View Full Version : Just checking in

03-15-2014, 05:30 PM
I know ive been a little absent lately. Figured I should give youns a update.

Cory was (ever so graciously) offered a Honorable, He accepted it. Waiting on seperation orders that should come down any day now. Were told by our civillian and military lawyer that the board looked at the packet and realized they didnt have enough proof to chapter him and that everything was bogus, so knowing he wants out anyway is letting him get out. I am relieved we wont have to live this life anymore, And anxious to get moved. We already have our house, It is in Clarksville TN. Walk out our back door and your standing in Kentucky. I hope and pray everything gets moving so we can just get out of here.

03-15-2014, 06:52 PM
Congrats on the win. Good luck with the move.

Down South
03-15-2014, 08:34 PM
What did Cory do or not do?

03-15-2014, 10:38 PM
Good job hope it works out good for you.

03-16-2014, 01:54 AM
What did Cory do or not do?

Aaah, that's a door you do not want to open.....

03-16-2014, 10:15 AM
I hope things calm down now, at least part of it is over!

Wayne Smith
03-16-2014, 11:30 AM
You have to check and see how many castboolit neighbors you will have.

03-16-2014, 12:14 PM
Great news ! Lots o' luck.

03-16-2014, 01:24 PM
Glad to hear things are going well, hope the move goes safely.

03-16-2014, 01:53 PM
He should receive much better care thru the VA hospital, if you go that way, they are much different than base Dr. Prayers have been answered compared to 6 months ago. Continue to stick with it you two have overcome much.

03-16-2014, 05:51 PM
Glad things are going to work out for y'all

03-19-2014, 09:21 AM
Ok, well my recent good update must have jinxed us. Because now more stuff has transpired. Medically.....

On Saturday he was having lower back pain over his kidneys. I pumped him full of water figureing he was dehydrated plus his urine smelled pungent. (Yes I accompany him to the bathroom on occasion, Doesnt all spouses?)
I couldnt have been more wrong. Sunday he started urinating some blood. Sunday night he had to strain to get the urine out, We heard a clunk in the toilet so me being the curious wife, I looked in the bowl, stuck on some gloves and picked up this rocky looking thing the size of a pencil eraser. Kidney stones.
He refused to go to the ER, So he went to sick call yesterday, They saw him, Tested his blood and said he has a severe infection somewhere, Sent him for a CT scan and CT told him he has to call today to make a appt after 130 and to not be surprised if he cant be seen for a few weeks. Seriously? He bleeds every time he pees. Its urine with blood following behind after the bladder is empty.
So he is currently at the ER to get help because there is no way he can wait for weeks. He is still passing stones, None as big as the 1 I examined but if its still giving him this much pain, Im sure theres another large one. His CO doesnt seem the least bit concerned either. I swear this place sucks.

03-19-2014, 09:24 AM
Long story short, They said he was awol when he wasnt, We prooved he wasnt. They want him out because he "isnt medically or mentally fit" (He has PTSD and a TBI from a explosion in iraq for which he has a purple heart) so they are chaptering him on patterns of misconduct for the same offense for which we prooved he wasnt guilty, Apparently he cant get a MEB because MEB is full. Its a mess. A big big big mess.

What did Cory do or not do?

03-19-2014, 09:27 AM
Yes the last 6 months have definitely not been my idea of fun. But it has made us stronger. Individually and as a couple. I need him just as much as he needs me. We found a beautiful home there, The schools sound amazing. I am really hopeful things will be ok. I just wish I knew someone there that would take Cory under their wing and help keep him occupied, Im told the 1st 6 months out is the hardest part to adjust.

He should receive much better care thru the VA hospital, if you go that way, they are much different than base Dr. Prayers have been answered compared to 6 months ago. Continue to stick with it you two have overcome much.

41 mag fan
03-19-2014, 10:11 AM
Long story short, They said he was awol when he wasnt, We prooved he wasnt. They want him out because he "isnt medically or mentally fit" (He has PTSD and a TBI from a explosion in iraq for which he has a purple heart) so they are chaptering him on patterns of misconduct for the same offense for which we prooved he wasnt guilty, Apparently he cant get a MEB because MEB is full. Its a mess. A big big big mess.

JAG should get that thrown out thru the court. If he wasn't awol and it was proven, then JAG will eat this up and spit it out.

03-19-2014, 11:19 AM
Ok, well my recent good update must have jinxed us. Because now more stuff has transpired. Medically.....

On Saturday he was having lower back pain over his kidneys. I pumped him full of water figureing he was dehydrated plus his urine smelled pungent. (Yes I accompany him to the bathroom on occasion, Doesnt all spouses?)
I couldnt have been more wrong. Sunday he started urinating some blood. Sunday night he had to strain to get the urine out, We heard a clunk in the toilet so me being the curious wife, I looked in the bowl, stuck on some gloves and picked up this rocky looking thing the size of a pencil eraser. Kidney stones.
He refused to go to the ER, So he went to sick call yesterday, They saw him, Tested his blood and said he has a severe infection somewhere, Sent him for a CT scan and CT told him he has to call today to make a appt after 130 and to not be surprised if he cant be seen for a few weeks. Seriously? He bleeds every time he pees. Its urine with blood following behind after the bladder is empty.
So he is currently at the ER to get help because there is no way he can wait for weeks. He is still passing stones, None as big as the 1 I examined but if its still giving him this much pain, Im sure theres another large one. His CO doesnt seem the least bit concerned either. I swear this place sucks.
I have kidney stones,get him on a regiment of Crystal Light drink mix on me it dissolves the stones,I drinke it twice a day,along with a table spoon of apple cider vinegar.He will see the effects in about 3 or 4 days.This has no known side effects or will affect any meds that he may take.Look it up on the internet has a lot of good info.

03-19-2014, 05:29 PM
Praying for you, Cory and the kids.
Keep your head up.

Wayne Smith
03-19-2014, 07:28 PM
I have kidney stones,get him on a regiment of Crystal Light drink mix on me it dissolves the stones,I drinke it twice a day,along with a table spoon of apple cider vinegar.He will see the effects in about 3 or 4 days.This has no known side effects or will affect any meds that he may take.Look it up on the internet has a lot of good info.

Don't know about the Crystal Lite, but the vinegar works! If he is bleeding he has torn some blood vessels in his kidney passing the stones. Not unusual but not good if infected. He probably ought to be on an antibiotic regimen anyway if he has torn blood vessels in his kidneys.

03-22-2014, 02:10 PM
A historical question. Kidney stones can be the governments fault.
My uncle was a physician so I got really good treatment if I needed medical care. They actually listened to me about my symptoms.
During the VietNam era a lot of soldiers came back to the US and developed kidney stones here. Being of the same age cohort, had I been using water treatment tablets? was one of the first questions I was asked in the ER. What ever had been in use -flushed out minerals. Stopping that allowed stones to form.

03-28-2014, 10:05 AM
April 18th folks. That will be his last day on Active duty.

03-28-2014, 01:18 PM
Hope you get free and that Cory can get his kidney stones under control. I have heard that lemon aide with no sugar is good to keep them away also. I think it is the acid in the lemon juice or vinegar that works to keep the kidney stones under control. Years ago I had and employee that issues with them and he drank a lot of fluids to keep his kidneys flushed. Not a good thing to pass one of them.

You are both so lucky that your bond has increased as the challenges life hands us have increased. Know that there are many of us here pulling for the both of you and your family.

Enjoy your new home and new freedom.

04-01-2014, 02:13 PM
Thank you Sir. We have now gotten the kidney issue under control, Thankfully. In the meantime he is under strict orders from yours truly to not consume any more Gatorade, powerade or soda. Thats been rough on him but were told that was the cause of it all.

I am greatly looking forward to civilian life, As is he. I know we will face some challenges and there is still a great deal of uncertainty. But
I think that if we can make it past all that we have and we have persevered through it all, We can conquer anything. As long as we do it together. He tells everyone that he needs me in his life because I keep him grounded, I wish he knew or understood how much I too, need him in mine.

It warms my heart knowing I have this whole forum of people I don't even know, But are oddly, family to me. That are standing beside us and cheering us on. It makes the days a little easier as we start this transition into FREEDOM.

Oh, I dont know if I informed youns, He was approved for Social Security. And VA said this "tentative" ratings are 90%, This was of course, BEFORE we got them his info on his asthma, insomnia, gerd, sleep apnea and migraines.

Hope you get free and that Cory can get his kidney stones under control. I have heard that lemon aide with no sugar is good to keep them away also. I think it is the acid in the lemon juice or vinegar that works to keep the kidney stones under control. Years ago I had and employee that issues with them and he drank a lot of fluids to keep his kidneys flushed. Not a good thing to pass one of them.

You are both so lucky that your bond has increased as the challenges life hands us have increased. Know that there are many of us here pulling for the both of you and your family.

Enjoy your new home and new freedom.

04-01-2014, 03:30 PM
I am seldom called sir and while in the military that was not a good thing to be called. Ha ha
I understand very well where you are coming from and if I can make it through all the challenges in front of me I will be working with a lot of military types. I am working on becoming a mental health counselor and yes I am old enough to have a whole basket of life experiences to help my desired population.

I just hope that Corey gets the ratings he is entitled too many of us never see it and that is just the way it is. From what you have written about Corey I wonder why he isn't at 100%? I doubt he will ever be able to work, life is going to be hard enough for him and you and the family.

We live at a time when military service is not something to be proud of anymore. It causes way to many road blocks in life and with the current administration thinking we are all terrorists and good for nothing when we leave military service it is a sad time for all veterans and those currently serving.

One thing you have that I never had is someone that knows just how important it is to fight the fight as a team. My ex just decided she could do better than me and got rid of me. Yes there are small kids involved and they like it better with dad and the ex and her new man do all they can to push the kids into not liking dad, it has worked with some, but the last two, the youngest like dad and want to be with him as much as they can. Life hands us lots of rioten choices and we are supposed to know which are worth working through and which to just let go.

Keep your head up, never surrender and most of all know that there is light at the end of that terrible tunnel you are in.

thanks for the update and yes there are a lot of us here that do care, are concerned about the sour treatment of any veteran or current military person and lastly keep your wits about you the fun isn't over yet.

I man I liked for some things he said one said,"walk softly but carry a big stick", I have found that to be sound advice.

Soda is ok in very limited quantities for me I make my own at home with a soda stream machine but sugar, potatoes, bread, flour, mac and cheese are not until I drop a lot of weight. Yea some of us eat way to much of what we shouldn't and then one day it catches up to us. ha ha I am learning to like salad, meat no starch foods, and also that if I goof I can make up for it over the next week. Starving myself doesn't make it easier only harder. I am learning just how much food we eat isn't good for us and I am now a label reader so going shopping is a real time consumer. I drink a lot of real lemon aide with no sugar in it in the summer and actually prefer it to the sugar flavor kind. I also have to admit vinegar works well also.

The ex had kidney stones not any fun for her at those times. I hope I never get them as I just see it not being a fun time at all. Also had an ex employee that had to have his stone removed surgically as it took up the whole kidney and it was most definitely not a fun time for him.

Well time to get off my soap box and get something done today.

Once again thanks for the update

04-09-2014, 08:52 PM
We have just a few short days left. Freedom is so close I can almost taste it. I can not even begin to tell you all how excited I am. I feel like things may finally start to get better.
On the food note, We have drastically changed our diets lately. They include, ONLY organic meats, veggies and fruits. Pretty much If I cant grow it myself, we wont eat it. The organic meats are expensive, But very well worth it. I hate that we have no venison and because of some ****** saying vet's with ptsd cant own weapons, I am afraid we may not have any this year unless I shoot it myself. (Then I may be too grossed out to actually eat it)
We cut out all gluten and wheat and rarely eat anything out of a box. Boxed foods are super bad for you. Cutting out all of this stuff has made a difference, I notice cory isnt as restless at times, he has lost a few pounds and seems to have a little more energy. I have become addicted to MIO, The water drops thing. They are awesome and taste amazing and it helps me get past the bland water taste.
Corys night meds were changed from Seroquel to Lunesta, Seems to be working ok. The sleep study was a total nightmare but we did get awnsers as to why he is such a thrasher in his sleep, They said he is a "violent sleeper with sleep apnea and he does not hit REM", Hope to find out more what all that means and what they can do soon. In the mean time, We have a pillow wall between us because I got sick of sleeping on the couch, I missed having the sootheing sound of him snoreing next to me. So far he hasnt hit me in his sleep like he used to (Totally NOT his fault) since he started lunesta, But he has woke me up with his screaming from nightmares, Those do seem to be getting worse.
Lastly, I was FINALLY given some meds for my hip pain (Car accident 20 years ago), They said my hip has developed Arthitis, Gave me celebrex to take in the am and tramadol at night and its working like a charm. Plus ive been sleeping better. I can walk up stairs without needing to stop which makes me happy, You shouldnt be 34 and feel like you need a new hip

04-10-2014, 09:16 PM
I am glad that things are beginning to work out for you. Keep up the good fight. Another defense against kidney stones is Cranberry juice. A couple of 8 ounce glasses a day will keep the stones away. There are different flavors, and consider spritzing it up some with club soda.
Best Wishes,


Wayne Smith
04-11-2014, 07:55 AM
Never hitting REM is not hitting the refreshing part of sleep when we dream. These are the restorative dreams of the brain making sense of life, not the threshing and frightening dreams of stage 2 sleep (falling, being hit, and probably PTSD nightmares but I do not know this) that do not have a 'plot'.

Good to hear that you are close to out. There is a difference between 100% disabled and 100% disabled/unemployable. My brother is the latter because of his seizures. I have a client who is on both SSDI and military disability (100% unemployable).