View Full Version : Car prank see locally.

02-26-2014, 04:47 AM
It's a WRAP:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v505/JeffinNZ/carprank_zps08ed233e.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JeffinNZ/media/carprank_zps08ed233e.jpg.html)

Bad Water Bill
02-26-2014, 07:36 AM
That must have got someones blood up for a couple of seconds.

Hope he never finds you are the guilty party.:bigsmyl2:

William Yanda
02-26-2014, 08:47 AM
I'll bet you could bake bread in that oven PDQ.

02-26-2014, 09:06 AM
When I was young some (other, I swear) kids did that with Saran Wrap to a new car and the paint came off in specks.

02-26-2014, 09:11 AM
Never did anything like that when young, but, I did put skunk essence on the door handle of my sister's boy friends car door.


02-26-2014, 11:35 AM
Looks like it's ready to ship back to the factory!

02-26-2014, 11:37 AM
Hair gel in the handles, limburger cheese and sardines in the hubcaps works well, at least, so I have heard:wink:

02-26-2014, 01:35 PM
Never did anything like that when young, but, I did put skunk essence on the door handle of my sister's boy friends car door.


A couple of drops down the defroster vents is the gift that keeps on giving. A dead fish is pretty effective too, but easier to deal with

02-26-2014, 01:36 PM
Rocks in the hubcaps.

02-26-2014, 02:03 PM
Never did anything like that when young, but, I did put skunk essence on the door handle of my sister's boy friends car door.


Back in high school a teacher P'd me off royally so I stayed in the library late until almost all the staff had left. I poured a whole bottle of that skunk scent my dad used for deer hunting on her desk. Being a stupid kid I had NO IDEA the power of that stuff. ....it was....well..it was BAD.

02-26-2014, 03:11 PM
Back in the early 60's had a neighbor that rebuilt his car engine and was really proud of how it ran & was bragging to my dad about how great the gas mileage was. I went over there at night and filled up a 5 gallon can from his tank. He spent the entire next weekend tuning it up. I went back that night and poured his 5 gallons back in his tank. All week he was bragging about the mileage again, yep, I took another 5 gallons out and yep, he spent all weekend tuning it again. That went on for about 5 weeks, I think I was responsible for his white hair. [smilie=1:


tomme boy
02-26-2014, 03:18 PM
Graphite powder and grease inside a pair of gloves, on the earpiece of a phone. Super glue inside the lock of fellow mechanics toolbox. Bucket of water on top of the cage of a fork truck.

02-26-2014, 03:20 PM
Back in the early 60's had a neighbor that rebuilt his car engine and was really proud of how it ran & was bragging to my dad about how great the gas mileage was. I went over there at night and filled up a 5 gallon can from his tank. He spent the entire next weekend tuning it up. I went back that night and poured his 5 gallons back in his tank. All week he was bragging about the mileage again, yep, I took another 5 gallons out and yep, he spent all weekend tuning it again. That went on for about 5 weeks, I think I was responsible for his white hair. [smilie=1:

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahah

I love it!

smoked turkey
02-26-2014, 03:30 PM
As a young boy growing up in a super small town with some more young boys, we occasionally got into mischief from fire crackers in the local town lawmans mail box to turning over an outhouse and one of our favorites was putting short blocks of wood under the rear axle of a car so as to just barely lift the rear wheels off the pavement. In a small snow it took the driver a little time to figure out why he couldn't get any traction. All I can say is those other boys were a bad influence on me.

Bad Water Bill
02-26-2014, 03:35 PM
I jumpered the brake lite wire to the horn. Hit your brakes HONK

Replaced the wire from the coil to the distributor with a dirty piece of vacuum hose. Took a nationally known dragster mechanic over 1/2 hour to figure that one out. Yes I later paid for that one but we were still friends and had a good laugh and no I am not going to mention his name.

02-26-2014, 03:45 PM
With the same neighbor after I was done playing with his gas mileage I would take a potato and stuff it up his tail pipe. The car would run but only for a couple of minutes until exhaust pressure backed up into the engine and it would stall. Let it sit for a bit until the pressure bled off it would start again but again only run for a minute or two. He had to take his other car to work for a few days and spend evenings trying to figure out why it kept stalling. Then all of a sudden it was a miracle, it started running just fine.


02-26-2014, 04:07 PM
Doesn't involve a car but the same neighbor . . . The only thing this guy loved as much as his car was baseball. What he hated as much as he loved baseball was rock n roll music. One summer he was painting his house and he had his radio on a little table in the front yard so he could listen to the ball game while painting. I had a radio transmitter kit that I built and I could play my 45 rpm records and it would play through my radio. Pretty cool but it only had about a 50 foot range so I tweaked it and put a huge antenna on the roof. When the game started I adjusted the frequency until I could hear Elvis on his radio covering up the ball game. Poor guy went bonkers, tried a different radio, different stations but in a few minutes there was Elvis.

That was all over 50 years ago but I still sometimes wonder if he ever figured out there was a lot less aggravation in his life after I left for the marines.


02-26-2014, 04:21 PM
Did the shrink wrap for a newly wed couple (clear) and put dollar bills all throughout so they had to unwrap it all. Took them over an hour

02-26-2014, 11:07 PM
Neighbor's daughter got married and bunch of us snuck out and glass waxed all the windows. And since I had just happened to have some empty 1 gallon cans in my car we tied them to the bumper and stuffed them under the car. best part was almost getting busted by a nassau county police officer who stood there watching 5 drunk guys in suits doing the dirty deed. He started laughing and asked what the heck we were doing. When he was told we were doing the grooms car I thought he'd bust a gut laughing. Sad to say the marriage was a bust a year later. The girl never found out who did the dirty deed until she came over after the annulment and was talking to my mom. She mentioned in passing that someone had waxed the windows and when they took off it sounded like the transmission went bang. My mom cracked up and then she looked at me and I could not keep a straight face. Frank

MT Gianni
02-27-2014, 12:13 AM
The best prank I heard of in Western MT was a green bale of hay the brighter the better in the side of the road. A rope went around the off bale ties and down to the borrow ditch where one of my co-workers waited. He claimed to get old ladies in Cadillacs to stop. In the 60's anyone there could use a bale of hay.

02-27-2014, 01:41 AM
Local cop that harassed us as kids had a mailbox that just sat in a long tube. A bunch of estes model rocket engines later it managed to hit 200 feet before coming back down. Lit the fuse, rang his bell and ditched.

02-27-2014, 01:57 AM
Graphite powder and grease inside a pair of gloves, on the earpiece of a phone. Super glue inside the lock of fellow mechanics toolbox. Bucket of water on top of the cage of a fork truck.

Yep, we did the water on the forklift --- and we nailed the foremen by mistake--- twice!!! That guy had NO sense of Ho Ho Ho . On the other hand he wasn't supposed to be on there anyway!

02-27-2014, 05:02 PM
One year when I was in San Fran I bought a 5 pound bar of Ghirardelli chocolate. I mailed it as an anonymous birthday gift to a friends daughter. I knew his family was from Nevada so I mailed it from Reno with a fake return address. He quizzed his entire family but no one fessed up. The next year the package was mailed from Canada. The following year from Costa Rica. Then England. The final year before the secret leaked I had a professor friend arrange for a package to be sent from Russia. A stack of nesting dolls shipped from the Russian Academy of Sciences. They found someone who spoke Russian and had the return address translated. Drove them nuts. It was a sad day when the secret leaked.


Bullshop Junior
02-27-2014, 07:20 PM
I jumpered the brake lite wire to the horn. Hit your brakes HONK

Replaced the wire from the coil to the distributor with a dirty piece of vacuum hose. Took a nationally known dragster mechanic over 1/2 hour to figure that one out. Yes I later paid for that one but we were still friends and had a good laugh and no I am not going to mention his name.

Those are both good ones I WILL remember.

Bullshop Junior
02-27-2014, 07:23 PM
Did the shrink wrap for a newly wed couple (clear) and put dollar bills all throughout so they had to unwrap it all. Took them over an hour

We did that to a friend in Alaska. Used 15 rolls of the industrial wrap on his truck for a layer a couple inches thick, and put a 44 round under every few layers. We actually wrapped his truck and his new wifes car together.

02-27-2014, 07:36 PM
Powdered grape koolaid in the shower head, dead fish in hubcap, talcum powder in defroster duct, condom on a sandwich between the meats, loaded up condenser left on a table ( ground the condenser and put the wire in a spark plug boot, crank over a few times and DONT TOUCH BOTH WIRE AND CASE AT THE SAME TIME) someone always just has to touch it.

02-27-2014, 08:28 PM
halloween, early 60's when fun didn't involve breaking stuff.
..made cradles at the end of a string , used a rock to weight it and throw it over the phone lines, remove rock and put raw egg in cradle....tie to pole base until we had 6 or 7 of them set up at windshield height every other pole.or so.......
then let them all swing free ....car would hit one stop look around and leave.... was hysterical to watch from a distance, especially when the car sped up to get away from the egg throwers.

02-27-2014, 11:33 PM
Back in the early 60's had a neighbor that rebuilt his car engine and was really proud of how it ran & was bragging to my dad about how great the gas mileage was. I went over there at night and filled up a 5 gallon can from his tank. He spent the entire next weekend tuning it up. I went back that night and poured his 5 gallons back in his tank. All week he was bragging about the mileage again, yep, I took another 5 gallons out and yep, he spent all weekend tuning it again. That went on for about 5 weeks, I think I was responsible for his white hair. [smilie=1:


Heard about a mechanic who changed a guy's speedo gear every time he changed his oil for him. Poor feller was sure puzzled about why his fuel mileage was so inconsistent. And no, I'm not going to explain what a speedo gear is. ;-)

02-27-2014, 11:42 PM
Careful with shrink wrap, it'll turn a Grand Cherokee into an Escape if you wrap it tight enough.

02-28-2014, 12:32 AM
I used a brake spoon to adjust the breaks on all four wheels of a teachers 1962 Volkswagon till they locked. Local garage thought transmission locked down and picked up rear with a wrecker, then drove off with front wheels sliding. I didn't like the teacher. My brother was sweet on a girl and when she went to movie with another guy he raised the hood on the 64 Mustang and swapped the coil wire and a plug wire. It took the mechanic a long time to find it. One Halloween we lighted a road flare and placed it in the middle of the bridge over the creek.. Cars would slow with the driver focused on the flare and we would throw a wet towel between the bridge rails making a loud slap against the car. The driver would slam on the brakes and get out to see what was hit. The Sheriff finally came out and parked nearby to try and catch us and spoiled our fun.

02-28-2014, 05:18 AM
Back in the early 90's a guy at one of the shops I worked at buys a new car and bragged about the great MPG that he was getting. So some of the guys started adding a gallon of gas to the tank every day or so and then adding a little more every week till the guy couldn't stop talking about his great MPG. Then thy stopped adding gas and started leaving a small amount of old oil under his car each day.[smilie=1:. His MPG dropped at the same time some one commented on the oil so he took it back to the dealer with all his notes showing his great MPG and how it dropped when it started leaking. Of course thy couldn't find any thing wrong with the car and told him that he must be figuring the MPG wrong becouse there was no way that car could ever get that kind of MPG.

I have heard of taking the valve core out of a tire valve stem and using a peace of tubing over the valve stem and a small funnel on the other you fill the tire with some water and then put the core back in and air it back up. In cold weather it will freeze and help ajust the balance .:2_high5:

02-28-2014, 09:01 AM
My youngest son was in my cousins wedding as her now husband and my son got along very well. During the reception, my son and several guys from the wedding party wrapped their car with toilet paper and water. needless to say, a wedding in Wisconsin during the winter is cold. That vehicle was one solid block of ice by the time the reception was over. Not a very happy couple when they were reading to leave that night.

02-28-2014, 09:50 AM
One of the more disgusting things we did as a teenager, we'd get old purses from granny's attic and scoop a couple dog turds in them. Leave them in conspicuous places. We left one on the side of the road at the edge of town. A car stopped and a middle aged guy got out and picked it up. He looked around but couldn't see us hiding behind a tree line. He got in his car and drove away. Made it about 50 yards before slamming on the brakes and coming to a screeching halt. Best part was he tossed the bag and we got to use it again.

03-01-2014, 11:45 PM
One of the guys I went to school with was getting married. He left his car at the local garage to get a new exhaust system installed. The job was done and the mechanic left the car on the hoist while he went for a coffee. One of the local wags who had just got back from a fishing trip grabbed a fish out of the cooler and wired it to the top of the new muffler.

The guy got back from his honeymoon and mentioned the cooking fish smell from the car every time he stopped. - gone by morning. Eventually it went away only to come back when then roads were wet.
Three years later the guy needed a new muffler and the mechanic found the fish skeleton still wired to the top of the muffler.

03-02-2014, 02:50 AM
Years ago I sat on a bench with my grandad and two old gents about his age. Seems a favorite Saturday night prank in the wintertime was to place a stove at the end of a driveway so that folks would push thru the snow to the main road in their Sunday best only to turn around at the main road after encountering the stove.
Another favorite prank was to put a Model T on the roof of the barn. I later asked my grandad how that was done. He said he didn't know. He also said he didn't know those two old gents. He took that little secret to his grave.

03-05-2014, 06:16 AM
Industrial strength wire ties, the ones that are abour 18 inches long an 1/8" to 3/16" thick, tied to the drive shaft of a car will drive someone nuts. The constant high speed thumping on the floor boards is a hoot.

Stephen Cohen
03-05-2014, 06:44 AM
I always knew Americans and Australians were close. After reading this thread I realise just how close we are. I remember helping jack a friends car up and put stands under the differential while he and his girl were getting some food at the drive in, after they got back and were otherwise occupied we then removed the rear wheels since nuts were already loose. So funny to see him sitting there with engine racing as we all left at end of movie.