View Full Version : Pb calculator for unknown lead

03-13-2014, 07:24 AM
I know there are many calculators out there for figuring out the hardness/content of known lead sources, unfortunately I have a small batch of lead of unknown origin. I have a lead hardness tester and linotype. I would like to know if there are any calculators out there where you can simply input the current hardness of the lead and it tells you how much linotype, tin, antimony, etc to add to get to where you need to be.

03-13-2014, 09:50 AM

You can arrive at a given hardness number through too many different paths. For instance...Lets say you read a hardness of 13. Is that....lino and WW, or hardball, or 16:1 lead:tin, or 50/50 COWW/Lead oven treated, or isotope lead cast on a cold day.

If you wanna know the constituents of your alloy you have a couple options. You could try the local scrap metal yards. Sometimes they have an XFR analyzer and will test your sample for you for a nominal fee, sometimes for free even.

Second, you can get a pretty informed estimate through a couple of tests. Test the hardness of unquenched vs quenched bullets. This will narrow it down as antimony must be present for quenching to have an impact on hardness. Also, when melting, note the solidus and liquidus temps within or so will help narrow it down. Just with those two data points you can make a pretty good guess. A specific gravity test would be next, but I have never personally needed to go that far for my lead alloys.

03-13-2014, 10:28 AM
I'll try those and see what I come up with, thanks!