View Full Version : U.P. North Update

Capt. Senile
03-19-2014, 11:51 PM
Howdy gents!

I spoke to U.P. North yesterday and I thought I pass on an update to the board.

As you know, he's been a bit hard to get ahold of these last few months. He was put out of commission with Lyme disease around Christmas, and in hospital for almost 2 months with no access to the web. He is home now and back in the shop for a few hours a day, (against the doc's orders) to catch up on work. When you're a one man operation and something like this happens, shop work quickly comes to a screeching halt.

Just thought I'd pass this along.

Brian in VT

03-24-2014, 08:12 PM
got a PM from him the other day, sounded like he was going to be sending some stuff out soon, I remember him saying give him a few months, and its been a few months, was getting ready to send him a pm, and end up getting one from him first,

that lyme stuff is nasty, known others who got it, not fun at all, :sad:

R.Ph. 380
03-25-2014, 12:21 AM
got a PM from him the other day, sounded like he was going to be sending some stuff out soon, I remember him saying give him a few months, and its been a few months, was getting ready to send him a pm, and end up getting one from him first,

that lyme stuff is nasty, known others who got it, not fun at all, :sad:

Yeah, and if you don't hit it hard with antibiotics and I mean hit it hard, it can cause Rheumatoid Arthritis, and not in too many years also. One of the bad things about deer country. Dogs can also bring in the ticks to your house where they'll go for the first warm body they sense. Tim's had a rough time, hope it's behind him now.


u.p. north
03-25-2014, 02:16 AM
You must be talking about another Vendor. I have had no dealings with you or the police department in my business. I keep a pretty good record and that I am sure about, I never heard of you till now. So would you please correct who you are writing about in this one cause it isn't me..... Tim (U.P. North)

After chatting with him for the past couple of months (mainly though the police dept.) He had a lot of other excuses he never mentioned Lyme disease though, but he did send my dies and press finally after more than a year. I would have been better off with out them, the press is a wreck, Im going to spend more time rebuilding it than its probably worth. So far the squirt die has a huge bur that I have to lap out, the core seating die also has to be lapped. I don't know about the point die yet because the press ram was not finished and I cant get the ejector pin in it till I drill it out. I sent him an email about it and have not heard a thing from him. I hope you guys have better luck than I did. I really don't see any point in send it all back, after waiting for more than a year for this stuff its just easier to fix it myself and press on. (no pun intended)

03-25-2014, 04:59 AM
I think he`s talking about the guy that lives in Lake city Mi., and picked the wrong Thread to put his post on. I am glad to see your getting better.

03-25-2014, 01:29 PM
My mistake, sorry