View Full Version : Lets see...it's impractical ,dangerous or ilegal

03-14-2014, 11:02 PM
Geez ...I should have known , it's in California . (oops, title,"illegal")
Other parts of the country these are taken care of ,, we just pull the trigger !
ooooooh but not in California .. your supposed to build a bigger fence. (talk about La La land !)

MT Gianni
03-14-2014, 11:27 PM
We have plenty of town deer that you cannot shoot in towns of 50,000 people, why should you be able to shoot in a town with 5 million people? Wildlife are controllable out of town if allowed to be, but town deer, elk and pigs will always be difficult to control whether by gun, bow or officer only shooting. Show me a town that can control feral pigeons. Even when falcons were proposed parents did not want their children to see the evidence of nature. It isn't a Cal thing or a city thing but a society thing.

03-15-2014, 11:21 AM
Darwin in action. You'd think the bipeds with opposable thumbs would exercise their big brains, alas they've been inculcated to ignore the most obvious solutions.

I live in the burbs and I guarantee you, my smoker would be fired up and I'd have the corner on sweet baby ray's.

Dan Cash
03-15-2014, 11:48 AM
MT, your note about using falcons to control pigeons reminds me of an experiment in Elizabethtown, KY some years ago. The library (2 story) and courthouse (3 story) weere infested with pigeons. Someone had the idea to raid the pound for a few cats to be placed on the roof of each edifice. The cats did reduce the pigeons some what but in a very few days, the experiment was ended when a cat bailed from the courthouse roof and landed on the steps at high noon. Oh, the horror and oh noes.

03-15-2014, 12:40 PM
MT, your note about using falcons to control pigeons reminds me of an experiment in Elizabethtown, KY some years ago. The library (2 story) and courthouse (3 story) weere infested with pigeons. Someone had the idea to raid the pound for a few cats to be placed on the roof of each edifice. The cats did reduce the pigeons some what but in a very few days, the experiment was ended when a cat bailed from the courthouse roof and landed on the steps at high noon. Oh, the horror and oh noes.

Sounds to me like they solved two issues with that one. :evil:

03-15-2014, 01:11 PM
Cat sneeze loads come to mind... just saying.

03-15-2014, 02:06 PM
Shore, silenced 300 whatchamakallits. .22s wouldn't do the job.

03-15-2014, 02:07 PM
Fences to stop a pig? That's funny. Killing lawn bugs to remove the food source? What part of "omnivorous" do we not understand? Cat sneeze loads, indeed. Might even be a good job for bowhunters. No one is disturbed by a single gunshot in the wee hours of the morning, especially a somewhat quiet one. When I see a hog I see sausage, loins and roasts on the hoof, if they don't want to see what it takes to transform it from a pest to food they don't have to watch my "relocation" methods.

03-15-2014, 02:21 PM
I would be buying me a big bore air rifle!

03-15-2014, 03:10 PM
The suggestions of using fences to keep out feral hogs is only made by someone who has never raised pigs. Like most rural families, we had pigs for quite a while when I was a kid, and pop was forever fixing the hog pen fence where they had found a week spot and gotten out. As usual, the city council shows themselves devoid of intelligence and action. whoosies.

03-15-2014, 03:30 PM
Kill insects in your yard, I don't think so, pesticides are hated as much as guns are in California. Using bow and arrows, no way, that's way too cruel, besides you could spill a little blood on someones yard or someone could see a pig die. I think they have a dilemma on their hands.

03-15-2014, 03:43 PM
The suggestions of using fences to keep out feral hogs is only made by someone who has never raised pigs. Like most rural families, we had pigs for quite a while when I was a kid, and pop was forever fixing the hog pen fence where they had found a week spot and gotten out. As usual, the city council shows themselves devoid of intelligence and action. whoosies.

You got that right , Dad's butcher hogs only stay 3-4 months tops but if you don't ring them woven wire fence don't stand a chance

03-15-2014, 05:24 PM
I think it is funny myself. lol I would bet the problem is also blown way out of whack by a couple of folks that flower garden got rooted up. As far as the guy getting chased to the door, well that just reminds me of the thread on the rogue house cat. If it is such a huge problem in town, why was the car wrecks they have caused not mentioned??

03-15-2014, 06:21 PM
Reading the comments is quite entertaining in itself.
Just the meat supply alone would keep the town of San Jose at the top of the list of restaurants with pork specialties ...:lol:

03-16-2014, 12:09 AM
Remember the e-coli outbreak from the vegetables a few years ago Your tax dollars are now paying a federal trapper to shoot the hogs at night with a silencer. The bleeding harts never here the shot and think that the pigs just went away.

Old School Big Bore
03-16-2014, 12:53 AM
Several churches in our town had pigeon problems. At the weekly Pastors' breakfast, the Rabbi said, 'We hired a trapper...he set his traps, caught a buncha pigeons, Chaim loaded em in his pickup, drove em outta town and released em. They musta been homers cause they beat Chaim back to the synagogue.' The Padre said, 'We put out poison, now the dead pigeons smell worse than the droppings did, and the nuns are mad because we killed some songbirds.' The Methodist preacher said, 'We put PA speakers from the youth band's practice room on the roof, but it only works when they're there to play, and then the neighbors complain.' The Baptist pastor murmured, 'We got rid of em,' and everyone looked at him expectantly. He continued, 'We named em all, baptised em and enrolled em each in Sunday school. Ain't seen em since!'

03-16-2014, 11:31 AM
It is now legal to shoot air guns at game animals in the city limits of many towns in Az. with Phoenix being one of them. The projectile can not leave your yard and all game regulations apply. A 50 cal. air gun would take care of a hog for sure.

03-16-2014, 06:37 PM
We eat them. Do the words COCHON DE-LAIT mean anything to you! It's an all night Cajun pig roast over wood coals...man that is some fine dining!

Got a pigeon problem? We call that dish SQUAB...eat them too.


03-17-2014, 01:26 PM
Cajuns are reported to eat anything that doesn't eat them first. lol I never tried Squab, but have heard it is good.

03-17-2014, 02:47 PM
Remember the e-coli outbreak from the vegetables a few years ago Your tax dollars are now paying a federal trapper to shoot the hogs at night with a silencer. The bleeding harts never here the shot and think that the pigs just went away.

Okay ... I'm starting to get an appetite the way you guys are talking ....
Think I will volunteer to help the "federal trapper" ......[smilie=1:

03-17-2014, 03:22 PM
Geez ...I should have known , it's in California . (oops, title,"illegal")
Other parts of the country these are taken care of ,, we just pull the trigger !
ooooooh but not in California .. your supposed to build a bigger fence. (talk about La La land !)

Why the heck not just "relocate" some of the "friendly, cuddly," Canadian wolves they all seem so fond of down there, over from Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, maybe a few of the Grizzly bears as well.....seems to me that might "cure" more than one of the problems they have in California............"land of fruits and nuts"...LMAO....like it....

03-17-2014, 03:28 PM
The pigs are not the problem. The problem is the people who are trying to insulate themselves and their children from the brutality and REALITY of life.
Growing up in NYC in the 60's, we saw whole lambs, rabbits, turkeys, etc hanging in the window of the local butcher shop. We knew where our meat came from. It was not "disgusting", or "nasty" as I hear people describe it nowadays...seems like a different world back then...

03-17-2014, 03:49 PM
Can someone explain to the CA government that trapping the hogs would not cost them a cent. All you would need is landowners wanting to get rid of the pigs and trappers would be more than happy to oblige without pay.

03-18-2014, 02:43 AM
If Cajuns eat anything that doesn't eat them first, I may be part Cajun and didn't even know it. I always tell anyone who asks that I a very picky eater. I only eat things that are too slow or too stupid to run away.

03-18-2014, 09:26 PM
Anyone got a good "pigeon sneeze" load for .30-30?

My grandfather had a pigeon cote and ate a lot of squab. I remember it as being like dark chicken meat, quite tasty. Not sure about adult pigeons on the wing in the typical city environment.

03-22-2014, 09:36 PM
TX, what parts of Texas do you call home?

03-23-2014, 12:37 AM
TX, what parts of Texas do you call home?

I spend most of my time on the NW edge of the D/FW metromess, quality time in S TX, the Panhandle, Central TX or a few special places in the E TX pineywoods.

03-23-2014, 12:47 AM
Reason I ask, Is I want to hunt these pigs. But do not personally know anyone that has access to land infested with these critters. and I do know there is no public land in texas. I have had wild boar smoked... it is delish.

03-23-2014, 10:45 PM
Reason I ask, Is I want to hunt these pigs. But do not personally know anyone that has access to land infested with these critters. and I do know there is no public land in texas. I have had wild boar smoked... it is delish.

Yes, hogs are a problem in TX. Slob hunters are a problem as well so it takes a bit of effort to get permission to hunt private land. State does have a public hunting program and draw hunts but I'm not sure about non-resident provisions. There are some outfitters that offer hog hunts, the one I used is all but retired and the others vary widely on price and amenities.
I enjoy wild pork on a regular basis, young tender ones are better on the plate than most venison and domestic pork IMHO.

03-24-2014, 01:32 AM
Triggerhappy, there are pigs/hogs in eastern NM, check out the canadian river bottom. ranchers there keep the numbers down, but there are huntable numbers.

03-24-2014, 01:44 AM
I think ted turner owns most of that land. And if there are any pigs down there, everyone is keeping their mouth shut. I cant even get Dept of game and fish to give tips.

03-24-2014, 01:47 AM
And most of the ranchers are paranoid of people shooting near their cattle. I dont blame them either, I do p-dog control on a few places in the northern portion of the state. they will only let me shoot after they move the herds to another parcel.

Lead Fred
03-24-2014, 03:14 AM
Hey Commiefornia

You reap what you sew

03-24-2014, 01:55 PM
Y'all talking about Cajun groceries makes me hungry. They make some of he best tasting food known to man or woman. Cajun cooks use whatever is in the pantry/icebox, never taste the same twice due ot different ingredients but alway tastes good. Used to love watch Justin Wilson's cooking show, it always made me hungry. The tree huggers/liberals etc, have never been overseas and seen food hanging up in outdoor markets, don't know how long its been hanging there but not green yet. Take care, John.

03-24-2014, 09:51 PM
I think a real full blood cajun can make chicken feathers taste good. lol I used to know an old lady that would have me bring her a mess of BLACKBIRDS once in a while. lol

Triggerhappy Turners land is farther north, I am not aware of any hogs up there, but there might be. I am talking about logan and south. A lot of ranchers willnot let you hunt, but you just have to beat the bush. The game dept likes to act like they are not there, probably because they are not game,but I know of one rancher that even hunts them out of a powered parachute, trying to keep the numbers down. There used to be good javalena hunting in southern NM too, but I haven't been there in years.

MT Chambers
03-26-2014, 10:22 PM
For "quiet" ways of reducing that herd in town, visit the Airgun section on this site, I'd love to have 4 legged pigs roaming around my town, my .303 airgun wouldn't rest.

03-27-2014, 09:00 AM
BBQ, bacon and ham Oh my ! I don't own an airgun, but a 200 grain bullet at 800 fps out of my 357 Handi rifle couldn't be heard in the house if I shot it in the yard.

They have lost their fear of man and that fear needs to be re-introduced. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e69/c_latrans/mg.gif (http://s37.photobucket.com/user/c_latrans/media/mg.gif.html)

Slow Elk 45/70
03-29-2014, 12:33 AM

03-29-2014, 12:51 AM
It makes me sad to say I live on this state........tiger pit traps?????

03-29-2014, 08:53 AM
There is some hope left , they are the quiet ones tho ....
this is the last comment to the article off the page.
When I lived in the Almaden valley area of south San Jose we had wild pigs come into our property all the time but my dog would chase them off most of the time. Other times he would fight with them and one time it cost me over $1,000 in vet bills. These pigs are tough and mean. I tried chasing off 3 of them with a baseball bat one night in my front yard and hit one of them 3 times when he charged me and it barely staggered him. The final straw was when one came onto our yard and chased my kids and some of their friends into our garage and one of the kids fell and hurt himself. That was it.

I went and bought a rifle and shortly after that there were 4 large mounds on the hillside behind my home that became the permanent resting place for the pigs who were bothering us. All of us neighbors knew that shooting them was illegal but enough was enough. That was one week in an upscale neighborhood where gunshots rang out in the middle of the night that no one called the police about. One gunshot...one less pig.

T Herder
03-29-2014, 11:01 AM
We live in the Almaden valley. The highest pig count I've seen in our pasture is 22. I get 5 free pig tags with my hunting license every year, there is no limit on the number of pigs that can be taken, I just have to pay for additional tags. Fish and game issue me a depredation permit also which means I can take them at night. Having done depredation hunts for fish and game in the past we have NEVER gotten one complaint about decimating the vermin, even after walking around a college campus at night heavily armed and popping the pigs at will. The little 30-40 pounders roast up well. They will always be a problem.
Best regards,
T Herder

03-29-2014, 11:37 AM
We live in the Almaden valley. The highest pig count I've seen in our pasture is 22. I get 5 free pig tags with my hunting license every year, there is no limit on the number of pigs that can be taken, I just have to pay for additional tags. Fish and game issue me a depredation permit also which means I can take them at night. Having done depredation hunts for fish and game in the past we have NEVER gotten one complaint about decimating the vermin, even after walking around a college campus at night heavily armed and popping the pigs at will. The little 30-40 pounders roast up well. They will always be a problem.
Best regards,
T Herder

The man who knows ...excellent
And a big welcome to the site there T Herder !

03-29-2014, 01:35 PM
They won't trap or hunt them because

"It is illegal to relocate pigs … it is dangerous to the community to hunt pigs."

'Relocate'? It's illegal to relocate 'em because they're destructive, so trap them, then KILL THEM. Man I hate this state!

03-29-2014, 04:25 PM