View Full Version : How do I clean ground Walnut media, U.S. Sieve 12/20, .0661" - .0331"?

02-22-2014, 12:15 AM
Why wash? Media is $25/20# incl. shipping from B&B Supply. I place 2 cut pieces of used drier sheets to collect dust & dirt, within the Thumler's Tumbler Model #18, and that helps a lot, but I still wish to wash.

I've tried dumping a tumbler load into a 4 layer cheese cloth "sack", then using it 'tea bag' style, repeatedly dipping into soapy water then finally fresh water. The 'fresh' water rinse never gets clear. I loose a lot of media within the cheesecloth. Not happy with this experimental process.

Why this size media? It was recommended as not bridging/plugging the primer pocket, as the next larger size, U.S. Sieve 8/12 is prone to do. It works as advertised. The flash holes sometimes hold a grain of media, but the primer pocket is never blocked.

I'm looking for an inexpensive sieve the next size smaller to contain the hand washed media whilst letting the dust enter the bushes. Thanks for watching.


02-22-2014, 12:35 AM
That media is grinding the "dirt " and soot into the pores of itself for hours and hours of use. Sure there is SOMe loose dirt. So do you Really expect to just simply wash away that dirt?

Man I just throw mine out. Or when the dog digs holes, I use it to help fill those in.

02-22-2014, 01:11 AM
Local Walmart has ground corncob in the pet dept about 8 pounds for $4. Pet stores also have "lizard litter" ground walnut for cheap. Cleaning is way too much work and who knows what you're washing out- probably toxic stuff.

02-22-2014, 08:30 AM
I do have the acquaintance of an eccentric gentleman in North Carolina that uses a pillow case and his clothes washer to wash his walnut media. He tells me that he has used the same batch of media since 1996. I live 2000+ miles from him, yea me!!!!!!

country gent
02-22-2014, 09:40 AM
I add a little iosso case polish to each batch of brass to "rejuvenate the media. I use walnut and or corn cobs depending on cases shape. A little alchlol also helps to cut dist and ejuvenate the media. I get beautifuly polished cases clean inside and out. Another trick with really dirty cases is a dawn lemishine was soak before the polisher. If the dirt dosnt get in the media to start with yu dont need to remove it. A dehydrator or couple hours on a towel in the sun dries them pretty good.The soak wash ussually has very black dirty water being poured off and a couple hot water rinses remove residual. dry and polish, ussually takes an 45 mins to an hour after the soak to get a good shine.

02-22-2014, 09:44 AM
Local Grange Co-OP has walnut media for $11 for 50#.
I toss it when it gets dirty....dale

02-22-2014, 10:43 AM
You can run the tumbler outdoors with just media in it and drain a can of brake cleaner into it. That will remove the polish from the media. Let it run all day so the brake cleaner evaporates fully. This will cost you an average of $3.00 per bowl. Not even remotely economical! One point- walnut media cleans so well because of all the sharp edges on the individual granules. As you use it, these edges become dull, and there's nothing you can do about it. I too buy Lizard Litter from the pet store, the bigger bag you get, the less it costs per pound.

02-22-2014, 11:46 AM
I tried the whole cleaning media thing. I wasted more than I cleaned. I just buy lizard litter and I use my dirty media to flux my lead.

02-22-2014, 12:14 PM
Pantyhose, cut off a leg pour in your media and tie off the leg. Sink full of hot water and dish soap. Massage it around in there for about ten minutes then rinse with warm water until clear, three or four times at least. Then hang from a nail someplace where it can drip dry or a day. then spread it out in cookie sheets or on some cardboard until thoroughly dry. I do this once or sometimes twice a year and my media lasts a long time.