View Full Version : prepping my lead

03-17-2014, 06:16 PM
Okay. So I have been thinking about getting into reloading for a while and recently came into a messload of lead. Over the last month or so I have been watching online in forums such as this and Youtube videos for information. I have a list of items and prices I will be buying, but first I figure I will worry about converting all this lead into clean, ready to go ingots. So far I used a chainsaw to cut it into chunks small enough to move around by hand. My problem is it is all covered by fiberglass/paint as it is from a sailboat keel. So what I'm looking for here is advice on what to do about it. I briefly tried an air chisel and that might work given a bit of time. I'm wondering could I just say screw it and smelt it and scoop off the impurities? Any input/opinions would be appreciated. Thanks

03-17-2014, 06:25 PM
Pretty anything will burn off when you melt lead. But the fumes of what you are burning.....that is a different story! Fiberglass is not the problem, it is the paint, glue, epoxy, and other crapola that is in there. All will float to the top and you can skim.

Scrape as much off as you can without killing yourself! Then melt smaller amounts at a time with a good breeze and a respirator. Don't know your location or surroundings, but hope you do not have neighbors close!

Good luck with that bunch of stuff.


03-17-2014, 06:43 PM
Yeah it'll be done in the country with lots of open space and with a respirator for sure.

03-18-2014, 07:00 AM
If there's no wind around when you melt try and use a fan to blow the fumes away. My 1/2 propane (melting) tank was coated with what I think was an epoxy paint, and when I first heated it up it was pretty horrible as it burnt off!! As banger said, melting it will burn off almost anything that's coating the lead - unpleasant, but a lot easier than trying to remove it any other way.