View Full Version : Anyone have or shoot the Walther PK 380?

03-01-2014, 07:59 PM
Long story short - I have a friend who is 82 who likes to shoot. He bought a Smith 380 Bodyguard but because of arthritis and the size of it, he has trouble racking the slide (and to be honest, I worry about the safety of him doing it as he struggles with it). I told him I'd get set up to load .380 ACP and get a .380 so we could shoot together.

I had a Bersa Thunder at one time but sold it - I liked it, it shot great so I probably will get another Bersa. He however, has looked at the Walther PK 380 - likes how it racks easily and it's larger than the Bodyguard he now has - sounds like he is thinking that's the one. I know nothing about them so told him I'd ask on here if anyone had one and their thoughts on that particular model.

Basiccally, it will be just for "plinking" - cans, paper, etc. at probable a max. distance of 25 yards - if that far.

Does anyone have and shoot one (Walther PK 380)? Your thoughts on it please. Function, reliability, etc. I know there are a lot of different .380s out there but he seems to be zeroing in on that particular one and I think that the lower price is also a factor for him.

As far as reloads - I'm looking at getting a Lee 356-102-2R mold. I cast and load for 38 spl and 9mm now so the .380 should be no problem. I'm just not sure about the Walther PK 380 - how it would do with reloads, etc. I'm assuming that for the .380, I'd want to go with a small grain bullet (the 102)? Currently, I'm using the 356-120-TC for my 9mm loads - would/how does that work in .380s? Too heavy for a Bersa or a Walther?

If you have one, any information and thoughts on it would be greatly appreciated. My goal is to be able to get him out once in a while so he can shoot and have fun - nothing serious. He's retired Navy and has some pistol experience but is also at the age and physical stage where his hands don't work so well on the Bodyguard.


03-01-2014, 08:48 PM
I bought a PPK/S 4 or 5 years ago. For Plinking only, your friend will be very happy with this choice. If he decides to keep it under his pillow at night, it will need to go to a 'Smith. The safety switch on mine was very, Very stiff. I sat on the couch while watching the news, snapping it on and off, over and over again. Later S&W put a recall out on it, and while they had it they smoothed it out some more. Even now though, I still wouldn't want to mess with it in the dark of night with arthritic hands. For use with boolits, get the feed ramp polished and have fun. Hope this helps.

03-02-2014, 06:26 AM
Rumor has it that these PK's share with their 22 lr brethren the unfortunate trait of being ammo sensitive. But I have very limited experience with them. I fired a single mag full through one with no stoppages at the range last year in Arizona, and the guy who owned it was able to shoot up a box of shells with no stoppages observed. That is the only one I've seen. They are not available here in California.
I have a PPK/s, but that is another ball of wax entirely.

03-02-2014, 01:43 PM
Thanks folks - greatly appreciate the input. I've only seen a couple of reviews on the PK 380 - mostly positive but I have to assume from the reviews that I saw, they were shooting factory ammo.

I'm looking at using a Lee 95 TL RN (their new design) with BE.

What few reviews I saw, the negatives were pretty personal - one didn't like the finish, another I believe didn't like that there wasn't a "de cocker" and you had to lower the hammer manually. . . not a lot on the actual performance of it. My friend seems to like it due to the ease in pulling the slide back and the size of it - larger than his Bodyguard - he has arthritic hands.

As far as handguns go, the Walther PK 380 seems to be priced very reasonably so I really think a person has to abide by some of the lacking features. It's going to be used for plinking and fun shooting so personally, I could forego some things as long as it wasn't a headache as far as function. At his age, I can't see paying top dollar for a handgun that is "pretty" if all he's going to do is plink with it. I just wished there were more "first hand" experiences out their with it as far as ammo likes/dislikes and shooting reloaded boolits. I know the quality/reliability of the PPKs, but as you point out rintinglen - that's a whole different ballgame.

I had a Bersa Thunder CC - it was a great gun, but I bought it used. The previous owner had done his own "trigger job" on it and when it went from DA to SA, it was so light that the first time I shot it, I sent two rounds down range without intending to. I put about 300 rounds total through it and really liked how it shot and it functioned perfect with different brands of ammo - but, I took it back as I just didn't feel it was safe with the SA trigger being so light. (I had intended to CCW it at times). I liked it enough though that I'm probably going to go with a new one so I can plink with it when my friend finally decides what he's going to do on the Walther.

Thanks again - I appreciate your thoughts and comments!

03-02-2014, 02:31 PM
I didn't even know a PK existed until this thread. I have had a PPK in 380 since 1964. Well actually I had one from 1964 until 1994 when I lost it in the Great D-Vorce of 94. As soon as the ink was dry on the divorce decree I bought another. I still have it and would not part with it. You might say I like em!!!

I used it as my CCW from 1999 until just a year ago, when I discovered a Glock 19 with 15 rounds of high performance 9mm was lighter by several ounces that the PPK with a full six rounds in the mag, plus one in the chamber. I now carry a Glock 19.

03-02-2014, 02:55 PM
The PK380 is a nice looking pistol but I think the Bersa is a better value. I have a Thunder .32 and its a great pistol.