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02-24-2014, 08:51 AM
Looks like the polar vortex is returning. Either that or Alaska forgot to close the door....

I just want to get out and shoot but we are back to highs in the 15 degree range for another week.

Cabin fever won't be ending this month.

02-24-2014, 09:02 AM
This is all Al Gore's fault.


02-24-2014, 09:16 AM
It's the Global Cooling/Warming/Weirding/Climate Change (pick whichever works at the current time)!!! We're doooooomed!

Charlie Two Tracks
02-24-2014, 09:28 AM
Dang. Our weather is about the same. Looks like March will come in like a Lion.

Jim Flinchbaugh
02-24-2014, 11:25 AM
a nice balmy 2 above here this morning, and fresh snow on the ground.
Ice fishing has been extended :D

02-24-2014, 11:41 AM
It's just obie screwing around with the climate control machine in Alaska. It was originally designed to communicate with alien life forms, but Washington found out that it seriously affected the weather, and that was a lot more fun than texting back and forth with Mars.

02-24-2014, 12:12 PM
a nice balmy 2 above here this morning, and fresh snow on the ground.
Ice fishing has been extended :D

Don't forget to get a new license this week!

02-24-2014, 12:40 PM
Same here in Maryland. After a weekend of 60 degree temps the Artic cold returns tomorrow. Perhaps a bit of snow with it. Well, at least all the snow melted from the pavement over the weekend. Snow removal will not be so bad.


Jim Flinchbaugh
02-24-2014, 01:12 PM
Don't forget to get a new license this week!
yeah, that's gonna have to wait till Monday when the eagle lands again

Bullshop Junior
02-24-2014, 01:41 PM
Looks like the polar vortex is returning. Either that or Alaska forgot to close the door....

I just want to get out and shoot but we are back to highs in the 15 degree range for another week.

Cabin fever won't be ending this month.

You are complaining about 15 above?!?? Where I come from thats a HEAT WAVE!

02-24-2014, 01:46 PM
15 above? You know it's been cold when -10 feels nice! Can't wait for 15-20 degree temps to come back!

ole 5 hole group
02-24-2014, 01:53 PM
Ya, Nebraska - banana belt boys, complaining about 15 degrees above zero!!! I can see a little moaning going on if it would be minus 20 with a 15mph wind but the idiots to the north get out and chase coyotes in above zero weather all day long.

02-24-2014, 02:02 PM
After a couple of 70 degree days, and several 50 degree days, you'd complain too! Eh?

tomme boy
02-24-2014, 03:16 PM
Last week I walked out side without a coat on and said man it is nice out. I went back inside and checked the temp. It was -5 deg.!!!!!! This is the longest winter I can remember. The bills this year are really hurting.

02-24-2014, 03:23 PM
Just checked the weather for this week. Today and tomorrow in the 70's. Wednesday we're gonna freeze (44 degrees). Then back to the 70's for Thursday and Friday. This is a tough winter. ;-)

02-24-2014, 03:41 PM
It is 84 today

02-24-2014, 03:46 PM
I would be in a world of hurt if it werent for this wood heat !

02-24-2014, 04:18 PM
You are complaining about 15 above?!?? Where I come from thats a HEAT WAVE!

Wait for summer. As you melt at 90 degrees we in Nebraska will laugh. It will be even more fun when you experience 105 and humid.

Ever here of heat index? You will

02-24-2014, 04:20 PM
talking mid march here before there's a break in the winter temps

02-24-2014, 04:28 PM
I spent about a year in AZ. Near Lake Havasu. A little place called Yucca in the middle of the desert. I loved calling the family in MI in February and telling them how it was 70 and the sun was out.

Then July hit. Yeah. It's a dry heat. But at 125+ it don't matter. You just want to die. I had pictures in the garage. The pigments on the paper crisped and fell of. I had hundreds of miles of nothing around me. So I could shoot whenever! Of course after a few rounds the barrel would be a bit hot, and for some reason would not cool down....

I'd rather be freezing then sweating in places I didn't even know I had!

Of course this snow is a pain in the butt...

02-24-2014, 04:29 PM
I'd like to know how many days in the last 2 months have actually made it above the 20's. There haven't been too many.

This is by far the coldest winter I can remember. Makes me glad I suppliment my heat with wood.

02-24-2014, 04:33 PM
You are complaining about 15 above?!?? Where I come from thats a HEAT WAVE!

Wait for summer. As you melt at 90 degrees we in Nebraska will laugh. It will be even more fun when you experience 105 and humid. Ever here of heat index? You will

I can see him by the end of August heading back to Alaska . . . If he hasn't melted already by then. :mrgreen:

Cold here again today, only got up to 47 and on Friday it's only supposed to be 40 with rain. Brrr, another log for the fireplace please.


Bullshop Junior
02-24-2014, 04:34 PM
I'm not minding it so far. Amanda hates it here, and wants to move to Montana, but I wanna get totaly on out feet and out of debt first.

dagger dog
02-24-2014, 05:18 PM
Saturday it was 62* at dark, got up Sun. to clouds and wind, let the dog out about 3:30pm Sun., there was 1" of snow on the ground, by dark it had melted, supposed to be down to 15* tonight.

Bullshop Junior
02-24-2014, 05:44 PM
81 here right now

02-24-2014, 06:01 PM
I don't know what you folks are talking about. The Reverend Al Gore has said we are in a climate change and things are going to get hotter. God Opucker face has has said it is Global warming so it must be.

Gore also says that dust bowl is returning soon very soon and we must act before it hits.

Get your tin foil hats out and then get an old Army helmet the words are going to be flying any second now.

We are suffering with 56 and sun. Wonder how many days around 110 we get this summer. Oh I forgot we are already doomed no water to speak of. The funny thing is has happened before here and that is why we are a desert state.

Grab the kids and women and save them from this terrible fate that will befall us the world must be cleansed. We need to eliminate the excess population, cutoff their ability to get medical care, cutoff their ability to get needed medications, the elderly must go( they don't anything any way and way to much money), we must educate the young what the Collective views as there needs, veterans must be home ground terrorists, Anyone that believes in the Constitution and Bill of Rights must be home grown terrorists. All this bad weather is brought on by these evil individuals.

Now if you believe all that ****, I hope you have a large field to spread it in.

The earth is constantly in a state of climate change, it always has been. Could this be the beginning of a new Ice Age, Could it be just the way the Jet Stream is moving this winter and maybe this year, Could be because of the Sun spots or lack there of???

02-24-2014, 06:01 PM
Last week I walked out side without a coat on and said man it is nice out. I went back inside and checked the temp. It was -5 deg.!!!!!! This is the longest winter I can remember. The bills this year are really hurting. Same here. We have been working almost every day from the beginning of January.... Plow snow-fix a main break all night-plow snow-fix a main break all night-etcetc. We had 6 breaks last week.. Services frozen all around town. A couple 6" MAINS are frozen... This week is going to be a long one.....

02-24-2014, 06:20 PM
I sure would love to see a couple of ft of snow for the Miracle March . The Cali burning down 2nd hand smoke will probably ruin my head all summer long. The lake that feeds irrigation in the Lahonton valley is sitting at ,my best guess,40%. Normally this time its up around 80% (75% of the flood gates and about 70% of gotta open the gates or have uncontrolled run off). Walker lake is, well lets say the Walker river is out paced by your water saver shower head, I don't know at the moment if its even reaching the lake . This will likely be another 10ft drop year. Too bad for 1 of the only 7 terminal lakes in north America. In the 50s 15# lb lake trout were the norm in the 70s 15# was a great fish but 10-12# was normal. In 2000 I took the kids down on free fishing day, we caught 2 limits for the 5 fishing (10 fish) was about 35#, 30 in the freezer. They haven't even planted in 7 years.
So, Gents count your luck that you're wet and cold and not watching as your lake dies of thirst.....

02-24-2014, 07:00 PM
Looking around me all I see is a great big FLOOD sitting in "cold white bulk" storage....if it ever warms up enough to melt it that is. I got me harpoon all sharpened up, when this breaks free Moby Dick might just appear in my yard.

02-24-2014, 09:41 PM
81 here right now

Just wait, you will soon understand what a sauna is. Then you will wonder why you live in one.

02-24-2014, 09:42 PM
Looking around me all I see is a great big FLOOD sitting in "cold white bulk" storage....if it ever warms up enough to melt it that is. I got me harpoon all sharpened up, when this breaks free Moby Dick might just appear in my yard.

Oh yes, you guys are gonna pay a serious price for all that snow. Pray it doesn't get warm real fast with a side of rain.

02-24-2014, 09:49 PM
There has been record breaking snow fall here this month, and it is still coming down. Remember those floods downstream on the Missouri River a couple years ago? Start filling your sand bags.

02-24-2014, 09:55 PM
We aren't getting it here in southern MT. We have had mostly bare ground here most of the winter. We have had well above normal temp and normal snow fall. Very nice for 6000 ft elevation.

02-24-2014, 10:10 PM
The cold coming back is preventing this area from flooding. The snow pack was close to 20" on the ground(in my untouched yard) and two days of almost 60 degree weather cut it in half. A slow steady thaw is what I'm hoping for. Water is never short supply. But the more water that makes it into the aquifers the better.

I will never live where it's 81 degrees in February. Unless we're talking a town in the southern hemisphere. 81 now means well over 100 in the summer. And I'm betting it will be months long at those high temps. You can always add layers to keep warm. You can't do anything to keep cool besides stay inside in the AC. I fid that for a living so I'm outside in the heat on those high temp days :(

02-24-2014, 10:34 PM
There has been record breaking snow fall here this month, and it is still coming down. Remember those floods downstream on the Missouri River a couple years ago? Start filling your sand bags.

Damn you.

02-24-2014, 10:57 PM
I still think them polar bears got something to do with it. All them pictures of bears on tiny ice flows were all fake, there was lots of ice just out of sight. Algore was using tug boats to keep the ice from getting close to the scientists.
Ole Jack

02-24-2014, 10:57 PM
It still beats last year when we had two months of grey, dreary, muddy, rainy depression.

02-24-2014, 11:49 PM
Damn you.

At least I live inland. Brad doesn't. I shall watch from afar. Besides, Iowa has all the low ground anyway.

02-25-2014, 12:02 AM
Back in the old days, we had a term for weather like this. We called it . . . .

Winter. :bigsmyl2:


tomme boy
02-25-2014, 04:27 AM
Actually the dust bowl could return very easy. Most all farm land is tiled up so bad, there is water shortages going on with shallow wells. I know a bunch of people that have had to get new wells dug because of the lack of water in the shallower wells. Between that and the farmers tearing down every bit of buffer strips they have, plowing right up to the creeks, taking out any waterways all the water is being sent right into the major rivers. Floods are here have been getting worse every year. It is not from the weather. The water is not going into the ground anymore. It is getting dumped into every creek,stream, or river. Tile and ethanol is going to cause the dust bowl. Not weather change.

02-25-2014, 12:08 PM
Tomme Boy....you get it....good on you :smile: ....the local river system here acts exactly that way. Gratiot county Michigan used to be a swamp......agriculture has made it into The Great Mich-Braska Plains. It rains, the rivers flood...a week later the rivers are dry again, yet no-one wants to put the blame where it belongs, and all the irrigation wells equal new wells for the residents eventually. I took the pro-active approach and gave/converted 23 acres of valuable farm dirt "back" to ma-nature. If you build it they will come works....I kill 85% of my game in my backyard.

02-25-2014, 02:55 PM
If Y'all have tooo much water/ice/snow etc . you can ship to me I only need 15-20 million acre feet for Walker lake . That'll get the boat ramps back to the water.....

02-25-2014, 03:04 PM
Well, I normally don't complain about -10F.. but..




So I'm going to complain...


02-25-2014, 04:07 PM
You must use a different calendar than I do. Where I live, it's still February. ;-)

02-25-2014, 04:56 PM
I too must have one of those cheap Chinese calendars cause it's telling me February.


dagger dog
02-25-2014, 05:01 PM

Mine ended 12 21 2012 , don't y'all realize the world has ended and hell has frozen over ?

02-25-2014, 05:51 PM
March????? I must have slept through the last week of February so that means no paycheck :(

02-25-2014, 05:55 PM
I welcome the cold from our northern neighbors.
Summer means day after day of humid soggy dog breath atmosphere. I spend most of my days in ancient factories where the only notion of ventilation is a broken fan staring at you with an apologetic look.

Iowa Fox
02-25-2014, 06:40 PM
Actually the dust bowl could return very easy. Most all farm land is tiled up so bad, there is water shortages going on with shallow wells. I know a bunch of people that have had to get new wells dug because of the lack of water in the shallower wells. Between that and the farmers tearing down every bit of buffer strips they have, plowing right up to the creeks, taking out any waterways all the water is being sent right into the major rivers. Floods are here have been getting worse every year. It is not from the weather. The water is not going into the ground anymore. It is getting dumped into every creek,stream, or river. Tile and ethanol is going to cause the dust bowl. Not weather change.

Tomme as a farm boy I've been complaining about this for years around here. This year I never saw so much dirt on the snow here from the howling northwest winds bringing it all the way from the Dakotas . The fields all got ripped up here in the fall and laced with anhydrous. Lot of the farmers are growing corn on corn every year for ADMs ethanol plant. In 2008 Cedar Rapids just about got washed off the map and they're going to get it again as I look at the Cedar Valley all the way to Waterloo. Every time it rains there is nothing left to slow the water down.

02-25-2014, 07:03 PM
Hell it's close enough to March that I'm still going to complain...

02-25-2014, 07:05 PM
I too must have one of those cheap Chinese calendars cause it's telling me February.


I know but we aren't accustomed to weeks on end of sub freezing weather.

02-25-2014, 10:13 PM
Hummmmm we had +51 today so I got busy and cut some fire wood for next winter. Not much humidity right now. Another 5-6 weeks the wife and I will split it all and cover so summer heat will dry it out. tonight will be 19 and tommorow night will be 17. Might just cut so more wood, great temps for that job. Will be glad when it is cut so I can do some shooting. Dang just might shoot tommorow anyway.
CD in Tn

02-25-2014, 10:46 PM
The weather here for Thursday night -25 F...........This has been going on since the 1st of Dec.Frost is WAY down there, some areas that were driven over have frost well over 6 ft down and further under roads.

When you cut a hole for ice fishing, water comes up fast from all the snow pressure, it's freakish, scares the heck out of you at first, it's like you poked a hole in the boat.. Lot of snow causes pressure.

In comparison with the southern states we don't have it that bad, most of us are prepared for cold weather. Some of you poor fellows down south haven't seen it this cold in a while, it's tough on everybody.