View Full Version : Colt Ejector Rod Housing Sent Downrange, Easy Shootin'

Silver Jack Hammer
02-27-2014, 10:51 AM
Last night I was drawing and firing sighted shooting 12 inch plates at 15 yards with a Colt .45 SAA 250 gr boolits and I saw the ejector rod airborn go downrange. There were a number of guys on the line so I couldn't stop just then and retrieve it so I just kept shooting. It was amazing the difference, drawing and firing without the ejector round housing attached.

The Colt is a 4 3/4" and the holster is an El Paso Tom Threeperson which I had ordered new for the Colt SAA 4 3/4". The gun handled completely different without the ejector rod housing - by a lot. The draw was noticeably easier without the resistance of the half moon ejector rod head and housing, the pistol felt different in the hand.

There are old Colt relics from the frontier missing their ejectors and I'd heard some gunmen took the ejector off their Colt's but I didn't believe it. I just assumed the ejector fell off and they never put it back on.

I've tried before drawing and firing a Colt SAA from tucked in the trousers like we might do today with a 1911 thinking they might have done that on the frontier but discovered the front sight and ejector rod head doesn't permit that. The front sight and ejector catches on clothing. At that time I was using a 7 1/2" with a round bullseye ejector head. I'm familiar with one famous arrest where the badman's Colt got hung up on his suspenders and the lawman buffaloed him over the head with their pistols and took him alive.