View Full Version : LNL AP w/ Universal Decapper...I'm a moron

02-24-2014, 10:17 PM
So I was in a case prepping mood a while back and figured I'd get a Lee Unviersal Decapper and start getting some of my ice cream pails full of 223/5.56 and other brass ready to load at some point in the future. It arrived in the mail and I threw it in my LNL AP with a shell plate and fed a LC 5.56 case into it...and promptly broke the pin. ON THE FIRST PULL! I was livid but cooled down and sent a nice e-mail to Lee the next day, to which I never received a response, which made me unhappy all over again. I did some research thinking that a crimped primer broke it but they market it as being able to handle crimped primers "easily."

I shelved the whole thing and haven't thought about it until I was ordering a new mold from Titan Reloading on Friday. Awesome shipping, BTW. I got it today! Decapper pins were $2 each so I got 5 with the thought that if I break them all, I'm buying a different decapper. Threw the new pin in and broke a second one. I about threw the whole set up in the trash.[smilie=b: But then I got to thinking: only one of those stations has that fancy, new-fangled hole in it to let the primer drop through, I should probably put the decapper in the that station, not the last station where I had the past 2 times.

The moral of the story is: don't be an idiot. If you try to press a primer out of a piece of brass that is resting firmly on the foundation, you WILL break your pin. Trying it a second time does not change the fact that skinny little pin will lose against heavy a heavy press frame. I'm glad I got this kind of idiocy out of my system (hopefully) with something harmless like a decapping pin and not measuring powder or smelting.

02-24-2014, 10:23 PM
Takes a set to admit to a mistake like that. Maybe your experience will help somebody down the road! Good on ya.

02-24-2014, 10:34 PM
I've made my share of those kind of mistakes so I don't mind saying that was pretty funny, Rich.

02-25-2014, 12:30 AM
Yes, the same as I felt trying to start my brand new weed eater and it would not start. Only to discover I had not flipped the engine kill switch off yet. Flipped it off (the switch not the weed eater) and it started right up. Silly, just silly.

02-25-2014, 01:58 AM
Do you not notice the RESISTANCE to decap the case?
I am surprised, though, that the pin broke. I bought the Lee UDD about 10 years ago and a package of 5 replacement pins. The stem will slide up before the pin can bend or break and after a move or two I have no idea where the package of replacement pins is or do I think I will ever need them.

02-25-2014, 02:02 AM
I take it his pin was too tight in the pressure relief nut. Mine popped up the other day while depriming, didn't seat the case all the way on the holder and hit shell bottom instead of flash hole.

02-25-2014, 03:21 AM
Did something very similar using a 308 FLS die showing a mate my new LnL just chucked it into station 4 and cranked the handle..... My FLS die now has no de primer pin....

Live and learn

02-25-2014, 07:54 AM
At least you did't "fix" it by drilling a new hole in that station......

02-25-2014, 08:27 PM
Been there, done that...except it was berdaned primed cases. The gun/reloading shop owner used a little flashlight to show me how to tell the difference and sold me a supply of new pins .....they didn't laugh...too much!


02-25-2014, 10:27 PM
The first one broke as set from the factory. The second one I tightened down to roughly what I thought it took to loosen the collet to replace the first one. I now know to only tighten it enough to push out the primer.

In my defense, I had no experience with crimped cases and had no idea what to expect as far as pressure. Besides, I said I was in a case prepping mood. Clearly I wasn't in a right thinking frame of mind.

A pause for the COZ
02-26-2014, 08:14 AM
Ummmmm, That kind of stuff never happens to me.....[smilie=1:

As I patiently wait for the UPS man to deliver the new gear set for my garage door opener.
I knew I should pull the screw driver out of the door channel I use as a lock before I operate the door 10 times wondering why it wont go up.

02-28-2014, 11:32 AM
Glad I've never made a mistake while reloading...[smilie=1:

Enfieldphile steps into the confessional...

About 25 years ago, lee made this "top of the press priming unit" with a primer magazine. One time a primer didn't feel right, I pushed and that primer popped! Luckily only that one went off! The other 20 odd primers went on the floor. I never used that thing again!

I have stuck exactly one case in a rifle die. I didn't give the case enough lube. I just drilled the flash hole, tapped it 14-20. An 12mm socket, a flat washer and a bolt had it out fast!