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03-06-2014, 08:00 PM
I'm asking this because I know there's some guys in the know on this site,

Fannie Mae stock has risen about 400 percent in roughly the last year. Which is driven by the gov. printing money right? and it just took a real good bump up due to a huge pay out to the gov. and speculation it may start paying a dividend again.? What do you think the future has in store for this stock when the gov. stops printing money?

Thank you in advance for your thoughts.

03-06-2014, 09:42 PM
I'd look into what J.P. Morgan has been up to.

03-07-2014, 02:13 AM
I hope that they shut down that abomination of a hybrid, destructive beast.


03-08-2014, 12:45 AM
Fannie Mae is in another bubble, one that will end badly. Every day the markets inch higher makes the eventual fall that much worse. And if I was up 400% I would sell it and get out. Physical assets will survive, maybe a few blue chip stocks but the bulk of the paper is in for a drop, some are saying dow will drop to 6,000

Frosty Boolit
03-12-2014, 07:02 PM
some are saying dow will drop to 6,000

This is when I plan to make an entrance into the market.

03-12-2014, 08:41 PM
Fannie Mae? RUN! Run away now.... this stock is on the verge of implosion.

03-12-2014, 10:08 PM
Why not buy a put on the stock if its going to crash? Could get one a few dollars out of the money for real cheap.

03-12-2014, 10:40 PM
If you are up more than you invested, take your money out, and leave the rest in if you want to gamble but take your money out and only gamble with their money that you have made. A 400 percent profit it is bound to have a correction.

03-13-2014, 01:28 AM
Common Fannie Mae stock is down 39% on news of a new bipartisan proposal to wind-down Fannie and Freddie. Fannie dropped 12% and Freddie 17% today, preferred stocks are down 8% today.

03-13-2014, 02:09 AM
Right now I would follow what the really big boys are doing, get out of paper and buy hard assets. I got out of the markets and stack gold and silver. Silver even with its ups and downs has performed at 12% a year for the last 10 years...

03-14-2014, 12:01 AM
I'm going to go with pulling the initial investment out and ride the gain. There are some real big hitters that are saying differently about the gov. disolving fannie and freddy. On second thought I think I'll take out enough of the gain to purchase new rifle.

I've always wanted sharps.

03-14-2014, 01:06 AM
I'm going to go with pulling the initial investment out and ride the gain. There are some real big hitters that are saying differently about the gov. disolving fannie and freddy. On second thought I think I'll take out enough of the gain to purchase new rifle.

I've always wanted sharps.

Would you bet for or against the hedgefunds convincing congress to keep Fannie and Freddie alive?


03-14-2014, 11:31 PM
Would you bet for or against the hedgefunds convincing congress to keep Fannie and Freddie alive?


Absolutely AGAINST! The idea of Washington bailing out Wall Street or investment bankers is totally absurd. Never happen.
All kidding aside I've evaluate it like any business, folks at the helm couldn't manage a lemonade stand in July. Pass. I'll buy "growth" or "income" investments, never "lucky to be alive".

03-15-2014, 12:39 AM
Actually, after some more research, I find that there are three entities that have very large investments within these two stocks. All of which are pushing for the the gov. to release fannie and fred to the private sectar. I'm almost thinking the talk to desolve them is a rouse to lower the stock value for a more lucrative purchase, before turning it loose. It's really no more underhanded than anything else going on right now. Not to mention that there is enough bad publicity from the health care problem, would or could the demise of fannie and fred add to it? who knows, but I do believe that they cannot endure another failure with the elections pending.

These three investers have billions each invested in these stocks and their sticking to their guns. Rich people are rich because they know how to hold on to their money and let their money make money for them. And look,,,,both fannie and freddie are edging back up...?

03-15-2014, 11:43 PM

First question is are you properly diversified or do you have too large a percentage of your portfolio in just a single stock? If you are well diversified the ups and downs of any single stock should not make a lot of difference in the overall portfolio performance. If however you are overweighted in a single stock or sector then the answer is take your gain and rebalance your holdings so your are diversified.

When all the eggs are in a single basket and the basket drops ..........

05-28-2014, 05:13 AM
Freddie mac and Fannie Mae (http://www.matchfinancial.com/) have been very controversial regarding bailout matter. Both firms received funds from taxpayers as they were seized by the federal government. After few years, Fannie Mae has finally turned a profit. The company pledges to not take one more dime in federal resources.

05-28-2014, 04:35 PM
The only stock I trust eats grass and goes Moooooooo............... If the market crashes I can still eat.................

05-28-2014, 07:13 PM
fanny/Freddie have been dumping (hidden write off) & taking the bailout for several years. Take your cash & run fast. It doesn't matter how they do. Fed has been telling banks to hold more reserve cash - after the banks tell the fed to tell them. Just means they keep more of your $$.