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View Full Version : Days you just want to SCREAM!!

Teddy (punchie)
03-11-2014, 09:07 AM
What do you guys do on day(s) you just want to scream.

Bad day just not in a mood for anything else to go wrong, LOL.

Only takes a little spark to start a fire, how do you guys puts yours out?

03-11-2014, 09:23 AM
Go outside and scream.
Had a day like that a couple days ago. Everything went wrong. Everything I touched broke. Much cussing and screaming.
I finally quit doing anything, sat down and had a couple homebrews that night with a friend and the world mellowed out again.

gray wolf
03-11-2014, 09:30 AM
Don't run with scissors in your hand
Stay away from all sharp or semi pointed objects
Do not mess with anything electrical.
Only use the word YES with the wife or girl friend

03-11-2014, 09:41 AM
i ask God to pitch in and give me a hand. if your not a believer then at least stop and remember there is always something to be thankful for.
you will be amazed at how much your attitude affects the road your on.

03-11-2014, 09:45 AM
Only use the word YES with the wife or girl friend[/QUOTE]
Best advice you will receive!

Dean D.
03-11-2014, 10:02 AM
I finally quit doing anything, sat down and had a couple homebrews that night with a friend and the world mellowed out again.

This! I think we've all had days like those and I've found something similar to this to be the only thing that works for me. Mainly just relaxing and quit fighting it.

03-11-2014, 10:17 AM
I was there yesterday. I told the wife I had to get out. I went downstairs and sorted through some brass, then went for a walk with my dog. Sat down on a rock as it was getting cooler outside and the sun was setting. Watched over the field as the fading golden rays danced with the shadows of the field grass. Saw the animals scurrying about and actually envied them for their simplicity. Zeke (my dog) nuzzled my hand on his head and wagged his tail. I let my eyes water up as I thought about the truly important things in life. God and my family. Let out a big sigh. Petted Zeke for a bit as I talked to him. He just stared up at me with his patient eyes and wagged his tail slow and rhythmically like he knew what I was saying. Walked around a bit more, went home and gave the wife a big hug. Tucked our daughter into bed, had some dinner and got things ready for the next day. Went to bed.

It was nice to not think about bills, exs, taxes, work, etc even if for a few minutes.

03-11-2014, 10:26 AM
I went out to the range...had issues with a New to me levergun...won't extract.
there is a thread in the levergun section if you want the details.
That was one day I can easily say,
"that a Bad day at the range is NOT better than a good day at work."

I swept the snow off an old stump and just sat and looked into the woods from the edge of the pistol range...Probably an hour or so. No one else was out there, kind of peaceful. It helped me figure out, "what" and "how" I was going to proceed with this rifle, that dang near ended up getting thrown into the firepit.

mold maker
03-11-2014, 11:09 AM
At some point you give up, and stop trying to produce anything, but warm air. I take time to look around, and actually look at my blessings. I turn over my problems to the man upstairs, and soon I'm overcome with impatiens to proceed.
It seems that our real problem, is trying to be the boss, when only he can solve our frustrations.

03-11-2014, 11:17 AM
This! I think we've all had days like those and I've found something similar to this to be the only thing that works for me. Mainly just relaxing and quit fighting it.

A Big PLUS ONE! Just say, well, dang, and press on...

03-11-2014, 12:25 PM
Gotta expend the energy those emotions generate. When my knees allowed it, I'd run a few miles. Nowadays I walk. Can't go too fast, but I go pretty far (words from a song of my youth).

03-11-2014, 12:39 PM
Can't go too fast, but I go pretty far (words from a song of my youth).

"I ride my bike, I roller skate, don't drive no car"

Listened to plenty of "Melanie" as a kid...

Back on topic and related -
Sometimes I get my head back on straight by listening to music that mellows me out...

03-11-2014, 01:41 PM
Make a bonfire, shave some walking sticks, find a station with 50's 60'and 70's country music playing and watch the critters fly by.

03-11-2014, 02:13 PM
Years ago when I was a mechanic and things just would not work right I would take my dead blow hammer and beat on the workbench. The boss knew to stay away for a bit when he heard that. Then I would grab a bike(motorcycle shop) and go for a little ride. Worked every time. Nowadays I just grab some sort of alcoholic beverage and go size a couple thousand bullets, always seem to have some that need doing. Nice mostly braindead activity that allows me to think. Keeps me away from the wife too, where I might say something I will regret.

03-11-2014, 03:21 PM
Only use the word YES with the wife or girl friend - - - Best advice you will receive!

UNLESS the question is: "Do these jeans may me look fat?"

03-11-2014, 03:29 PM
UNLESS the question is: "Do these jeans may me look fat?"

Honesty is ALWAYS the best policy! :mrgreen:


03-11-2014, 03:59 PM
My grandfather had a solution for this. He used to say that no matter what happens, the dog dies, the kid gets arrested, the house burns down, anything at all, stop and ask one question. "What can I do right now to fix this?" If you can't think of anything, sit down, pour yourself a schnapps, and deal with it tomorrow.
I'm old and overweight, yet have a strong heart and great blood pressure. My wife says that's because I refuse to worry about anything. I worry. Just not about things I have no control over.

03-11-2014, 04:02 PM
I try to go outside and look at my cows or in inclement weather, I just go to my man-cove and try to relax some.

03-11-2014, 04:05 PM
I have come to realize that on days like that, my selfishness is what's bending me over a sawhorse, and nothing else. That's the reason I have no peace.
Stop what you are doing, and do something for someone else. Something hard. Something that forces you to think about something other than yourself.
Sometimes, I can pull my head out of my butt and save the day before it is totally lost. The rest of the time I just watch it burn. A total waste of a day that I would give anything to have back when I am old and crippled or lying on my deathbed. I fail more than I succeed, but I'm doing my level best to redeem every day I've got. I've only got so many and a day spent in anger is worthless.
A day spent helping a friend or doing for another will never be a waste no matter how badly it started.

03-11-2014, 04:33 PM
Days like that are almost foreign to me now. Almost. With age came a calmness and acceptance that I never had when I was young. If things start to boil, I pray. Not for myself, but that I may do what He would have me do. "You are at your tallest when you are on your knees."

Then its down to my range to acquire some gsr haha

Love Life
03-11-2014, 04:40 PM
I go for a long run or hit the heavy bag. Works 99% of the time.

03-11-2014, 04:48 PM
Days like that are almost foreign to me now. Almost. With age came a calmness and acceptance that I never had when I was young. If things start to boil, I pray. Not for myself, but that I may do what He would have me do. "You are at your tallest when you are on your knees."

Then its down to my range to acquire some gsr haha

+1 Except I don't have a range handy. Various other endeavors have to substitute.

03-11-2014, 04:53 PM
A day at the range or a motorcycle ride.

762 shooter
03-11-2014, 05:53 PM
Mine is pretty simple.

I always stop and think, " It could be worse ".

Gun blows up. At least I had one to blow up.

Starving to death. At least I'm not starving to death with a broken leg that cannot be set and rabid wolverines are after me.

Paint color not right. At least I have eyes to know the difference.


03-11-2014, 06:02 PM
I lay down on the living room floor and have a "hound party". I play with my four dogs like I am one of them and everything is good.


03-11-2014, 06:49 PM
Wild Turkey 101, or Rare Breed, a dash of branch, (or a cube or three) your choice..Always helped me. Onceabull

03-11-2014, 07:06 PM
When the going gets tough, the tough go fishing! I've closed the shop shortly after opening it some days when things aren't going right, and have some boat therapy.

03-11-2014, 07:12 PM
My grandfather had a solution for this. He used to say that no matter what happens, the dog dies, the kid gets arrested, the house burns down, anything at all, stop and ask one question. "What can I do right now to fix this?" If you can't think of anything, sit down, pour yourself a schnapps, and deal with it tomorrow.
I'm old and overweight, yet have a strong heart and great blood pressure. My wife says that's because I refuse to worry about anything. I worry. Just not about things I have no control over.

Ha ha, I remember one time passing through the living room and the wife was watching TV and said "Wait you should watch this." So I stopped and watched for a bit and it was about stress and handling it, I finally asked why she thought I should be watching this, she said that she thought maybe if I knew what stress was I would have it.... That was the second wife, the current one says things like, "I'm glad you don't let stuff bother you"... Anyway, I've always believed that you should never let anything bother you or worry about things. The easy rule to remember is if you can do something to change the situation, then do it and be done with it, if there is nothing you can do to change it, then forget about it and move on.

03-11-2014, 07:19 PM
in the summer I get the Harley out. last week I got up made breakfast for both of us. then she went off on me. because I am retired and she still works. I went up and hid in the barn.

03-11-2014, 07:20 PM
Hollering a nice loud "F bomb" calms my nerves right out. Loudness is concurrent with surroundings and situation. If I'm still amped up I'm going where there are no people for a bit. Takes quite a bit to get me too that point, I don't worry much.

If all else fails swinging a 10lbs sledge at something you want to destroy never fails, melts anger right off.

03-11-2014, 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by ncbearman View Post
Days like that are almost foreign to me now. Almost. With age came a calmness and acceptance that I never had when I was young. If things start to boil, I pray. Not for myself, but that I may do what He would have me do. "You are at your tallest when you are on your knees."

Then its down to my range to acquire some gsr haha

My solution to most problems. I can't control it or fix it, but He an give me the calm and grace to deal with it. And if the weather permits, He usually a little gun powder therapy. Otherwise "I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therein to be content" (Still workin' on that one, but its getting easier)

03-12-2014, 12:38 AM
If I am having a bad day, things going wrong, my cat Tigger who I raised from a ball of fluff will jump on the back of my office chair and put his cheek up against mine and purr. Instant stress reliever and he knows it, he ends up getting a belly and chin rub after sliding down onto my lap.

03-12-2014, 02:18 PM
Sometimes I get my head back on straight by listening to music that mellows me out...

Same here! Some Rat Pack and a stiff drink makes the world a better place!

03-15-2014, 04:35 AM
Shoot holes in something.
Lie around with a cat on me.
Fix something I hardly use anyway.
Watch the fights with a friend.

The "could be worse" comparison works sometimes,
you could be Larry and here comes Moe...

03-15-2014, 06:57 AM
Mrs. smokeywolf knows me better than anybody ever has. When I'm close to my boiling point she know it, and she knows exactly how to calm me right down and make all the stress go away.

03-15-2014, 07:11 AM
I have come to realize that on days like that, my selfishness is what's bending me over a sawhorse, and nothing else. That's the reason I have no peace.
Stop what you are doing, and do something for someone else. Something hard. Something that forces you to think about something other than yourself.
Sometimes, I can pull my head out of my butt and save the day before it is totally lost. The rest of the time I just watch it burn. A total waste of a day that I would give anything to have back when I am old and crippled or lying on my deathbed. I fail more than I succeed, but I'm doing my level best to redeem every day I've got. I've only got so many and a day spent in anger is worthless.
A day spent helping a friend or doing for another will never be a waste no matter how badly it started.

Well said.

03-15-2014, 07:41 AM
When you find yourself in hole . . . stop digging. On bad days, I stop trying to do something/anything and sit and do nothing for a while.

03-15-2014, 08:35 AM
Had one of those days just lately. Was going to blow some snow, I pulled on the rope on the blower, and it broke, took a good stiff right to the head as I was unable to duck in time. Fixed the rope, got blower working, and the snow was hard and compact, and belts were slipping. Did a tear down and fixed the belts. Yes sir, she really works good as the belts are tight!!! Coming through the deep snow and hit the cast metal water meter lid sticking up from the ground. The belts didn't slip a bit, lucky me! Didn't hurt the shear pins one bit either! It took out the brass ring gear in the gear box!

Went back in the house. Spring is coming!!![smilie=1:

03-15-2014, 10:26 AM
Thanks, I needed that. Having one of those days right now. GW

03-15-2014, 05:30 PM
Getting older helps.
Some days I think I'm getting wiser and dealing better with the problems others cause.
Some days I realize it will take too much effort to care.
Patience or Wisdom? ;)

03-15-2014, 08:23 PM
Don't run with scissors in your hand
Stay away from all sharp or semi pointed objects
Do not mess with anything electrical.
Only use the word YES with the wife or girl friend

My buddy Gray Wolf has given great advise (maybe from experience haha). Just remember the people you are closest too should not be affected by your misfortune.

Down South
03-15-2014, 08:36 PM
Most of my work days are scream days, I deal with it.

03-15-2014, 09:58 PM
Last night was one of those days. One of the neighbors cats got into a fight with a skunk under my front porch. Entire house reeks of skunk....

03-17-2014, 03:04 AM
A LITTLE skunk is good, opens up the airways.
A LOT is not so good!


03-17-2014, 03:24 AM
Most of my work is mental stress. So aside from having a few, I do something with my hands. Shooting, casting, reloading, made a pop can alcohol jet stove the other day....really just any kind of tinkering that occupies my hands and mind. That instant I start putting pressure on a trigger until I feel the recoil, my head is completely clear of all my worries. During that second I don't think about taxes, bills, work, anything.

Teddy (punchie)
03-17-2014, 06:04 AM
Last week I posted this just after phone (cell) took flying lessons out of truck window. It did do OK on flying, the landing well we all know what happened.

Now last night was an other one of them times, but I just got on here and started to read postings and hear about how and whys of everyone else. Most of the time we just need a place to vent.

03-17-2014, 05:23 PM
Honesty is ALWAYS the best policy! :mrgreen:


no dear your but makes you but look fat

that kind of honesty

03-17-2014, 05:47 PM
When I was younger I would get so mad, LOL now I look back and think of all the wasted energy. Now I can literally laugh at myself. It normally takes 3 or 4 things to tank before I realize that I'm being tested.

I do my best to make it to the end of the day, and if I just know I'm not gonna make it, I cut the day short, go pour 3 fingers of Jack and in my most loving voice tell the dog how much I hate her. All she hears is "I love playing with you so much" It makes me laugh. I can say the most hateful things in the right tone of voice and she loves me.
