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View Full Version : Sarco, billing?

03-15-2014, 10:56 AM
I got an email message from Sarco this week saying that they had not billed me for an order early last year.
I thought this was rather odd, but if I really do owe them money I will pay it. I have not contacted them directly yet but do intend to do so.
Has anyone else had this happen to them??

03-15-2014, 11:56 AM
I hate to say this but sometimes computers get strange ideas, LOL!

You may vey well owe them or the computer may have "dropped" info during an upgrade and only thinks you owe them money.

The correct course of action is figure out what you bought and then back track you records. What can make this a pain is using more than one card or checking account or worse paying by USPS money order, cause if you don't have the stub off the MO ya got no proof ya paid.

I have only puchased from Sarco once or twice only had one issue with a product that wasn't up to my standards and they refunded my money with no hassle what so ever.

The fact that the billing was 12 months or so ago doesn't help and that's why I think computer error, very few companies go past 45 days without saying something on an over due bill, I'd call and see whats up if you haven't already.

03-15-2014, 04:08 PM
Without following any links that may be on the e-mail, give them a call. I would find their phone number elsewhere also.

While you may or may not actually owe Sarco money, it seems a lot of scams begin with "You owe us money from some time ago, now pay up."

Not saying this is the case, but it should be easily resolved with a telephone call.


03-15-2014, 04:39 PM
I take the exact opposite tack: accepting the moral obligation to pay your debts is reasonable, being responsible to track your orders and conduct a billing investigation for a business absolutely is not.
If they believe they're owed money from me of which I'm unaware, they better damn well invoice and prove it. Otherwise it's their problem, not mine. My first response will be to check my credit card debits and determine if payment was in fact made, once I'm provided with order details and a delivery confirmation.

BTW, I'm with Mk42gunner, it sounds an awful lot like a scam. If the email has a hyperlink to "view" and pay the invoice you better proceed and act as if it's a scam.

03-15-2014, 05:26 PM
If you'd ever seen their store, (I have) you'd find it entirely plausible for them to forget to bill you for something.

But that scam is all over, so I agree with others - contact them via their published phone number and let them know that somebody is using their name for a scam. ALSO write a letter, a real post-office letter. Phone calls can be denied, emails can be "disappeared".


03-15-2014, 07:55 PM
I've never had that problem with Sarco, or any other reputable company. By all means, call them first. Let them start checking.


03-15-2014, 09:36 PM
I got a bogus, very expensive bill from a long distance carrier years ago. I called and complained and was told (true story!): At the end of each billing cycle there are charges that can't (for whatever the reason) be billed to the debtor. Big or small, no company (re:bean counter) tolerates these red column amounts charitably. Companies will attempt to balance accounts on the backs of unwilling and unwitting customers if allowed to do so. For companies, this is sound business practice. For us, it's a scam. Call a Rep and state your case. Worked for me.

03-15-2014, 10:51 PM
Any invoice should have a list of parts that were shipped, Date shipped and an address shipped to. If they can't provide you with that I don't think they have a leg to stand on.You should recognize the order if you placed it. Also unless you have an open account it is their responsibility to collect before they ship. Then too ,if you have an open account they should have contacted you long before now. I would proceed with caution, Call them and see what would delay a billing for such a long time.

03-16-2014, 09:30 AM
It's been my experience that if it's an email it's a scam. Period. If a company is indeed legitimately owed money there are much better options for them to collect than sending an email off into cyberspace.

Find their legitimate land line phone number (not from an email) and call them, tell them if it is a legit bill to send you a snail mail invoice that includes what was bought by you, prices, the date of purchase, shipped date etc. That is what most business's would do in the first place, not send an email. If nothing else that info will make it far easier for you to check your bank records.

If you have a legit debt of course pay it but at a year old I would be extremely cautious of sending anyone any money at all. Most such emails that I get I don't even read, straight to the spam folder. It would be pretty unusual for a business to use email to collect old debts.


03-16-2014, 09:38 AM
Not so fast Rick.

My Nigerian uncle uses email to collect finders fees for lost money all the time.......

03-16-2014, 08:58 PM
It's been my experience that if it's an email it's a scam. Period. If a company is indeed legitimately owed money there are much better options for them to collect than sending an email off into cyberspace.

Find their legitimate land line phone number (not from an email) and call them, tell them if it is a legit bill to send you a snail mail invoice that includes what was bought by you, prices, the date of purchase, shipped date etc. That is what most business's would do in the first place, not send an email. If nothing else that info will make it far easier for you to check your bank records.

If you have a legit debt of course pay it but at a year old I would be extremely cautious of sending anyone any money at all. Most such emails that I get I don't even read, straight to the spam folder. It would be pretty unusual for a business to use email to collect old debts.


Makes sense to me they have my info, it should be no problem for them if it is legit.

03-16-2014, 09:02 PM
Not so fast Rick.

My Nigerian uncle uses email to collect finders fees for lost money all the time.......

I do seem to have alot of long lost nigerian uncles lately. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Also got an email recently saying "the lord has choosed you...." then some $ bull.

03-16-2014, 09:25 PM
Be real careful with the email thing. I got one the other day that I was choosen to get x amount of cache( yes that is how they spelled it) and if I should be contact so an so. Yip again that was how it was worded. You would think they would use spell check in the scam anyway.