View Full Version : Missed a DL266 in 20 ga but scored a Harrel Arbor press.

03-06-2014, 08:51 PM
Went on Ebay the other day and saw a Pacific DL266 in 20 ga which I didn't need, but would like to have anyway as I do want another 20ga shotgun. Plus it was only $75,,,,, at the time.

I sniped it at $125 since if I couldn't get it for that, I'd just pass. Well,,, it went for $181.50 which was down right ridiculous!

I only paid $175 for my DL266 in .410 in perfect shape, and they are a lot harder to come by than a 20 ga. one. Oh Well....

I did however win a Harrell Arbor Press in new condition for $61.25! We were just talking about these on the Hand Tool Forum last weekend and here one pops into my basket. Gotta love the Karma, I've been looking for a good used one off and on for 5 years!

I believe that the Harrell one is the same as the Sinclair one. Now all I need is the Wilson dies to go with it.:-D


Mike Kerr
03-06-2014, 10:50 PM
I saw that DL266 on Ebay. I know what you mean when you think you sniped it and someone actually sniped you. I really wonder if the $181 price is that high since the DL266 is considered to be top of the line for older single stage shot shell reloaders and since they appear infrequently. BTW when did you get your 410 version?

03-06-2014, 11:39 PM
Mike I got it last year and it was nearly perfect. Paid $175 but I got it off Trapshooters.com.

My brand new 12 ga. DL266 came from there as well and cost me $50, but needed a few parts, and I had to make a charge bar which was no small task. The machine is my goto loader for making specialty loads or when I only need to load a box or so of shells.

I agree that they were the top of the line in single stage loaders and I would submit that they were arguably the best single stage shotshell loaders ever made.

The reason why they aren't made anymore is because some simp at the factory dropped the die casting die for the parts that were peculiar to the DL266 over the DL366, and Hornaday decided not to redo the die and let the product fade away which I personally feel was downright stupid. The two machines shared a lot of parts.

Anytime you have two closely related products that share most of their parts you are essentially getting two products for one. Hornaday decided that they wanted to sell more 366's, and left the single stage market to MEC,,, Which graciously accepted it,,, and now sells more single stage loaders than everyone else combined, and more progressives as well. Hornaday didn't win anything with that decision.

I also have a DL366 which I paid $150 for and a Spolar which is the absolute Cadillac of shotshell loaders, however it was more than $150, a lot more. I don't buy a whole lot of new reloading machines simply because it is almost impossible to wear them out, and there are plenty of good use ones to pick up for next to nothing. I have no problem putting a little elbow grease into the machine to restore it to it's former glory, and this is definitely a place where second hand is better than second rate.

The reason I was looking at the one on Ebay was because if I do start loading for a 20 ga I will be able to load more than enough ammo for it with a single stage press, and since I already have 2 others like it, it would not be a big learning curve to get up and running. In fact it would take longer to collect the components (wads, powder) for 20 ga. than it would take to set up the machine.

Oh well.... maybe next time,,, when nobodies watching like happened with the little arbor press.


Mike Kerr
03-06-2014, 11:46 PM
"Oh well.... maybe next time when nobodies watching like happened with the little arbor press.

Randy "

Maybe next time Randy, maybe next time.

Green Frog
03-07-2014, 08:45 PM
JMHO, but considering you just about stole that arbor press, you can afford to wait a while and look for the more common Pacific press. Just saying'... ;)


03-07-2014, 09:46 PM
Too True on the arbor press, and I was really surprised that I got it so Cheap. The thing was bid up to $60 and sat there for a week. I got it for $61.25 which was the only higher bid. People must not know what it is.

I do.

I didn't really need the shotshell press since I don't have a 20 ga shotgun. But I want a 20 ga shotgun and I would have to reload for it since I pretty much don't shoot a whole lot of factory loads in anything.

I was more or less looking to the future.


Green Frog
03-08-2014, 10:00 AM
Too True on the arbor press, and I was really surprised that I got it so Cheap. The thing was bid up to $60 and sat there for a week. I got it for $61.25 which was the only higher bid. People must not know what it is.

I do.

I didn't really need the shotshell press since I don't have a 20 ga shotgun. But I want a 20 ga shotgun and I would have to reload for it since I pretty much don't shoot a whole lot of factory loads in anything.

I was more or less looking to the future.


Understood! That's pretty much what I try to do... if you try to buy it when you need it, it will have turned to pure gold with unobtanium trim. Never turn down a great deal; that's why I can't walk around in my loading room. :wink:


03-10-2014, 11:54 PM
Well it got here today,,, and as advertised it is pretty much new. I didn't even have to wipe it off.


03-13-2014, 07:55 AM
Pacific DL266 is the Cadillac of single stage presses. Its been 10 years since I contacted Hornandy about parts and was told by one of the techs, that it was the press he used when he did demonstrations. I believe I got what I needed as some parts are the same as the DL366. I prefer the DL366 over the Mec.

03-13-2014, 03:52 PM
The DL266 and 366 share lots of parts. The base the uprights powder/shot dispenser, some of the priming parts, dies. However it is the parts specific to the 266 that are the problem. They simply won't make them any more.

Like we are just supposed to throw these machines, (which once again are arguably the best single stage loaders ever made,) into the trash ?

My 12 ga. machine was brand new never used but it was missing the primer dispenser and drop tube (which is the same as the 366 unit, so they had that.

However my machine was also missing the charge bar, which is peculiar to the 266 and not available. I got one of the nice ladies to send me the shop drawings for the piece and I made one out of Blue UHMW! and it works better than the cast aluminum one on my other 266.

It is much smoother to operate and seals perfectly. It was no small task to make and took me the better part of 3 hours, and I had to make a fixture to hold the part while I cut the angles on the side. Will probably make another some day for my DL266 in .410 since the one on the machine leaks H110 all over the place, because it doesn't fit the hole very closely.
