View Full Version : Big Reno Gunshow

Love Life
03-12-2014, 06:46 PM
The big Reno Gun Show is next month. Anybody from the forum plan on going? I'll be there trying to get my grubby paws on all the SAA revolvers!!!

03-12-2014, 06:48 PM
I may take a gander through there, not sure yet

03-13-2014, 01:31 AM
My biggest complaint with the Big Reno show is that they don't sell any powder there. (some kind of city or fire ordinance or something, I recall asking once) Never understood it because the Reno fun stores do sell powder IF you're lucky enough to find any in stock.

Other than that I do like to look. I have skipped many shows lately though as the higher prices make me cringe.

Dunno if I will be going or not yet, will have to see how I feel that day. You always find something interesting to spend your money on at the show. I do find it educational to people watch at em too.

- Bullwolf

Love Life
03-13-2014, 11:28 AM
The Big Reno show is the best gun show I have ever graced with my presence. Shows where you can actually fondle multiple SAA revolvers, historic firearms, etc are few and far between.

I have one gun I want to buy that has been there the last 3 years. It is overprice, but I want it!!! I hope it is still there.

03-13-2014, 11:41 AM
For you reloaders. If the Mi-Wall company is there at the show. You will be able to get primers at a more reasonable price then what the scalpers are charging. Mi-Wall does attend most of the bigger shows and sell to the public. normally they are a wholesalers and sell to gunshops.

03-13-2014, 12:41 PM
its going to be a mad house, I am skipping it

03-13-2014, 12:52 PM
I usually go, and most likely will this time. Prices aren't nearly as good as they were in years past. Lots of California folks looking for stuff drive up prices some, but when I lived in California, the Reno show was the place to get stuff that was hard to come by in CA, so I do understand, a little over 11 years ago I was one of them. It's great that sometimes you have the chance to run into stuff there that you just can't find anywhere else. The mob of people is the worse part, I go on Fridays to make the walking around a little easier.

03-13-2014, 01:47 PM
I always go on Fridays because it is SLIGHTLY less crowded. The admission price is a little high for just going in and looking around, but I just chalk it up as entertainment.

03-13-2014, 03:43 PM
For you reloaders. If the Mi-Wall company is there at the show. You will be able to get primers at a more reasonable price then what the scalpers are charging. Mi-Wall does attend most of the bigger shows and sell to the public. normally they are a wholesalers and sell to gunshops.

Miwall was at one of our recent shows, and they were about picked clean.

03-13-2014, 04:23 PM
I'm sure I'll swear off shows for a few years. I went to the Phoenix show back in December, that 10hr round trip, the over-priced gotta-haves and nothing hardly as far as reloading goodies kinda turns a person off.

03-14-2014, 12:54 PM
I would be curious to see what was there, but no way i can make it on time to buy primers, maybe I can find some 44mag brass but thats it.