a lot of 223, 9mm 7.62x39, 7.62x25 of the Discount brands. S&B sells a lot of 9MM, 45acp, 40cal & 38spl.

Russian primers are selling for $2.80 per hundred right now which is nice since Federal, Remington Peters, CCI & Winchester aren't shipping up here right now. The ones we get have been great in all my handguns. I have not tried their rifle primers.

Lots of rifle powder available but pistol/shotgun powder are no where to be found.

I found IVI 9MM to be dirty. I have no idea what powder they were loading but it certainly was dirty. Their .303 ammo is quite decent. The Rangers get ball and RN soft point. I am not sure you would want to get hit with any of it.:-o Their brass is excellent for reloading.

Take Care


07-21-2014, 09:52 AM
Their brass is excellent for reloading.

Take Care


Is that brass available in the US?

07-21-2014, 11:09 AM
Is that brass available in the US?

No and unfortunately unless you can convince the local Ranger Sargent to allow you to grab some I am afraid it all goes back to the Army for recycling purposes.

Take Care


07-22-2014, 10:38 AM
Sierra 180g 0.311 Prohunter for J# over 40.8g of WC846 (BLC-2). Out of my $40 sporter(with mount and scope) . I took a deer with that load this year and it was effective. Ran 20yds then dropped. I am trying to find a good cast load and have a box of the lee 312-155 2R loaded up to test. One of the best deals out there on sporters. Found 2 MKIII's for $180 total. I passed on a sporter which had a polymer stock and scope mount that was listed at $200. I purchased a M96 Swede instead. I have an aversion of buying more than one gun at a time. Usually the deals come in groups and I shouldn't second guess myself. Scale on target is 1/2" squares.

07-22-2014, 12:14 PM
first deer I ever shot was with a .303 #5 way back in the early 1960's....
yes I still use a .303 for hunting....I find the heavy (180 to 200 gr) round nose bullet, either J or cast, gives best accuracy...

and by the way,,,that #5 cost me $35.00 and I bought it in the local grocery store ! Them days are sure gone !

07-22-2014, 09:12 PM
first deer I ever shot was with a .303 #5 way back in the early 1960's....
yes I still use a .303 for hunting....I find the heavy (180 to 200 gr) round nose bullet, either J or cast, gives best accuracy...

and by the way,,,that #5 cost me $35.00 and I bought it in the local grocery store ! Them days are sure gone !

My dad bought his #4 for about $17 from a Sears catalog IIRC. Wish they were that cheap now! Also wish ammo was more common like it is for the Mosins.

Von Gruff
07-22-2014, 10:02 PM
Just about got this one ready to take out for a hunt.

http://i667.photobucket.com/albums/vv39/VonGruff/303%20Lee%20Enfield%20sporting%20rifle/303_zps897d4c4c.png (http://s667.photobucket.com/user/VonGruff/media/303%20Lee%20Enfield%20sporting%20rifle/303_zps897d4c4c.png.html)


07-30-2014, 09:57 PM
I do ,and I always feel a little connection to the great hunters of the past when I take my old enfield out to show it a deer. Call me nostalgic, it's OK! The old Three Oh Three had been there and done it all so I feel privilaged to be in it's company.

I hear you shredder! I hunted whitetails for my first two years with an old 303 British! It felt so exciting being old enough to carry a piece of history! I loved the sound and feel of it when I chambered a round!

Even hunted around the Carrot River country in Saskatchewan with it! Used to farm some of that country, now I live in Alberta.
That was in the early 80's, and I still have that rifle! A (REM) manufactured P14 Enfield.

Geezer in NH
08-05-2014, 10:51 PM
My first center fire rifle was a Santa Fe Enfield, 19 inch barrel, with a Williams Foolproof rear sight. It was a rust bucket that I cleaned and re-blued. Somehow the bore was great. I shot a couple of thousand WWII MKVII rounds from it at 3 bucks a hundred.

I shot 2 deer with it one with Rem 180's and one with a cast boolit I had bought a 1000 of. The CB stopped DRT (13gr of Red Dot) the Rem 180 made about 30 yards.

Gave the rifle away to my BIL who had no rifle and had just moved to NH in the boonies. He and his 4 sons have killed just about anything you want dead with it, steers, hogs, bears and deer. (maybe a couple of moose). All statues have long past by the way. All with available Rem 180's and the rest with the same load of cast's mentioned above.

The Youngest son/nephew owns the rifle now he is in KY on his farm and he is 42 years old, it is his only rifle still performing when asked.

08-19-2014, 07:21 AM
I too am looking at casting for my 303
thanks to all and to the OP for the valuable info.

08-19-2014, 10:01 AM
I too am looking at casting for my 303
thanks to all and to the OP for the valuable info.


I sized the boolit above to 314 with a Lee push through. Lube was some home-brewed stuff that started out as RCBS pistol lube [don't ask ;-)]. Load was 16gr of Unique with an AL gas check from a member here and the target was at 50yds.

08-21-2014, 01:44 PM
It is really hard to beat the advice that Bruce gives on this one!

5.7 MAN
08-23-2014, 07:14 AM
I want to hunt with my SMLE now! I love the 303!

I would like to hear the details/story of that camel!

08-24-2014, 11:05 PM
:grin: Yep the Enfeild is a swell piece of swag.IF I had known back in 1964 what I know NOW,I could have bought 6 of them for $60.00.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

08-29-2014, 06:53 PM
This thread enabled me to acquire another Enfield today. I should mention that I was shooting some cast in my 1950 Longbranch earlier this morning and thoroughly enjoyed myself...so was in an Enfield mood. Anyway, I dropped by the local pawn just browsing and they really didn't have any projects that interested me to much...BUT i did notice an SMLE at a decent price. After a good bit of old fashion fun haggling I walked out with her. Someone had put an aftermarket butt stock on it and worked the forend a bit...decent work if not great. Featured an S&K no drill scope mount and an old Japanese tasco. Funny that someone did this work and never properly removed the cosmoline which had dried to a thin black crust on the rifle...she is currently completely dissembled and the metal is soaking in some diesel as i type. Rifling is good, not outstanding, but not bad either for a 1941 rifle - have seen much much worse. Was an Australian issues from all the seven pointed stars on her i do believe. I got a decent price on it and think i will simply clean her from head to toe and try out some cast and she how she shoots. She will go on the list for a complete makeover but I'm in absolutely no hurry. She will make a fine hunting rifle as is!


11-04-2018, 08:42 PM
Accent? *I* have an ACCENT????

Can't be..... I sound perfectly normal to me.

One thing I did have to do on arrival in the US of A was consciously NOT say "eh" at the end of every clause: "So there we were, eh? And then them girls came around the corner, eh? Of course we walked over to talk to them, eh?" .....and so on. NOT an exaggeration!

Instead, I cultivated the habit of substituting "huh" in many places where previously I would have said "eh". I thought it worked.

And now ammohead tells me that I STILL have an accent...... I am appalled.

Ok so u say your not Canadian but you own 3 lee endfields as a Canadian gun nut I don’t think your I’m not Canadian claim holds much beer any way the lee 312-185-1R at around 1800fps is devastating on the black tails in my area a friend with my gun hit a 4 pointer(I’m Canadian so we only count one side) in the face just below the eye it passed clean through and down the neck about a foot befor it stopped killing it instantly and a 2 pointer in the shoulder it smashed through the leg bone and shoulder blade taking the bone fragments with it and shredded the Heart and lungs it only ran about 30’ the crumpled on the ground took 2 more to the head to finish

11-04-2018, 11:34 PM
Castoutlaw. Bruce B is on heaven's range now. Served with the Pats. Lived in the NWT. One of this forums "good guys". He is sorely missed. You will run across his posts if you hang here. He posted with wisdom. Our country was the benefactor with his presence. RIP BruceB

Take Care
